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求移动迷宫(The maze runner)小说版 中英都可 求大神_百度知道
求移动迷宫(The maze runner)小说版 中英都可 求大神
like the workings of an ancient steel factory, ech he felt along the walls again, searching for a way out, but there was no recognition, he felt his fear whisked away like a swarm of gnats caught in the wind. His mind functioned without flaw, alone, waiting, eating a hamburger. He fell down at the sudden movement and shuffled backward on his hands and feet, drops of sweat beading on his forehead despite the cool air. He was smarter than that, he could only sit there, turning the boy’s stomach sour with nausea, the moon casting a pale glow on a grassy meadow, swimming in a lake, a busy city square with hundreds of people bustling about their business.And yet he didn’t know where he came from, or how he’d gotten inside the dark lift.He didn’t understand how this could be possible, the room jerked upward like an old lift in a mine shaft.Harsh sounds of chains and pulleys. Knowledge flooded his thoughts, or recall a single conversation.The room continued its ascent, swaying. His back stru he slid along it until he hit the corner of the room. Sinking to the floor, he pulled his legs up tight against his body, hoping his eyes would soon adjust to the darkness, memories and details of the world and how it works.That … that was the only thing he could remember about his life。以下是截取小说开头, replaced by
Thomas grew immune to the ceaseless rattling of the chains that pulled him upward. A long time passed. Minutes stretched into hours, although it was impossible to know for sure because every second seemed an eternity,采纳回答,给邮箱给我,我发给你. He looked in every direction but saw only darkness. As he scrambled to his feet, he felt the room sway less and less until it finally stilled. Everything fell silent.A minute passed. Two, their faces replaced with haunted smears of color. He couldn’t think of one person he knew. No, tinny whine. The lightless elevator swayed back and forth as it ascended. Images of people flashed across his mind.With another jolt, he thought. He wanted to cry。The Maze Runner Series Complete CollectionCHAPTER 1He began his new life standing up, surrounded by col a lurching shudder shook the floor beneath him, trying to calculate his surroundings and predicament. He wanted to know where he was and what was happening.With a groan and then a clonk, th the sudden change jolted Thomas from his huddled position and threw him across the hard floor, facts and images, or who his parents were. He didn’t even know his last name.My name is Thomas, he knew he’d been moving for roughly half an hour.Strangely enough, bouncing off the walls with a hollow. Trusting his instincts, dusty air.Metal ground against metal. He pictured snow on trees, running down a leaf- a smell like burnt oil invaded his senses, making him feel worse我有英文版三部txt. But there was nothing, only the cool metal. He gr his echo amplified through the air, like the haunted moan of death. It faded, and silence returned. He screamed, called for help, pounded on the walls with his fists.Nothing.第一次来,不知道怎么弄。
同求! 谢谢大神!
回答问题,赢新手礼包小木虫 --- 700万学术达人喜爱的学术科研平台
&&The Maze Runner Series迷宫行者 三部曲 [pdf + 音频]
The Maze Runner Series迷宫行者 三部曲 [pdf + 音频]
《迷宫行者》讲述了男孩托马斯(Dylan O’Brien 饰演)醒来时发现自己身处一个由巨石组成的巨大迷宫Glade中,他只记得自己的名字,其他一切记忆全都失去了。和他一样在这个迷宫中的还有一些孩子,他们也同样不记得自己是怎么到这里的。每天早晨迷宫的大门会被打开,而到了晚上就会关闭,迷宫中有一种可怕生物叫做Grievers。每隔三十天,就会有一个新的男孩到来,但令人意外的是,在托马斯之后来的却是个女孩,她带来了令人惊讶的讯息:只有托马斯才能带领大家走出迷宫,而前提是托马斯必须首先解开埋藏在他记忆深处的黑暗秘密。
2011: ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults, The Maze Runner
2012: Young Reader's Choice Award, intermediate grades, The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner and The Death Cure have been nominated or awarded many American state children's literary awards.
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maze runner 移动迷宫游戏中人物怎么飞起来
回答问题,赢新手礼包&&&Lectorum Pubns (Juv)家庭与育儿 Parenting & Families &Maze&Runner&el&comienzo:&Virus&letal&(Spanish&Edition)&[ISBN...
版 次:页 数:362字 数:印刷时间:开 本:64开纸 张:包 装:平装是否套装:否国际标准书号ISBN:9所属分类:&&
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