
当前位置:&&&&&&&&&&&& 《范海辛的奇妙冒险》3 3号(v1.0.2)升级档+免DVD补丁
  使用说明:  1.解压缩  2.复制所有文件到游戏目录覆盖  3.运行游戏  已包含之前所有升级档  更新说明(机翻):  游戏修复  修正了游戏的黑载入画面。  冰霜高度图虫谷固定。  衡量硬件性能,现在被删除。  固定在附近的水晶荡漾的路径错误。  技能现在可以正确绑定到4或5键鼠标。  修正了Seekermatons失踪字符串。  修正了梦想家神器失踪字符串。  除去过时的津贴,技能,工具提示有关药水。  3440 * 1440 resulution不再有窃听信箱。  DirectX 11的着色器现在在视频选项可用。  本场比赛不应该再在退出上一些配置冻结。  隐藏帽选项应该正常现在的工作(除了Umbralist显而易见的原因)。  许多问题得到了固定,最后bossfight。  许多玩家认为他们是停留在cutsenes,因为他们已经从对话框选项中进行选择。因此,我们使他们更加浮华:3  任务  修正了过场,并寻求题为战斗中墨水。  数的齿轮:有32个齿轮,对话框选项现在固定表示这一点。  技能  枪平台现在造成破坏正确在PvP。  卡特琳娜的技能现在可以正确得到刷爆了。  狙击手射击现在正确标记如果按钮被按下还是第二目标。  玩家现在无法瞬移了障碍。 枪平台不再是“忘记”地图改变后进行拍摄火箭。  狂暴灵气现在的水平了正常。  幻影怪物词缀现在削弱了一点,因为它做的精英礼包别人无法匹敌的。  墨飞跃可以不再被利用 - 现在的teleporting具有10碱耗魔。  蝰蛇飞跃不再因失去天敌,仍然造成损害被滥用。  摧毁Seekermatons现在当有seekermatons仅活跃施放。  荣耀  国防荣耀奖金现在给装甲。  现在的情况更加奖荣耀。  项目 奇美拉蜡烛'值将不再在地图上的改变而改变。  小工具主放电器现已形成集项目。  现在,您可以去换%防御项目。  护甲片现在收到正确的种奖金从本质。  赏金猎人的装甲背心不再提供其他类  巧克力手指项链不再停留在球员的库存。  多人  死的球员不再是无形的加入合作社游戏的时候。  固定bossfight过场动画多人。  玩家现在可以创建噩梦游戏在多人。  该浮式平台现在可以正确地显示给所有玩家在最终bossfight。  踢球员的车型不再会停留在地图上。  固定镜头切换触发油墨地图。  半人马不再淘汰从地图的玩家。  成就  修正了一些成就触发器和以前取得那些应该追溯上传到蒸为好。  在刚刚抿了一口的成就已经得到解决。  格林真理成就现在有一个图标。  反激式死亡的成就现在有一个图标。  方案  Mantiswyrms的幻影的技能有较大的冷却时间了。  从箱子的战利品是现在很多更高的水平。  影Borgova方案目前已拥有精英为好。  暗Carneval线索亨特现在有精英为好。  玩家不再需要做的失落希望后寺重掷。  卡塔琳娜不再有过时的分解项目顺序方案。  已知问题  在多人无时间性的毛刺球  有些用户可能会遇到一些小问题,着色器在DX11模式下(不是默认)  更新说明:  Updates to The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III have been released.
The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line
mode) is restarted.  Game Fixes  Fixed the black loading screen of the game.  Valley of Frost heightmap bug fixed.  Measuring Hardware Performance is now removed.  Fixed the pathing bug near the Rippling Crystal.  Skills can now properly bound to 4 or 5 button mice.  Fixed the missing string of the Seekermatons.  Fixed the missing string of the Dreamer Artifact.  Removed obsolete perks, abilities, tooltips regarding potions.   resulution no longer has a bugged letterbox.  DirectX 11 shaders are now available in Video Options.  The game should no longer freeze on exit on some configurations.  Hide Hat option should properly work now (except for the Umbralist for
obvious reasons). Numerous issues got fixed with the final bossfight.  Many players thought they are stuck on cutsenes because they had to choose
from dialog options. Therefore, we made them more flashy :3  Quests  Fixed the cutscene and the quest entitled Battle In the Ink.  Count The Cogs: There are 32 cogs, the dialog option is now fixed to
represent this.  Skills  Gun Platform now deals correct damage in PvP.  Katarina's Skills can now properly get maxed out.  Sniper Shot now correctly marks the second target if its button is still
pressed.  Players are now unable to teleport over obstacles.  Gun Platform no longer &forgets& to shoot rockets after map changes.  Rampage Aura now levels up properly.  Mirage monster affix is now nerfed a bit as it made elite packs
unbeatable.  Ink Leap can no longer be exploited - teleporting now has a base manacost
of 10.  Viper Leap can no longer be abused by LoSing enemies and still causing
damage.  Destroy Seekermatons can now only be cast when there are seekermatons
active.  Glory  The Defense Glory bonus now gives armor.  Scenarios now award more glory.  Items  Chimera Candles' values will no longer change upon map change.  Gadget Master Discharger is now a Set item.  You can now enchant %defense to items.  Armor pieces now receive the correct kinds of bonuses from essence.  Bounty Hunter's Armor Vest is no longer available to other classes  Chocolate Finger Necklace no longer stays in the player's inventory.  Multiplayer  Dead players are no longer invisible when joining a co-op game.  Fixed bossfight cutscenes in multiplayer.  Players can now create Nightmare Scenario games in Multiplayer.  The floating platforms now properly appear to all players at the final
bossfight.  Kicked players' models no longer get stuck on the map.  Fixed cutscene triggers on Ink maps.  Centaurs no longer knock out the players from the map.  Achievements  Fixed some achievement triggers and previously achieved ones should
retroactively upload to Steam as well.  The Just a Sip achievement is now fixed.  The Grimm Truth achievement now has an icon.  The Defying Death achievement now has an icon.  Scenarios  The Mirage skills of Mantiswyrms have a larger cooldown now.  Loot from chests is now a lot higher level.  Shadow Borgova Scenario now has elites as well.  Dark Carneval Clue Hunt now has elites as well.  Players no longer need to reroll after doing Temple of Lost Hope.  Katarina no longer has the obsolete Break Down Items order in
scenarios.  Known Issues  Sphere of Timelessness glitches in Multiplayer  Some users might experience minor shader issues in DX11 mode (not
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