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Task 3 情境实训操作手册(参考) 第一章 公共英语 一 词汇 anchor [[???k? ] 锚 autopilot 自动舵?[[??:t?pail?t] bitt [bit]系缆柱bunk [b??k] 铺位 bottom [?b?t?m] 船底(在水线下的船身部分) bilge [bild?] 舱底 draught [dr:ft]吃水 keel [ki:l] 龙骨 life raft 救生筏 lifejacket 救生衣 lifeboat 救生艇 lifebuoy [laifb?i] 救生圈 bow thruster [?θ r?st?] 船首侧推器 bulbous bow [?b?lb?s] 球鼻型船首 clove hitch [?kl?uv?] [hit?]丁香结(一种结绳法) double sheet bend 双编结(一种结绳法) figure of eight 八字结 (一种结绳法) bowline 单套结 (一种结绳法) hold 货舱 saloon [s??lu:n] 大台 cabin [?k?bin] 船员住舱 messroom [?mesru:m]食堂 capsize [k?p?saiz]倾覆 pitch [pit?] 船舶前后颠簸 sway [swei]摇摆 surge [s?:d?] 船在浪中起伏 chart [t?:t] 海图 compass [?k?mp?s] 罗经 bollard [?b?l:d] 系缆桩 truck [tr?k] 卡车 container [k?n?tein?] 集装箱 radar 雷达 depth sounder (回声)测深仪 VHF set 甚高频接收机 flashing light 闪光 fixed light 定光 group occulting light [??k?lti?] 联名暗光 single occulting light 明暗光(亮的时间等于或长于暗的时间) dock 码头,船坞 forecastle deck [?f?uksl] 艏楼甲板 go aground 搁浅 fire extinguisher [ik?sti?wi??]灭火器 first aid kit 急救箱 air bottle 压缩空气瓶 breathing apparatus [?bri:?i?] [??p??reit?s] 氧气呼吸器 CO2 extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器(CO2 是 carbon dioxide[?k:b?n] [dai??ksaid]的缩写 foam extinguisher [f?um] 泡沫灭火器 water fog (消防)水雾 dry chemical 干粉 general alarm 全船警报 fire alarm 火警 fog bell 雾钟 emergency bell [i?m?:d??nsi] 应急钟 poop deck [pu:p] 船尾甲板 bridge 驾驶台 engine room 机舱 on fire 起火 under attack [??t?k]受到攻击 flood 进水 aground [??raund]搁浅的 gyro compass repeater [?d?ai?r?] [?k?mp?s] [ri?pi:t?]陀螺罗经复示器 hand flare [fl??](救生)手持火焰信号 SART(Search and Rescue Transponder) [tr?ns?p?nd?]搜索救助应答器 EPIRB(Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) [?bi:k?n]应急无线电示位标 engine control room 主机控制室 helm [helm] 舵(轮) communication center 通信中心 isophase light [?ais?feiz] 等明暗光 telescope [?telisk?up]望远镜 sextant [?sekst?nt]六分仪 leading light 导航叠标灯 registered length [?red?ist?d] 登记长度 overall length=Length Overall(LOA) [??uv?r?:l] [le?θ ]总长 the greatest length 最大长度 general cargo vessel 杂货船 container ship 集装箱船 Ro-Ro ferry 滚装渡轮 oil tanker 油轮 passenger ship [?p?sind??]客船 bulk carrier [b?lk] 散装货轮 capstan [?k?pst?n] 绞盘 cargo winch [wint?] 起货机 windlass [?windl?s] 起锚机 anchor chain 锚链 shackle [???kl] 卸扣 chronometer [kr??n?mit?]天文钟 gyro compass 陀螺罗经 protective clothing [pr??tektiv] [?kl?u?i?]防护服 overalls 工装裤 工作裤 immersion suit [i?m?:??n] 浸水服 ahead 向前 astern [?s?t?:n] 向后 abeam [??bi:m]正横 aloft [??l?ft] 向上 helmet [?helmit]头盔 fire station 救火位置 muster station [?m?st?] 集合地点 embarkation station [?emb:?kei??n]登艇位置 boat station 救生位置 life buoy with light and smoke 带灯和烟雾信号的救生圈 lifebuoy with line 带救生索的救生圈 lifebuoy with light 带灯的救生圈 radar transponder 雷达应答器 portable radio [?p?:t?bl] 便携式无线电 line throwing appliance [??plai?ns](救生)抛绳设备 rescue boat 救助艇 survival craft [s??vaiv?l] 救生艇(筏) evacuation slide [i?v?kju?ei??n] 撤离滑梯 emergency ladder 应急梯子 davit launched liferaft [l?:nt?t] 吊艇柱释放救生筏 pilot ladder 引航梯 survival craft distress signal [dis?tres] 救生艇遇险信号 rocket parachute flares [?p?r??u:t](遇险)火箭降落伞信号 child’s lifejacket 儿童救生衣 sprinkler system [?spri?kl?]自动喷水灭火系统 smoke detector [di?tekt?]烟雾探测器 powder extinguisher 干粉灭火器 二、单句 Superintendents [?sju:p?rin?tend?nt]监督 Greece [ri:s] 希腊 Greek [ri:k] 希腊人 Canada [?k?n?d?] 加拿大 Canadian [k??neidj?n] 加拿大人 Africa [??frik?] 非洲 African [??frik?n] 非洲人 America [??merik?] 美国 American [??merik?n] 美国人 Britain [?brit?n] 英国 British [?briti?] 英国人 date of birth 出生日 born 出生的 Please read 请说明 I want to know 我想知道 galley [??li] 厨房 storeroom 贮藏室 next to 紧邻的 beside 在----旁边;挨着 hospital 医院 to the right of the Pilot’s.在引航员房间的右边 on the same deck as the Pilot’s.和引航员在同一甲板 Between----and-------在-------之间 on the right 在右边 pump room [p?mp] 泵房 rating’s mess-room [?reiti?] 船员餐厅 take over the watch 接班 washing machines 洗衣机 laundry [?l?:ndri] 洗衣房steward [stju?d] 船上服务员 cabin [?k?bin] 船员房间 office’s mess room 驾驶员餐厅 radio room 无线电室,报房 turn right 向右转 go up these stairs one level [st??z] 上一层楼梯 muster station [?m?st?] 集合地点 next to the hospital 紧邻医院 assemble [??sembl] 集合 in case of emergency 如果发生紧急情况 the major cities in my country 我国的大城市 be familiar with [f??milj?] 熟悉 ship’s particulars [p??tikjul?z] 船舶资料 ship’s safety features [?fi:t??z] 船舶安全装置 三、对话 seaman’s book and passport [?p:sp?:t]海员证和护照 Genoa(热那亚) Italy [?d?en?u?]意大利热那亚 , Berlin Germany [b?:?lin] [?d??:m?ni] 德国柏林 Immigration office [??mi?rei??n] 移民局办公室 Immigration officer 移民局官员 crew list 船员名单 dining room 饭厅 galley 厨房 in order 状况良好 chart room 海图室 safety video [?vidi?u] 安全录像 ISPS: International Ship and Port facility Security Code 国际船舶和港口设施保安规则 [f?? siliti] [si?kju?riti] comedy [?k?midi]喜剧 action movies 动作片 Rambo movies 好斗的电影 fire alarm 火灾报警器 on the wall of the laundry 在洗衣间的墙上 life jacket 救生衣 cupboard [?k?b?d] 碗橱 life buoy 救生圈 fire extinguisher 灭火器 First Aid equipment 急救器材 deck railings [?reili?z] 甲板栏杆 corridor [?k?rid?:] 走廊 ?u d? d???ni?r?u] 里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名)Rio de Janeiro [?ri(Bogota [b?g?t?] 波哥大 (哥伦比亚首都) Buenos Aires [?bwen?s?ai?riz]布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都) Caracas [k??r?k?s]加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都) Lima [?li:m?]利马(秘鲁首都) La Paz [l: ?p?z] 拉巴斯(玻利维亚西部城市) calm sea 风平浪静的海面 souvenirs [?su:v?ni?z]纪念品 open market 自由市场 ready to order 准备点菜/定货 Latte 牛奶(意大利文) cafeteria [?k?fi?ti?ri?] 自助餐厅;咖啡馆 vegetable 蔬菜 cabbage [?k?bid?] 卷心菜 20 men’ consumption [k?n?s?mp??n] 20 人用量 frozen chicken [?fr?uzn] 冻鸡 lamb [l?m] 羊羔肉 loaf [l?uf] 块(面包) jacket 短上衣,夹克 port 港口 book shop 书店 bank 银行 restaurant [?rest?r?nt] 餐馆,饭店 railway station 火车站 shopping mall [m?:l]大型购物中心 hotel 旅馆 cinema [?sin?m?] 电影院 land (指船舶)靠岸 to declare [di?kl??] 向海关申报应纳税物品 customs hall [?k?st?mz] 海关申报厅 pay duty 纳税 duty-free allowances [??lau?nsiz] 海关免税限量 visa [?vi:z?] 签证 hotel clerk [kl:k]旅馆服务员 set dinner 套餐 a la carte [: l: ?k:t]照菜单点菜,有别于套餐 foreign exchange department 外币兑换部 parcel [?p:s?l]包裹 surface mail [?s?:fis]水陆路邮寄 air mail 航空邮寄 rank=position 职位 martial status [?m:??l] [?steit?s]婚姻状况 第三章 靠离与锚泊业务 一、 单句 relative north-up (雷达)相对运动北向上显示 relative course-up (雷达)相对运动航向向上显示 forecastle 船舶首喽 post (在指定位置)派设;贴布告 bow 船首 look out 了望人员 port wing 上甲板的左侧 let go=cast off 解缆,抛锚 stand by=get ready 准备好 walk back 倒转绞盘,以便松出锚链 ease 送出 hawse pipe [h?:z] 锚链筒 shackle 链节,是锚链长度的基本单位,等于 27.5 米 dredge [dred?] 拖(锚) anchor position 锚位 foul=cross [faul] (锚)回到锚链筒 towing lines 拖缆 make fast 挽牢 fairleads [?f??li:d] 导缆孔 quarter 船侧后部;尾舷 centre lead 中央导缆孔 heaving lines [?hi:vi?] 撇缆 slack away [sl?k] (绳子等)放松,松弛 heave away 向外拉 on each bow 在船首两舷 on each quarter在船后部两舷dolphins [?d?lfinz] 系缆桩 linesmen 系缆工 shackles 卸扣 pick up 收紧 slacks 松弛 be made tight 拉紧 check (=ease away)使绳缆有控制地慢慢溜出停止 slack away 放松 pilot ladder 引航员梯(供引航员上下船用的绳梯) leeside 下风舷 above water 水面上 aft 向船尾;在船尾 clear of 离开 discharge=outlets 排水孔 accommodation ladder [??k?m??dei??n] 舷梯 in combination with [?k?mbi?nei??n] 与----结合 gangway [???wei] 舷梯 hoist [h?ist] 升降机,起重机alongside 在------旁边 boarding speed 登船速度 embark [im?b:k] 登船 disembark 离船 clear 离开;消失;通过,穿过,不接触 get away 离开 heave to 顶风停航 quay [ki:] 码头 vacant berth [?veik?nt] 空闲的泊位 searchlight/projector [pr??d?ekt?] 探照灯 suspend [s??spend] 暂停,其反义词是 resume 恢复 discontinue [?disk?n?tinju] 停止,其反义词是 continue 继续 transfer [tr?ns?f?:] 转乘(指引航员从引航艇登上大船) single up 单绑 diesel [?di:z?l] 柴油机 turbine [?t?:bin] 涡轮机 be manned 有人操纵的 the bridge-engine room controlling system 驾驶台机舱控制系统 engine particulars 主机参数 in an emergency 在紧急的时候 extra power [?ekstr?] 额外动力 variable/controllable pitch propeller [?v??ri?bl] [pr??pel?]可调螺距螺旋桨 fixed pitch propeller 固定螺距螺旋桨 right-hand propeller 右旋螺旋桨 left-hand propeller 左旋螺旋桨 bow thruster 船首侧推器 propulsion system [pr??p?l??n] 推进系统 turn inward or outward (螺旋桨)内旋或外旋 the diameter of the turning circle [dai??mit?] 旋回圈的直径 the advance and transfer distance 旋回纵距和横距 crash-stop 急停车 operational 操作中的;能使用的 be ready for 准备好可------blind sectors (荧光屏)扇形阴影 scan [sk?n] 扫描 full sea speed 海上全速 automatic pilot 自动舵 steering system 操舵系统 drought forward [draut] 首吃水 drought aft 尾吃水 the state of the vessel 船舶状态 trim by stern [trim] 尾倾 air drought 水面上最大高度 ship’s particulars 船舶参数 cable leading 锚链方向 round the bow 绕过船首 up and down (锚链)垂直 brought up (锚)抓底 heave up 起锚 weight 受力 fenders [?fend?z] 碰垫 get alongside 靠码头 fore and aft 船首和船尾 tension winches [?ten??n] 自动绞缆机 winches for mooring lines 系缆绞盘 broken spreader [?spred?] (引航梯)断裂的伸长踏板 Do you read me ? 你能听清吗? Change to Channel 16.转换到 16 频道。 docking instructions [in?str?k??nz] 靠泊指令 ETD from-----预计离开----港的时间 ETA=Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到港时间 ETD=Estimated Time of Departure [di?p:t??] 预计离港时间 leave for 驶往 arrive at 到达 call at 停靠 bulk carrier 散装货轮 crude carrier [kru:d] 运油轮 port of registry [?red?istri] 船籍港 port of destination [?desti?nei??n] 目的港 port of departure 出发港 port of calls 沿途停靠的港口 last port of call 上一个挂靠港 next port of call 下一个挂靠港 air draft 水面上最大高度 gross tonnage 总吨位。总吨位是船舶的登记吨位,是船舶内部总容积的表示方法,表示船舶 规模的大小和作为港口使费的计算基础。 net tonnage 净吨位,净吨位也是船舶的登记吨位。是船舶用来载货或载客的处所的容积表 示方法,是计算各种港口费用或税金的基础,如港务费,引航费,码头费等。 deadweight tonnage 载重吨位,载重吨位是指船舶在空载水线与满载水线之间任一确定吃水 时,船舶所能装载的最大重量,它等于所装载的所有货物,燃料,淡水船员及备品等重量总 和。 net deadweight tonnage 净载重吨位。 净载重吨位是指船员在具体航次中所能装载货物重量的 最大值。 sea speed 海上速度 slow speed 慢速,例如 slow ahead 前进(慢速前进) dead slow speed 微速,例如 dead slow ahead 微速前进 convoy speed 护航速度 trim by the stern 尾倾 trim by the head 首倾 on even keel 平吃水 inclined [in?klaind ]倾斜的(指横倾) list 倾斜;目录;名单;列出名单;列举 embark 上船 local time 当地时间 boarding time 上船时间 submerged wreck [s?b?m?:d?] [rek]水下沉船 vessel restricted with draughts [ris?triktid] 限于吃水的船 the vessel out of control 失控船 keep clear of----远离----;不接触 search and rescue in progress 搜索和救助在进行中 salvage operations [?s?lvid?] 救助作业 UTC(=Universal Time Coordinated)世界协调时 二、 短文 make identification [ai?dentifi?kei??n] 识别 第四章 装卸作业 一、单句 bunker [?b??k?] 燃料舱;在燃料舱中贮存或放置(燃料) still 还,在数量或程度上增大地replenish [ri?pleni?]补充 more ( extra) 额外的 double bottom tanks 双层底舱 heavy lifts/cargo 重件货 heavy derrick [?derik]重吊杆 ballast tanks [?b?l?st] 压载舱 loading rate 装货速度 hatch covers 舱盖 check 检查核对;在---上或旁边打勾 hold ventilators [?ventileit?z] 货舱通风设备 separation of different lots [?sep??rei??n]各票货的隔票 completed 全部的,完全的 unload/ discharge 卸货 handling gear [i?] 装卸货设备 cargo gear 装卸货设备 cargo stowage [?st?uid?] 货物积载 interlock of the stowpieces [??nt??l?k]装载件的互锁装置 secure [si?kju?] 绑扎固定 rope clips 钢索夹 emit flammable gases [i?mit] 散发可燃气体 in contact with water 与水接触 be liable to [?lai?bl] 易于------spontaneous heating and combustion [sp?n?teini?s] [k?m?b?st??n] 自动热并燃烧 away from 远离 technical name 专业技术名称 marks 标志 labels [?leib?lz] 标签 segregation [?seri?ei??n] 隔离 IMO Class IV (flammable solids) goods IMO 第四类危险货物(可燃固体) tarpaulins [t:?p?:linz] 防水油布 flammable goods 易燃货物 engine room bulkhead 机舱舱壁 infectious substances/ goods [in?fek??s] [?s?bst?nsiz]传染性物质/货物 separate by one compartment/ hold [k?m?p:tm?nt] 用一个舱室/货舱隔离 slings with drums of IMO Class IV goods 一吊装有 IMO 第四类危险货物的桶货 drummed dangerous goods 桶装危险货物 bottled dangerous goods 瓶装危险货物 pier 突码头;突堤 IMO Class III goods (flammable liquids) goods IMO 第三类危险货物(可燃液体) cool down 冷却 ventilate 通风 close/shut the hatch 关舱 operate/switch on the fire extinguishing system 启动灭火系统 overtime work 加班工作 overtime pay 加班费 extra charges 附加费 guy rope [ai] 稳索 serviceable [?s?:vis?bl] 有用的 unfasten 解开 position 位置 lay flat 放平 beam [bi:m] 梁,横梁 ship 把------装上船 put back 把----放回原处 hatch boards 舱口盖板 shippers 托运人 Mate’s Receipt [ri?si:t]大副收据 safety measures [?me??z]安全措施 facilitate [f??siliteit] 使容易,使便利 the swing of the boom [swi?] 吊杆的摆动 make for 有助于 seaside 向海一舷 shoreside 向岸一舷 lifting capacity [k??p?siti] 起重能力 jumbo/heavy derrick [?d??mb?u] [?derik]重吊杆 weight/lift 吊 the arm of the floating crane [krein] 浮吊臂长 the middle/centre of the hatch 舱口中央 winch/cargo winch 起货机 windlass [?windl?s] 绞盘 crane 起重机,绞盘 overload 过载 exceeding working limit [ik?si:d]超过工作限额 the two cases of drugs 两箱药 the cased drugs 箱装的药 cargo plan 积载图;装货计划图 smelling cargo 气味货 snatch block [sn?t?] 开口滑车 by bearing it on the winch 通过起货机施加的力 steadier 平稳的 controller handle 操纵手柄 step by step/ gear by gear 逐步地 reefer container list [?ri:f?] 冷藏箱集装箱 container loading list 集装箱装箱单 export manifest [?m?nifest] 出口舱单 import manifest 进口货物舱单 reefer service 卫生部门 survey 检验 pre-cooled 预冷 use up 用完 dunnage planks and mats [?d?nid?] 垫舱木板和草席 no more charterers 不再有 (船舶)承租人be responsible for sth [ri?sp?ns?bl] 对某事负责 be responsible for sb 对某人负责 in no way 决不 be to blame 应受谴责 chief tally [?t?li] 理货长 keep contact with/ keep in touch with 与----保持联络 cleanliness 清洁 reefer compartments 冷藏室 carton 纸板箱 crosswise 成十字状地,交叉地 wet cargo 湿货 fragile cargo [?fr?d?ail]易碎货 delicate cargo [?delikit] 精制货 be covered with 盖着,覆着 as well 最好 cargo battens [?b?t?nz] 货舱壁护条 spar ceilings [sp:]货舱壁樯板 lower hold 底舱 wooden ventilations 木质通风装置 cover up 覆盖 kraft paper 牛皮纸 moisture/damp damage [?m?ist??] 潮湿损坏 handling gear 装卸货设备 cargo facility 装卸货设备 lots 货票 overstow (后卸货装在先卸货之上的)货物倒装 fill up 装满;填满 broken stowage 亏舱 oxidizing 氧化 handle with caution 谨慎装卸 take care of------小心照料 oxidizing cargoes [??ksidaizi?] 氧化物combustible cargoes [k?m?b?stibl] 易燃物 toxic [?t?ksik] 有毒的poisonous cargo [?p?iz?n?s] 有毒货物 be liable to spontaneous heating and combustion 易于自发热和燃烧 infectious substance 传染物质 foodstuffs 食品,粮食 contagious cargo [k?n?teid??s] 传染性货物 to improve stability [st??biliti] 改善稳性 restow 重新装载 switch on/turn on 接通;开启 to supply air 补充空气 for air supply 输气 shipping seas 上浪 stained [steind] 沾污 bales [beilz]捆包 water-stained 水痕 drum lids 桶盖 overflow 溢出 due to 由于,应归于 pumping rate 泵速 specifications [?spes ifi?kei??nz] 规格 disconnect 拆开 二、对话 hold capacity 货舱容积,舱容量 bale capacity 包装货容积 grain capacity 载货能力 TEU(=Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit(20 英尺标准集装箱) trailers [?treil?] 拖车 safety load 安全负荷 dockside cranes 码头起重机 safe working load (SWL)安全工作荷载 reach of the crane 起重机臂伸出长度 turnover 周转率;转向 cargo handling turnover 货物装卸转向能力 handling capacity 装卸能力 container gantry [??ntri] 集装箱起重机 shore crane 码头起重机 grain elevator 谷物升降机 ore loader [?:] 矿石装载机pumping capacity 泵送能力 cargo pumps 液货泵 hatch covers 舱盖 hatch coaming [?k?umi?] 舱口围板 rubber seals 橡胶封条 sea-valves [v?lvz] 海水阀 absorbent materials [?b?s?:b?nt] 吸附材料 oil clearance 油清除,清理 emergency fire pumps 应急消防泵 gangs 装卸工班 main hold 主货舱 shifts 轮班 around the clock 昼夜不停,连续一整天 opening and closing the hatches 开舱和关舱 Charter Party 租船合同 GENCON 金康租船合同(voyage charter party 航次租船合同) daily loading operation 每日装货作业 customs of the port 港口惯例 automatic hatch cover 自动舱盖 Mac Gregor hatch covers Mac Gregor 自动舱盖 hatch tents 舱口雨篷 outboard 向舷外的 tackles [?t?klz] 索具,滑车 be out of use 没有人用 disused 停止使用 in disputes [dis?pju:ts] 争议 manifest [?m?nifest] 舱单 with care 小心 cautiously 慎重地 bagged cargo 袋装货物 improperly [im?pr?p?li] 不正确地 deal with 处理 cargo runner 吊货钢丝 fray [frei] 被磨损 cargo wire 吊货钢丝 wear out 用坏,用破,疲乏 cargo light 装卸作业灯, 货舱灯 fix up 安排,解决 the rotation of the discharging ports [r?u?tei?n] 卸货港的顺序 Antwerp [??ntw?:p] 安特卫普(比利时) Notice of Readiness 装卸准备就绪通知 wharfside 里档 overside 外档 sagging [s?] 中垂 bilges [bild?] 舱底 single dunnage 单层垫舱 lower layer athwartship 底层横过船方向的 upper layer fore and aft 上层纵向的 case planks 箱板 bulged [b?ld?d] 膨出second-hand cases 用过的箱子 pilfer 偷窃 rough handling 粗暴的装卸 improper handling 操作不当 dispose of 处理 tallying figures 理货数字 pipe connections 管接头 三、 短文 cargo list 装船清单 safety arrangements [??reind?m?nts]安全装置 dunnaging material 垫舱物料 第五章 航行 一、单句 floating ice 浮冰 icebergs 冰山 high-powered vessels 大马力船 strong construction 强结构 with ice-breaker assistance 有破冰船帮助 datum [?deit?m]是指 tide datum 潮高基准面 prediction/forecast [pri?dik??n] 预报 charted depth of water 海图水深 unlit 无灯光的 charted light Huaniaoshan 图示的花鸟山灯标 off station 离开位置 superbuoy 大型浮标 unusable [??n?ju:?u?l]不能用的time of restoration [?rest??rei??n]恢复的时间 uncharted rock/reef 海图上未标示的暗礁 uncharted wreck 海图上未标示的沉船 transshipment of oil 驳油 wide berth 要求保持安全距离 fishing gear 渔具 twist [twist] 缠绕 pull back 收回 decrease to 减小到 mist 薄雾 radar reference line of the fairway 航道的雷达基准线 on opposite course/ on the reciprocal course [ri?sipr?k?l]相反航向的 converge to---汇聚于------diverge from--- [dai?v?:d?]偏离----wind direction and force 风向和风力 variable (风向)不定 atmospheric pressure 大气压力 air pressure 气压 hectopascals 百帕(气压单位,1 百帕等于 1 毫巴) barometric change [?b?r?u?metrik] 气压变化 within a radius of 5 miles of the centre. [?reidj?s]在风暴中心半径 5 英里范围内 storm centre 风暴中心 dangerous semicircle 危险半圆 sea state 海况 smooth sea 小浪 slight sea 轻浪 slight swell [swel] 小涌 moderate swell 中涌 moderate sea 中浪 high swell 强涌 rough sea 大浪 visibility [?vizi?biliti] 能见度 poor 差(能见度小于 2 海里) moderate 中等(能见度为 5 海里) good 良好(能见度为 10 海里) very good 非常好(能见度为 20 海里) the latest ice information 最新冰情 pack ice (海上相互重叠的)浮冰块,积冰 cable operation 铺设海底电缆作业 pipeline operation 铺设管线作业 seismic survey [?saizmik] 地震勘测 roger 收到了;知道了 dredging operations 疏竣作业 seismic cable 地震电缆 current meters 测流计 hydrographic instrument [?haidr?u?r?fik] 水文测量仪 gunnery exercise 射击练习 fog bank 雾障 三、短文 sunny and warm 晴朗温暖 cloudy and cool 多云凉爽 cool and windy 多云有风 第七章 事故处理 一、单句 tropical storm [?tr?pik?l]热带风暴 fitter repair 适当修理 hose burst [h?uz] 油管爆裂 pirate [?pai?rit] 海盗 report form 报告表 leak=make water 进水 strain [strein]扭伤 bumped into 撞击 chisel [?t?izl] 凿子toxic gases [?t?ksik]毒气 enclosed spaces 封闭舱室 check the air 检验空气 lightering hose 驳油管 manifold [?m?nif?uld] 歧管 safety boots 安全靴 detective electrical appliances=electrical equipment is faulty [?f?:lti]有缺陷的电气装置 barge [b:d?]驳船 crack [kr?k]裂缝 submerged rock 水下暗礁 collision mats 堵漏垫 the carpenter to sound round the vessel=The carpenter is to measure the depth of water around. [?k:pint?] 木匠测量船舶四周水深 booms 浮木档栅 oil slick [slik]浮油 fracture one’s leg [?fr?kt??] 腿骨折 leak gas 泄露气体 port authority [?:?θ ?riti] 港口当局 fish meal 鱼粉 steering gear was not working=disable 丧失航行能力 tossed about 反复颠簸 heavy weather 恶劣天气 the exact extent of damage 准确的损坏程度 safe distance 安全距离 dent [dent] 凹,凹痕 crust [kr?st] 压碎 unseaworthiness 不适航 particular average 单独海损 general average 共同海损 二、对话 refer to the manual 查阅手册 stove 炉子 frying pan [frai] 煎锅 fire blanket 灭火毯 minor accident [?main?] 小事故 major accident 大事故 blade [bleid] 刀片 bruise one’s ankle [bru:z]碰伤踝骨 leakage of crude oil into the sea 原油泄露到海里 beyond dispute [dis?pju:t]无疑地 demand compensation=claim compensation [?k?mpen?sei??n]索赔 have every reason 有充分理由 fail to 未能 the whole responsibility lies on your side [ri?sp?ns??biliti]全部责任在你方 It is beyond our comprehension that. [?k?mpri?hen??n] 我们不能理解-----pick up 捞起 legal action 诉讼 joining shackle 连接卸扣 encounter heavy stormy weather [in?kaunt?]遇到暴风雨天气。 danger of reduced stability. 降低稳性的危险 danger of breaking apart 断裂的危险 三、短文 port of destination 目的港 refrigerated vessel 冷藏船 car carrier 汽车运载船 submit an Accident Report [s?b?mit]提交事故报告 第八章 消防与船员自救 一、单句 fire patrols [p??tr?ulz]消防巡逻 round 例行巡视 accommodation area 居住区 living spaces 生活区 inspection tags [in?spek??n] 检查标签 portable extinguishers 便携式灭火器 out of date 过期 hoses 水龙带 hydrants [?haidr?nts] 消防栓 spanners [?sp?n?] 扳手 nozzles [?n?zlz] 喷嘴burnt smell 燃烧气味 turn bow to windward 转向使船首迎风(船尾失火) turn stern to windward 转向使船尾迎风(船首失火) turn bow to leeward 转向使船首处于下风 fire fighting teams 灭火队 scene 现场 fire spot 火场 distribution of cargo [?distri?bju:??n] 货物分布 jettison cargo 投弃货物 throw overboard 抛弃船外 plan for man/person overboard drill 人落水演习计划 a plan for a nighttime drill 夜间演习计划 in sight 被看到 alarm signal 警报,警报信号 urgency message 紧急信号 Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Center (MRCC)海上救助协调中心 man 为---配备人手,在------就位 man overboard station 人落水岗位 light signals 灯号 flag signal 旗号 vessel in distress 遇险船舶 line throwing apparatus [??p??reit?s] (救生)抛绳设备 outboard lighting 舷外照明 survivor in water [s??vaiv?] 水中幸存者 the name of the vessel with survivors 有幸存者船舶的名称 the destination of the vessel with survivors 有幸存者船舶的目的港 number of survivors on the vessel 船上幸存者的人数 the condition of survivors 幸存者的状况 the condition of the vessel in distress 遇险船的状况 the cancellation of search and rescue [k?ns??lei??n] 取消搜索和救助 keep sharp lookout 保持敏锐了望 be alert for [??l?:t] 警惕-----On-scene Co-ordinator (OSC) 现场协调员 damage control material 堵漏材料 Additional emergency generator=extra emergency generator 额外的紧急发动机 二、对话 fire alarm 火灾警报器 smoke alarm 烟雾报警器 portable extinguisher 便携式灭火器 fire main 消防总管 in position 在适当的位置 accessible [?k?ses?bl] 易接近的,易进入的,易取得的 fixed foam system 固定泡沫灭火系统 fixed gas fire extinguishing system 固定气体灭火系统 sprinkler system [?spri?kl?] 喷水灭火系统 remote control [ri?m?ut] 遥控装置 ventilation system [?venti?lei??n] 通风系统 electrical lighting 电气照明 emergency power supply 应急电源 firemen’s outfits 消防员装备 first aid team 急救队 retreat signal/ signal for drawing back [ri?tri:t] 撤退信号 rope off 用绳子围起 re-ignition [i?ni??n] 复燃 put out 扑灭 bilge pumps [bild?] 船底排水泵 blackout 断电 capsize [k?p?saiz](船)翻覆 damage control team 堵漏队;船损控制队 breaking apart 断裂 damage by sea 浪损 cracks in plating 船壳板裂缝 indentation to plating [??nden?tei??n]船壳板凹陷 forepeak 首尖舱 afterpeak 尾尖舱 rescue litter [?lit?] 救助担架 rescue boat 救助艇 motor lifeboat 机动救生艇 rescue net 救生网 rescue sling 救生索 suffer from shock 休克 acknowledged [?k?n?lid?d]确认收悉,告知收到 the number of casualties [?k??ju?lties]伤亡人员数 三、短文 be in command of---- 指挥 第九章 救助 一、单句 require=need 需要 fire fighting assistance 灭火帮助 medical assistance 医疗帮助 breathing apparatus 氧气呼吸器 foam extinguishers 泡沫灭火器 in critical condition/ in dangerous state [?kritik?l] 处于危险状况 escort [?esk?:t] 护航 tug assistance 拖轮帮助 without assistance=assistance is no longer needed. 不再需要帮助 collide with=be in collision with 与---碰撞 unknown object 不明物体 unknown vessel 不明船舶 unknown seamark 不明航标 establish=be sure [is?t?bli?] 肯定 dangerous list 危险横倾 transfer cargo 转移货物 jettison cargo 投弃货物 transfer bunkers 移动燃料 drift=be disabled and adrift 漂流 navigational assistance 航行帮助 military assistance [?milit?ri] 军事帮助 navigational equipment 航行设备 abandon vessel 弃船 piracy [?pair?si] 海盗行为 armed attack 武装攻击 proceed with-go on with 继续进行 keep sharp lookout 保持敏锐了望 sector search pattern 分区搜索 square search pattern [skw??] 正方形搜索 hospital transfer 向医院转送伤员 pick up persons 救起人员 transfer the persons 转送人员 embarkation=to board the vessel 登船 Ice-breaker assistance 破冰船帮助 convoy [?k?nv?i] 护航,护送 fleet 船队 distance between vessels 船舶间距离 stay where you are. 停在你现在的位置 二、对话 diver 潜水员 amidships 在船中部 full length 全长 to refloat 脱浅,使再浮起 IMO-class cargo IMO 类别危险货物 when tide rises 涨潮时 when weather improves 天气变好时 with tug assistance 借助拖轮帮助 when draft decreases [di:?kri:s] 吃水减小时 disabled and adrift 丧失航行能力漂浮 MAYDAY RELAY 转发遇险呼叫 make a lee for me 置我船于下风 lost a person overboard 人落水 On-Scene Co-ordinator (OSC) 现场协调员 initial course [i?ni??l] 初始航向 picked up 5 persons in life jackets 救起穿救生衣的五个人 rendezvous [?r?ndivu:] 集合点 relative wind direction 视风向 contact point 降落点 hoist [h?ist]升降索 rescue basket 救生篮 rescue litter 救生担架 be fast in ice=be ice bound 被冰封住 stern notch [n?t?] 尾槽口 vessel’s bitts 船上系缆桩 close-coupled towing 紧藕拖带 the result of search 搜索结果 三、短文 not under command 失控 to navigate with caution 谨慎驾驶 第十章 遇险 一、单句 be on fire=fire broke out 着火 cannot control flooding=flooding is beyond control 不能控制进水 be in critical condition=be in a dangerous state 处于危险状况 collide with=be in collision with 与---碰撞 cannot establish damage =damage cannot be determined 不能确定损坏 dangerous goods of IMO-Class I (explosives) IMO 第一类危险货(易燃液体) dangerous goods of IMO-Class III(flammable liquids ) IMO 第三类危险货(易燃液体) dangerous goods of IMO-Class VI (toxic and infectious substance) IMO 第六类危险货(有毒的 和有传染性的物质) dangerous goods of IMO-Class VII(radioactive materials ) IMO 第七类危险货(辐射物质) dangerous goods of IMO-Class VIII(corrosive) [k??r?usiv]第八类危险货(腐蚀性物质) life-saving appliance 求生器具 Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre(MRCC) 海上求助协调中心 二、对话 I am maneuvering with difficulty [m??nu:v?ri?]我操纵困难 keep clear of me 请远离我 a drum with chemicals 装有化学品的一个桶 backing (风向)逆转 veering [vi?] (风向) 顺转 make identification signals 发识别信号 by smoke/by flags/by searchlight 用烟雾/旗号/探照灯 occupational safety equipment [??kju?pei??nl] 岗位安全设备 assign an officer responsible for safety 指定一名驾驶员负责安全 work on masts 在大栀上作业 work aloft [??l?ft] 高空作业 extreme weather conditions =heavy weather 恶劣天气情况 三、短文 call sign 呼号 第十一章 港口国检查 一、 单句 certificates and documents 证书和文件 certificates of competency [?k?mpit?nsi] 适任证书 ship’s registry certificate 船舶国籍证书;登记证 forge =fake [f?:d?]伪造 be in conformity with [k?n?f?:miti] 和…相适应;和…一致[符合] be not up to standard 没有达到标准 enough certificated crewmembers 足够的持证船员 manned with 配员标准 duly qualified crew 正式 period of validity [v??liditi] 有效期 overdue 有效期 extend 延长(有效期) deficiency/defect [di?fi??nsi] 缺陷 solve 解决 rectify [?rektifai] 矫正 fix 修理解决 put right 使恢复正常;纠正错误 correct 矫正 unseaworthy 不适航 detain [di?tein] 滞留 put at sea 出海航行 pose [p?uz] 造成 endanger 危及 dispense with [dis?pens] 没有…也行 must be available and valid 必须持有并且有效 expired certificate [iks?pai?d] 期满的证书 magnetic compass adjusting table [m??netik] 磁盘经校正表 overdue 过期的 apply for 申请 sensibility of the repeater [?sensi?biliti] 陀螺罗经复示器的灵敏度 the starting up of the radar 雷达启动 time limit 时限 the sensibility of the steering gear 舵机的灵敏性 luminous range [?lu:min?s] 光力能见距离 masthead light 桅顶灯 lifeline 救生索 expiry date 满期日; 终止日期;有效期限 ineffective = not effective 无效 lifejackets 救生衣 self-igniting lights 自明灯(救生圈上配有救生索和自明灯) overhaul certificate [??uv??h?:l] 检验证书 inflatable liferaft [in?fleit?bl] 气涨式救生筏 oxygen cylinders [?silind?] 氧气瓶 re-charging 重新充填 fireman’s outfit 消防员装备 foam extinguisher 泡沫灭火器 spot check 抽查 alarm device [di?vais] 报警装置 oil sludge [sl?d?] 污油泥 incinerator [in?sin?reit?] 焚化炉 oily bilge [??ili] 船底污水 oily water separation 油水分离 the state of corrosion and wastage [k??r?u??n] 腐蚀和损耗状况 the operating condition of the magnetic compass 磁罗经的工作状况 the state of last calibration [?k?librei??n] 校准日期 echo sounder [?ek?u] 回声测深仪 Sailing Directions 航路指南 List of Lights 灯标表 Tide Table 潮汐表 nautical publications 航海图书 training manual 训练手册 maintenance instructions [?meintin?ns] 保养说明书 life-saving appliances 救生器具 internal communication system [in?t?:n?l] 船内通行系统 the operating condition of main steering gear 主舵机的工作状况 the davits and winches of the lifeboats 救生艇的吊艇柱和绞盘 the lifeboat launching arrangements.救生艇的放艇设备 the condition of the drainage and cleanliness [?dreinid?] 排水和清洁状况 sanitary facilities [?s?nit?ri] 卫生设备 accommodation spaces 起居舱室 二、对话 Safety Radio Certificate 无线电安全证书 Safety Equipment Certificate 设备安全证书 Detention is inevitable. [di?ten??n] 滞留是不可能避免的 recheck= check again 在检查 impose a fine [im?p?uz] 征收罚款 act against 违反 expired =overdue 过期的 compass adjuster 磁罗经校正师 the activating of the radar 雷达启动 the screen display of the radar 雷达的荧光屏显示 up-to-date charts 最新版海图 coaming 舱口围板 watertightness [?w?:t?taitnis]水密性 packing 密封圈 cleats [kli:ts]楔子 tarpaulins [t:?p?:linz] 防水油布 Muster Lists [?m?st?] 应变部署表 fire control plan 防火布置图 training manual 训练手册 the maintenance instruction 保养说明书 boat drill 救生演习 fire drill 消防演习 air tank 氧气筒 volume of fuel oil 燃料油数量 boat fall 吊艇辘绳 end for end 两端的位置颠倒 retro-reflective tape 反光带 quick release devices [ri?li:s] 快速释放装置 immersion suit 浸水服 parachutes signal 降落伞遇险信号 main fire lines 消防总管 ear defender 护耳器 fire detection system 探火系统 anchoring and mooring equipment 锚泊和系泊设备 oil sludge [sl?d?] 污油泥 oily wastes 含油废物 oil residue [?rezidju:] 油渣 air conditioning 空调系统 三、短文 Lloyd’s=Lloyd’s Register of shipping [l?id] 英国船级社 DPA=Designated Person Ashore [?dezineit] 岸上指定人员 trade area 航区 CCS=China Classification Society [?kl?sifi?kei??n]中国船级社 第十二章 ISPS 一、 单句 terrorists [?ter?rists] 恐怖分子 weapon [?wep?n]武器 ISPS=International Ship and Port facility Security Code [si?kju?riti]国际船舶保安和港口设备 保安规则 mandatory [?m?nd?t?ri]强制的 guidelines [?aidlainz] 指导方针 Ship Security Plan(SSP) 船舶保安计划 Automatic Identification System(AIS) 自动识别系统 Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) 船舶保安报警系统 Ship Security Alert (SSA) 船舶保安报警 competent authority 主管当局 ship’s identification numbers 船舶识别编号 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) [si?n?psis] 连续概要记录 Ship Security Assessment(SSA) [??sesm?nt] 船舶保安评估 Company Security Officer(CSO)公司保安员 International Ship Security Certificate(ISSC) 国际船舶保安证书 Security level 保安级别 Security measure 保安措施 Declaration of Security (DOS) [?dekl??rei??n] 保安声明 in co-operation with 与---共同 restricted areas 限制区 consistent with [k?n?sist?nt] 与----一致的 ship security training [si?kju?riti] 船舶保安训练 二、对话 activating locating of Ship Security Alert System 船舶保安报警系统的启动位置 三、短文 training and drills 训练和演习Chapter One 1. Please say something about your hometown. (a) The geographical position, population and features of your hometown. (b) The environment and customs of your hometown. (c) The specialties of your hometown My hometown is Tianjin. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year. My home town is very beautiful, and I love her so much. 2. Please say something about yourself. (a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies. (b) Your daily work (c) Your spare time activities My name is Zhanglin. I am 26 years old. I graduated from Tianjin Maritime Vocational Institute. I am an A.B. I have five-year experience on board. I have worked on general cargo ship for five years. My hobbies are playing chess with my friends and collecting stamps. My daily work is to perform assigned bridge watch standing and navigational duties. My watch standing time is from 0800 to 1200 a.m. and from 2000 to 2400 p.m. when at sea, in my spare time, I sometimes read a book or listen to some light music. 3. Please say something about your family. (a) Members of your family (b) Their occupations (c) Their hobbies and characteristics My family is a happy one. There are three people in my family, my wife, a lovely son and I. My wife is a teacher in a middle school. My son is a pupil in a primary school. He is in grade two class three. He is a very clever boy. My wife likes her work very much. In her spare time she likes reading books or listening to music. My son enjoys playing the piano after finishing his homework. 4. Your favorite port you have called at. (a) A simple introduction of the port (b) Reasons why you like it. (c) Anything special about it. As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Tianjin is my favorite port. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year. As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Singapore is my favorite port. The city can be described as a garden city. Everything there looks green and clear. I believe anyone who has been to Singapore will certainly come to such a conclusion that Singapore is a city of best scenery and least pollution. In addition, smooth and light traffic also leaves foreigners deep impression. Chinese is one of the official languages there. So it will not be troublesome for a Chinese who cannot speak any English to go shopping, sightseeing, etc. Besides, the people there are all well-mannered and warm-hearted. They are always ready to offer help. That’s why many Chinese seamen are excited when Singapore comes into their view. I am one of them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board. (a) Your position on board (b) Your daily work on board (c) Your duties on board On board, I work as a third officer of the deck department. I have plenty of work to do on board ship. During navigation, I must maneuver the ship and stand watches on the bridge from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400. While on duty, I am the captain’s representative. I must maintain a proper look-out at all times by sight and hearing, and by all available means. I also make the most effective use of the navigational equipment, such as radar, GPS, to fix ship’s positions. If there is any risk of collision exists, I will execute collision avoidance maneuver in full accordance with COLREGS. If it is necessary, I will notify the captain, for example, when we are navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. Meanwhile, I am in charge of the life-saving appliances and fire-fighting equipments. I must maintain the life-saving appliance and fire-fighting equipment in good condition. Of course, I love the life on board and I have plenty of time to study and think. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I work on the deck department. I am an A.B. When at sea, every morning I go to the bridge and take over the watch form the A.B. on duty at 0750. I am on the bridge to steer the wheel from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 every day. My duty on board is to steer the wheel as per the order of the captain or pilot. When in port, every day the bosun assigns the work to us. We do daily maintenance work, for example, rust removing and painting, maintenance of riggings, maintenance of life-saving appliances and fore-fighting equipments. Answer the questions 1. What is your date of birth? My date of birth is the 7th of April 1989. 2. What’s your seaman’s book number? It’s A. Where are you from? I am from Tianjin 4. What is your captain’s nationality? My captain’s nationality is China. 5 What do you think is the most important thin on board? I think the most important thing on board is safety 6. What ports do you often call at? I often call at Dalian, Shanghai, and Honking. 7. What is your favorite TV program? My favorite TV program is action movies. 8. What’s your favorite Web site? My favorite Web site is www. CCTV. com. 9. What’s your favorite day of the week? Why? My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is weekend and the next date is off day. 10. What’s your favorite kind of movie? My favorite movie is action movie. 11. What’s your favorite kind of music? My favorite music is light music. 12. What is your magazine? My favorite magazine is TIMES. 13. What is the population of your hometown? The population of my hometown is 6 million. 14. What’s the population of your country? The population of my country is 1.3 billion. 15. What’s the best thing about your hometown? The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. 16. What’s the worst thing about your hometown? The worst thing about my hometown is the cost of living is too high, especially cost of medicine, education and house. 17. What’s your hometown like? My hometown is a beautiful port in Northern China. 18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather? Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquake, flooding, typhoon etc. 19. What sports do you like to watch on TV? I like to watch football games on TV. 20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world? I think the most popular sport in the world is football match.Chapter Two 进出港业务 口述题 1. Say something about how to apply for radio pratique. (a) Your ship’s particulars and voyage briefs. (b) Crewmembers’ health condition, cargo information and ship’s sanitary condition at present. (c) Some certificates relating to quarantine inspection. When applying for radio pratique, we should send a radio pratique request to the agent by fax or telex, containing the following information: (1) The ship’s particula (2) C Crewmembers’ health condition, cargo information and the ship’s sanitary
(3) Copies of ship’s certificates for quarantine inspections, such as Sanitary Certificate, the Health Declaration Form, the Deratization Certificate, Clearance from the last port etc, and ask the agent for the authority to grant the radio pratique. 2. Describe the requirements on ship’s seaworthiness in terms of certificates and papers which need to be carried on board. (a) List major certificates on board and describe their particulars: (b) Categorize those certificates (class certificates, statutory certificates) (c) The management of those certificates, A seaworthy vessel must have the valid documents and certificates on board showing she is in compliance with the relevant convention, such as, Ship’s Certificate of Registry, Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality, Tonnage Certificate, Load Line Certificate, Stability Manual, Minimum Safety Manning Certificate, the Certificate of Competency for seafarers, International Oil Pollution Prevention C Oil Record, Shipboard Oil Emergency Plan, Garbage Record Book, Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate and so on. The captain should keep them in file, listing out their respective valid date, last surveyed, or extended. Otherwise it may bring about trouble. 3. Describe the shipboard customs formalities. (a) The main duties of the customs officers. (b) Preparations before customs officers come on board, (c) Your experiences you have ever had with customs officers. The main duties of the customs officers are to check some documents, such as the Customs Declaration Form, Crew Lists, Crew Personal Articles Lists, Stores and Provisions List, the Import Cargo Manifest, Last Port Clearance and so on. Seal ship’s bonded store. Before customs officers come on board, the captain should get all necessary documents and forms ready and inform the crew about the customs regulations. Possessions must be declared, otherwise, they will be regarded as smuggled goods. At last, the officers will check and seal the bonded store, of course, you should leave out some for the crew’s daily consumption. My experience is that you need to cooperate with the customs officers well. 4. Describe the shipboard immigration formalities. (a)The main duties of the (b) Preparations before immigration of (c) Your experiences you have ever had with immigration officers. The main duties of the immigration officers are to: 1. check the crew list, the crew’s passports and the seaman’s books. 2. check the passenger’s list and passports. 3. issue shore passes. 4. check if there is any stowaway on board Before the immigration officers come on board, the captain should get all necessary certificates and documents ready for inspection. My experience is that you need to cooperate with the immigration officers well. 5. Describe the shipboard quarantine formalities. (a) The main duties of th (b) Preparations before quarantine of (c) Your experiences you have ever had with quarantine officers. The main duties of the quarantine officers are to: 1. ask for the crew and passenger list. 2. check the Bill of Health and inoculation papers. 3. inquire if there is any epidemic in the lat port of call or if there are any patients on board at present. 4. check the sanitary condition. 5. check the de-ratting Certificate and rat guards mounted. Before the quarantine officers come on board, the ship should get ready all preparation works, including the latest Bill of Heath, crew list, the vaccination list and the yellow book. My experience with quarantine officers is that you need to cooperate with them well. 问答题: 1. What’s the validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate? Five years. 2. What flat should be hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection? Flag Q (Quarantine flag/ Yellow flag) 3. Can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection? No, she can’t. 4. Why must the customs officer seal the Bonded Store? To prevent smuggling. 5. Please list 5 ship’s certificate. International Tonnage Certificate, International Load line Certificate, Certificate of Vessel’s Registration, Certificate of Vessel’s Nationality, Ship Safety Navigation Certificate. 6. Are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties? No, they aren’t. Only the amount within the customs allowance are exempted from customs duties. 7. How can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port? The captain needs to collect them and return them to the immigration officer. 8. Which certificate prescribes the general requirements or the function of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat on board? It is the Safety Radiotelephony Certificate. 9. Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? It is the International Load Line Certificate. 10. Which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed? It is the certificate of class. 11. If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments, how do you get them? I’ll contact the agent to recommend a good ship chandler to come on board, discuss the price , check the quality, make a deal with him. 12. What documents should you show when you go through the customs formalities? Captain’s Declaration, the Import Cargo Manifest, Last Port Clearance, Crew Lists, Crew Personal Articles Lists, Stores and Provisions List and so on. 13. Who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore? The immigration officer issues the shore passes to the crewmember wishing to go ashore.Chapter Three 1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor (a) The regular operations for anchor watch (b) Emergency handling in case of dragging (c) Conclusion The responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor are as follows: (1). The regular operations for anchor watch: (a) Check anchor position frequently. (b) Pay attention to the vessel’s surrounding and other vessel’s condition in the vicinity. (c) Pay attention to the weather condition. (2). In case of dragging, inform the master, inform harbor control and engine room and carry out emergency measures: veer out more chain on the anchor dropped or drop the second anchor, veer out good scope then weigh the first anchor. 2. Describe the proper way of using VHF. (a) How to operate VHF (b) General rules of using VHF; (C) Rules of using VHF Channel 16; Pick up the receiver and set the calling channel, then press the button on the receiver handle and speak. If the channel is not chosen, when turned on, the VHF will tune automatically to Channel 16. VHF should be used correctly and according to the Radio Regulations. The following in particular should be avoided: 1. Non-ess 2. Transmitting without co 3. Use of offensive language, Channel 16 may only be used for distress, urgency and very brief safety communications. For other communications, it should be conducted on a suitable working channel. 4. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port. 5. The preparat a) The preparations
b) The prepar Before arrival at a port, the following preparations should be made on the bridge: ETA sent to pilot station with all relevant information, including ship’s name, call sign, draft, speed, etc. Available port information and other navigational information should be consulted. All appropriate flag/light signals Large-scale charts for entering por Latest weather report and the information on tide, current should be available. Radio checked for b VHF channels for va pilot ladder should be r Pilot car All navigational equipment tested. Sufficient time must be given to the engine department before arrival. The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation, for example, the main engine, the steering gear and so on. The following preparations should be made from the deck: Ship’s crew on statio Mooring machinery tested, mooring lines, etc. A 3. Describe the procedures before leaving a port. a) The preparat b) The preparations
c) The prepar When the ship leaves a port, all department heads must be notified so they can make the necessary preparations. The officers should check the operations of cargo handling and get the papers involved ready. After communicate with the port authority, the third officer should test the navigational aids on the bridge and give unberthing notice to the engine room in advance. The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation and stand by engine. They should keep contact with bridge. On deck, the hands should prepare for undocking. They should check the cargo stowage and lashing and then close the hatch covers. At last, they should get ready for unmooring the lines fore and aft. 5. Describe the procedures of pilotage. (a) The general procedur (b) The preparations for (c) The genera When you want to enter a foreign port, normally you need a pilot. You should call the pilot station by VHF for the request. The ship’s particulars should be reported to the Pilot Station, such as the ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. ETA should be reported to the Pilot Station. After the radio request, you should make the following preparations. You should maneuver the ship and rig the pilot ladder according to the instructions of the pilot station. Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready. Put lights on at the pilot ladder at night. After the pilot’s boarding, you should lower the flag G and hoist the flag H. The captain and the pilot shall exchange information regarding navigation procedures, local conditions and the ship’s characteristics. The captain and the watch officer shall co-operate closely with the pilot and keep checking the ship’s position and movement. The master is in no way relieved of responsibility for the safe navigation of the vessel by the presence Answer the questions 1. Can you list at least three mooring lines? T T The The T T 2. What should you prepare before the pilot comes on board? I should inspect the state of the pilot ladder and r Put lights on Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready 3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? The maximum speed over the ground should be below 2 knots or 1.5 knots for full loading vessel. 4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? If a pilot is on board, what signal flag will be hoisted? When a vessel requires a pilot, signal flag G should be hoisted. (Signal letter Golf means I require s pilot) If a pilot is on board, signal flag H should be hoisted.(Signal letter Hotel means I have a pilot on board) 5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? Before arrival, the ship can get in touch with a port by VHF. 6. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for? ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. 7. What should be reported to the pilot station? ETA, Ship’s Particulars including ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. Last port of call, next port of call and destination. Cargo condition. 8. What should be confirmed from the pilot station? The following should be confirmed from the pilot station: 1. When and where the vessel shall meet the pilot. 2. On which side the pilot ladder should be rigged. 9. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report? The following information is requested to report: a. Ship’s name, call b. Ship’s position
c. Last port of
d. Cargo condition and any deficien 10. What does “foul anchor” mean? Foul anchor means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction. 11. If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report? I should reply: “stand by both engines” and report “both engines standing by” 12. Can you list three famous canals in the world? The three famous canals in the world are Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal 13. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say? I’ll say “standing by on channel 16” 14. How to rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication? When a mistake is made in a message, say: “Mistake ...” - followed by the word: “Correction ...” plus the corrected part of the message. Example: “My present speed is 14 knots mistake. Correction, my present speed is 12, one-two, knots.” 15. How to emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication? If any part of the message are considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding, say: “Repeat ...”- followed by the corresponding part of the message. Example: “My draft is 12.6 repeat one-two decimal 6 metres.” “Do not overtake - repeat - do not overtake.” 16. What does “abandon vessel” mean? Abandon vessel means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. 17. What does the abbreviation “ETD” stand for? The abbreviation “ETD” stands for “Estimated Time of Departure”. 18. What does “dredging an anchor” mean? Dredging an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel. 19. What does “underway” mean? Underway means a vessel which is not at anchor, or make fast to the shore, or aground. 20. What does “dragging of an anchor”, mean? Dragging of an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.Chapter Four 1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board. (a) The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo. (b) Precaution on loading and discharging. (c) Maintenance during the voyage. The chief officer should acquire some information about the dangerous cargo such as the packing, IMO classes and UN No, nature, compatibility, quantity, country of production and country of destination, notices on loading, care on board and discharging, During cargo handling, the ship should exhibit appropriate signal as requires. Sufficient protective equipment should be prepared. Emergency procedures should be getting ready. Always check the proper use of the handling gear. While loading: (1) Check the correct technical names in documents and correct marks. (2) Check the careful and safe stowage (3) Check the careful separation. While discharging: check the complete unloading When the ship is at sea, the condition of the dangerous cargo should be checked at regular intervals including the temperature and humidity. In addition, regular ventilation is necessary. 2. Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed spare. (1) The potential dangers in an enclosed space (2) The normal procedures (3) The important precaution There may be lack of oxygen or existence of flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors. So nobody should enter an enclosed space without taking some safety measures. Before entering an enclosed space, you need to always check the air, ventilate the space constantly and station a crew member at the entrance to keep in touch with the person entering. The person entering the space should put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus if necessary. 3. Describe the procedures of cargo stowage. (a) The acquisition of information about the (b) The principles and considerations
(c) The modifica The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo list should be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation, the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any. 4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board. (a) T (b) The actions following up according to the SOREP (c) The pre (1) Report to the bridge (2) The bridge should sound the oil spill alarm by whistle or by public address system. (3) All the crew should muster at their stations. (4) Take measures to fight against the spillage, prevent spilt oil from spreading and collect the spillage. (5) Report the spillage to the local pollution control. 5. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo. (a) General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage (b) Special consideratio The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo list should be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation, the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any. Answer the questions: 1. How many classes of dangerous cargoes are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some? According to the IMDG code, the dangerous cargoes are divided into 9 classes: Class 1: Explosives Class 2: Gases (compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure) Class 3: Flammable liquids Class 4: Flammable solids Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances Class 7: Radioactive material Class 8: Corrosives Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles 2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo? Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixture of liquids or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension which give off a flammable vapor at or below 61℃ in closed cup test. 3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo General cargo consists of a variety of goods and is packed separately 4. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo Bulk cargo consists of single cargo and is usually carried in loose without package 5. What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting? A canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of gain, rice and coffee, etc. 6. What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting? A chain sling is suitable for lifting logs and iron rails. 7. What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting? A net sling is suitable for lifting small packages and mail. 8. What does the abbreviation COW stand for? COW stands for “Crude Oil Washing” 9. What does “jettison of cargo” mean? Throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency 10. What does “compatibility of goods” mean? “Compatibility of goods” states whether different goods can be stowed together in one hold 11. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? SWL stands for Safe Working Load 12. What does “shifting cargo” mean? It means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by rolling or heavy list. 13. What does “union purchase” mean? A common method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the quay, the other over the hatchway 14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo? (1) The cargo gear should be ready for use. (2) The holds should be clean and dry (3) Sufficient dunnage materials should be prepared, such as planks and mats (4) The safety arrangements in the holds should be functional (5) Check the hold ventilators for damage 15. What cargo handling gear and equipment does our vessel have? Cranes and derricks 16. What can be used to remove spillage? Oil dispersants, oil absorbent and so on 17. What is the loading capacity of your vessel? The loading capacity of my vessel is 25 thousand tons. 18. What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Check to see if the enclosed space is deficient in oxygen and/or contain flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors. 19. Please list some cargo papers? Booking Note(托运单), Shipping Order(装货单), Mate’s Receipt(收货单), Bill of Lading(提单), Loading List(装货清单), Manifest(载货清单/ 舱单), Cargo Plan(货物配载图), Stowage Plan(货 物积载图) 20. What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space? When you enter an enclosed space, you must wear the protective clothing and breathing apparatus.Chapter Five 1. Describe the duties of watch keeping when underway. (a) General rules to watch keeping (b) Items to be checked and monitored each watch (c) Special attention for bridge watch keeping (1) Comply with the Rules of the Road and recommended traffic Separation schemes. (2) Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel. (3) Comply with the Company Standing Orders on use of radar. (4) Plot fixes as required on the appropriate chart (5) Operate the engine order telegraph or engine control and check engine room acknowledgements (6) Co-ordinate bridge-to-bridge, ship-to-shore and station-to-station communications (7) Other duties as prescribed by the captain. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The duties of watch-keeping when underway are as follows: General rules as to watch-keeping: (1) OOW should keep a proper lookout at all times (2) Observe the practices of good seamanship and comply with the Rules of the Road and recommended traffic separation schemes and other regulations. (3) Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel. Fix the vessel’s position and plot CPA, course and speed of take actions to avoid collision. (4) Obey all written and spoken orders of the master and standing orders. (5) OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be standing into danger and in various other situations (6) Record all require entries in the deck log, bell book and course recorder chart The following items should be checked and monitored: Steaming plan, required course, ship’
t potential hazards to navigation Special attention should be paid to the low
safety of the vessel and pollution prevention. 2. Describe the bridge shift change (a) The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch (b) The procedures for shift change (c) Special attention for shift change The relieving officer must go to the bridge about 15minutes in advance, because he must familiarize himself with the lights, surroundings and environment. When handing over a shift, the officer being relieved must tell the relieving officer clearly about the ship’s position, the ship’s surrounding and captain’s night’s orders. After that he should enter his shift’s items into the logbook. As the relieving officer, he should check ship’s surroundings, ship’s position, course and so on. Relieved officer should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out his duties effectively. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before taking over a bridge watch, the relieving officer must: (1) Confirm the ship’s present position (2) Discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch to determine the following a. Course being steered, both by gyro and magnetic compasses and track to be made b. Aids to navigation to be used during the watch and their condition c. Position and status of other vessel in the vicinity d. The proximity of the vessel’s track to potential hazards to navigation, such as shoals, e. Weather situation, etc. Procedures for shift change: (1) The watch officer must never leave the bridge until properly relieved by


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