谁有ios animationsios9 by tutorialss这本书

iOS Animations by Tutorials Updated for Xcode 7.3 - 推酷
iOS Animations by Tutorials Updated for Xcode 7.3
Another wild update appears! Today, we’re happy to announce that Marin Todorov has updated his popular book
for Xcode 7.3.
Xcode 7.3 has a few small changes to Swift – mostly minor syntax things – but we wanted to make sure that all the instructions work without any issues.
In addition to updating the book for Xcode 7.3, we’ve fixed some errata pointed out by readers – thanks all!
This is a free update for existing PDF customers. Here’s how you can get your copy:
If you’re an iOS Animations by Tutorials PDF customer, you can download the update for free on yourMy Loot page (version 2.1).
If you haven’t picked up a copy of iOS Animations by Tutorials yet,grab your copy now.
We’re hard at work updating the rest of our Swift books for Xcode 7.3 – stay tuned.
Marin and I hope you enjoy this update!
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与原文不一致Interview with Marin Todorov - Author of iOS Animations by Tutorials
has been writing code on Mac computers for 20+ years, starting with the Apple II! He is also one of the founding memebers of the
I recently had an opportunity to chat (via Skype) with Marin Todorov about his latest book: .
JM: Greetings Marin! Thanks for taking the time to chat with me about your book.
MT: Thanks very much for inviting me John – I’ve been reading your newsletters for the longest time.
JM: I recall the ah-ha moment when I decided to write a book on J2ME (way back in 2000), it was in the early days of mobile phones and when Sun announced Java for mobile devices, I knew that would be a huge turning point for developers. I’m always curious to learn more about how one came up with the idea for their book, can you share some history?
MT: The very first book I wrote came to life very naturally
Back in the year 2000 I was teaching Perl and there wasn’t any decent translated book my students could use so I was thinking that it’s gonna be cool to write one… Then one morning I read an article online that was destroying all existing Perl books saying they just weren’t good enough and that got me start writing by the end of the day, lol
MT: Since then I worked on a number of books with the
– and finally this year I had the courage to take on a whole book on my own again. I had the chance to write on a topic I really love and am very happy with the outcome.
JM: Do you have a published Perl book?
MT: Oh yes – I published with the biggest publisher back in Bulgaria in 2001 and used the book as a
in my courses at the university.
JM: Any chance you still program in Perl?
MT: No, not really
In fact I followed the perl6 development for a while and at the time I felt it isn’t going anywhere I switched to PHP.
JM: When you started your iOS animations book, were you immersed in writing animation code or was this an opportunity to dive head-first into the topic?
MT: I always loved creating animations.
They are such fun! Last year Ray Wenderlich hired me to research the animations topic and record a video series on animations . After we produced the video series I convinced him to also make a book after the series, which will delve into much more details and boost lots of extra content.
MT: I think it worked out – some people prefer watching videos, some prefer reading at their own pace. The feedback has been just amazing.
JM: Ah, very good, congratulations! The first few chapters of your animations book cover view animations with UIKit, including topics such as animatable properties of views and transitions. What I found very intriguing were keyframe animations. For those unfamiliar with keyframe animations, can you give the 30,000 foot explanation?
MT: View keyframe animations let you plan and run an elaborated compound animation made out of a number of small independent animations. For when simple is just not enough!
JM: Chapters 8-14 are all about layer animations, there are some very interesting and rather involved animations. Given I’ve lived most of my life in the frozen tundra, I have a fondness for your snowing animation :) There is an impressive collection of animations throughout the book. Were there times that it was difficult to come up with ideas for demonstrating concepts?
MT: Spot on question… I think good animation material is very difficult to produce because animations on their own aren’t all that interesting. You would often see tutorials online boosting a red square moving back and forth, which is a good example only in the very basic of cases.
MT: For the video series and the book, me and Ray wanted to have complete real life-like apps that would already resemble actual situation developers might find themselves in and would focus only on enriching those apps with animations.
JM: I’ve found that regardless of the medium (article, book, etc) coming up with relevant/interesting examples is really important. You and Ray have done a great job creating excellent code examples and projects. I really appreciate all the examples you’ve written, what I think would be really nice is a collection of playground files to allow easy access to tinker with code examples. What do you think?
MT: Oh yes – Ray is invaluable as an editor, he would read trough and give spot on feedback. He contributes a lot to the idea process.
MT: Playgrounds were on my idea list but animations were one of the areas they performed very poorly after their initial release so I gave up on that idea. I’m currently hard at work on a swift 2.0 update and I think right after that update is off to the presses I’ll play with Playgrounds some more.
JM: That’s good to hear! Speaking of 2.0, what are your thoughts about the progression of Swift?
MT: I seriously cannot be more happy with the direction Swift has taken. For me 1.0 was an alpha-quality release, and 1.2 made huge progress in direction I personally didn’t like. 2.0 is a spot-on release and I hope it will set the long-term direction for the language. I really like what they are doing with protocols, the introduction of proper error handling, the return of object oriented programming. I just love it.
JM: It’s been enjoyable to watch a language with such high visibility evolve. I look forward to programming in Swift for the long run…
JM: I would imagine working with Ray, publishing your videos, book and articles has opened many doors?
MT: Well I chose to stay a small indie developer so I didn’t need to do much name dropping. But yes – it certainly helps out to gain visibility and he’s an amazing partner in everything we do together. It’s been 5 years now we work together and I’m lucky to have met him.
JM: Goes to show, there certainly can be a career path as an independent, and it can look many different ways.
JM: Before we go, I want to let you know I’ve really enjoyed your book as well as your iOS animations newsletter! For those unfamiliar with the newsletter, please share a little more.
MT: Just as I felt I had more to tell people after I wrapped up the video series, I felt there were more topics I didn’t have time/space to fit in the book. That’s why at the release of iOS Animations by Tutorials I also announced a monthly newletter called .
Once a month I experiment with something interesting and create a post in a tutorial form so people can read trough and if they like the result can learn how to do it too. I also accompany that with the best animation related links I’ve found that month.
JM: You’ve done a nice job, I always look forward to the next issue!
JM: Just thought of one more question, outside of iOS work, any hobbies or other endeavors you like to pursue?
MT: I like being outdoors – last summer I walked on foot about 300km from Portugal to Santiago De Compostella in Spain on “el camino de santiago” – maybe you’ve heard of it?
JM: Not sure I have…
JM: The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela looks amazing!
MT: There was one thing I wanted to mention, as with all
books the updates are free. I wanted to mention that existing customers will get the swift 2.0 update + 3 new chapters free once the book update is released it’s one of our biggest selling points – we keep updating the content to the latest SDK for years.
JM: Certainly makes the investment well worthwhile!
JM: Thanks again Marin!
MT: Thanks so much.
Enter Drawing: iOS Animations by Tutorials
has kindly offered 2 copies of Marin’s book,
giveaway. Subscribe to the newsletter and you’re in the drawing!
Here is a list of the
on August, 28th.1419人阅读
这篇文章在书中的标题是App Thinning,这里我给翻译成了App 瘦身。
iPhone经过这几年的发展,已经发生了很大的变化,例如屏幕变得更加多样,尺寸更多,内存变得更大,CPU的架构也在变化。伴随着iPhone的变化,iOS也在变化,例如AutoLayout、size classes、split view controller等。这些技术及设备的变化给我在开发的过程中也造成了许多的问题,不仅如此苹果通过不断推出新的技术,努力在帮助我们使用同一套代码开发适应多个设备的Universal的App。另一方面Universal App虽然在开发的过程中,方便了我们开发人员,可是对于用户来说就不那么友好了,由于需要适配多种设备,所以里包含所有设备的代码,但真正的在运行的时候,我们并不需要那么多相关的代码及资源。
例如下面的一张图,是一个App运行在iPhone 6+上,使用的各个资源相关的情况:
上图中对勾标出来的是在iPhone 6+上真实运行的时候使用到的相关的资源及代码,对比有对勾的部分,更多的是没有被对勾标出来的部分。可以想象我们下载了一个App(前提这个App是Universal的),然后至少一半的代码及资源是我们不需要的,白白占用着我们的空间。这样对用户体验也不好。为了解决这个问题苹果在iOS 9给出了新的解决方案:
App Slicing 当你提交你的iOS 9 打包文件到App Store的时候,苹果编译你的资源和可执行文件,然后为每个设备生成一个特定的可执行文件。最终,设备只会下载适应与其特性的,并且它使用到的内容。这些特性包含显卡性能(原文单词:graphics capabilities)、内存级别、CPU架构、size classes、屏幕 scaling等。
On Demand Resouces 应用程序的资源只有在需要使用的时候才会下载,并且如果其他资源需要空间这些资源可以被移除。
Bitcode 在你提交App到App Store的时候,Bitcode可以作为中间产物一起提交。包含bitcode配置的程序将会在App store上被编译和链接。bitcode允许苹果在后期重新优化我们程序的二进制文件,而不需要我们重新提交一个新的版本到App store上。
这三个技术加起来,统一称为App Thinning。
Getting started
打开本章节的初始项目,然后选在iPad Air 2运行,这时候运行效果如下:
echo "App Size in KB:
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Debug" ]; then
在Finder的Old CA Maps点击右键,选择显示包内容,如下:
1. Assets.car是Assets.xcassets被Xcode进行编译后的文件。
2. Old CA Maps是真实运行在设备上的可执行文件。
3. Santa Cruz PNGs 这个是图片文件,但是没有被编译到Assets.car文件中,这是因为它并没有放到Assets.xcassets中,而是放到了工程的顶层文件中。
4. SD_Map.bundle 这个就是地图图片文件,但是将近120MB。
Measuring your work
Slicing up app slicing
App slicing包含两部分内容:可执行文件分片(Executable slicing)和资源分片(resource slicing)。
Executable slicing 指的是在设备下载App的时候会根据设备的相关信息只是下载对应该设备的相关的可执行文件,并不会包含其他设备及架构的可执行文件,达到App安装包的缩小。并且这个功能并不需要我们做太多,App Store默认支持的。
默认情况下提交到App Store的包是包含所有的内容的,这些都在配置文件里面,App Store会自动创建对应于每个类型的可执行文件。这个在iOS9+上支持。
Being smart with resources
Resource slicing 需要我们一小部分简单的工作就能实现。如果使用Resource slicing,则要保证我们的资源都被Asset Catalogs管理。在Xcode 7中,能够标记资源被使用设备的 Memory 和 Graphics ,如下:
Your first fix
在开始的时候介绍过Santa Cruz PNGs这个文件因为被放到Main bundle中,所以不能被编译进入到Assets.car,进而也不能使用Resource slicing。下面看一下我们怎么修改,使其能够使用:
选择New Image Set后,将新加入的set命名为Santa Cruz,紧接着做如下操作:
纠正一下 上图左边的内容应该是删除,包括在Finder内也应该删除
Lazily (down)loading content
苹果提供On-Demand Resources技术,简称ODR。ODR允许你将资源存储在苹果的服务器上,然后在你App使用的时候再去下载。NSBundleResourceRequest是处理ODR的类,使用这个类能够通过tag下载对应的资源。images, data, OpenGL shaders, SpriteKit Particles, Watchkit Complications等都可以使用ODR。
private func downloadAndDisplayMapOverlay() {
guard let bundleTitle = mapOverlayData?.bundleTitle else {
let bundleResource = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: [bundleTitle])
bundleResource.beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler { [weak self] (error) -& Void in
NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock({ () -& Void in
if error == nil {
如果你的App在App Store上可能这个资源文件下载的很慢。但是在开发的过程中,Xcode会利用本地网络作为服务器,然后在设备上能够下载到,所以在开发的过程中如果电脑关了,那ODR也就不能使用了。
Make it download faster
// add 为新添加的 ProgressView是程序已经添加上的
private func downloadAndDisplayMapOverlay() {
guard let bundleTitle = mapOverlayData?.bundleTitle else {
let bundleResource = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: [bundleTitle])
bundleResource.loadingPriority = NSBundleResourceRequestLoadingPriorityUrgent
loadingProgressView.observedProgress = bundleResource.progress // add
loadingProgressView.hidden = false // add
UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true // add
bundleResource.beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler { [weak self] (error) -& Void in
NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock({ () -& Void in
self?.loadingProgressView.hidden = true // add
UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false // add
if error == nil {
虽然添加了ProgressView,在体验是好了一点,但是需要注意测试的时候是使用的本地的网络,所以比较快,但是如果要是提交到App Store上,那可能下载就是比较慢了,如果再配上用户没有WiFi那可能就没法用了,所以我们还需要做其他的一些调整。
使用Initial install tags,我们可以设置哪些bundle会在我们App初始化安装的时候就会被下载。 下面下介绍一下ODR三种下载的时机吧:
* Initial Install Tags 在ipa下载的时候一同下载
* Prefetched Tag Order 在程序下载完成后,下载对应的资源,然后按顺序排列。
* Prefetched Tag Order 按需下载
Purging content
Set a resource to be purged
// new add 是新加的代码
var overlayBundleResource: NSBundleResourceRequest? // new add
private func downloadAndDisplayMapOverlay() {
guard let bundleTitle = mapOverlayData?.bundleTitle else {
let bundleResource = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: [bundleTitle])
overlayBundleResource = bundleResource // new add
bundleResource.loadingPriority = NSBundleResourceRequestLoadingPriorityUrgent
loadingProgressView.observedProgress = bundleResource.progress // add
loadingProgressView.hidden = false // add
UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = true // add
bundleResource.beginAccessingResourcesWithCompletionHandler { [weak self] (error) -& Void in
NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock({ () -& Void in
self?.loadingProgressView.hidden = true // add
UIApplication.sharedApplication().networkActivityIndicatorVisible = false // add
if error == nil {
// new add
override func viewDidDisappear(animated: Bool) {
// 告诉系统结束了对资源的访问
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