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网络视听许可证Company of Heroes 2
Company of Heroes 2
Global Achievements
Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
Lelic's servers are currently unavailable, someone have this too? :D
General Discussions
WHY Age Of Empire ?
hello everyone , i want to know the reason for the relic team to go develope Age of empire 4 ?
I love Age of empire 3 ect but wtf ?
Relic you are the best developer team for world war 2 game strategic and now you go develope the??????of Age of empire ...
General Discussions
83 ratings
How long until we are all labeled Nazis?
Due to crazyness from the left in America recently how long until we are all labeled Nazis because we like to play WWII games as Germans and would prefer accurate representations of German forces to include the swastika?
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Workshop Item
56 ratings
Double Squad Size&
Workshop Item
40 ratings
Double LOS & RANGE&
Stalingrad Hell 1942&
? Battle of Stalingrad
? - Nazi Germany vs The Soviet Union [HD Colour]&
? The Downfall 1945 ? - Nazi Germany vs The Soviet Union [HD Colour]&
Best strategy campaign ever
finally someone potrayed the war crimes the Stalin regime comitted, playing finally a true! Russian war hero was quiet refreshing. 10/10
General Discussions
Flak88 - North Africa 1942&
Battle of The Bulge 1944&
Oberkommando West (OKW) - Einsteigerguide: Einheitenanalyse, Tipps und Strategien (Leicht, Normal)
In diesem Guide werde ich die Einheiten des Oberkommando West (OKW) vorstellen. Dabei gehe ich auf ihre jeweiligen Schw?chen, St?rken, Ausrüstungen sowie auf deren individuelle F?higkeiten ein. Vorran geht eine Analyse der einzelnen Kommandanten.
26 ratings
burn baby&
? Battle of Moscow 1941 ? - Nazi Germany vs The Soviet Union [HD Colour]&
Workshop Item
Rule Britannia&
flame ducks&
Workshop Item
(4) Motorway 66&
Company of Heroes 2 Four Panzergrenadier Squad Wipe&
6 of 6 people (100%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
148.1 hrs on record
After playing over 100 hours I feel like I got enough of a grasp on this game and wether I could recommend it or not. Please keep in mind that I'm not a native english speaker and typos could happen.So, do I recommend this game to you? In short: Yes! In long: Kinda.Obviously the game belongs to the strategy-genre, but in comparison to most other strategic games, like for example Age of Empires II, Age of Mythology, Sid Meier's Civilization V it's a lot more fast paced, without the need of putting so much time into building and for example advancing to the next age. There is also not as much economical strategies involved, as in most other strategy games I've played so far. The game is mostly built around fighting strategies, and countering enemies, and of course map control, since the main part of your economical ressources is conquering rally points. I won't go too much into detail with the campaign mode, since for me, most of the strategy games will sooner or later end with me playing in multiplayer. The campaign is nicely made and you can learn a bit about history and interesting things like for example the russian order 227, which basically meant that every retreating soldier should be shot by his own men.Anyways, now let's go onto the bad parts about this game: It is basically a grindfest to get a new commander. Those commanders mean different tactics and more variation for your playstyle, and while you obviously don't mean them, they do make the game more fun, because they increase replay value. You can obviously by those commanders with real money, but I bought the game already, including all of it's DLC, which are needed for more campaign missions and most importantly a whole new fraction (Oberkommando West). Grinding is too much, because for each lootdrop you need to win three times and most games take around 40 minutes. While that wouldn't be a problem, most drops are ugly skins, bad minor skillincreases for units, if you are lucky 500 gold, and if you are really lucky a commander. In my 140 hours of playtime I got exactly one commander, so good luck with that. You can also buy them with gold, but they cost around 10k-15k.So let's summarize this:Pros:- Fast-paced- Interesting setting- Light focus on economy- Lots of different units with different strengths and weaknesses- Different factions with different playstyles- Well made PvE- PvP (if you like)- Nicely done campaignCons:- Lots of micromanagement (I personally don't see this as a flaw, but it can be sometimes annoying)- Too much of a grind- Too much microtransactionsAs you can see, most of the cons aren't about the gameplay itself, but rather the developers policy, and while I am not one to hate on DLC, I do consider the grind to be a bit too hefty.
150 products in account
Workshop Item
WrongWayToCross (2-8)&
Company of Heroes 2 - Big Game Hunter&
Начну с того,что сие руководство созданно игроком среднего уровня для таких же игроков(9-12 ранги).
(Ветераны,ухадыте,плес,у вас и так есть свои стратегии,не нужно меня обсирать.)
От вас потребуется лишь немного микроконтроля и тщательная экономия юнит&
The turtle strategy - guide to win as Axis in hopeless situations
The turtle strategy - guide to win as Axis in hopeless situations
Mainly for 3vs3 and 4vs4 Ostheer/ OKW
8 of 12 people (67%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
Not Recommended
6.7 hrs on record
Do not buy any game (particularly strategy games) published by Sega unless you are prepared to pay an additional two to three times the base price of the game in DLC and microtransactions before you have what can be qualified as an entire game.
1,226 products in account
5 of 7 people (71%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
Not Recommended
27.6 hrs on record
Enjoyable except the fact that the DLC that actually add content to the game cost $60.And if you want actual stuff there's $300+ of ingame purchases.I would be will to pay up to $25 for the entire game with all the DLC(I did buy it for close to this price, it was on sale)And MAYBE $60 for it all including the content of the ingame purchases.
59 products in account
Beginners Guide:Tanks And Their Roles On The CoH 2
Hello everyone! I'm James and today I'll teach beginners all tanks in CoH 2 and their roles on the battlefield! I hope you'll enjoy!
There's a guide named 'Tank Warfare' made by Jaman/Avarian and the co-owner of it was me. This isn't a fa...&
Balance Preview Canned
Planned fall balance preview has been &put on hold indefintely due to unforeseen circumstances&. Is this the end of support for CoH2?
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No more content. So sad.
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View mobile websitedota2 日登录不上去怎么办?
& & dota2 年7月29日登录不上去怎么办?2官方宣布今天部分玩家将不能正常游戏,很多玩家都抱怨无法连接至dota2,或者进去之后不能正常匹配,下面给大家分享原因以及解决办法。
& & 今天是由于服务器的原因导致大家不能正常游戏,大家只需要等待一下即可。
& & 7月29日dota2网络异常公告
& & 亲爱的玩家:
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