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《Flappy Birds Family》登陆亚马逊平台_97973手游网_iOS游戏频道
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《Flappy Birds Family》登陆亚马逊平台
日 14:00& &来源:
  《Flappy Bird》近日推出续作《Flappy Birds Family》了!但登陆的平台并不是App Store 或是Google Play,而是亚马逊旗下的Andr​​oid App 平台Amazon Appstore。
Flappy Birds Family
Flappy Birds Family
Flappy Birds Family
Flappy Birds Family
Flappy Birds Family
  《Flappy Birds Family》是由当初发行《Flappy Bird》的独立游戏开发商.GEARS 所发行,玩家可以操纵Flappy Birds 的各个家族成员进行游戏。除此之外,游戏也多了恼人的鬼魂阻挡玩家去路,增添游戏难度。
  值得注意的是,《Flappy Birds Family》还内建PVP 模式,让两名玩家可以彼此较劲分数高低。然而根据目前商品页面的资讯,本作并不支持HTC One M8、Nexus 系列手机,甚至是Amazon 自家的Fire Phone,估计应是专门设计给电视机上盒Amazon Fire TV 游玩的游戏软件。
  《Flappy Birds Family》目前仅在Amazon Appstore,采免费下载制营运,未来尚不确定是否会登陆App Store 或Google Play 平台。
Copyright ©
SINA Corporation, All Rights ReservedFlappy Bird重返人间 迎接它的还会是半年前的热情吗?_爱活网 Evolife.cn
额 楼下福建的公牛员工 好努力
A编-0- 又去大法总部圣地巡礼了~~
震动棒 /滑稽脸
Flappy Bird重返人间 迎接它的还会是半年前的热情吗?
&我是一只小小小小鸟,想要飞却怎么样也飞不高&这句歌词拿来形容《Flappy Bird》简直再合适不过了&&一只简陋的翅膀还没发育完全的鸟,努力地设法通过扑腾和重力钻过绿色的水管障碍,在年初意外地突然走红,导致其作者心理压力过大而从商店里撤下游戏。半年之后,这只鸟回来了,还是那个身体状况,不过多了一个同伴,也多了很多障碍。
阮哈东成立的.Gears工作室在上周末上架了《Flappy Birds Family》,但既非iOS的app store也不是Google Play,而是亚马逊的Appstore for Android,游戏为免费下载。这个版本兼容亚马逊的Fire TV平台,新增了漂浮的障碍物,并加入了二人竞赛模式,操作方式也从触碰触摸屏变成了按下手柄按键。
今年5月份时阮哈东称会让Flappy Birds重见天日,但没有说明他准备在哪个平台这么做。这个游戏的火爆是因为社交网络的病毒式传播,以亚马逊的生态系统条件,它还会有那个机会重现年初时的盛况,让阮哈东日进斗金吗?就算它回到iOS这样的大平台上,恐怕兴趣早已转移的大众也不会再去吃回头草了。
(编辑:X91)每日观察:关注《Flappy Birds》日常收益等消息(2.7)
发布时间: 10:57:51
该公司联合创始人兼首席执行官Sagi Schliesser表示他们2014年底的目标是实现5亿次下载量,公司过去每月发布6款游戏,目前每月发布10款游戏,到2014年底预计每月发布16-18款游戏。
tabtale_logo(from mobile.pro)
3)据The Verge报道,手机游戏公司Nguyen日前透露旗下热门游戏《Flappy Birds》日常收益达5万美元,值得注意的是,其收益来源仅仅是广告(并且是典型的旧式应用内置广告)而已。该游戏并没采用任何IAP机制,也没有推出付费版本,甚至没有交叉推广其他开发者的游戏。
Flappy Bird(from mashable.com)
4)据insidemobileapps报道,Insomniac Games日前宣布关闭Facebook游戏《Outernauts》,截止日,该游戏月活跃用户仅为11.4万。据AppData数据显示,这款游戏仅在上线最初几周增加了用户,之前的MAU为8.7万。
Outernauts(from insidemobileapps)
6)Canalys最近分析报告显示,Windows Phone是目前运行速度最快的智能手机操作系统,自2012年第四季度以来采用Windows Phone操作系统的智能手机出货量增长了69%。
lumia1020(from pocketgamer)
7)据pocketgamer报道,Zynga最近以5.27亿美元(3.91亿美元外加3980万美元的股份)收购了英国工作室NaturalMotion,该公司首席执行官Don Mattrick表示,他们相信这两者的结合是一个正确的选择,并表示NaturalMotion的资产十分符合Zynga的战略方向。
zynga-naturalmotion-acquisition(from calvinayre.com)
NaturalMotion执游戏分别是《CSR Racing》和《My Horse》,最近发布的《Clumsy Ninja》还曾经在2012年苹果iPhone 5发布会上获得推荐。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
1)TabTale hits 300M downloads, 25M MAU
Jon Robinson
Israeli publisher TabTale announced today some astonishing numbers, as their games and educational apps have not only hit the 300M download mark worldwide, but the company also boasts 25M monthly active users. What makes the numbers so staggering is the fact that back in December 2012, TabTale had only 20M downloads across all of its apps, so today’s announcement marks a 1,500% rise, while also boosting the company into the Top 10 of global publishing giants in terms of download volume.
When asked about what he attributes to his company’s growth, Sagi Schliesser, TabTale’s co-founder and CEO simply said: “In a lot of cases, it boils down to consistency, ambition, and a lot of luck. We had the vision in the beginning that allowed us to be successful, and after building a great team, we rose our initial success to build a community, and this led to more and more people downloading our titles.”
TabTale’s games really started to takeoff when they started releasing games in the “baby” genre, like Baby Care & Dress Up, Babies & Puppies, Baby Arts & Crafts, and Baby Doctor. So while adults might not know the brand, good money can be bet that you know a child who has the company’s games loaded on their tablet.
“The baby games found much more success than the games we had released before,” says Schliesser. “Everybody understood that there was something good about the character, the audience liked it, so we leveraged our platform in such a way that we made a monthly release, making our dreams of fast releases a reality.”
TabTale hopes to find similar success in its new venture for 2014 with their Crazy Labs publishing brand, as it aims new titles toward the teenage market like Disky, a game Schliesser describes as a mix between Tron and Air Hockey.
These are games Schliesser sees as instrumental as TabTale continues to climb its way up the charts in hopes of reaching their internal goal for 2014.
Says Schliesser: “Our goal for the end of 2014 is to reach 500 million … half a billion downloads.
“We used to release 6 titles a month, we’ve now moved to 10 titles a month, and by the end of 2014 we’ll reach between 16-18 titles per month, each targeting different groups, from casual games for kids to casual games for the general population.”(source:)
2)Mobile publisher DeNA’s earnings continue to dip
By Mike Rose
Japanese mobile giant DeNA today released its third quarter fiscal report, recording a decrease in both revenues and profits, and continuing an ongoing drop in earnings for the company.
DeNA said that consumption of MobaCoins (the company’s in-game currency) is still on the decline, decreased by 9 percent quarter-over-quarter.
As a result, for the quarter ended December 31, 2013, DeNA posted revenues of 41.7 billion yen ($410.7 million), down 30 percent year-over-year, and profits of 7.7 billion yen ($75.9 million), down 35 percent.(source:)
3)Flappy Bird creator reveals how much he’s making, and it’s a lot
By Jim Squires
We still don’t really know how Flappy Bird went from obscurity to celebrity seemingly overnight – the number of theories I’ve read this week would put the JFK conspiracy to shame.
Beyond that, though, there’s been another question we’ve quietly been pondering. Has the game’s instant notoriety translated into any real cash for creator Dong Nguyen?
It has, it turns out. And it’s a lot.
In an interview with The Verge, Nguyen has revealed that the game has been raking in $50,000 a day. How? Advertising. Just… advertising. Flappy Bird has no in-app purchases, no premium version – it doesn’t even cross-promote the developers other titles. Every single dollar that Flappy Bird has made has come from classic, old school, relatively crude in-app advertising.
And it’s working really well.
Before you get too happy for Nguyen, the folks at Kotaku have a rather sobering observation about this: if he can keep things up at this pace, Nguyen stands to make $18 million a year from a game that seems to have “borrowed” its assets pretty liberally from Nintendo’s Mario franchise. The pipes players navigate are a dead ringer for the pipes in the Mushroom Kingdom, and even the “you’ve earned a point!” sounds exactly like the sound you hear in Mario games when you collect a coin.
With this kind of money at stake, is it time for Nintendo to lawyer up? (source:gamezebo)http://www.gamezebo.com/news//flappy-bird-creator-reveals-how-much-he’s-making-and-it’s-lot
4)Insomniac Games shutters Outernauts on Facebook
Brandy Shaul
Insomniac Games has announced the closure of Outernauts on Facebook, and a progression of the franchise to other devices. The game saw players exploring planets in outer space, and had just 114,000 monthly active users (MAU) on January 31, its last day of operation. According to our app tracking service AppData, Outernauts had actually gained users in recent weeks, starting the year with 87,000 MAU.
In an email to players, Insomniac announced the development of Outernauts for mobile devices, starting with a release on iOS this Spring. “This is a re-imagined version of Outernauts built specifically for quick, satisfying play sessions,” reads a company statement. “It retains the core of what you love from Outernauts on Facebook.”
In addition, Outernauts’ Facebook players are promised rewards in the mobile version of the game at launch. Facebook players will be emailed a code for redemption within the mobile game, with rewards coming in the form of both exclusive “vanity” items as well as Star Gems.
The statement continues: “From everyone at Insomniac Games, thank you. We hope you’ve enjoyed your time in Outernauts on Facebook. We know we loved making it. We’ll hope to see you Tame the Galaxy on your mobile device or tablet.”(source:)
5)Developer Economics Q1 2014: State of the Developer Nation
The 6th edition of our ongoing Developer Economics series presents the latest trends in app development, based on our survey of over 7,000 developers. The report features in-depth analysis and insights into the key issues in the app economy, including platform prioritisation, going beyond tablets, trending revenue models, and making the right choices in developer tools.
The State of the Developer Nation report contains data and insights on the leading mobile platforms (Android, BlackBerry 10, HTML5, iOS, Windows Phone and Windows 8), comparing them across key metrics, such as Developer Mindshare, revenue opportunities, prioritisation across regions, adoption criteria, use of third-party tools, and most popular app revenue models.
Sample insights:
Android continues to dominate Developer Mindshare with 71% of developers that target mobile platforms developing for Android.
37% of mobile developers use HTML5 as a platform, i.e. to develop mobile websites, or web-apps.
iOS commands the most loyal developers with 59% of developers that target iOS prioritising it over any other platform.
Tablets attract 83% of app developers but just 12% of developers target tablets as their primary development screen.
60% of developers are below the “app poverty line”, i.e. earn less than $500 per app per month, according to the latest Developer Economics survey.
Contract development is now the most popular revenue model, with 26% of app developers now developing apps on commission.(source:)
6)Windows Phone is the fastest growing mobile OS
by Chris Kerr
Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system is now the fastest growing smartphone platform according to the latest stats from independent analyst group, Canalys.
Data collected by the firm has revealed that shipments of smartphones running the Windows Phone operating system have increased by 69 percent since Q4 2012 – a figure that puts it some distance ahead of its competitors in terms of growth.
Rotten Apple?
Shipments of Android smartphones have also dramatically increased, rising by 54 percent during the same period.
The good news doesn’t stop there though, as it was revealed that Google’s OS accounted for 80 percent of the roughly 1 billion smartphones shipped throughout 2013.
Nokia’s flagship Windows Phone, the Lumia 1020
Apple, on the other hand, failed to reach new heights, with the firm’s share of smartphone shipments falling from 20 percent in 2012, to 15 percent in 2013, and iOS shipments only increasing by 7 percent .
Imperative momentum
Canalys analyst, Jingwen Wang, has stated that Microsoft doesn’t have time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of its labours just yet, suggesting that the firm must ignore distractions, and continue to propel Windows Phone forward.
“Microsoft has much to do if it is to continue carving out a growing share of the smart phone market, not least driving the platform down to new entry-level price points,” said Wang.
“It cannot afford lengthy delays or distractions, and the combined Windows Phone devices team needs to hit the ground running.”(source:)
7)Zynga acquires NaturalMotion for $527 million
by Keith Andrew
Zynga has acquired Oxford-based NaturalMotion for $527 million, with the social giant making its first major move in the market since former Microsoft man Don Mattrick took charge.
The announcement – made via Zynga’s latest quarterly results – reveals the social giant paid $391 million in cash for the UK outfit, plus around 39.8 million shares.
“We believe that bringing Zynga and NaturalMotion together is the right step at the right time,” detailed Mattrick.
“Our acquisition of NaturalMotion will allow us to significantly expand our creative pipeline, accelerate our mobile growth and bring next-generation technology and tools to Zynga that we believe will fast track our ability to deliver more hit games.”
No clumsy move
Zynga claims NaturalMotion’s portfolio “aligns perfectly” with the firm’s strategy, handing Zynga “five top brands and capabilities in the farm, casino, words, racing and people categories.”
“We are confident that we will build upon our market position with complementary strengths to generate long term value for our consumers, our employees and our shareholders,” concluded Mattrick.
NaturalMotion is best known for CSR Racing and My Horse, with the firm’s most recent release – Clumsy Ninja – having originally featured in Apple’s iPhone 5 unveiling back in 2012.(source:)
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近日,一款名为《Flappy Bird》风靡全球,超级简单的玩法,非常复古的画面,让人发狂的游戏难度不知为何成为全世界手游玩家的宠儿。而随着《Flappy Bird》被作者下架 ,仿佛一下子生活少了些什么,但N个山寨系列作品一时喷涌而出,成为了IOS及安卓平台热门游戏作品。
而在中国手游市场更是与世界接轨,几款山寨作品以及《Flappy Bird》原作者的其它几款类似游戏,下载排名及受关注程度不断爬升。
Fluffy vs Flappy birds
Fly Birdie
从上面几个近似游戏的排名情况来看有着很多相似的地方,首先这些游戏上线时间都是在《Flappy Bird》火爆的几天内开始上线的,而另一方面当《Flappy Bird》下架后,这些游戏都不出意外的大幅提升了应用下载排行。
特别是《Fly Birdie》,在小鸟被下架后的两天内夺得了世界多个国家和地区的Appstore免费下载排行榜首。其实包括小鸟在内的多款游戏,游戏大小都在1M左右,游戏方式都极为简单,但极为坑爹的难度让很多喜欢挑战刺激的玩家为之发狂,这也是此类游戏会火爆的原因之一。
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Fluffy vs Flappy birds苹果iphone版怎么玩
  在之前有一款非常火的flappybirds手机下架了,但是乘着这类游戏的热潮,另一个款像素鸟的替代品出现了,那就是,接下来我要给大家带来的是Fluffy vs Flappy birds苹果iphone版怎么玩。
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