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& 绵阳NO.99CLUB附近最近酒店
478 家酒店
【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.28公里 】涪城区绵阳涪城区文泉尚座一单元2001
&起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳丽加连锁酒店是一家经济型酒店,位于剑南路7号金色时代广场,临近市中心。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.32公里 】涪城区剑南路7号金色时代广场
&起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳家禾商务酒店是一家经济型酒店,位于成绵路,临近成绵路小学。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.50公里 】涪城区成绵路35号
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.52公里 】涪城区成绵路132号
&起可礼品卡支付已订完【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.53公里 】绵阳涪城区成绵路
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.55公里 】绵阳涪城区成绵路130号(中医院住院部斜对面)
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.56公里 】绵阳市涪城区福安巷14号
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.56公里 】绵阳市涪城区福安巷2-6号
&起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳新涪城酒店位于四川省绵阳市涪城路,宾馆环境幽雅、地理位置优越,是一家集住宿、娱乐、茶楼于一体的商务型酒店。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.59公里 】涪城区涪城路113号
最新预订:2小时前&起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳高尔夫休闲酒店座落于绵阳市繁华商业区,与开放式公园隔街相望,环境宜人,交通便捷。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">品质保障【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.61公里 】涪城区临园路东段54号(成都人民商场旁) 浪漫情侣 &起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳京九(观光)宾馆是一家商务型酒店,位于享有绵阳第一商务楼和第二高楼美誉的临园商务大厦100米之上高空(29F-30F)。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.62公里 】涪城区临园商务大厦29-30楼 浪漫情侣 最新预订:45分钟前&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.62公里 】绵阳涪城区临园路东段泗水巷海赋外滩一栋
&起【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.64公里 】绵阳涪城区临园东路富临大都会68号
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.65公里 】绵阳涪城区临园东路68号富临大都会
&起可礼品卡支付已订完<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳越王酒店座落于美丽的涪江河畔,左毗富乐山,右邻越王楼 ,环境优美,交通便捷。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.65公里 】游仙区剑南路东段292—294号
&起<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳高尔夫会所酒店是一家商务型酒店,位于绵阳市临园路,近成都人民商场。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.68公里 】涪城区临园路东段54号
最新预订:42分钟前&起低价房即将售完<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'怡家连锁酒店(绵阳铁牛广场店)是一家商务型酒店,地处涪城路与临园路东段的交叉路口,位于繁华的商业中心地段,紧邻铁牛广场,闹中取静。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.69公里 】涪城区临园路东段40号金三角大厦
最新预订:1小时前&起可礼品卡支付<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵州酒店位于享有“天蓝、地绿、水清、人和”美誉的西部科技城——绵阳市市中心,座落于市中心繁华商业区,地势优越、环境宜人、综合配套设施完善;与川西北第一公园隔街相望,距汽车中心站2公里。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">品质保障【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.71公里 】临园路东段62号 休闲度假商务出行 最新预订:20分钟前&起可礼品卡支付低价房即将售完【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.72公里 】涪城区成绵西路西段靠富乐路口处
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.73公里 】涪城区临园路东段68号富临大都会5栋2单元4楼1号
最新预订:15小时前&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.73公里 】临园口绵阳商场二楼
&起<span class="icon_desc_text" data-params="{'options':{'type':'jmp_table','template':'$jmp_table','content':{'txt':'绵阳E88酒店位于涪城区临园路东段,房间设施齐全,舒适卫生,地理位置优越,交通便利。'},'classNames':{'boxType':'jmp_table'},'css':{'maxWidth':500},'group':'hotelDesc'}}" data-role="jmp">【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.73公里 】涪城区临园路东段附49号
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.74公里 】涪城区临园路东段41-43号二楼
&起可礼品卡支付【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.75公里 】涪城区福安巷16-3号
&起【 距离NO.99CLUB的直线距离为0.75公里 】涪城区临园路东段30号
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"住着挺方便,房间满干净~""很不错,服务周到,离成绵小学特别近""床太舒服了 就是灰尘太多""还可以,还可以再优惠下就更好了""位置还是挺好找的,只是牌子有点小要多注意,就在中医院住院部右斜对面。但是,这真的是有史以来第一次遇到房间有蟑螂,还不只一只,太晚不想换。凑合住了。介意的人多斟酌。沐浴露感觉怪怪的味道。希望店家多改进一下吧""设施齐全,交通便利,老板态度不错,不过卫生一般,洗手池有上个顾客的头发什么的,马桶没有盖,对面修房有点吵"
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Tory aides have put together the dirty dossier which includes the specific details of the accusations. One MP is said to be 'handsy with women at parties', another 'perpetually intoxicated and very inappropriate with women', one minister was said to have had 'sexual relations with a researcher' and another 'paid a woman to be quiet'. The list includes two serving Cabinet ministers who are accused of inappropriate behaviour towards women and 18 ministers facing allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour. While another 12 MPs are accused of behaving inappropriately towards female researchers and four alleged to have behaved inappropriately towards male researchers.
Maryland woman Marisa Harris, 22, was killed on Saturday afternoon in Virginia after an unidentified 12-year-old boy threw himself off an overpass and landed on her vehicle.
Click through today in pictures
When Rowan Atkinson's daughter, Lily, launched her career as a burlesque dancer two years ago, it was not just her sultry vocals and racy outfits that attracted interest, but her father's surname.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai had said the company will 'drop everything' after it was pointed out that the Google cheeseburger emoji placed its cheese below the patty.
As some London cafes introduce Adaptogen lattes onto their menu, FEMAIL uncovered how products made from the group of plants can be used to reduce stress and enhance your sex life.
The Adam Smith Institute said the 'damaging' tax - which raised ?11.7billion last year - stopped Britons moving jobs and kept them in houses too large for their needs.
The Chancellor is facing a barrage of demands for extra cash in next month's Budget, including more funding for the NHS, pay rises for public servants, and easing the burden for students.
Speaking to The Sun, the 58-year-old explained he had fainted due to 'low blood pressure', and vowed to start 'taking good care of himself' from now, for the sake of his son Eric, three.
Sheridan Voysey (pictured), 45, was diagnosed as infertile after he and his wife spent large sums on fertility treatments. He spoke about how being childless has affected his identity.
Anti-ageing is not just about the skincare products you lather on your face and body, there are many foods that can slow the ageing process too.
Broken filters can cost more than ?1,000 to replace so drivers are removing them for a fraction of the price, with 1,800 cars caught without the filter since 2014.
Most of the UK woke up to the first frost of the season this morning as rural temperatures fell below zero - but the cold snap is not expected to last long, with milder conditions returning later in the week.
William Nicholson, from Darlington, County Durham, was sentenced to six years at a young offenders institute after being found guilty of raping a school girl.
In remarks sure to raise eyebrows, screenwriter Peter Morgan has insisted the monarch 'would have much preferred looking after her dogs and breeding horses to being queen'.
To reduce the signs of ageing without cosmetic intervention, UK hair colourist Jo Hansford MBE advises choosing the right hair colour. She gave an insight into achieving the best natural look.
Mickael Chemloul, who was the shamed movie mogul's
chauffeur in Cannes, said he was 'sick' in 2008 and by 2013 had become a 'very sick man'
It's more bad news for the company that's had projects cancelled and that faces an uncertain financial future after movie mogul was accused of rape, assault and harassment over decades.
Radio 5 Live commentator George Riley has already been suspended and it has now emerged another unnamed senior broadcaster is being investigated over claims he kissed a woman.
Her demand comes as she racks up extensive legal bills as she continues her bitter divorce battle with estranged husband Stephen Belafonte.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline on condition of anonymity, one of Mr Puigdemont's bodyguards confirmed that the sacked president is intending to go to work in Barcelona tomorrow.
Armed police arrested a man waiting to board an Emirates flight to Dubai at Manchester Airport today.
This week Nadya Fairweather reveals how the 'hollow body hold' can help to tone your tummy. Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson also gives her diet advice for banishing bloating.
Matthew Chapman, from Lincoln, can only communicate using his eyes - the only part of his body that he can move freely. Doctors say he has SWAN - Syndrome Without A Name.
Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman made the comments during a discussion of the controversial letter Tory MP Chris Heaton-Harris sent to universities last week.
Some students fear that free debate on Brexit is being 'shut down' by pro-Remain lecturers. They include undergraduates studying degrees which often deal with the subject directly.
George Todd, 66, from Fife, the father of Sonya Todd who was battered to death with a dog chain by violent David Craigie (pictured) has urged the killer's new partner to 'get out' of the relationship.
The Eurasian lynx, escaped from
Borth Wild Animal Kingdom, near Aberystwyth, some time over the past five days and could attack members of the public if threatened.
Staff at supermarkets across Britain have been warned to watch out for customers who appear nervous and avoid communication or seem uninterested in safety advice.
Larger-than-life actor Brian Blessed's new book reveals his deep love for animals. In the first part of our serialisation on Saturday, he told how he 'adopted' an orphaned baby orangutan.
They said women are being misled into thinking pregnancy is more straightforward past the age of 35 than it is, in reports that 'glamorise' being an older mother - without mentioning risks.
A study of the health records of nearly 80,000 women lends support to the idea that infertility could be 'a harbinger' of hormonal problems that increase the chances of dying.
New data from Salmon and Trout Conservation Scotland names farms where recommended levels of sea lice, a parasite that can cause infection and death, have been breached.
The Voice star Paul Black has spoken about the loss of little Pearl - and how he and his wife Gemma are slowly attempting to rebuild their lives after the tragedy that touched everybody's hearts.
The Prime Minister is said to be given a regular 'ins and outs' briefing which covers which politicians are having affairs, sleeping with prostitutes and taking drugs.
Theresa May has ordered an inquiry into whether Mark Garnier breached ministerial conduct rules. It follows allegations the 54-year-old father of three asked his assistant to buy two vibrators.
Mr Gove has nothing to apologise for. Indeed, I think he should tell even more jokes, no matter how tasteless. After all, there's one thing the Left hate more than anything else - seeing others laughing.
Isn't it time we all grew up? The Government is engaged in Brexit and the most important negotiations in our lifetime. That is what it should be concentrating on.
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SPONSORED. The main Assassin's Creed franchise may have taken a year off, but it's back in a big way in 2017.
The UK's biggest card sellers have seen an increase of sales for 50th birthdays that surpasses those of 21st. Claudia Connell suggested five fiftieth ideas for celebrating the milestone.
ISIS terrorists pushed from one urban stronghold after another in Syria, have been moving deeper into Syria's remote desert where they can regroup.
Tajamal Amar, 46, who fled Pakistan to escape violence, suffered a broken nose and several lacerations to the head and body after being knocked out cold outside a fast food restaurant.
In the past three years the number of managers employed in England has increased 11 per cent, while the number of nurses and midwives has risen by just 1.6 per cent, new research has found.
Paramedics rushed to the scene and treated the seriously injured woman in an ambulance but were unable to save her life. She was pronounced dead at around 10.10 am.
When you're crossing the road and suddenly you hear Radio 2 booming at full blast, you'd better get out of the way . . . that's the warning sound of me in my marvellous new car, writes BIGGINS.
Tom Brake, Lib Dem MP said it would have been unlawful to impose a requirement for the material used to be British in the renovation of Big Ben's clock tower in London.
Egyptian national Gamal Demian, 51, (pictured) who is also mute, claims he can not watch television or communicate with other inmates.
A judge ruled that Thomas Girmay, 34, was no longer a 'danger' to the public despite being sentenced to more than 14 years in UK jails.
Psychotherapist Esther Perel shared an insight from her new book on why she believes infidelity can benefit some relationships. She says people can come out of it stronger and more honest.
Yesterday it emerged that Justice Secretary David Lidington had put forward plans to let inmates take part in elections - but only those on day release who are still on the electoral roll.
Paratrooper Lance Bombardier Ben Parkinson, the most seriously injured soldier to survive the Afghan warzone, is hoping an operation will help him walk again.
The 46-year-old comedian posted the snap of him kissing a dolphin on Instagram on Sunday while on holiday in July. Fans flocked to the comment section to condemn the BGT judge.
The horrifying footage was filmed by an employee who had concerns about the food hygiene practices at the Central Park Subway in Rugby, Warwickshire.
On Thursday, a 43-year-old man was knocked out by a group of teens who pounced on him while he was out walking his dogs in Dumbo, Brooklyn.
Gamblers will no longer be able to bet a maximum ?100 on the addictive fixed-odds betting terminals (FOBTs) under plans to be unveiled this week. The limit could be set at ?20.
Paedophile and serial killer Robert Black from Grangemouth lured children by promising to show them kittens, as revealed in interviews to be broadcast for the first time.
The Labour leader was invited to attend the event which is being thrown to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, which helped pave the way for a Jewish state.
Miriam González Durántez, whose husband Mr Clegg lost his Sheffield Hallam seat to Mr O'Mara in the June election, said the comments were common knowledge among the political crowd.
Ex-CBI chief Lord Jones sparked a storm of criticism after he was exposed as one of the peers who rarely bother turning up to the Lords chamber to speak or vote.
A committee of peers is set to recommend that new appointments will be limited to 15 years in the Lords, but they are expected to duck making more radical changes.
A concerned mother took to Mumsnet to question whether or not her 15-year-old daughter is too old to indulge in the Halloween tradition of trick or treating.
Former Miss Deaf South Africa Simone Botha Welgemoed (pictured) has slammed Virgin Active for editing out her hearing aid in a worldwide campaigns. Richard Branson's firm apologised.
It is understood Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon ordered mandatory drugs tests across the submarine fleet. Figures from 2015 show 18 submarines were sacked for drug related offences.
Nicola Szymanowski, from Bury, Manchester was told to give up exercise and perfume so she could conceive her longed-for baby. She welcomed a son in May this year after seven years of trying.
Those filling in the internet form can now choose to be 'Mx' rather than or Mr, Ms or Mrs. And they can tick a box saying transgender, other or 'prefer not to say' as well as male and female.
UK-based anti-abortion charity Life is being given the biggest share, ?250,000, of the funds raised by the controversial 'tampon tax'. The decision sparked outcry when rumoured earlier this year.
The body of David Kelly (centre) has been cremated after conspiracy theorists threatened to exhume his remains in Longworth, Oxfordshire, amid speculation he did not kill himself.
The group were found wedged into tight spaces in the back of the HGV, which was filled with crates, after the driver stopped for a break and heard banging coming from the back.
Andrew Fusek Peters was exploring the stunning landscape near Tarifa, Spain, on a bird-watching holiday when he claims he sighted the Ruppell's vulture - an extremely rare sight in Europe.
Partners of insomniacs offering advice like sipping on alcohol or reading before bed are likely making their spouse's sleep issues worse, experts say.
In his new memoirs, Mr Brown opens up with searing candour about how he fell short in communicating his ideas and connecting to the electorate during his three-year tenure in No 10.
Police were called following reports of a seriously injured male in Croydon, south London, at around 7pm last night.
UK Active has called for the creation of a 'national activity therapy service' - to train pharmacists, Meals and Wheels staff and care home workers to help elderly people get active.
Led by the University of Leicester and the British Museum, a team of researchers found around 70 cave systems on the currently uninhabited and remote Mona Island in the Caribbean.
Paramedics rushed to the scene and treated the seriously injured woman in an ambulance but were unable to save her life. She was pronounced dead at around 10.10 am.
The 28-year-old's body was found at a shop in Chichester, West Sussex. Emergency services rushed to the scene at 9am, where she was pronounced dead. Police have ruled out foul play.
The fascinating history of one of Britain's most iconic fighter jets has been told for the first time. The de Havilland Vampire was developed during the Second World War and used for 43 years.
Researchers from the University of Cambridge used a combination of biblical text and ancient Egyptian text to understand the date of the solar eclipse.
For a memorably spooky Halloween slip away for a haunting night's stay at either Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight, Mermaid Inn in Rye or Ballygally Castle on Ireland's Antrim Coast.
A leaked report from The National Police Chiefs' Council warns a ?400m budget gap is thwarting efforts to combat terrorism and rising crime rates, while 999 services cannot meet soaring demand.
Players can even come out to their teammates in the game Football Manager 2018 and a notification of a change in sexual status will be emailed to players in the same club.
Avon and Somerset Police's Operational Support retweeted a link last night promoting an illegal stream of Joshua's latest world heavyweight title defence, against Carlos Takam.
The unprecedented need following the blaze has transformed the Central and North West London NHS Trust (CNWL) into 'the largest trauma service in the UK', according to psychologist John Green.
Having battled the extremists for the past three years alongside Syrian Democratic Forces, Macer Gifford said there was a 'real risk' those returning could carry out terror attacks.
A live-streaming app, popular among children, that allows users to broadcast videos of themselves across the web inadvertently exposed home addresses to strangers.
Forces in England and Wales registered at least some online element in more than 55,000 offences including harassment, blackmail and child sex allegations in the year ending June 2017.
Jacqueline Rowley's son Cameron (pictured) was 11 years old when the family was told that he had just two weeks to live. Six years before the family, from Liverpool, were told that Jacqueline was dying.
EXCLUSIVE: Jennifer Calland, 43, and husband Chris, 45, from Wigan, hailed daughter Victoria as a 'fighter' ahead of her appearance on Channel 4's The Secret Lives of 4 Year Olds.
A Utah police officer shot dead a suspect in a parking lot, bodycam footage shows. The District Attorney concluded that Lieutenant Andrew Oblad was legally justified in the killing.
Citibank business manager Balachandran Kavungalparambath, 38, has been jailed after paedophile hunters live streamed him trying to meet a 14-year-old girl in a Birmingham hotel.
Ewen MacKenzie, 37, and Barry Stevenson, 31, (pictured) were on board a vessel in Egyptian waters when the amazing natural phenomenon appeared.
A woman took to Mumsnet to aske for unusual beauty tips that really work, and was told to try glaucoma eye drops to thicken lashes, cider vinegar to rinse her hair and aspirin paste to kill spots.
Alice Weidel, a leader of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, said that Margaret Thatcher brought Britain back from economic ruin.
A group of bouncers have been sacked after shocking footage emerged of them battering an 'unconscious' man outside a popular nightspot in Birmingham.
Labour peers Lord Stevenson of Balmacara and Baroness Hayter, pictured, have tabled an amendment to insert a constitutional right to privacy into the Data Protection Bill.
The NHS offers bowel screening to those aged 55 in Britain, but the latest study concludes that people over 45 should be tested.
Mexico City's Day of the Dead parade on Sunday honored those killed in two recent earthquakes, which together left more than 400 dead across the country, including 228 in the capital.
The teenager is believed to have taken tablets which were pink and squared shaped with the Rolls Royce symbol on while at the event in North Wales.
See moreNicoleBe bold in gold like Nicole in Saint LaurentAleshaSteal Alesha's style in a Fausto Puglisi inspired crop topTessDazzle in a Halston sequin sheer dress like TessSelenaKeep it classic in a little black dress like Selena in Jacquemus
This week Nadya Fairweather reveals how the 'hollow body hold' can help to tone your tummy. Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson also gives her diet advice for banishing bloating.
Homes that look like they were built for Lord Of The Rings characters Bilbo and Frodo Baggins could soon spring up in the Hampshire countryside after new plans (pictured) were unveiled today.
Seven mums told stories of their children who have Down syndrome to FEMAIL. Some have battled multiple open heart surgeries, cancer, and rude strangers.
Cancer is a diverse group of several hundred diseases. Here FEMAIL takes a look at common cancers experienced by Australian women and the prevention steps they should be making.
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Owner Tyfanee Fortuna from Glen Gardner, New Jersey, posted a picture of her dog Rumpelstiltskin, who has since gone viral after it was revealed that he'd eaten his previous owner's body.
From a grizzly bear catching its dinner to a family of bats trying to catch some sleep, the stunning snaps for the Wonders of Wildlife contest capture nature at its most awe-inspiring.
Devoted mother Ada Keating has joined her son Tom (pictured together) at Moss View care home in Huyton, Liverpool to help workers looks after her 80-year-old son.
Emily Edwards, 25, from Staffordshire tested the procedure, which involves drawing blood and separating out the plasma, which is re-injected, stimulating collage production.
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