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【小枫试玩】免费啦!射击版MC:对抗游戏Block N Load试玩!
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【小枫试玩】免费啦!射击版MC:对抗游戏Block N Load试玩!
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今日Jagex工作室发布了FPS游戏《方块战争(Block N Load)》的宣传视频,随后steam平台也推送了游戏的试玩版本,游戏本体最近还推出了1.2版本补丁,进行了全新的升级。玩家可以先体验一下这款游戏。宣传视频:
《方块战争(Block N Load)》宣传视频
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以上就是《方块战争(Block N Load)》试玩版的消息,更多精彩尽在快吧游戏。
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扫描二维码军团要塞+我的世界完美合体: 《Block N Load》正式登陆Steam
感谢的投递Jagex工作室的多人在线射击游戏《Block N Load》今天正式登陆了PC端的Steam平台。这个卡通画风的5V5对战游戏结合了军团要塞2和我的世界的元素,它既有TF2的对战风格,又加入了MC的建造功能。
《Block N Load》早前一直处于beta测试中,这次,游戏全部6个角色都将正式亮相,每个英雄都有不同的技能和属性。下面的游戏预告片简单介绍了地图建造和各角色的作用:《Block N Load》中很大一个特色便是“非静态”地图,玩家可以在游戏中使用建造工具来改变地形、设置机关。Jagex指出,这意味着每一局的对战都将与众不同,玩家在同样的地图中能玩出不一样的风味。“我们想要在《Block N Load》中加入一些与众不同的元素,想要让游戏的建筑模式和子弹一样重要,玩家可以用不同的方法给团队做出贡献,” 工作室副总裁David Solari在声明中说道:“我已经等不及想看玩家们如何在游戏中发挥创造力和活力了,今天游戏正式上线只是一个开始,我们抱着玩家第一的心态,将更加努力地为大家带来好玩的游戏。”《Block N Load》的售价15美元,为了庆祝游戏发售,官方决定在本周末让玩家免费体验游戏,而且首周购买该作的玩家可以享受85折优惠,即12.74美元。游戏截图:Enjoy~
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Includes 64 Steam Achievements
Title: Block N Load
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Release Date: 30 Apr, 2015
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Recent updates
The latest version of Block N Load brings changes to the matchmaking system which should help improve the quality of matches plus additional options for Custom Games.
Of course, there are also a number of other improvements and fixes to go along with it as well.
Some of the key changes in this version include:
Custom Games
Custom Games have received some new functions to make them more interesting and easier to find players to join matches on player made maps from the Steam Workshop.
It is now possible to allow players to join a Custom Game even after it has been started, once a Custom Game has finished the host of the custom game can choose to take the game from the scoreboard back to the match setup screen, and new options to adjust the size of the Brick Wallet Cap along with the number of Bricks that each Hero starts the match with have been added.
A number of changes have been made to the matchmaking systems to make them more flexible.
We’ve used existing data about the people currently playing Block N Load to set the starting points for these, and hopefully you should see some better matches formed as a result.
XP Boosters
It is now possible to purchase boosters that increase the amount of XP you gain from completing matches in the in-game Shop.
Each booster will run for the amount of time specified and during the time it is active will let you earn XP for your Heroes and Player Level faster.
4th of July Arena
Additionally, as this update is coming out on the 4th of July the arena &E Pluribus Unum& is making a return to Casual Mode rotation and Custom Games.
It's time to party like it's 1776!
For the full patch notes .
In preparation for our next update, we've updated our Player Test Realm where you can try out some of the changes we'll be releasing soon. Among the features you'll be able to test are:
New Custom Games options such as &Allow Backfilling& and Brick wallet cap and initial Bricks settings
XP Boosters
Fixes to Line of Sight and the way splash damage works
There's plenty more, so head on over to the
for more information and instructions on how you can help us test out new features.
Ranked Beta Survey
We're still testing out various scenarios for Ranked play and we really want your feedback, so if you have played our Ranked beta weekends and want to provide feedback, please head over to
and tell us what you think.
Sarge, Eliza, and Astarella in Rotation
Our Yeti hero leaves the free rotation this week and Sarge Stone comes in to take his place.
Eliza's Lab Rat Run Time Assault
Our Time Assault map has rotated out as well, so get in there and earn that Gold! Can you get to the top of the leaderboard?
Midsummer Madness
Finally, don't forget our Midsummer Madness event runs all summer long. Keep your eyes on our
for schedule updates!
“ could very well rival TF2 for approachability, quirkiness, and staying power”
“A creative and exciting first person shooter with strategic elements. You will be constantly surprised.”
“Block N Load [is not only] a lot of fun, but is even addictive and offers me a welcome alternative to League of Legends.”
9/10 –
Midsummer Madness - Summer Event
About This Game
Five of you. Five of them. Face off in a tactical battle where everything you build, destroy, construct or shoot has devastating impact on the entire game. Build your defenses and charge into action to destroy theirs. Tunnel under the map or catapult over it, they’ll never see it coming! Be sneaky, be devious, be destructive. Be a large metal robot, twisted scientist, deadly ninja and more. Build using a crazy range of block types and work together in this FPS where no game is ever the same. Ready up! It’s time to Block N Load. NOW FREE TO PLAY.
NO GAME THE SAME: The game world is ever-changing and evolving throughout every match, as players creatively build and tunnel their way to enemy positions and onto victory.
UNHINGED HEROES: Character variety offers a robust mix of roles for full combat, defensive and supportive players in a team.
BRAINS AS IMPORTANT AS BULLETS: Every game has a blend of intelligent and creative tactics fused with strategic shooter action. It’s fast-paced yet strategic.
BUILD PHASE: Experiment and take the time to work on your defences, traps and setups before the team attacks truly begin.
MASTERS OF CONSTRUCTION: Creative use of a wide choice of blocks in-game mean your deadly and devious constructions can cause havoc with the enemy – and the map.
WHAT THE BLOCK!? Big bombs, turrets, bounce pads, poison traps, landmines, forcefields, speed pads, mortars, glue blocks, health blocks, ammo blocks and more. Everything you need for calculated mayhem.
MAP EDITOR: Craft your own amazing Arenas using the same tools the developers do for official Arenas. Share them on the Steam Workshop and play them in game.
CUSTOM GAME MODE: Set up your own game on the servers to choose your favourite map and build time. 1000s of player made maps available to try!
TIME ASSAULT MODE: Ready for a single player challenge? Take on deadly hero based assault courses, utilise your parkour skills and compete against your own best times & if you're fast enough win a top spot on the global leaderboards.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista, 7 (SP1 required) & 8
Processor: Dual Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2) or better
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card (NVidia GeForce 8800 GT or better)
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
OS: Windows Vista, 7 (SP1 required) & 8
Processor: Quad Core CPU 2.0 GHz (Core i5) or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Dedicated graphics card (GeForce GTX 650 / AMD Radeon HD 7770 series or better).
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
(C) 2016 Jagex Ltd. All rights reserved. Jagex(R) and Block N Load(TM) are trademarks of Jagex Ltd.
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???????? game made it f2p because they are ready for it to die thats why you should never play a jagex game
one of the best FPS games ive ever played
The game is good except for a glitch that makes the screen bug out. Been waiting months after sending an email.
Pay to win. Op classes. Op abilities. Op weapons. Long waiting lines. Bad joining. Custom game join says, &No such game.& Team mates are complete dumbasses.It's just horrible and brain hurting
Gotta be honest, this game is just... No. Just no. It's laggy, unbalanced and people even saying the TF2 name beside Block 'N' Load is just a complete insult. On paper combining Minecraft with an FPS might of sounded good and interesting, but thats on paper, when you bring it into actuallity, It's just straight up dumb. Even on paper it sounds pretty dumb. But when I first got this I went like &This is gonna be dumb and gimmicky&, it sorta was, but it was still fun for a bit. But then the game got changed, Just like TMQFEL (The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot), They completely changed how things were. Completely ignoring &Don't fix something if it isn't broken& and the game suddenly got laggy, too many heros, unbalanced, and just it lost what it was, then they give some ???????t to people who already bought the full game with real money with some ???? as skins just like Evolve, showing they don't give two ????? about their audience.Overall my experience for this game was promising but as expected current gen developers don't give a damn about the audience or game and seem to be a bunch of idiots. Just... Don't get this game for your own good, even if it is free. It's a waste of memory space.
Devs are milking the game for money. It doesn't recieve good updates, and it's a huge grindfest. Do not recommend, unless you really want a F2P grinding shooter.
Honestly, I've been playing this game since you still had to buy it and the balance between characters is awful.Expect to lose half your team when you start a new game. Expect to join a losing game when you join a game in progress.Limited traps.Most games consist of rushing the other team's cube.But I'm still gonna play okay?
That game was funny but , now it a ???? beacause the update with ranked destroy this beatiful game ... Please remove the ranked ( IT IS A ???? ! )
Nope from me. 0/10 would not load again.
An average game...-Select an offensive hero-Defensive heros say theyre gonna attack and tell you to defend-Can't do anything in warm up because you don't have defensive blocks.-Teammates cover up cube.Game starts-Hear &Your Cube is Under Attack&-Realize your teammates didn't put down radars. -Cube blows up-Read ez pz in chat.That's why I love this game
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Theres always a new threat.Theres never a balanced game.Theres always that one new guy.Theres always a block spammer.Theres always people who have no clue what team they are on.Theres why I like this game.There.
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It's full of action and building.
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nice and colorful and also has great gameplay machanics
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Essentially team fortress 2 meets minecraft.
The first part of a match is spent building ur base/defenses minecraft style 1 block at a time.
Then they drop the walls and ur in a team fortress 2 style objective based shooter tring to destroy the enemies base.
You can dig trenches, place exsplosives and shoot the enemies in the face to get to their cores.
The game is free 2 play and can be loads of fun specially with friends.
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1 person found this review funny
I REALLY like this game. It's a simple thought, but it's has a really nice mechanic. It's a Free2Play so it's flawed of course. Some 'Heroes' are a little over powered. But it does give it character, and I think if a nerf/buff comes it shouldn't be a large one.Strong Heroes(IMO):-Kira-Chan-O.P Juan Shinobi-Kreepy the Klown-Vander Graff-Dream Genie-Sweet Science-Nigel Purdy LongshottWeaker Heroes(IMO)-Roly Poly Fat Fat-Yuri the Yeti-AstarellaMore or less &balanced&(IMO)-'Sarge' Stone-'Doc' Eliza Doolally-Cogwheel-Tony TorrettoThis is based on WHEN this was posted. This could change. If I'm still active on a change that changes the placement of the heroes on this list, I will change it.
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I am 30 hours into this game and I learned like 3 heroes. The game is super fun and pretty hard to learn. And the community is great :D
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This looks cool but I haven't played yet because there's no one playing it very small community at the momment that I am writing this review there are only 394 players in game this game deserves more coverage
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Great Game cant wait for more updates!
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This game is very good block MOBA game
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