骑砍legacy dialogss.csv 求好心大大发我

摘自公众号:发布时间: 8:30:48
维京征服重铸版2.025近期更新,中文补丁也已同步发布。Steam上暂时还没同步更新,等版本稳定后,小编会将最新的中文版上传到Steam,着急的骑友可以先去骑砍中文站汉化作品区或者维京区下载最新2.025版中文补丁。 翻译:tl10 Viking Conquest Reforged Edition 2.025 Patch Released维京征服重铸版2.025发布West thu hal, vikings and saxons. We have just released Viking Conquest Reforged Edition 2.025, which features a large number of fixes and improvements to the game (read more, for full patch notes). It should already have beamed to you automatically, if you play the game on Steam or GOG; otherwise, download the game from the Viking Conquest Downloads Page.维京人和萨克逊人,大家好。我们刚刚发布了维京征服重铸版2.025,包括大量的修复和改进(具体请参阅下文)。如果你们在steam或GOG上游玩,这次更新应该向你自动推送了;若不然,请从维京征服下载页面获得更新。PATCH NOTES (2.025):- have player refuge always be in player supporters' faction- 在玩家支持者阵营的页面里永久加入玩家的避难所- apply player kingdom color to refuge, landed ships, quarters- 在避难所,登陆船只及定居点适用玩家自定义阵营的颜色- add player kingdom color change function to camp menu- 在扎营目录添加更改玩家自定义阵营颜色的选项- ensure NPC in party does not become adventurer- 确保在队伍中的NPC不会成为冒险者- overhaul duel system, mainly to set opponent properly- 修复决斗系统,主要是为了正确设定对手- deactivate player kingdom properly, using the script for that (NPCs on mission and prime minister now return)- 可以适当地撤回玩家自定义阵营命令,使用了相关的代码(在任务中的NPC和大臣现在将返回)- fix mission trigger time and make mission reports the priority- 修复任务激发时间,并使任务报告优先- have npc_mission_seek_recognition embassy_results include the other three logical outcomes- npc_mission_seek_recognition embassy_results-现在包括三个其他的逻辑结果- drop missions that have no dialog in case a companion somehow ends up with one- 在缺乏对话时放弃任务,以防在某个同伴中出现- override prisoner escape chance properly- 适当修改俘虏逃跑几率- rewrite auto-defect trigger- 重写自动叛逃的触发- add cultural considerations to new faction pick- 在加入新阵营时加入文化的考虑因素- prevent random event losses for raiding villages during siege when not actually doing so- 防止随机事件因为在不实际发生的攻城中掠夺村庄而损失- remove lovers' system that was making all ladies adulteresses- 移除情人系统,因其导致所有夫人成为奸妇- use correct title strings for Scots/Irish and fix other inconsistencies and omissions- 修正苏格兰/爱尔兰的头衔字符,并修复其他不一致之处- fix ask peace dialog- 修正求和对话- fix ambiguity in player/faction relations (removes ability to threaten own kingdom's caravans)- 修复玩家/阵营关系的模糊之处(移除了威胁本国商队的能力)- add Mod ID string- 增加MOD ID 代码- place sound controls in mission templates to make sure loop tracks are killed- 在任务模板中加入声音控制,确保消除死循环- add ambiance to lair interiors- 在巢穴内部加入周围环境- fix refuge chest- 修复避难所箱子- fix logic of child count dialogs- 修复儿童数数对话的逻辑- fix bard improve relations with lady- 修复吟游诗人提高与女士关系的功能- fix behavior of rescued lords- 修复被救领主的行为- fix behavior of ambiance neutrals during jailbreak- 修复在越狱期间的中立者行为- fix "hole" in recruit permission dialog when already have it- 修复在请求募兵许可对话中的漏洞- move recruit permission update from triggers to script- 将募兵许可更新从触发移至脚本- player loses permission to recruit in center that gets new owner- 玩家将失去易主的领地的募兵权- fix fiefs string for lord select for fief- 修复封臣选举封臣的代码- remove player picture from refuge menu- 在避难所目录中移除玩家形象- fix troop training management- 修复队伍训练管理- unset g_encountered_party when it is removed (invalid party bug)- 修复无效遭遇队伍bug- add proper conditions to Hadrian Wall dialog and kill experience reward exploit- 在哈德良长城增加合适的选项和杀戮经验奖励- fix tutorial message for Roman Baths ruins- 修复在罗马浴场遗迹的教程信息- adjust pricing formulas (attempt to prevent changes from buying lling same article)- 调整价格公式- disable some monastery options when learning to read (early exit exploit)- 当学习阅读时禁用某些修道院选项- disable scouts (and their loss) at sea- 在海上时禁用哨兵- shut down random events at sea- 在海上时停用随机事件- exclude non-normal villages from lute search (quest was blocked when village inaccessible)- 在搜索鲁特琴中排除非常规村庄(当村庄不可到达时任务被阻止)- allow slaughter of non-quest cattle after cattle delivered- 允许被送达后的非任务畜群可以屠宰- correct standard bearer report on Camp Menu- 修复扎营目录中的信使报告- allow only one town recruiting run from whatever menu (recruit picking exploit)- 允许从任何目录中从单个城镇招募- clean up event_triggered dialogs, particularly for returning party members- 清空event_triggered dialogs,特别是归队成员- check spiral death cam is finished before attempting to leave scene- 在尝试离开场景前检查回旋死亡镜头已经结束- attempt to eliminate sometime corruption of refuge text- 当避难所目录崩溃时尝试终结- make immersive default ship names- 命名默认船只- reinitialize item info (wiped out in someone's save game by unknown cause)- 重新初始化物品信息- fix craftsmen names- 修复工匠姓名- test slot_faction_political_issue properly (has two default values, which rendered the system inoperative half the time)- 测试slot_faction_political_issue- fix debug message producing false commander mismatches- 修复debug信息- fix and improve mutiny duel trigger- 修复并改善叛变决斗触发- add backstop at automenu trigger to ensure campaign death after mutiny duel loss- 在叛变决斗失败后加入停止机制FACTION RESTORATION国家复辟- process just one faction at a time一段时间内只会有一个国家- adjust rate of restorations to about 1/month at end of game在游戏后段时调整复辟的几率为大约1/月- produce no more than one "Possible Rebellion" message (if no rebellion), and have it escalate with number of walled centers最多产生1份“可能的叛军”讯息(如果无叛军),(如果有的话)并会随着城堡及城镇的数量增加而增加- remove player-based all-or-nothing phaseout移除基于玩家的突如其来的复辟- make lord defection dependent on current king relation领主背叛的可能性取决于与现任君主的关系- make sure faction leader joins resurgent faction确保派系领袖加入复活派系- avoid giving money to undefined troop不会给与未定义的军队金钱- fix the growth of the rebellion, include adventurers修正叛军的发展,包括冒险者们- bring in supporting lords if rebellion threatened (to avoid stranding them if faction is destroyed AGAIN)在叛军遭受威胁的情况下给与支持叛乱的领主一些援助(万一复辟的派系再被摧毁一次,避免他们陷入困境)- avoid auto-war with player不会自动与玩家交战FAST-TRACKED DURING BETA- fix dog interference with army orders (order ALL bug)修正部队指令对于狗的干扰(指令bug太多)- fix hire refuge armorer修正避难所雇佣的防具商人- allow visit village leader at night from menu晚上可以从选单中拜访村长- prohibit battle panel by down player (leading to crazy camera)禁止玩家死亡后开启战术面板(会导致视角变得无法控制)BINARIES- Viking banner textures (fix some white backgrounds)维京的旗帜(白底的旗帜被修复)- scn_caravanatacada.sco- scn_castle_37_exterior.sco
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备案编号:粤ICP备号-1骑马与砍杀战团领主 对话后就用一个作弊栏怎么用 我都修好感度了_百度知道
骑马与砍杀战团领主 对话后就用一个作弊栏怎么用 我都修好感度了
“和我一样(就是like me)我没有啊
dlga_lord_suggest_action。 dlga_lord_suggest_action。 dlga_lord_suggest_learn_party_id。 dlga_lord_suggest_learn_ai_initiative:lord_pretalk|是 {reg0}。dlga_lord_suggest_action,3:lord_suggest_raid_village|让 你 去 袭 击 一 座 村 庄战团这有何难。 dlga_lord_suggest_action:lord_suggest_learn_ai_initiative|我 想 知 道 你 指 挥 的 部 队 的 AI;-&记事本打开它“dialogs。游戏时再和领主对话后就用一个作弊栏(英文的) 进入后就选择那个
“和我一样(就是like me)& 这个选项 就可以提高亲密度?.直接修改好感度1:lord_suggest_learn_party_id|作 弊,以后和领主国王对话就可以OKOkdlga_lord_talk:lord_suggest_action_ask|作 弊: 我 建 议 你 们 这 么 做。 dlga_lord_suggest_action,保存后:lord_suggest_follow_other|让 你 去 跟 着 某 人。 dlga_lord_suggest_action.打开你的mod目录或者原Native目录中的“languages-&”-&&cns&quot:lord_pretalk|很 好。 dlga_lord_suggest_action:lord_suggest_attack_enemy_castle|让 我 们 攻 打 敌 人 的 城 堡 吧。dlga_lord_talk:lord_suggest_action_ask 会出现以下
2 30 2 856163 (1)
0 CHEAT_-_Take_the_following_action.
0 NO_VOICEOVER 把我用括号的1改为0.打开conversation.txt
(源出自————非我)2.先按ctrl+f进行搜索:lord_suggest_go_to_friendly_town|让 我 们 回 到 友 军 的 城 镇 吧。 dlga_lord_suggest_action:lord_suggest_attack_enemy_party|让 我 们 进 攻 敌 军 的 军 队 吧。 dlga_lord_suggest_action:lord_suggest_lift_siege|让 我 们 撤 销 这 次 的 围 攻 吧。 dlga_lord_suggest_action:lord_suggest_follow_me|让 你 跟 随 着 我 的 队 伍:lord_pretalk|是 {reg0}。 dlga_lord_suggest_action,添加入如下内容:lord_suggest_become_marshall|我 要 做 你 的 王 国 的 元 帅。 dlga_lord_suggest_become_marshall.一次提高好感20下面 是我写的.csv”在结尾或开头地方,回车键留个空: 我 想 知 道 你 指 挥 的 部 队 的 ID
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Maximum Transaction Time Exceeded
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