
DOTA2 打开客户端就出现dota2 launcher fatal Error
问题补充说明(可选):fatal error Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia
Definition of: fatal error
fatal error
A condition that halts processing due to faulty hardware, program bugs, read errors or other anomalies. If you get a fatal error, you generally cannot recover from it, because the operating system has encountered a condition it cannot resolve. Typically, buggy applications cause fatal errors (fatal exception errors), and the computer locks up. In most cases, all data that you have changed that has not yet been saved to disk is lost.
There is no rule of thumb with fatal errors. You may never get one again, or it may manifest until you fix the problem. If you get a fatal error after just adding a new peripheral or installing a new software package, remove or uninstall it and try again.
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You don't have enough RAM to run java. Close backround programs or download .
That doesn't make sense since i used to play MInecraft earlier this month on the same computer that i am using right now.Quote from
You don't have enough RAM to run java. Close backround programs or download .
Game booster doesn't work either (I just tried it) it still gives me the same launch issues, i can still play it via browser but i don't wish to do that since its not as good.
You don't have enough RAM to run java. Close backround programs or download .
That doesn't exactly make much logical sense considering the game would still boot up, just run slow. I can get the game to boot up on my netbook with 1GB of RAM. It just runs so slow that it's unplayable, but it'd still boot up. The problem is clearly not a lack of RAM, plus 2GB is enough to run the game, I have plenty of friends with builds that utilize 2GB of RAM that can run it just fine.
The problem is clearly with Java or something that is interfering with Java.
Not always. It's like when minecraft runs out of memory even though you have plenty. Yes, it is no doubt an issue with Java (Duh) but if memory isn't the problem then I don't know what is. Do you use a special launcher or anything? I used to get this sometimes with the MultiMC launcher if I didn't have enough memory.
What I mean is you might have a ton of memory hogging programs running in the backround so that there isn't even enough free for java to boot the game.
If you didn't know what the problem is, don't try and say it's related to memory. If the issue was with memory it would say there is not enough memory.
Do YOU know what the issue is? I don't think so.
Actually I have a good idea of what is causing it, it's something to do with Java and his configuration, but it is CLEARLY not a hardware issue. It's a software one. Take it from someone who works with hardware all the time, this issue is clearly with a software issue considering he mentioned he can run the game in a browser meaning he CLEARLY has the hardware to run it considering running it in the browser takes up more RAM.
If the problem was a lack of memory he would get a message telling him he does not have enough memory from Windows.
And after the error message is : ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher.
Excuse my english, please, i'm french....
I have the same problème.
I tried withGame booster, but the problem is still there.
This is the repport when i try to start the game from minecraft.net :
Can you help please ?
And after the error message is : ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher.
Excuse my english, please, i'm french....
If you could get me that same report in English it might be more help to me.
I never said it was a hardware issue, but you're right. It can't be low on memory if it launches from browser. Try moving your .minecraft folder somewhere safe so when you load minecraft (force update) so it makes a new one.
Talking to the topic poster now, he said he didn't have Java 6, and I'm thinking that MAY be the issue, having him try installing Java 6 Update 34 and seeing if that corrects the issue, I'll keep you posted.
Wait, what? The OP never said anything about which version of java he has, and if it runs browser, I should think it would run the download version too. Do you mean Bricolita?
You could try updating to Java 7 and seeing what happens if you wanted to though.
I said I'm talking to them about it. In other words directly, not on this thread. Also your browser uses a Java plug in that may still be supported, but you could be lacking the proper SE version. It happens more often than you'd think.
Also Java 7 isn't really necessary yet considering it's more or less a beta right now, Java 6 should be fine.
Well CS thinks he knows what he's doing and there isn't nearly enough room for both of us. Good luck, hope you figure it out!
I do know what I'm doing. You're giving people incorrect information that isn't going to be helpful to them. Don't get mad at me because I want to give them the proper information instead of wasting their time when they want to solve a problem quickly. If you don't know what you're doing then fine, I am not faulting you for that. Just don't come and give information when you don't know what is wrong.
I would recommend against Java 7 right now because 6 is more stable. I am trying to get people the best possible results here.
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