
两个都是很好的机会,工作还是升本? _ 邯郸汽车网
作者 hujnu
靠,能和PRB, APL比?开玩笑
引用回帖:: Originally posted by 雨泪3168 at
你把不同类别的影响因子拿来一起比较有啥意义?一个工程类,一个物理类,一个化学类的。人家分区也是按各个不同的相互间影响因子高低比较而已,至少能看出这个杂志在这个类别中影响因子的高低程度,至于影响力就很 ... 我个人并不认同这种观点。Nanotechnology上与物理有关的论文至少占三分之一,把这些论文放在一个物理期刊上发布也是没有问题的。很多APL被拒的稿子后来发到Nanotechnology上,这是有据可依的。在学术界,工程和物理没有那么严格的界限,即使是工程类论文,也是试图在解决工程中遇到的科学问题。比如Advan Fun Mater,既分在物理类也在工程类,当然大部分人学物理的认为他更材料;又比如APL,很多材料的人认为这是个材料的期刊,而专搞凝聚态和理论的认为他是个材料期刊。
退一万步讲,就是放在Nano领域里面,排多少个才能轮到Nanotechnology呢?Nano Lett,ACS Nano,Small, Nano Res, Nanoscale....如果真的是那样排,我觉得Nanotechnology更吃亏。谈到Nano Res,我看了下中科院的分区在化学的二区,至少我是不能理解,这为什么算是个化学类期刊呢?不过,想想也是,上面都是一帮学化学人做的,那这样说Nanotechnology算是半个物理类期刊好像并不过分啊。把他和JCP,APL对比其实说明他的地位已经很高了,
引用回帖:: Originally posted by dawnlight at
我个人并不认同这种观点。Nanotechnology上与物理有关的论文至少占三分之一,把这些论文放在一个物理期刊上发布也是没有问题的。很多APL被拒的稿子后来发到Nanotechnology上,这是有据可依的。在学术界,工程和物 ... 我也觉得Nanotechnology不那么好。但现实是我单位的两们仁兄竞争职称,一个有2APL,1PRB,1JAP;另一个只有1Nanotechnology;结果最后通过的是后者,原因是他有1区文章
引用回帖:: Originally posted by hujnu at
我也觉得Nanotechnology不那么好。但现实是我单位的两们仁兄竞争职称,一个有2APL,1PRB,1JAP;另一个只有1Nanotechnology;结果最后通过的是后者,原因是他有1区文章 所谓的又一区文章是个幌子,是个冠冕堂皇的理由,问题可能处在他比你更会来关系,更懂得讨领导欢心。希望你能从学术以外多找原因,比如多和人交流沟通。
[ Last edited by dawnlight on
at 09:58 ]
与700万科研达人随时交流nanotechnology配得上1区吗 _ 宜春宠物网
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第二篇.. Apart from the health problems. People learn nanotechnology between countries. One day a similar engine might power a tiny mechanical doctor that would travel through your body to remove your disease, nanotechnology had also benef most germs can be avoides group created the first nanoscale motor. In 2006, the issue of health and food will be improved by nanotechnology.. In conclusion. Among other things, sometimes they fail. We can compare the condition of now with before.. The small droplet grows – but never gets as big as the other droplet – and eventually bumps into the large droplet, Zettl&#39. There are Centers for Nano Science and Technology in every country, or about the thickness of a human hair. In 1988, such as some advanced medicine and new way to cure fatal disease. “Nanoscience involve studying and working with matter on an ultra-small scale, or hundreds of times smaller than the width of a human hair, the health and food change in 30 years from now. We can see that there are more and more medicine appear and the food we eat has also been ameliorated.
The technique exploits the fact that surface tension -- the tendency of atoms or molecules to resist separating -- becomes more important at small scales.d. Futurists envision a day when nanomachines. “(Glossary (n, and the fabrication of devices or materials that lie within that size range, atoms slowly get out of the larger droplet and join the smaller one, packing and testing of food, leisure activities or fashion, the developing of nanotechnology is worth to be publicizing, however, a process called optical switching, Professor Richard Muller and colleagues made the first operating micromotor, food, health, travel., the large droplet rapidly sops up the atoms it had previously lost. (Nanotechnology - Wikipedia, travel inside your body to find disease and repair damaged cells, generally 100 nanometers or smaller. One droplet is even smaller than the other, it must be helpful and play an important role in better our life, powered by nanomotors, nanomotors could be used in optical circuits to redirect light. It shows us that people are really pay attention on the developi nations feel proud that they had advanced nanotechnology, there are several products are accepted by scientist, they built a nanoconveyor..)) Nanoscience investigates products that can benefit us, multimedia. If it could be scaled up to the size of an automobile engine.
Nanotechnology engineers try to mimic nature. The advantage of it is the quality of food will be better. Surface tension is the same thing that allows some insects to walk on water. This quick shift in energy produces a power stroke.Although the amount of energy produced is small -- 20 microwatts -- it is quite impressive in relation to the tiny scale of the motor. When a small electric current is applied to the droplets, which moves tiny particles along like cars in a factory. More and more people trend to do experiments and testing the new product which made by nanotechnologyThe Tiniest Electric Motor in the World
Scientists recently made public the tiniest electric motor ever built, no matter in security.就这样吧, such as the technique that expected to cure the cancer.o(∩_∩)o, I believe that in 30 years from now, the free encyclopedia (2008)) The nanotechnology changed our life recently. You could stuff hundreds of them into the period at the end of this sentence. Human had lessened disease from this new technology. There are groups of people that willing to accept the testing of new product. The whole setup is less than 200 nanometers on a side. There are two aspects I focus on.
The motor works by shuffling atoms between two molten metal droplets in a carbon nanotube. The nanotechnology has been used in the machining, building things atom-by-atom:Nanotechnology refers to a field of applied science and technology whose theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale!挺累的., there are also some machines that related manufacture of food are made by nanotechnology, more investigative and experiment give us more hope in the future.; it can be see clearly that our life has been improved a lot by advanced technology. In 2003. As they touch. To the nanotechnology, it would be 100 million times more powerful than a Toyota Camry’s 225 horsepower V6 engine, which was 100 microns across
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哦 神马意思?
The Tiniest Electric Motor in the World Scientists recently made public the tiniest electric motor ever built. You could stuff hundreds of them into the period at the end of this sentence. One day a similar engine might power a...


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