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Title: GRAV
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 8 Jan, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&So far BitMonster has been working on GRAV for about five months and we think it's time to get the community involved.
We are super excited to get the community's input on the development of GRAV from here on out and Early Access is the perfect tool for it.
The closer we work with the fans, the closer GRAV will be to the game everyone wants to play.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&Until we (but more importantly, the community) feel the game is living up to its full potential.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&More features, more stable, more optimized, more monsters, more buildings, more weapons, and of course more dancing!
Basically, everything you see now but more of it along with many new features.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&We do internal playtests every day!
Enough of the game is implemented that it's fun and rewarding.
It's certainly far from done, but enough is there to start the journey.
A huge swath of features are already implemented and every day more great stuff is put in!&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&We plan to keep the same price.
Get in now to help shape the game!&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We plan to utilize great community tools like trello and let the community direct where they want development time spent.
Additionally, we plan to have new builds of the game updated very frequently so players can actually experience the progress with BitMonster as the game is developed.&
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Includes 3 extra copies of GRAV for your friends!
Recent updates
Hi Everyone!
I’m excited to bring you some more information regarding the One Universe update. For those interested, you can start testing out parts of the new update right now on the experimental build. When I say “parts”, I mean we are rolling out features to the experimental build one at a time, to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible when we flip the switch for everyone.
We are currently testing saving to the new back-end to make sure it is rock solid. We want to ensure there will be no data loss when we roll out the update to everyone.
Because of this, we want to stress that if you want to try out the experimental build, we greatly appreciate the help. However, your core experience won’t be drastically different on the test build until we roll out more PRE updates. With that being said, I want to share a few more changes that will be coming with the One Universe update.
Planet Rotation:
The One Universe update will do away with planet rotation.
Before you wield your pitchfork you should know ALL PLANETS will be up ALL THE TIME! No more waiting for that planet to rotate in, or worrying about building your base on a planet that will not be available all the time.
Some other minor things already going into this update:
Cross planet FoF chat is already live and working in the test build.
Additionally we will be adding chat channels so you can better select what chatter you want to hear. Only want to talk to people on your planet? Done! Want to talk to everyone? Done! Players will be able join and create their own chat channels whenever they please.
Lastly, We want to thank you all for your patience. These are big and somewhat scary changes we are making, and we are taking our time to make sure they’re done right.
Hi Everyone,
The One Universe Update we’ve been teasing is on its way. In fact, we’re confident enough to say that you’ll be able to enjoy GRAV with anyone in the world next month! We hope you’re as excited about this update as we are. So much work has been put into this update and we really can’t wait to let you all enjoy it. If this is the first time you’ve heard of the upcoming update, please check out this post:
A quick recap:
All official servers will be linked, creating one official universe! This means you’ll be able to play with anyone in the world without having to create a new character for a different server.
Because of the technicalities with this update, we will be completely wiping servers. This means everyone will be starting fresh when the update launches. To help jumpstart the leveling up process, we will be holding double XP weekends for the first few weekends following the One Universe update.
What to Expect After Update
We have some more cool stuff we’ve been working on and will be ready to share more information about it after the upcoming update.
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About This Game
GRAV is a sand box experience where you explore a multitude of planets, hunt strange alien creatures, build and defend outposts, craft weapons and armor, and attempt to survive against other players in a hostile environment.
We here at BitMonster has been working on GRAV for about 5 months and feel that getting the community involved earlier is vital to a great game.
We plan to launch GRAV as Early Access and work closely with the community on how we evolve and move GRAV forward!
Note: these are features already in the game.
They may be fleshed out more in the future, but they will be ready to rock from day 1
Endless Worlds - The planets of GRAV are procedurally generated from composite parts.
This allows for a near infinite combination of biomes, alien sites, and dungeons.
Gorgeous Visuals - Genre re-defining visuals allow you to experience fear, excitement, and trepidation in a way never seen before.
Frenzied Combat - Compared to the zen-like calm of harvesting resources, combat is a wild ride which you can only hope to survive.
Both Melee and Shooting are the tools of death in GRAV.
Player vs Player - Create alliances with other players, viciously kill them and take their belongings, or run from it all!
It's up to you how you interact with your fellow players.
Play With Friends - GRAV is all about enjoying the experience with your friends. GRAV is client-server based so put up a server or join an official one!
Powerful Base Construction - Supporting a modular contextual room based construction system allows for building bases quickly.
GRAV's building system can be used for creating an entire city, a quick base to fight off enemy players, or building an outpost deep in a dungeon to defend against the aggressive hordes.
Extensive Crafting - Anything you can harvest or kill has a chance to drop Crafting Materials.
Building everything from the armor you wear, weapons you kill with, to the actual bases themselves comes from crafting.
Dynamic Environmental Events - GRAV employs a procedural system to create world events for players.
A night could consist of blossoming night flowers, meteors raining down from the heavens, or even a horde of very angry alien wildlife trying to kill you and anything you have ever made.
Procedurally Generated Dungeons - The planets of GRAV are full of dungeons that are created specifically for that planet.
Full of rare resources, dangerous foes, and environmental obstacles that provide a high-risk high-reward play area.
Hostile Environments - Alien planets have a combination of semi safe areas and just plain you-are-probably-going to die locations!
The planets of GRAV are places where you must do whatever it takes to survive.
Roadmap to get an idea of what features are coming to GRAV:
System Requirements
OS: 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz or Equivalent CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 7790 or Equivalent card
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 5 GB available space
Additional Notes: The game is EARLY ACCESS and likes Memory.
4 GB will not work well for larger planets
OS: 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel i5 2.5 GHz or Equivalent CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 760 or Radeon HD 7950 / R9 280 or Equivalent card
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 5 GB available space
Additional Notes: If you are planning to run a server and a client on the same machine we recommend 12-16 gigs of ram.
(C) BitMonster Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Early Access Review
so nice mmo + survival so nice
1.46 money on ??????????? for free but you must play ???? games to buy it with points but this game so nice you can build with friend a fortress this i one of the epic games for me.
Early Access Review
3 days playing about 4 hours per day and i lost all my progress cause the game crashes to desktop.Starting again?..keep on dreaming..Dont buy it until it is official ,,
Early Access Review
Goodbye goodbye to everybody. Dead game. Had great potential, but the devs basically quit. Players quit. You can play singleplayer cus it's still better than No Man's Sky. But like No Man's Sky, people aren't playng anymore.
Early Access Review
What is this s***. I saw the trailer and expected a grand survival planet but instead i get Grav.
Early Access Review
Buy this game.. has more fun/non boring things to do than &No man's Sky&! oh and its multiplayer!
Early Access Review
Game is pretty cool and easy to pick up on, I would compare the gameplay to Rust. HOWEVER. I have a GeForce GTX 960m in my Laptop, I like to think thats a pretty good video card, and when I run the game on anything above 800x640 the the max frames I get are 20. The quality of the games graphics depends on the resolution you run it on. ( = High,
= Medium etc) And my game still runs like ???? on . Would recommend buying this game after they fix these issues. BY THE WAY, I got this game from a 5 premium keys purchase on ??? so the game pretty much cost me $1. I recommend going on ??? to buy it because I bought 2 sets of 5 keys and me and my gf got all the same games except one. Take your chances with it if you want.
Early Access Review
I've given this game a try, and I don't like it. - 1.5+ years in open alpha and crashes more than Star Citizen, Congrats! - The grind is a slow MMO grind, I've got other games to grind - Blue print rewards like Landmark, randomly and not a clear path to what's needed - Building is weak, no real sandbox - Crafting is more like asembling what Blue prints you think you need. - No story line - Fighting is a simpler button mash than WoWIts basically Space-WoW where you just shoot everthing with a gun instead, and get rewarded. No real thought needed to this.If you like mindless killing for the sake of leveling, this is the game for you!
Early Access Review
I bought this on sales and it's worth its price, better than no man's scam,l colorful, simple, grindy, cheap. Go to hell sean murray, and suffer
Early Access Review
you were expecting a review but it was me DIO
Early Access Review
waste of money
39 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Better than No Mans Sky
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1 person found this review funny
Early Access Review
Issues with this game:-Not updated in nearly 12 months-Devs are silent unless sales wain-Large parts of the game fundamentally broken (but no sign of major bug fixes)-Grind -tastic-Had potential but is quickly becoming a poster child for failed Alpha gamesI really loved this game, but the fact its just as broken today as the day i bought it in Jan 2015 is a joke. No Im not a developer, no I dont know how hard it is, no I dont care about that, I gave you money based on what was offered, these guys have failed to provide anythingAvoid, if anything changes in the next 12 months Id be highly suprised. Lets face it, this Developer IS=dead
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Early Access Review
First and foremost. I'd like to point out. This game has been early access for more than a year now. And they're comming out with all these updates that aren't really necessary? Useful, yes don't get me wrong there are some good ones. However unnecessary. So.. a year or 2 and this game is STILL poorly optimized? The ammount of RAM it uses is incredible! Internet quality drops like a rock 15 minutes into the game where as other games play fine.I remember seeing the &GRAV is alive and well post.& I thought 'well, its about time something happened.'If this newest One Universe update needs dozens of hotfixes like your Reborn stuff then don't bother bring it in, especially if you're going to wipe the servers again. You really can't expect to keep wiping them and expect your players to come back. As many other reviewers have said. there is a wall of frustration that a player reaches that not many bother trying to climb over.Fix the bugs you know about, get the game out of early access. OPTIMIZE THE GAME.. THEN do the unnecessary updates.
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9 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Why pay AAA prices for No Man's Sky when you can get it here with multiplayer for $ 18. ?
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Early Access Review
Poor Man's Sky
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Early Access Review
Better than No Mans Sky. Hands down.
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Early Access Review
It seems like development has grinded to a halt, but alas I am not a game developer, and One Universe is on the horizon.
I am a little saddened by the state of the game and it's progress.However, they are only asking $19.99 for this game, and I've put 45 hours into it.
I've paid a lot more for a lot less game time with others.
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Early Access Review
Grav. To simply put it. It is like no mans sky (Lovely colours and intresting planets) with a bit of rust. PRO'S 1: It's very easy to get in and play the game2; Exploreing is enchouraged as you get better gear from doing so3: The game has very nice colours and a intresting world4; There are multiple planets5; The multiplay is rust but if all the servers were one. CON'S 1: The game should let you get stuff easier2: Low level legendary's should be easier to kill CONCLUSION In general this game is fun. But It's a equired taste to be honest
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Early Access Review
people would say its better than no mans sky and they'd be right.
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Early Access Review
Better than No Man's Sky
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View mobile website跳不了insanity怎么办?续_warfalcon_【传送门】
前段时间分享过 跳不了insanity怎么办? 输入 0814 查看 。今天在豆瓣时分享下一个100天行动的目标是:六块腹肌,恶魔的奶爸特意推荐Rev Abs全身练习,刚刚跳了30分钟,效果不错,征得他的同意后特意跟大家分享一下。上次的分享包括一些盗版的资源,这次去除了所有下载地址,请自行查找,有实力和条件的朋友,请去官网购买他们的视频,真的很不错。有了这二篇文章,光是介绍都是很开眼界,行动计划马上就清晰了,剩下要做的就是行动,开始练吧。作者:恶魔的奶爸出处:/note//引子:这世上根本没有什么男神,我只是把你们撸管的时间都用来读书和锻炼身体罢了——鲁迅前注:以下提到的所有课程,必须严格按照课程表来做,我都提供了官方的课程表,这个网站:/downloads/ 也可以找到大部分以下课程的课程表,一位粉丝做的,非常方便,左上角输入开始日期,下面就自动记录更正时间了,除了power 90 master series他的课程表有误,其它都非常好谨以此文献给品客杰哥和最可爱的兔宝酱(本文涉及到大量的盗版资源,希望一心想代理beachbody在华业务的杰哥不要来砍我)鉴于本人是个胖子,且膝盖受伤,无聊闲适休息在家就报复下,哦不,是报答下社会好了,下面提供的视频都卖的贼贵,300-500人民币不等上段时间用百度盘搞了8,9个T的永久空间,数了数网络上的健身视频种子,一一下载好之后就传到百度盘里了,这里一一加以点评下首先说下我个人对视频的看法,在国内的话,下个视频在家自己做,远比去健身房要靠谱,时间地点成本另算,关键是国内的商家太不靠谱,我去健身房到处都是教练在兜售课程,拼命忽悠我报名参加3W块的课程,赚钱也无所谓,但教练身材比beachbody的远远不如,整天就是忽悠你效果超赞,说能让你快速瘦下去不反弹,然后用一堆专业术语来忽悠你,我最鄙视这种用专业知识来忽悠群众乖乖掏钱的混蛋,价钱在其次,关键国内合格的私教真是太尼玛少了,再翻翻国外大公司出品的健身视频,教练讲解非常细致到位,跟贴身教练几乎没多大区别,而且有非常完善成熟的系统,且有大量成功案例,就是需要自己的毅力,而且没啥字幕,要能听得懂英文,这个没办法解决,不过健身视频,看动作也基本上都能懂的网络上的健身视频多如牛毛,我见过各种各大公司都出家庭健身视频,什么名模沙滩身材的,看来看去,个人觉得还是beachbody这家公司的最系统也最合理,从评论和顾客反馈来看,似乎效果也最好——很多人都是30斤30斤的瘦,当然因为我膝盖受伤了,所以不要问我怎么样摔!提到beachbody,看下这家公司的简介:Beachbody is well regarded within the fitness industry as one of the leading manufacturers of at-home DVD/VHS-based fitness programs.全美最大的家庭健身DVD录制商之一,旗下大批的柴火妞和肌肉男教练,身材顶呱呱,健身视频棒的不得了我们熟悉的insanity和P90X,都是这家公司出的,说到Beachbody,就不能提到两位当家教练Tony Horton,以下简称豪顿说实话我也没想到过豪顿教练穿上西装会这么帅和有型另一位,是大家都爱的Shaun T,以下简称熊T看图片就知道此人继承了黑人哥们不正经善搞笑的特质这两位教练的风格可以说是完全不同,豪顿是cocky & inspiring,熊T则是幽默感+认真+凶恶(他在insanity里面超级凶),在健身视频设计的风格上也完全不同,豪顿是非常传统的,也是我们熟悉的健身模式,用哑铃等道具,一丝不苟的完成各个动作来完善身体,而熊T有点像街头顽皮的大男孩,喜欢搞发明创造——比如说他不建议做仰卧起坐或者卷腹来锻炼腹肌,自己也是一个仰卧起坐没做过就有很漂亮的腹肌,出的视频很多都是街头嘻哈风,而且此人喜欢把最新的科学研究成果和自己的个人风格特色相结合——也就是完全反传统式的健身方法,跟豪顿那种严肃认真的小眼神和小语气完全不同,他最常说的就是hey man, take it easy~而且熊T的都是徒手做的,顶多加个哑铃完事儿了比如insanity和T25,他用的就是HIGH-INTENSITY CIRCUIT TRAINING (简称HICT)跟INTERVAL TRAINING这种运动理念,也就是说,简单粗暴见效快,省时又高效,想了解HICT的同学可以看这篇文章,写的很好而常规的就是像豪顿的,就得大量的定型,肌肉的反复维持训练,还经常要器械*很多器械),耗时就比较长,可以比较下他们两人的视频时长就知道了在Beachbody公开的最畅销家庭健身计划DVD中,80%以上是这两人的产品,豪顿的P90系列已形成了独立大气磅礴系统浩然的大计划,市场做的非常不错,而且扶持了一大批如Debbie等人的新星教练,熊T则是以Insanity系列产品屹立不倒,自己也独立开发了从初阶到高阶的一系列教程这两人的对战,基本上就是一场:直男VS基佬的大决斗(熊T是Gay,今年已结婚)而熊T的身材其实比豪顿要好,起码看起来要舒服多了,不是那么僵硬死板的肌肉,熊T本人也是个超级大名人,好莱坞的编舞者,风靡全美的资深教练,指导过N位大牌明星塑身减肥产后恢复体型什么的,他的视频教程,因为有趣多样不枯燥,所以在销量上也总是略微胜过豪顿所以说在健身这件事上,直男永远比不过基佬,长相和身材还有美型度,直男永远也追不上基佬。做失败无可奈何状好了,言归正传豪顿蜀黍(估计他得有50了,胡子都花白,但是看起来那么年轻,保持运动习惯很重要啊各位)和熊T哥哥的产品,在国内无人不知无人不晓的是这两个:P90X和Insanity,稍微在网上有耳闻或者去健身组逛过的人都知道但大部分人尝试第一天,感受就是“臣妾做不到啊”。。。尝试做了一周或者两周,感受就是膝盖伤了啊。。。去医院一查,软骨或者关节扭伤了啊。。。这很正常,beachbody出这类视频,本来就不是给从来没有运动习惯的人开始的,他们官网都在反复强调基础,基础,基础最重要,有人说郑多燕之类的都是垃圾P90X最棒理由是P90X运动量大什么的,估计豪顿本人听了都只会想呵呵,选择课程一定要选择最适合自己水平最能适应的,一味炫耀自己训练强度大忽悠人,万一别人因此受伤了,可不是呵呵能赔罪的,再说锻炼是自己的事情,除了分享心得和作扫盲外,就是我这种胖子提供提供免费资源了,在网上晒优越感有意思么?不还是一样改变不了大家都是有点自己兴趣爱好的凡人,当不了运动员参加不了选美和健美大赛的事实么?运动么,选择最适合自己的,自得其乐就够了下面开始分层级来提供资源和点评一,Getting Started对于大体重基数者,不推荐使用徒手的健身视频,建议最好使用器械辅助,这样可以可以承受冲击力,避免对膝盖有过大的负担,因此,首推1,Debbie Siebers的Slim in 6共5个课程,3个主题课和两个附带课,全六周Start It Up共25分钟Ramp It Up共48分钟Burn It Up共59分钟Slim & 6 Pack共12分钟Slim & Limber共14分钟根据课程表,每天必做的课程是前三个中的其中一个,后两个属于附加课,如果全部完成的话,前两周共需要51分钟/天,中间两周共需要74分钟/天,最后两周需要85分钟/天建议,最好分成12周昨晚,前六周只做主题课程,每两周反复轮回做一个视频,后六周把附加视频也加上,大剂量的练习优点:本视频是最适合“减肥”的视频,它的一切设定都是为了大体重计基数者设定的,最轻柔力量最小,课程有大量的深呼吸和拉伸运动,教练也非常注重对身体的防护缺点:1,耗时太长,后期每天都要差不多两个小时;2,最蛋痛的是,它有大量的动作需要你躺着做,如果你真的躺着做下来扭头看视频的话,你就知道有多别扭了,我不知道beachbody的客户是怎么解决这个问题的需要器械:弹力绳和把手+瑜伽垫即可,自己淘宝吧效果:我见到的官网绝大部分customer review,只要是大体重基数者,那种减肥减掉30斤以上的,几乎都是用slim in 6来做的,他们给的理由很简单,slim in 6,动作最轻柔,最舒适,最能见到减肥的效果,特别棒我的友邻中的洁癖妹子,做了slim in 6,感觉掉肉很多,身材变好,但后来她没有时间坚持,又把肉吃下去了,我得问问她怎么解决躺着运动扭头看视频的问题的课程有新旧两个版本,个人感觉新版不是特别适合,加了很多无所谓的动作,而且练习时间大大增加了,因此只上传了旧版,包括了课程表和5个视频,请严格按照课程表来做2,Power 90Power 90的全称是"90-day at-home boot camp."豪顿蜀黍的辉煌成就,就是从这套伟大的教材开始的,千里之行始于足下,这套就是足下,同时它也是豪顿蜀黍引以为豪的P90系列健身家族里最开始设计的部分,最简单最容易最轻松的起始课程这套教材强度和slim in 6类似,也是最简单的减肥视频,同时还有塑形的作用,视频数量很多,坐起来没那么枯燥,比slim in 6好些豪顿蜀黍在这里每次第一句话就是:remember, don't overdo it,这个理念很好,要大家适度而为,但是到了P90X里面,他就非常疯狂的说bring it, bring it!让人听着都要崩溃了。。。优点:1,大量深呼吸和伸展拉伸运动,非常有利于锻炼身体的同时预防伤痛,认真做几乎不太会出错2,这个视频有大量详细的单独动作讲解,非常细致,可以说类似教练手把手教学3,时间安排非常精妙,和大部分视频4-6周不同,它是集中在90天内出结果,也就是说,你要练习90天后才可能看到结果,这个时长很好,比大部分课程都要好缺点:几乎没有缺点,除了做腹肌还是要躺着看视频,非常别扭效果:全美有大量的人减掉体脂来验证了本课程的神奇,但是他们很多人都是slim 6+power 90的组合,我没觉得这两个强度不同啊需要器械:可调节重量哑铃+瑜伽垫内容包括了所有的doc文本和视频,请严格按照课程表来做,必然容易受伤3,熊T三部曲第一部Rockin Body如果你是熊T的忠粉,那么可以试试他最简单最容易入门的这套教程全程徒手,可能需要个小点的哑铃和瑜伽垫,基本风格就是使用街舞的动作来跳操,会比较有趣一些请时刻注意熊T右边的那个华裔女孩子,她做的都是low impact modification,体力不好的跟着她做我也是从这张图看出来熊T是基佬的,都不需要看他的facebook和微博,难道这是同类敏锐的嗅觉么?惊!优点:风趣幽默,大量的街舞动作,不枯燥,简易有效,几乎全部都是站立动作,很容易在加做缺点:个别耗时过长,达到一个半小时,心率可能受不了,同样因为是站立动作过多,伤膝盖,不适合体重基数过大者,另外,不喜欢街舞的人可能也不会适合这套教程效果:我的友邻Terry兄弟做了一套之后,心率上来了,耐力也好很多,身体变结实了一些个人感觉:这套教材不是特别适合减肥,适合玩票式的锻炼身体4,Brazil Butt Lift接受广大女性朋友的建议,特别在初级增加了一个课程,叫做提臀课教练是个巴西人,提到拉美你们都会想起翘臀的拉美女性嘛,这位说话口音比较滑稽搞笑的教练,在好莱坞可是为大人物,无数的名模和教练都接受过他指点,不管是名模塑形,还是明星产后恢复体型,他都是行家里手,人送尊称:the butt master,哈哈这个视频和其它略微不同的是:首先,一般视频是教练带着做,而这个视频里则是教练指导学员做,自己动的比较少,动作示范多是学员来做其次,本套视频应该说是专门为女性设计,而且只为女性专用的课程(哪个男的会做这个啊),其训练重点是几大块线条:臀线,腰线,腹线,腿线几乎可以说是女生的不二之选但个别动作难度颇大,不推荐大体重基数者使用,如果以前没有过运动习惯的,请把slim in 6或者Rockin Body跳完,再来做这套,好好塑形优点:转为女性设计,臀腰腹腿,四大块打造性感身材,特别集中在翘臀练习,可以把臀部提升2 inch以上缺点:有些动作强度过高,不适合基础一般的人,而且完全不适合男性需要器械,目前不清楚,请大家下载好后通知我添上,我没细看,就看了下官网的顾客评论视频分别有:Basics, Bum Bum, Cardio Axe,High & Tight, Sculpt, Tummy Tuck,课程表有四张,主要针对的是不同的臀部形状安排的,自己看图片都能看得懂的但是资源里多了一个Bum Bum Rapido,课程表里没有,我也没删,不知道做啥,大家不必理会就是5,Yoga Booty Ballet这个同样是专为女孩子设置的,看名字就知道是瑜伽,但我看了很久,动作没有Brazil Butt Lift容易好懂容易上手,而且网络上的资源不全,弄不下来,所以只能作罢相比较而言,这套教材并没有想象中的那么好,女孩子想产后恢复或者减脂收腰提臀,完全可以用Slim 6+Brazil Butt Lift为组合,因此我们作罢以上就是初级所有的课程了,难度不分先后(除了brazil butt lift),只有自己自己喜欢和需求分别不同,请根据需求选择最适合自己的起始课程吧,你也可以进行先后顺序的搭配和排序二:Intermediate很多人刚做完Slim 6或者Power 90就立刻开始insanity了,没找到适度的,结果就伤了。。。从这个级别开始,我推荐一些比较难的课程,我自己没有全部做过,主要是参考官网的customer review1,大名鼎鼎的P90家族的第二部 Power 90 Master Series要严格和Power 90分开,P90是home camp,这个是Master Series,难度提高了整整一个等级如图Master Series里面的动作和P90几乎差不多,但是强度高了很多,比较蛋疼的是,网上找不到这个系列的课程表主教练豪顿的意思是,这个练习随意你们自己穿插到平时的训练计划里,可是穿插不当又受伤了不是?我谷歌了一下,搜到了两个课程表一个是豪顿自己建议的顺序,9天一个轮回,休息两天,来回撸完几个轮回,两个月后就能见到很好效果一个是Beachbody一教练Steve开出来的单子,分成了两个部分,standard跟lean,每个12周,他的课程表不仅仅包括了master series的课程,同时还包括了P90里面的一些课融合进来了,显得更加科学一些,更属于阶段过渡,我把他提到的视频,统统都加进来了,但是记住原有的视频,一共只有6个而已热爱这套教材的男孩子,可以先撸完Steve的课程表,再去撸豪顿的课程表另外,最上面我给的那个网站的calendar不太正确,不要参考,参考我自己手动做的三个excel表什么样的人适合这套教材呢?豪顿自己的说法是Start with Power 90 if you're looking to drop weight and to get in shape. Once you've gone through 90 days of Power 90, you can move onto the Power 90 Master Series. But only do this if the original Power 90 is no longer challenging. If you still struggle with Power 90, you can complete the program over again as many times as you want until you're ready to take your workouts up a notch也就是说P90你做的没劲儿了,能够完全掌握了,那么就试试这套这套教材在Beachbody公司中可谓是好评如潮,比如:Out of all the workout programs, Master Series is my favorite by far because of the diversity in the workouts. I lost most of my weight from Slim in 6, but Master Series really got me to a shape I loved! Now, I'm planning on getting back into it again再比如:After 20 years of sloth, I got back into regular exercise and healthier eating with Beachbody programs -- first Slim in 6, then Power 90.Got great results, losing 25 pounds and really toning up. Knew I wasn't ready for P90X, but was ready for a next step. Master Series was it. Lost another 5 pounds, but really dropped inches around the waist and hips, added muscle and increased endurance.Great workouts! Have since done P90X with strong results, but it's too much for me to continue as a forever workout. Master Series will be great for that -- and I may try to blend P90X+ in with it.Thanks for a great product that really did the job for me这套我个人也认为适合作为长期的fitness 保持课程不过需要注意的是,减脂是第一阶段的视频做的事儿,这个阶段的课程,主要是塑形用的,从大部分评论中我们也能看到,很多人的体重都是做slim 6或者P90时候掉下去的,真的做Master的时候,发现体重没变多少,但是惊喜的是,维度变了,身材变挺拔了!优点:到处都是,可以说是嫌弃P90太小儿科,P90X太变态的人的首选和上上选缺点:暂时没发现,官网也是一律好评——当然需要买一些设备,这个算缺点?必备器械:可调重量哑铃,瑜伽垫,心率器,尤其注意心率器一定要买!2,中级阶段特别适合女生的Hip Hop Abs,编舞者:熊T在初级减掉了一定的脂肪,需要练腰身的,这个教材特别适合你,据说2周时间就可以让你腰围瘦两寸还是5寸,效果保证,可以让你穿上梦想的牛仔裤,看到这句广告词我悲痛的哭了,现在的女生都不穿牛仔,只穿黑丝了。。。男生一样可以拿这个来练腹肌,不必躺在床上那么麻烦,这个是熊T特别设定的一套中级健身课程,难度比insanity小了不少,但整体来看,对心肺功能要求还是很高,建议谨慎使用从编舞的内容课程设置来看,熊T真的是在很用心的编排这套节目,视频的录制水平和质量比Rockin Body要好多了需要大家注意的就是,熊T的视频,右边的助教,那个华裔女孩子Tania,她做的全部都是Low impact modification,也就是调节后的低冲击动作,受不了熊T的折磨的,参考她的比较好——不过这种助教调整动作模式,到了insanity里就消失了看了下官网的review,大家的反应统统是两类:一类是“震惊,天哪,效果不可思议”等等,另一类是“好玩,有趣,坚持,我最爱,无法形容,期盼运动”等等,也就是说,这套教程是把趣味性和实用性效率性,统统都结合起来了优点:趣味性十足,效率非常高,每天一个小时,可取得惊人的效果,非常适合减脂塑形缺点:对于协调性不是特别好,无法接受街舞形式的人来说不太适合,而且熊T在这里说话又快又密,听力不行的不太容易听懂需要器材:小型哑铃+瑜伽垫3,豪顿蜀黍专门为无时间运动的繁忙认识打造的10 minute trainer严格意义上来说,这套教程应该算基础版的,不过感觉强度比P90稍微难了一点,豪顿和其他教练也说这是intermediate的教程,所以还是放这里了这套课程,号称只有10分钟,每天练习10分钟就可以让身材变好(虽然效果不是这样,但起码作为中级课程算是不错的)优点:有10多10分钟的视频,可以自己组合搭配,比如你每天可以选择练习一个或者两个,也可以练习三个,对于身体不是特别好的人来说,可以慢慢拉长周期,从一个视频开始做起,慢慢加量缺点:力度不够,比P90略微强度高些,比P90 Master弱,豪顿编排这套的目的是给很久没运动的人恢复用的,也不是特别适合正儿八经的运动,作为中级的过渡,如果有人真的很忙,用这个就好必备:瑜伽垫+弹力绳三,Upper-intermediate中高(警告:以下课程分难易先后!)1,首先发布一下我个人的最爱,LES MILLS COMBAT莱美搏击操,如图莱美是个很知名的健身房项目,这次莱美公司和beachbody强强联合,打造了一套完美有趣的workout方案这个视频也是本帖重点推荐,LZ觉得是适合99%的人同时能得到极好的锻炼效果和健身效果的好教程从某种程度来说,LMC比P90X和insanity都更适合大部分人,在beachbody的官网上,很多顾客也说,LMC比P90X和insanity都要好,也适合作为一辈子的健身计划。理由如下:1)节目综合了包括空手道,跆拳道,太极等所谓的6大武术,编制出一套搏击操,做起来特别爽特别泄恨,流汗特别多2)节目不仅仅只是一套有氧搏击操,它还融合了著名的HIIT训练模式和各种核心力量的训练,平衡性非常好,这样也就保证了效果的全面有效3)最关键的是,编舞者的首要目的不是蹂躏你,而是要编出一套“适合不同级别的人都可以上手,享受运动的课程”,所以它有三个课程表,每个课程表的编排的视频都不一样,强度也由浅入深,更好的是,它作为高阶课程,每一节课都有一个妹子做low impact modification,这个比p90x和insanity都要好多了,体力不好的跟着妹子做,就能跟得上了4)每节课在30-60分钟左右缺点:教练过于聒噪,表演风格太过用力了,不过女教练真心很帅气,其它没发现什么缺点必备器具,哑铃,瑜伽垫2,T25Shaun T今年的新作品,一样的简单粗暴型,每天只用25分钟,强度比insanity小了不少,个人感觉比les mills combat还是大一些α和β是一套DVD共12个视频(包含10个正式视频,附赠一个拉伸视频一个β-Core Speed奖金计划)γ是单独出售的一套DVD(包含三个正式视频,附赠一个Speed 3.0)α和β是基础,γ更侧重力量肌肉塑形α和β是基础心肺和减脂部分的,如果买全套DVD就附赠core speed可以替代β里面的speed2.0。γ系列是独立的,DVD得单卖,好像只有首发的那天卖,然后是专门的肌肉力量训练,可以脱离αβ直接练,有单独的两种训练日历三个课程的stretch是通用的一个,我放在alpha的文件夹里的,m4v格式的;avi格式那个stretch有问题,少了一些时间就没传了。除了gamma课程和stretch是m4v格式,其余都是avi的优缺点和必备器械不详3,RevAbs这套教程专门献给男孩子,今晚豆瓣新男神诞生,书生柏小齐以六块腹肌形象亮相,颠覆了各位长久以来对文理男学术男的印象,大家羡慕不已,也有套高阶课程专门针对腹肌的,好就好在,它是用巴西传统武术卡波啦的动作练习的,不像做仰卧起坐那么枯燥难过优缺点和必备工具不详,请自己查阅官网四:高级1,P90X,又被称为Power 90 Extreme Home Fitness Program这个视频我们就不多介绍了优点:beachbody公司有史以来最成功的教程,卖出了500多W套,市场盈利远超5亿美元(感激盗版商吧混蛋!),豪顿蜀黍呕心沥血之作,费尽两年时间,设计了N套课程,咨询了无数医生营养学家和各类运动学专家,最后终于出来的集大成巅峰之作,你值得拥有!缺点:太难太累,器械需要太他么多了必备:哑铃,瑜伽垫,家用单杠2,P90X Plus又称P90X+大部分知道P90X的人却不知道P90X+,哈哈,P90X一共有12个视频,而P90X+大约有5个,是豪顿蜀黍设计出来,专门给已经完成了P90X,并且想向下一步发展提高体能的优点:和P90X一样缺点:太JB难了,而且只适合已经从P90X中存活下来的非人类,这是豪顿蜀黍自己说的,没有坚持下来P90X的classic课表,来上这套,会死的很惨的3,insanity/insanity-calories-burned/,国外有个熊T的脑残粉疯狂的做in,然后计算出每个视频消耗的卡路里的in的销量是没有P90X的好的,虽然卖的也很好,这个跟中外的审美有些区别这里要破除个谣言,很多人说in练出来的是H型身材,这不可能!我友邻很多美女练in,身板儿都超级好超级性感,没有什么H型的说法如果坚持练习P90X,尤其是Classic,倒是可能会长很多肌肉insanity很类似专业的运动员的健身法,消耗的卡路里非常多,它的优点或者说缺点就是:无法达到增肌的目的,练出来的,几乎全是长条形的身材也就是说,这套教材的首要目的是提高身体素质,强化心肺能力,锻炼身体的柔韧性,平衡性和协调性但是在增长大块肌肉方面,Shaun T所有的教程,都不是最擅长的,腹肌什么的肯定会有,但想参加健身比赛,达到像WWE运动员那种体型,不太可能但也正因为如此,insanity才会如此的受欢迎,跟P90对比,看两位教练的体型就知道区别了——Shaun T身高185,体重才79kg做in的时候,一定要牢记:好的护膝,跑鞋,防震垫子,一样也不能少!而且01就是fit test,那个超级重要,每两周一定要做一次fit test,测一下心率,来看自己的水平如何时刻要牢记:很多人做in成功了,但更多人做in脚踝和膝盖受伤半年不能运动,一定要根据自己水平谨慎来选择课程,千万不能盲目!4,P90X2这个教程非常新,2011年出的,你看视频里面的豪顿,能相信他已经53岁了么?再次说明保持运动是多么重要!超级变态的一套教程,而且要求的器械更加多,在国内尝试做完的也没几个,我就不详述了5,Insanity Asylum 16,Insanity Asylum 2这两个是专业运动员的训练,连cast人数都减少至3人,全是运动员,我也没找到视频,就暂时不传了时刻要牢记,高阶的课程,虽然他们也都说效果多么神奇什么的,但目的官网和维基都说的很清楚:designed for those people who are already fit!看清楚了么!!!!!!胖子就还是不要尝试了,真心的说了这么多的beachbody的好,下面我来说说他们的坏吧哈哈哈/andrew-dixon/weight-loss-secrets_b_3643898.html?utm_hp_ref=tw这篇博客的作者,也是个业内有名的教练,他说他身边的朋友,都很向往这种所谓的快速指南或者灵丹妙药——零基础从未锻炼过的胖子,身体差的不行,大家都在谈论哦,60天,或者90天出结果,感觉锻炼是件特别容易的事,理由就是beachbody公司出来的各种锻炼前后的对比照片他觉得所谓90天出结果都是bullshit,为了证明自己观点,他自己也拍了一组照片这些前后对比照片间隔了多久呢?1-2个小时哇啦,他就有了自己锻炼前后的对比图了他说所谓P90X和insanity,都是marketing做的特别好罢了,而且这所谓的marketing的照片,很可能都是用专业摄影技术打造出来的,他自己就亲自试验了,效果良好他第一句话就说到we live in a world of manipulation, false promises and exaggerated claims. 说实话,我也觉得Power90认定90天出结果是有点夸张了他写这篇文章的目的不是为了黑beachbody,而是为了阐述自己的观点:What's my point? Don't try to look like anyone you see in a transformation photo. Be inspired, but don't be disappointed if you don't see yourself the way you see those models. Being tricked into eating low-calorie diets and doing endless cardio is a recipe for fat gain, especially in the long term.Forget about the quick transformations and focus on a life of healthy eating, well-managed stress levels, quality sleep and plenty of movement. Spend time with people who have similar goals and values and take time to appreciate yourself the way you are right now. Don't beat yourself up if you eat a cookie, just enjoy that cookie and everything else life has to offer.也就是说,不要过分迷信“神奇结果”,快速指南,90天出奇迹,以后再也不用出力似的——我相信豆瓣很多人都是这么想的,这个教练的观念很简单:健康是一辈子的大事,你需要养成终身的良好习惯,要吃的更健康,更好的处理好压力,睡眠质量要好,培养起终身的锻炼习惯,不要因为体型达不到广告或者宣传片里而沮丧——你需要是终生的良好习惯我相信你们都明白了?一个月两个月就盲目的追求腹肌其实是很不靠谱的,健身不应该放在第一位目标,培养一辈子的健康饮食习惯,锻炼身体,这才是最重要的愿大家都有个好身体全文完


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