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MultiHack for Vanilla (1.12.1) Servers
Current version: 1.3, 8th December 2012
Start as administrator to get it working (only Vista and higher)!
Download is at the bottom of the page if you don't want to read all this shit. But please read the thread first before you're asking about any errors or other questions.
When I played Vanilla (yes, I don't play anymore, I hope that explains my lack of motivation to keep working on this tool :&) I was looking for hacks like WoWEmuhacker, but I could just find one and that one sucked in my opinion.
So then I decided to create my own one, with more features and better handling (you couldn't even set the movement speed of your speedhack in the other one and so on).
After days of research I found most of the things I needed and I decided to give it a go. The result is this little toolie now and I think I can say it's the best hacking-tool you will find in public for 1.12.1
(not that there is much competition )
Well, features are the following:
SpeedhackTeleportingWallclimbingAirswim (kind of flyhack) Movement modifications (slowfall, waterwalk, levitation)DeathbuggingUnrooting (Unstunning)Hunter TrackingResource TrackingStuck-In-A-)List of favorite teleport-coordinates (finally )Infinite JumpsNo falldamageStun immunity (only movement)Noclip
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
I can't attach the program, what is wrong?
You either got a modified version of WoW.exe or you did not start the hack with administrator privileges. Fix either one.
There is no vertical movement with the airswim, can you change that?
Simple answer: Nope, I can't. Reason is, that in vanilla there originally was nothing like flying, it was implemented in The Burning Crusade, not even GM's can fly in Vanilla, this is the best thing possible.
What is the deathbug? How does it work? What is it good for?
When your character dies, click the button. Your character will stand up again (though, he is in a permanent stun, use the Unrooting-Button to fix that) and you can attack other people/mobs. Most mobs will reset if you attack them, but some will not. Find out for yourself what you can use it for. There are a lot of possible things!
What is unrooting?
Unrooting frees your character from being stunned. Simple as that. Though, if you are in a real stun, you will not be able to cast, only movement is possible.
What is the stuck in air option for and how does it work?
This is actually outdated with the airswim feature. But nevertheless I'll keep it here.
This thing basically resets your falling counter, you can use this as &flyhack& basically, what you have to do:
Port yourself high in the air with the teleport-feature,
Hit the &No falltime& button, try to run around Posted Image You won't really fall, just a little bit. After some time you should port yourself higher again, as you're still falling a little bit. Recommendable is also, to use speedhack, else you will be really slow, as this thing also includes the Unroot function as well, which will break any movement. If it wouldn't, you would be in an endless falling animation.
I am getting disconnected when using a hack. Why?
Sorry dude, but it looks like that certain hack is being detected by your server. I can't code any workarounds for that, so you should rather not use the hacks that get you disconnected to prevent getting banned.
In need for chest coordinates? (Might be giving you some gold if youre just starting on a server)
Last edited by L 01-05-2017 at .
Reason: link updated
Master Sergeant
Hack works great! Good job! I had some idea's about the deathbug though which i'll pm you about and hopefully you might have some insight
Didnt work on wow-one =/
wow-one as some crazy anti hack, thats why. Anything that gets manipulated, it will DC you.
Anyone knows any hack that works on wow-one? Or maybe have some kind of model editing to share with me, such as Campfire & Dark Portal?
Oh and also wondering, this multihack - it doesn't work on Windows XP. Can I bypass that somehow?
Cheers guys!
Sergeant Major
Great hack! A couple things I may suggest though is keybindings for running speeds. It wouldn't even have to have a gui, just a .ini file or something. Mountain climbing is something that feels missing from this multihack.
Cheers mate and thanks for the hack.
disregard females, acquire currency
Actually the version here was outdated a long time ago, I just didn't feel like I had to update it here because I didn't get a lot of response on here.
Mountain climbing is already implemented, key bindings won't be coming (at least not from me), but someone over at deathsoft made the effort to do something like that, though I don't know, if it works with the current version.
Enjoy the new version
Originally Posted by Lysolfs
Actually the version here was outdated a long time ago, I just didn't feel like I had to update it here because I didn't get a lot of response on here.
Mountain climbing is already implemented, key bindings won't be coming (at least not from me), but someone over at deathsoft made the effort to do something like that, though I don't know, if it works with the current version.
Enjoy the new version
Love the tracking.
Sadly, the server I'm playing on (emerald dream) dc:es you if you try to change the movement flag or teleporting, although I'm working on a &flyhack& that hopefully will bypass that.
Only thing missing now for 1.12.1 is a actual bot that is able to grind/herb/mine...any ideas? &3
Things that would be great is player tracking, it's nice to track humanoids but that also gets NPC, I'd really just want to know if other players are near me, even if its just my own alliance.
And then secondly, autoloot? Newer versions of wow already allow you to loot the entire corpse with right click, anything to speed up looting tons of bodies would be amazing.
Originally Posted by AmandaS
Only thing missing now for 1.12.1 is a actual bot that is able to grind/herb/mine...any ideas? &3
Besides the one being released on the forum &soon&, I'm also working on one. Won't take more than some weeks, depending on how motivated I am.
Originally Posted by frozenthorn
Things that would be great is player tracking, it's nice to track humanoids but that also gets NPC, I'd really just want to know if other players are near me, even if its just my own alliance.
And then secondly, autoloot? Newer versions of wow already allow you to loot the entire corpse with right click, anything to speed up looting tons of bodies would be amazing.
Specifically tracking players on the minimap is not possible as far as I know. And autoloot... Well, you do know that you can just hold shift while right clicking the bodies?
I've used programs before that could track players specifically but I also don't know how its done, it's not a big deal though just something to make it more useful.
hmm for some reason it wont let me save any fav locations, keeps saying the file is in use
Powerleveling and Unbanning Expert
Originally Posted by Tojan
hmm for some reason it wont let me save any fav locations, keeps saying the file is in use
open it with notepad from the folder.. then try again
Powerleveling and Unbanning Expert
apocs tracking program allows u to track specific people.;.. u can put in a name and it tracks them-- dunno of another way tho
MMOwned Veteran
Any way to get a NOCLIP ????
Hackhac, contributor && donator.
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是海山和黑暗神殿掉落的比如说60级的最好装备是 T1 T2 T3 
 现在70级的普通套装是D1 D2 D3
好点就是T4 T5 T6指FB套装TBC后
(5人FB掉落 蓝装)
T4(10人FB 25人FB掉落 紫装) 兑换在 沙 两对立声望点都有 NPC兑换 个职业 装备名字都不同就是只有你这个职业才能够用的从团队副本中BOSS掉落的套装套装是 不 同 的职业套装
We have stated several times that we have
nothing against multiboxing. As long as the player controls each of
the characters the player may run multiple clients/characters.
We're aware of some players not agreeing with us on this - on some
topics people simply have to agree to disagree. At the same time,
expressing disagreement in a nice way is of course no reason for
jumping on someone. Construct


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