求RPG游戏To The Moon 中的梦中的婚礼钢琴曲mp33格式

Dont forget to dont forget to me.
自制 大家新年快乐!!!其实上传是在最后一天完成的....只是看红白看完后没注意.我一直很想做去月球To the moon的OST集,现在终于完成啦!去月球是一款经典的RPG小游戏,剧情非常感人~游戏中每首BGM灰常不错!非常值得收藏!!其实音乐才是游戏的本体!有两段视频,一段是去月球官方宣传片.另一个是Laura Shigihara为去月球唱的主题曲!记得戴耳机听~~~
违法不良信息举报电话: 转 3Ruining sentimental moments, one badly timed joke after another
/ To the Moon
To the Moon is an indie Adventure RPG, about two doctors traversing through the memories of a dying man to fulfill his last wish.
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Type or genre(s):
RPG, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Tragicomedy, Psychological
Windows, Mac, Linux
~4.5 hours
File size:
“How do I explain why it’s brilliant without spoiling what makes it so?”
“To the Moon is a game you must play.”
“I guess the music’s kinda nice.”
– Developer’s Aunt
“It’s simple, poignant, and full of heart.”
Awards & Nominations
Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts have rather peculiar jobs:
They give people another chance to live. Literally.
There exists a technology that allows doctors to weave artificial memories, such that a patient can request attempts to alter their mind, and wake up with memories of things that didn’t actually happen.
However, since these new memories are permanent, the conflict between them and the existing authentic memories clash in such a way that it ceases the person’s ability to properly function.
Thus, the operation is only done to people on their deathbeds, to fulfill what they wish they had done with their lives… but didn’t.
But creating a new memory is not as simple as pressing a button.
The technology requires the doctors to step into the memories of the patient, which are reconstructed as interactive scenes. The doctors then gradually traverse backwards through memories of the patient’s life until they reach childhood — at which point, the wish of the patient in present time would be transferred over.
Along with the doctors’ influence, the patient (as a child) could then lead an entire different life inside their head, working toward and fulfilling their dying wish themselves.
And if all goes well, they would wake up, having lived the dream life they never had, and embrace a brief moment of blissful fulfillment.
Shortly after, they’d draw their last breath.
Every once in a while, there comes a life that is rather peculiar.
This particular story follows Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts’ attempt to fulfill the dream of the dying elderly man, Johnny. In their mission to do so, they traverse backwards through the man’s memories, unfolding his curious life story before their eyes.
With each step back in time, a new fragment of Johnny’s past is revealed. And as the two doctors piece together the puzzled events that spanned a life time, they seek to find out just why the frail old man chose his dying wish to be what it is.
And Johnny’s last wish is, of course… to go to the moon.
The complete soundtrack is now available from !
50% of all OST proceeds go toward charities for autism.
The current charity of choice is .
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