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(Shadow Realm)是一款由YMC发布的横版动作格斗游戏,游戏的主角就是曾经在FLASH当中十分著名的角色:火柴人,相信不少玩家关于它都不会太生疏,游戏采用的是一种剪影的画面作风,火柴人原本就没有详细的形象,而敌人们也采用了一种类似的设计,除了背景之外一切似乎都只能看到一个大约的轮廓。火柴人联盟(Shadow Realm)修改版游戏攻略1、游戏采用了关卡的方式,玩家将关卡当中的敌人消灭干净即可过关,每一个关卡当中除了一些小兵之外还将有一名BOSS,BOSS的比其他的小兵高出一截,要想消灭他们可不是一件容易的事,敌人的攻击办法分为许多种,有的采用物理攻击,有的还会运用魔法攻击。而作为玩家同样也有许多不同的角色能够选择,不同的角色攻击也是各有特性。2、游戏当中的操作非常简单,幕右下角的方向键能够控制角色停止左右移动,而作为游戏的重点的攻击键则放在了屏幕的右侧,在攻击按键四周还分列着技能键,玩家运用技能能够给予敌人更高的伤害值,使得过关更加轻松,不同的角色所运用的技能都会不同,每一种技能的伤害值也是不一样的,技能有冷却时间,只要当冷却时间过了才可以再次释放,伤害值越高的技能冷却时间也越长。3、游戏当中还拥有装备系统,玩家在消灭敌人时将有一定的几率掉落装备,玩家能够让角色穿上配备,这样才可以更强,装备可以升级,升级之后装备属性也将得到大幅度的提升。关于那些属性不高的装备玩家能够将他们卖掉换取一些金币,用来升级更高级的装备,而角色的技能也是可以进行强化的,强化之后的技能将会具有更大的伤害。火柴人联盟(Shadow Realm)修改版游戏特色流畅的动作酷炫的音效华丽丽的特效拳拳到肉的打击感丰富的可操作英雄双人组队战斗火柴人联盟(Shadow Realm)修改版说明1,干掉网络签名校验2,干掉完整性校验3,删除发送短信权限4,删除拨打电话权限5,锁三网,直接识别为移动手机卡6,干掉支付弹窗,直接购买成功7,添加个人原创标识弹窗8,使用个人专用签名,非通用测试签名火柴人联盟更新内容1.霸气的牛头英雄2.只要签到奖励不断3.高折扣礼包领不停4.完美的英雄技能升级系
动作格斗 / 21.4M
动作格斗 / 60.3M
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> 火柴人联盟无限钻石安卓修改版下载
火柴人联盟无限钻石安卓修改版(Shadow Realm) v1.3.1 免费版
火柴人游戏这么多,但是要说呼声最高的,当属火柴人联盟无限钻石安卓修改版了!想要体验的玩家就来本站火柴人联盟破安卓下载吧!Shadow Realm的游戏内容非常出色,玩家在这里可以任意话费钻石购买道具!玩家在火柴人联盟无限钻石安卓修改版中可以控制主角进行左右移动,快来试试吧!
《火柴人联盟 Shadow Realm》其实是一款横屏动作手游,游戏中的角色取材自里,例如盖伦、寒冰、流浪、剑圣、小丑等英雄,这些英雄都是使用火柴人的剪影手法展现给玩家,虽然只是英雄剪影,不过依然很有亲切感!
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游戏大小:主程序 50M + 数据包 无
支持系统:Android 2.2+
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《火柴人联盟 Shadow Realm》游戏采用了关卡的方式,玩家将关卡当中的敌人消灭干净即可过关,每一个关卡当中除了一些小兵之外还将有一名BOSS,BOSS的比其他的小兵高出一截,要想消灭他们可不是一件容易的事,敌人的攻击办法分为许多种,有的采用物理攻击,有的还会运用魔法攻击。而作为玩家同样也有许多不同的角色能够选择,不同的角色攻击也是各有特性。
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兑换前请仔细阅读。The Shadow Realm
Here you can access the HorrorFest posters from 2005 to present,
all featuring festival co-organizer Sonja.
Designs by Paul Blom / Dr-Benway / Vernon Swart
Also access the
Click poster
thumbnails to jump to larger images & details
designed by Paul Blom
When Paul & Sonja conceived the HorrorFest in 2004 (to debut in 2005), they wanted it to be a
Horror Festival Spectacular - hence the Horror Festacular description.
But from the get-go it was referred to as the HorrorFest.
Plans were devised at the beginning to give each year a theme - the first one to be Zombies (screening movies like Night Of The Living Dead).
So, with a consumer digital camera, Paul took a picture of Sonja and (with very little time) did some basic Photoshop post
to turn her into a walking dead chick. That was for the poster, while the folded printed flyer was a tombstone and zombie hand
reaching from the grave (again created in Photoshop).
designed by Paul Blom
The 2nd HorrorFest / Festacular got a vampire theme, with Nosferatu receiving a
live soundtrack performance by Paul & Sonja's
collaborative music project.
(This was recorded live and released on DVD)
As with the first year's poster, Paul took a pic of Sonja and did some post.
The flyer was
oblong with the print giving it a coffin shape.
It had a cross lid window shape with Sonja's face as if inside the coffin - on opening the flyer, it revealed Sonja inside.
designed by Paul Blom
2007 didn't have a defined theme, so a sexy demon / gargoyle-type creature was devised, with Sonja as inspiration again.
Original pic of Sonja shot by Francois Oberholster for a photo-shoot of Paul & Sonja's band
designed by Paul Blom
2007 also saw the Paul's creation of the HorrorFest skull-moon logo (on the left).
(This logo image was used for the 2nd Bloody Parchment short story collection, also in print form).
For the 10th anniversary
the skull-moon got a little facelift mainly in Paul's font design (on the right).
designed by Paul Blom
(photography by Graham Abbott)
By this time the organizers realized that a specific theme for each
year will not necessarily be conducive, but that didn't matter.
2008 saw the release of the first album by Paul & Sonja's band . The album cover pictures were shot by Graham Abbot,
and one of the images were used and altered by Paul for that year's HorrorFest.
Again, a sexy, but dark image (even with so much white!)
artwork by Vernon Swart
(from a photograph of Sonja taken by Dr-Benway)
moon logo & design by
2009 saw a return to a theme, this time Werewolves (with movies like An American Werewolf In London and its new documentary).
A Skype interview with its director John Landis was planned, but connectivity issues unfortunately spoiled that plan.
This time for the cover Paul approached his friend (and former school art teacher) Vernon Swart, who went on from teaching to
a respected South African artist. Paul decided that turning Sonja into a werewolf for the poster would either look too mean
and have her unrecognizable, or result in it looking like a cute doggie(!) So, that issue got solved by leaving Sonja normal but
adding an extra
character for the first time in the shape of
incorporating a werewolf.
Using a picture taken by Dr-Benway for a Terminatryx photo shoot, Vernon redrew her and added the werewolf - this is hte first time a poster was physucally created as opposed to digitally.
As has become customary, Paul added his skull moon logo and all relevant info.
2009 also had Paul & Sonja produce the festival's
(directed by Paul, starring Sonja, shot by Marnus Tredoux,
edited by Leon Visser and make-up by Clinton Smith & his
team). It was shot and edited over a night and a morning
in order to get it to eTV's Showbiz Report the next day for broadcast(!) The clip was expanded into a Terminatryx music video for ,
and an extended short film .
photography & post-production
by Dr-Benway
make-up & hair by Clinton Smith & Daleen Badenhorst of Cosmesis
concept by Paul, Sonja & Dr-Benway
With the incorporation of The Exorcist, naturally the 2010 theme would be the devil!
A sexy devil, of course.
Clinton and Daleen from Cosmesis jumped in again with their talents to transform Sonja into something otherworldly, yet enticing,
with full body make-up, a special pin-up wig, and horns.
They threw in a clapper board and Dr-Benway shot Sonja before getting
stuck into post, which also included the creation of a devil tail.
This design also became the cover for the first short story eBook collection
of the HorrorFest's Bloody Parchment
literature chapter.
HorrorFest organizers
Paul & Sonja
pic & post by Dr-Benway
make-up & hair by Clinton Smith & Daleen Badenhorst
(In addition to this image of festival organizers Sonja & Paul, another image of them got used for the cover of LMG Magazine's October issue,
featuring a piece on the HorrorFest and an article on Metal music by Paul)
designed by Paul Blom
post-production by Dr-Benway
2011 again had no specific theme, and Paul had always wanted to use a Grim Reaper image.
They rented a hooded cape & borrowed a friend's scythe.
Paul shot Sonja at the Cosmesis premises
and incorporated
the skull from the event's moon logo into the one half of Sonja's face for added effect. He then passed it on to Dr-Benway
who added some grading and the cloudy night-sky background.
designed by Dr-Benway
concept by
Paul, Sonja & Dr-Benway
The theme for 2012 was Frankenstein, represented at the event in various forms, from the first two Boris Karloff movies,
to a modern reinterpretation and live soundtrack performance by The Makabra Ensemble for the
1910 silent short film based on Mary Shelley's creation.
Based on a Bride Of Frankenstein image, for the poster Dr-Benway took an image of Sonja styled as closely as possible,
and transformed it in post, including an angry mob & castle, for an old-school movie poster look.
designed by Paul Blom
For years Paul had wanted to recreate the classic Scarface poster for the HorrorFest, for no other reason than it looks graphically cool!
So, he shot an image of Sonja posing like Al Pacino, replacing the pistol with a butcher knife, and jumped into post,
tracking down a similar font.
designed by Simone' Hendricks
the 10th anniversary poster the Halloween (sexy) Witch theme was chosen.
The most fantasy slanted poster thus far, was executed digitally by the
talented Simone' Hendricks.
(Sonja's hair also got a grey-blonde make-over by Simone')
designed by Paul Blom
In 2015 Paul executed something he'd wanted for a while, a HorrorFest crest design.
Black is an obvious choice when it comes to Horror themes, but by making the background white for its first incarnation,
with the blood splat it stood out in a different way.
The crest was also used as the festival poster for 2015.
The figure at the centre of it (which also incorporates the event's classic skull-moon designed by Paul),
is event co-ceator Sonja, who appears on all the posters (her image taken from a Terminatryx band picture, shot by Dr-Benway).
designed by Paul Blom
2016 marked the 12th SA HorrorFest - midnight... So, Paul took a picture of the church on Green Market Square
and got to work. The new crest design was included as logo, and Dr-Benway did some cloud adjustment and
added a different clock face set to 12 o'clock.
2004 - 2017
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