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Copyright 2003 - 2011All Rights Reserved
发布时间: 15:29:23
作者:Julien Codorniou
许多领先的开发商已经证明,如果能在Facebook上做大做强,他们定也能在手机上取得成功。Wooga的《Bubble Island》和 《Diamond Dash》,Jellyvision Games的《You Don’t Know Jack》,Nordeus的《Top Eleven》,的《Candy Crush Saga》和Playtika的《Slotomania》都是先在Facebook上热门起来,然后将热潮进一步蔓延到iPhone和/或Android平台。
开发商不必在Facebook或手机之间做选择—-你应该考虑的是,Facebook和手机二者兼得。Facebook用户有10亿,而通过移动设备活跃于Facebook平台的用户有6亿。不开发这些Facebook手机用户实在是个损失。从Zynga 《Words With Friends》和PopCap的《Bejeweled Blitz》到FreshPlanet的《SongPop》,FishSticks Games的《Slots Journey》和Supercell的《Hay Day》,许多社交手机游戏已经高居排行榜。
事实上,有将近20万款手机应用和游戏是建立在Facebook的API上。无论何时,收益最高的iPhone应用中总有6到8款是与Facebook相结合的。今年入选苹果编辑精选的是Bad Robot Interactive的《Action Movie FX》,这也是与Facebook相结合的应用,
<的跨平台游戏《Saga》在Facebook和手机平台上都表现出色,原因是它鼓励不靠滥发邮件的分享。《Bubble Witch Saga》(和iOS)和《Candy Crush Saga》(和iOS)让晋升为Facebook开发商的前五强,它拥有的月活跃用户已超过5千万。
songpop(from techcrunch)
至于Facebook Insights,开发商可以将游戏服务化,借此收集用户的反馈,然后根据分析结果改进游戏。过去,开发商们在发行完游戏后只会坐等下一个版本的更新,而现在,这样的日子已经成为历史。如今的社交游戏不再区分版本。它们之所以存在就是为了提供持续不断且高品质的体验,人们也始终都在期待看到最优秀的游戏。
Buffalo Studios对《Bingo Blitz》就是采取这种策略的。这款跨平台游戏为了吸引玩家,源源不断地更新场景,玩家为了获得限时的游戏内容会不断重返游戏世界。结果是,四分之一的玩家成为月活跃用户,并且坚持了一年或以上。
注重快速成功的开发商必须做好曲折发展与持续地制造轰动的准备,这样他们的品牌才不会过时或流失玩家。另一方面,如果你设计游戏是为了长期的留存率,比如《Texas HoldEm Poker》、《DoubleDown Casino》和《Battle Pirates》,那么游戏体验将会随着更多好友的加入而越来越好。在我们的平台上,这两类游戏都能生存。
硬核游戏便是长期型应用的代表,因为它们吸引的是忠实的玩家,收益与玩家的游戏寿命成正比。Kixeye的游戏,如《War Commander》有逼真的画面,其忠实玩家的平均游戏时间达到9个月至1年。
超过10%的Kixeye玩家是付费玩家,玩家回到游戏中的频率是每天3到4次,每次游戏时间超过30分钟。特别要提的是,《Battle Pirates》的收益中有25%来自游戏时间达到12个月或以上的玩家。《War Commander》的玩家平均每天至少进入游戏2次,并会花1.5小时与好友/敌人作战。
Buffalo Studios利用社交元素增加手机游戏的收益。在手机版《Bingo Blitz》的收益中,有80%来自Facebook用户。平均下来,通过Facebook登录游戏的玩家多产生了三倍的赢利,并多玩了两轮游戏。
What’s Next For Social Mobile Games?
by Julien Codorniou
New social gaming companies are emerging around the world (hot spots right now are Moscow, Tel Aviv and Helsinki), and in my role I get to speak with developers every day. Regardless of the size of the company, their locale, or the platform on which they’re building, I typically hear the same questions:
Do social games translate to mobile?
Are game developers leaving Facebook for mobile?
How do I get my game discovered and installed?
Here are my answers for why social is good for mobile games.
1. Do social games translate to mobile?
Mobile games are better when they are social for one simple reason: Games are more fun with friends. Games have always been social, from backgammon and chess to board games. Along the way, friends have been a central part of the game experience, including how we discover, play and talk about games. Social design concepts work wherever people are playing games – on desktop web and increasingly on mobile. As the online gamer demographic becomes more diverse, the best way for an app to grow is by reaching people and their friends across all screens.
Mobile developers can integrate their apps with Facebook SDKs to make them social, including adding Facebook Login and enabling multiplayer gameplay with friends. When you take a mobile app from solo to social, the opportunities for greater engagement, discovery and growth can be exponential. Social mobile apps plug into channels powered by the activities people share with friends every day, including sending invitations, passing one another on a leaderboard, and – the biggest driver of traffic to apps – posting to the News Feed. The social games industry got its start through games growing and getting discovered . Social mobile innovation will disrupt the games industry the same way social web games did seven years ago.
People are increasingly bringing their phones – an inherently social device – with them everywhere. Recent data suggests that 58 percent of smartphone users check their phones at least once every hour. The emergence of mobile gaming has introduced a way for people to quickly jump into games from wherever they are.
Many top developers are also finding that if you’re big on Facebook, you can be big on mobile. Wooga’s Bubble Island and Diamond Dash, Jellyvision Games’ You Don’t Know Jack, Nordeus’ Top Eleven, ’s Candy Crush Saga, and Playtika’s Slotomania all became popular apps on iPhone and/or Android after getting big on Facebook first.
This is an ideal time to build a social mobile game. Currently more than 45 percent of the top 400 grossing iOS apps are built with Facebook. Soon we will no longer call these apps “social mobile games”; they will simply be “games.”
2. Are game developers leaving Facebook for mobile?
Developers don’t need to choose between Facebook or mobile – you should be thinking, Facebook and mobile. There are 1 billion people on Facebook and 600 million people actively engaging with Facebook on mobile devices. Not reaching these Facebook-connected mobile users is a missed opportunity. From Zynga’s Words With Friends and PopCap’s Bejeweled Blitz, to FreshPlanet’s SongPop, FishSticks Games’ Slots Journey, and Supercell’s Hay Day, there is a range of social mobile games that have propelled to the top of the charts.
In fact, nearly 200,000 mobile apps and games are built with Facebook APIs. At any given time, 6-8 of the top-grossing iPhone apps are integrated with Facebook. This year’s Apple’s Editor’s Pick is Bad Robot Interactive’s Action Movie FX, an app integrated with Facebook.
3. How do I get my game discovered and installed?
Discoverability is one of the biggest challenges mobile developers face. Real identity, friends and social distribution can solve this problem.
In order to have your app found among the masses, you need a good understanding of the following areas.
Different Screen, Same Channels: Be Everywhere Your Players Are
When a person hears of a great game, they don’t think about which platforms it’s available on. They just want to play. Facebook is the connection that brings friends together across devices.
Social mobile games can get discovered and grow the same way games
have for years &#8211; including News Feed, Bookmarks, Requests, and the new mobile app install ads. This is true for “mobile-first” companies, as well as developers who started
and are updating to mobile as well.
<’s cross-platform Saga franchise has excelled
and mobile by encouraging sharing without spamming. Bubble Witch Saga ( and iOS) and Candy Crush Saga ( and iOS) have
a top-five developer on Facebook, with more than 50 million monthly active users.
Trash Talk Is Gold
Social mobile games are a perfect setting for competitive play among friends. Players want to reach the next level to one-up a friend and brag about it on their timeline, which brings their friends into the game and creates a viral loop. As a result, Facebook-connected players tend to spend more time and money in mobile apps.
For example, SongPop grew with Facebook across web, iPhone, and Android. Playing a music trivia game isn’t nearly as fun if you play with strangers. Sixty five percent of SongPop’s mobile players sign in with Facebook, and those spend about 35 percent more time and money than those who do not login with Facebook.
Inform, Iterate And Impact
If there’s anything social game developers have learned over the last five years it’s that the ecosystem moves quickly, and if they don’t innovate fast enough, someone else will.
With Facebook Insights, developers can produce games-as-a-service, where they can gather user feedback and iterate based on what’s working or not working. Gone are the days of publishing a game and putting it on the shelves, only to wait for the next version to make updates. Today’s social games don’t have versions. They exist to provide ongoing quality experiences, and people increasingly expect the best.
Buffalo Studios has taken this approach with Bingo Blitz. The cross-platform game provides players with changing landscapes to keep them engaged and coming back for graphics and backgrounds that are available for a limited time. As a result, a quarter of players have been monthly active users for a year or more.
Fads vs. Franchises
Similar to the movie and music industries, games have historically been a hits-based business. Today’s social game developers can build either quick hits or long-term franchises, but they should be prepared for the natural growth associated with each.
Developers with hits-based games must be ready for fluctuating growth and continue to pump out hits so their brands don’t go stale and they don’t lose users. Alternatively, if you design a game aimed at high retention, such as Texas HoldEm Poker, DoubleDown Casino, and Battle Pirates, you’ll create an experience that gets better as more friends play. Our platform can support both of these types.
Hardcore games are an example of long-term apps, as they attract a loyal user base that monetizes well over a period of time. Kixeye’s games, such as War Commander, have immersive graphics and engaged audiences, where the average length of time a player spends in the game is nine months to a year.
More than 10 percent of Kixeye’s players are paying customers, and the average player comes back three to four times a day, for more than 30 minutes each session. Specifically, 25 percent of revenue for Battle Pirates comes from people who have played the game 12 months or longer, and War Commander gamers play more than two sessions a day and spend 1.5 hours battling their friends/enemies on an average day.
Social Enhances The Freemium Model
An overwhelming majority of mobile developers are building their businesses with a freemium model. Discovery is still key here. Eyeballs lead to installs, which can lead to money.
Buffalo Studios uses social to its financial advantage with its mobile games. Eighty percent of Bingo Blitz‘s mobile revenue comes from Facebook-connected players. On average, people who log into the game with Facebook generate three times the amount of revenue and play twice as many rounds.
The Santa Opportunity
This holiday season Apple is expected to sell a record-setting 46.5 million iPhones. As people open their new mobile devices, they’ll inevitably ask friends and family which apps they should install. Imagine fueling this type of social discovery and word of mouth at scale among friends and family all year long, where your game is the app being recommended.
Be part of the disruption. Build the next great social mobile game.()
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