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Life sentence ordered for cruel Chinese brick kiln boss | Daily Mail Online
Life sentence ordered for cruel Chinese brick kiln boss
Last updated at 11:35 17 July 2007A brick kiln foreman has been sentenced to life in prison after the horrifying revelation that workers were being brutally beaten and kept as slaves.One of his subordinates was sentenced to death after being convicted of beating a labour to death.The slave labor scandal erupted last month after hundreds of parents complained their children were being forced to work in brick kilns in Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.Nightmarish pictures showed the effects upon workers forced to work 18-hour days.Scroll down for more ...
Heng Tinghan, the foreman of a kiln in Shanxi province's Hongtong county, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison on charges of intentional injury and unlawful detention, said Shanxi Provincial High Court Vice President Liu Jimin during an online video press conference.Heng, 42, had become the suspected chief villain in the scandal after state media said a worker died at the kiln he ran in Hongtong's Caosheng Village, and ran pictures of workers with their skin rubbed raw or severely burned.One of Heng's enforcers testified that shifts for the laborers began at 5 a.m. and lasted until as late as 11 p.m., the official Xinhua News Agency reported earlier.Chinese leaders have made improving the often miserable plight of China's hundreds of millions of migrant workers a priority, yet exploitation, nonpayment of wages, and other abuses and government neglect remain common.One of Heng's subordinates, Zhao Yanbing, was sentenced to death for committing intentional injury, Liu said. The court said that he was responsible for the beating death of a laborer identified as Liu Bao.Xinhua said Zhao had previously admitted on national television to beating a mentally handicapped man to death for not working fast enough last November. The court did not say whether Liu was mentally handicapped.Kiln boss Wang Bingbing was sentenced to nine years in jail for unlawful detention, Liu said. Wang's father was a village-level Communist Party secretary, and he was expelled from the party after the scandal broke.The People's Daily newspaper has quoted Wang as saying the operation originally had employed local workers, but began using those provided by human traffickers last year after falling into debt.Scroll down for more ...
The Caosheng kiln had 34 enslaved laborers, including nine who were mentally disabled, Liu said. Between March 2006 and May of this year, 19 workers were injured and one died.The convictions were handed down by the Intermediate People's Court of Linfen City in Shanxi. It was not immediately clear whether the men would appeal.Earlier media reports said Heng supervised the workers and ordered his subordinates to beat the "lazy" ones.Close to 1,000 workers were released following police raids over recent months. Premier Wen Jiabao has ordered a thorough probe and punishment of kiln owners and officials who abetted their activities.A total of 29 people were convicted today in seven different courts in Shanxi for their roles in the slavery scandal, Liu said. Another 12 people are still standing trial.Liu said that six men who worked for Heng were convicted today by the Hongtong County People's Court in Shanxi of unlawful detention and sentenced to between 18 months and three years in jail.State media said last month that 468 slave laborers were freed from brick kilns and other illegal job sites in central China during a month of raids after the scandal broke. Reports said workers were starved, beaten and forced to work 14 hours or more per day.Workers as young as 8 were recruited from bus and train stations with false promises or abducted off the street, then sold to kilns for 500 yuan (?33) each, the reports said.
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