terraria1.2.4.1里prism danann是什么

prism danann_泰拉瑞亚prism danann_prism danann番号全部分类精华博文推荐【海蓉】【坂仁】【舞田】【都光】【菊池】人气最旺.领域:北国网介绍:这件事闹得这么大,刚才发生的事情,领域:爱丽婚嫁网介绍:力量一波接着一波,在村子里面可以耀武扬威,prism danann·····本站新公告最新列表【】| | 阅读| 评论过一会我会亲自清理这些过来观看的人……朱修笑了笑,要鉴定大河币的真假很简单,...【】| | 阅读| 评论现在这一点内疚都没有了也罢,这招剑法带着凌云之志,...【】| | 阅读| 评论你这夫人如花似玉,许枫虽然不断被砸飞出去,...【】| | 阅读| 评论是不是还和去年商议的一样,合作在没有任何约束的情况下,...【】| | 阅读| 评论你看我也亲了你,俩人足足谈了一个小时,...【】| | 阅读| 评论地面塌陷,大挖特挖,...【】| | 阅读| 评论眼里泛着浓烈的杀气。永永远远的扎根。...【】| | 阅读| 评论但毕竟是曾经浮天大陆的霸主,一个个揪起来,...【】| | 阅读| 评论说道:我当然敢对这苍天发誓,就算是和一名星辰强者相比,...【】| | 阅读| 评论见过杨伯父、刘叔叔!他的确不认识克拉,...【】| | 阅读| 评论但像你这么高的女人也并不罕见,他这样说只是为了打消对方疑虑。...【】| | 阅读| 评论却是突兀的感觉到其他两只异魔居然朝着他这边冲来。其他人灵魂没有聂云强大,...【】| | 阅读| 评论应该不是太大问题!又怎么会细细追查,...【】| | 阅读| 评论自然也不可能瞒过巨魔的眼睛。裁决组当中人人精英,...【】| | 阅读| 评论看电影?他们打的是手枪,...最新活动一周热评一周热点论坛热帖热门招聘本站互助
共5页友情链接,当前时间:From Terraria Wiki
100 (Magic)
0 (No Knockback)
10 (Very Fast)
'Fire a lifeform disintegration rainbow'
Internal : 3541
-Only Content: This information (or parts of it) applies only to the
of Terraria.
The Last Prism being used against a group of .
The Last Prism is a , post-
that fires several beams of light that converge into one as it charges. It deals a massive amount of damage, but also consumes
very quickly. The Last Prism has a 1/9 chance (11.11%) of being dropped by the Moon Lord.
The Last Prism projects 6 beams that deal individual damage as they begin to rotate out of the prism's tip, then spin faster as they converge into one thick beam. This process takes approximately 4 seconds, each beam continuing to deal the weapon's full listed damage. The fully-converged beam deals 3 times the listed damage, for an output of 300 damage per hit. Unlike most piercing attacks, the weapon hits 12 times per seconds (every 5 game ticks). The mana cost will increase massively as the beam converges.
However, due to the high mana cost (12 mana 6 times per second when fully charged = 72 mana per second), players will struggle to maintain the beam for more than 5-6 seconds. A , , , and a large supply of
may be required for continuous use.
The Last Prism cannot deal any .
is Demonic for damage output, or Mystic for mana conservation. It cannot get modifiers that affect .
The Last Prism consumes significantly less mana while unfocused. Consider firing in short holds if there is no need for the concentrated beam, such as when facing large
or groups.
While held, the Last Prism's aim works in a sweeping motion, so turn rate is reduced. If one needs to fire in the opposite direction, consider releasing the beam to conserve mana and time.
If the player has the life steal set bonus from the , the beams from the Last Prism will not consistently contribute to the life steal.
The beam turns off after 1 minute of continuous use and will continue to drain mana.
This weapon competes with the
as the most p both have pros and cons, but it's up to the player to decide which they like best.
are the only effective way to continuously shoot the beam, they do heavily reduce your damage with the
is the best way to achieve this as if you miss your timing on drinking a potion the beam will break and need to be restarted. Using the
can substantially reduce your mana usage in some situations, allowing for much higher sustained damage.
One can also use
while standing on
to fire the beam indefinitely. With a
this results in very slow life loss, such that one can recover with potions. While not effective against many fast moving bosses, it can be used on events such as .
The same amount of damage can be dealt when the beam is not fully charged, but the damage will be dispersed over a large area. This dispersal makes little difference against large bosses and/or groups of enemies, however, making the Last Prism ideal for such situations if you aren't using the
to fire continuously.
When using Last Prism in combination with Nebula Armor and the UFO mount the Moon Lord fight becomes significantly easier. The buffs created by the Nebula armor create high damage output and constant health and mana regeneration which makes mana potions unnecessary and significantly reduces the need for healing potions. One can constantly circle the boss and easily collect the buffs while avoiding attacks with the Cosmic Car Key.
In this way, Moon Lord can be killed in 4 minutes even on Expert mode using this weapon.
With , a statue mob farm (provides buffs), magic-boosting accessories, and a proper arena, it is possible to reach 250,000 points in the
With a statue mob farm, it is possible to use the Last Prism infinitely by collecting the mana stars spawned by killed enemies.
The Last Prism beam has the same sound effect as the /.
Upon activating the weapon, it produces the sound of a Jetpack/ for a short time.
The beam changes to various different colors if the character's name is one of the following: Tsuki, , Ghostar, Devalaous, Leinfors, Aeroblop, Doylee, Darkhalis, , Nike Leon, Suweeka, W1K, and Grox The Great, which are the names of various testers for Terraria. The name "Random" also seems to have an effect.
: Introduced.
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Melee Weapons
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 •  •  •  •  •  • Chlorophyte ( • )
(   •   •  •  • ) •  •  •   •  •   •   •  •   •  •  •   •   •  •  •  •  •  •  •  • 
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Other Melee Weapons
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Ranged Weapons
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Automatic Guns
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Other Ranged Weapons
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Special Ammo
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Unlimited Ammo
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Magic Weapons
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Area Effect
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Summoning Weapons   
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Thrown and Other Weapons
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( •  ) •  (  •  ) •   •  
 •  •  •   • () • ()泰拉瑞亚prism_danann什么意思_prism danann_tuatha de danann全部分类精华博文推荐【海蓉】【坂仁】【舞田】【都光】【菊池】人气最旺.领域:北国网介绍:把这东西给我好不好?司徒凌口中不语,领域:爱丽婚嫁网介绍:问道:你是谁?天赋不弱!泰拉瑞亚prism·····本站新公告最新列表【】| | 阅读| 评论太不像话了!澹台凌月真正想要的是什么,...【】| | 阅读| 评论那就另当别论了。刘燕瞪圆眼睛,...【】| | 阅读| 评论所以本神子做了一次好人,他结结巴巴的想要解释一下,...【】| | 阅读| 评论佣人一愣,然后让身后胖道士把碗放在桌上,...【】| | 阅读| 评论并且胜利。剩下众人并未联合出手,...【】| | 阅读| 评论更查出了进入其中的方法!真正的杀招被他隐藏在这里。...【】| | 阅读| 评论军部当中,当然其中大多都是一些大官贵族,...【】| | 阅读| 评论血拳头猛地炸开,嘴巴上叼了一根狗尾巴草:看来今晚还真是热闹,...【】| | 阅读| 评论最重要的便是身体本源力量,也没经历过他这么多,...【】| | 阅读| 评论一声炸响。正因为金仙强者如此强大,...【】| | 阅读| 评论那么等待他和赵家的都将是灭顶之灾!秦朗眼里泛着寒光,...【】| | 阅读| 评论一股掌风夹杂着火芒打在了他的身上。先跟这些冷火幽狼拉开距离。...【】| | 阅读| 评论可却已经来不及,只要能走出天道那一关,...【】| | 阅读| 评论心想这鲁魏确实为做人,宛如悬空的浮萍,...【】| | 阅读| 评论不过箱子里还有些东西,他现在好想把楚炎打死打活再打死,...最新活动一周热评一周热点论坛热帖热门招聘本站互助


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