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女子扮芈月招亲 只要唱歌好听愿带回家过年
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日,2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币正式与老百姓见面。不少市民在拿到新版&土豪金&时,也有一个疑问,那些残破的旧人民币都去了哪儿?记者打听到,位于江苏省盐城市亭湖区盐东镇境内的江苏国信盐城生物质发电有限公司焚烧炉,是目前江苏那些残破人民币的 &终点&,它们在这里变废为宝,焚烧转化为电能。
11月18日,江苏国信盐城生物质发电有限公司燃料专工朱洪伟告诉记者,残钞销毁后一 般由专人专车运送到盐城。&一车残钞大约原值30亿元,重30吨左右,一个月运来5车,全年运来残钞约1800吨,和秸秆混合焚烧。&朱洪伟说,残钞废料 到厂后卸货,再进行粉碎,这样易于燃烧。生物质发电厂愿意使用残钞废料作为原料进行发电,也是缘于残钞废料与其他生物质作为燃料相比,其特性与焚烧生物质 发电要求十分契合,且热值高,水分较低。
2014年3月以来,该公司已累计焚烧约2000吨残钞废料,并通过充分燃烧、高效布袋除尘器、用焚烧灰烬制作建筑用砖等一系列手段实现人民币残钞废 料的无害化、可持续处理。
(来源:安卓网,如对本网转载内容、版权有异议,请联系我们: )
微信号 Hiapk2013
手机扫描二维码访问There are now 12 messages in my Guest Book.
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Alana,Your website moved me deeply.Losing Grace in such a senseless cruel way was a terrible thing, and I am so sorry for what you both went through. Your current fight to protect others from such a horrific event is worthwhile and admirable.Power to you.And I am so glad you now have Komi as a companion to lighten your heart.
13 February 2005
- Nova Scotia
Hatty Ingle
What happened to Grace was terrible, why do people chose to make a living out of killing innocent animals? I hope that some day these inhumane traps which work by enticing animals to their deaths will be outlawed.
carrie freedman
Last winter my dog, Bruni and another dog, George, were caught in a death trap in Val Morin. The 2 dogs were missing for over a week. Bruni was found limping on the ro the trap had caught on her foot and she somehow managed to escape.George had gotten the trap in his mouth. He was alive when they found him but died later that day.
Frank Pridham
Dont give up on your persuit. This is a very important issue to all of us dog lovers,people with kids, and animal lovers in general. We need to know where those traps are that may maim or kill our loved ones....It is a very important issue...If it happen
dr.Jorgen van Zsidy
When I see things like this happening I realise that it is no hope for Man. He deserves all what is coming to him. As Guandhi said,we can judge a nation by its behavor toward animals. Draw your own conclusions.
Huguette Rainforth
Hi Alana What a beautiful site you have created for Grace. She was a very lucky girl to have you share her life. My heart is with you Much love Huguette
Claudel Berube
I think that trapping near public area ( a ring of 1 kilometer )should be band alltogeter,and at least there should be a sing warning people.What if it was to a child that this would have happen.
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