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With more than 100 spells to unlock, your opponents inside the dungeon don’t stand a chance. Wizard of Legend is coming to PS4 on May 15.
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Death's Gambit
Heyo! My name is Mihir Sheth and I’m a senior combat tech-designer here at Santa Monica Studio. Now that God of War has been out for some time – and plenty of players have experienced the combat themselves – I wanted to take a moment to talk about “Give Me God of War,” the hardest difficulty mode available. As many of you have likely noticed, Give Me God of War sets itself up ominously with bold red text stating that the difficulty cannot be changed mid-game. It’s not for the faint of heart!
As you face it for the first time you’ll likely be overwhelmed during the opening hours of the game. Hopefully this post (along with the plethora of great player-made resources already online) can remove some of the mysticism behind the difficulty mode, and offer some advanced combat tips and techniques in the process!
When a new game is released, all of the buzz usually surrounds the title itself — but what about the publishers behind these buzzy games? Welcome to PlayStation Store’s Pub Party, where we’re celebrating three of our favorites – THQ, Codemasters, and Deep Silver – with deals up to 60%.
Hi everyone! My name is Akihiro Hino, president and CEO of LEVEL-5 Inc.
Since founding my company in 1998, I have had the honor of sharing my creations with gaming fans around the world. While acting as General Director on my most recent project, Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, I was blown away by the power of PS4 and the level of flexibility it gave our team in crafting our vision. In selecting my top picks for my favorite games, I chose titles that similarly built a synergy and balance in their design, story, and gameplay while maintaining an overall feeling of fun and excitement.
With more than 100 spells to unlock, your opponents inside the dungeon don’t stand a chance. Wizard of Legend is coming to PS4 on May 15.
Road to Greatness is back! We’ll be bringing the latest and greatest in PlayStation gaming to festivals and conventions across the United States, starting this weekend at Northern Invasion in Somerset, Wisconsin.
This is the first stop of many, so keep an eye on our tour schedule.
The RtG truck is all new and upgraded for 2018. Most importantly, the crew has built out even more gaming stations. And we don’t just mean
we’ve gone all in on quality too, with each demo on the truck running on PS4 Pro. Beyond upgraded consoles, we’ve added an extra PlayStation VR demo station so you can experience some of the VR titles we’re most excited about.
Last week, we asked you to pause to take in your surroundings and share landscapes from your favorite games using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From icy space tundras to lush forests, here are the shares that caught our eye.
Hey there, PlayStation gamers! What’s your favorite book of all time? Well, one of mine has always been Henry David Thoreau’s book Walden, or life in the woods. I know a lot of people read this book in high school, but what if you could play it instead? That’s the idea behind Walden, a game, which is a project my team and I at the USC Game Innovation Lab have been working on for ten years that is finally coming to PlayStation!
The game puts you into the role of a young Henry Thoreau, as he learns to live in the woods, finding food and fuel, building a shelter and more. It starts in the summer, when living is easy, but as the seasons pass, our dynamic and deeply detailed environment changes and you will need to develop new strategies for survival in the woods.
Unlike most other 2D games, platforming is not a focus in Death’s Gambit. It does naturally come up as part of navigating the world, but there are very few instances where we challenge the player’s ability to make precision jumps. It’s all about the combat for us. The goal since day one was to make every combat encounter unique. You may face the same enemy multiple times, but based on placement, environment, and nearby enemies, they will require different strategies.
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  昨天参观老东家@皇族电子竞技俱乐部 ,比起三年前的蟑螂养殖厂基地,现在基地的条件真的好的夸张,难怪我儿子越养越胖了。
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  【PCgames&快讯】从94年第一代PS游戏机诞生至今,这个平台已经陪伴着我们走过21个年头了。这总计的四代产品,每一代都给玩家乃至业界留下不少美好回忆。  日,SONY发售了旗下第一台游戏机PlayStation。  这是一把跨时代的的钥匙。事实上,原本Sony打算放弃游戏事业,但是在后被称为(PlayStation之父)的久多良木健极力争取,以及当时的社长大贺典雄的支持之下,Sony最后决定独自投入游戏事业,1993年11月成立游戏事业子公司:索尼娱乐(SCE),隔年12月在日本推出旗下首款主机(PlayStation)。  日,索尼PS2游戏机全球首发。  据悉,首发日秋叶原排队购买PS2游戏机的队伍多达5000余人,不少玩家提前4天就已经搭好帐篷排队,狂热程度令人感叹不已。最终,PS2果然在3天内达成了98万台的惊人销量,兑现索尼的承诺的同时,也成为有史以来销量速度最快的家用游戏主机。最终,PS2日本地区首发销量达到了115万台。而PS2时代下,主机界里基本无人能敌,任天堂也好,微软世嘉也罢,都不是对手。  日推出最新一代PS3游戏主机。  PS3搭载蓝光光驱,由于微软率先推出了XBOX360主机,在次时代大战中先行一步,在长达6~8年的竞争中,索尼依靠不断的降低PS3主机成本,致力于研发独占游戏,在PS3时代,索尼造就了一批极为成功的游戏系列。最终,在PS4上市之前,索尼PS3全球累计销量已经干掉微软XBOX360,再次成为这一时代的霸主。  时间来到本世代,日,PS4正式在北美发售。  PlayStation 4将采用以超微(AMD)为基础的x86-64架构处理器,与使用Cell架构的PlayStation 3不同。索尼放弃了PlayStation 3原有的设计,重新选择了与个人电脑相同的 X86构架,使得游戏开发更加容易;但是缺点是与PS3、PS2或是PSone游戏不兼容。  编辑点评:满满都是回忆,情怀十足。


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