
Marvins Magic
In 1987, Marvin's Magic launched their first professional magic made easy range within Hamleys of Regent Street in central London. The mastermind behind Marvin's Magic is Marvin Berglas - first class magician and entrepreneur who grew up in one of the most famous and respected magical families.
Each Christmas in our home I can always guarantee there will be at least one magic set amongst Ryan's many presents. He loves magic and magic sets and enjoys watching magicians on television too.
Last year Ryan recieved the "Marvins i magic" set which allows him to do various tricks using an iPhone. Recently he was sent over 2 more sets from the
Marvins magic store.
The first kit is the
This seems to be a great starter kit for younger magicians. The age guide is 6 and over. It comes with a furry top hat, rabbit hand puppet and various other items for easy tricks.
The instruction book gives an easy step by step guide to doing all the tricks. Most are really easy and yes young magicians can even pull a rabbit out of an empty hat. Other tricks include a mind reading dice, plus cup, ball and card magic.
These tricks are easy and best performed to a younger audience.
This set costs £19.99 and makes a perfect introduction into the world of magic.
The next magic kit to test out is the "Amazing bag of tricks"
This one is for the slightly older child (8 and over) who has perhaps mastered the easier kits. It comes well presented wire everything having its place in the box.
It also comes with a handy drawstring carry bag to keep everything in, this also makes it easy to take to parties and friends.
The tricks and illusions in this kit do take a little more effort than the other set and will appeal to an older (child) audience. They include turning keys, Houdini chains, prediction, Appearing coins, fly tricks and many card tricks.
Some of these tricks do take some practice to get right. This set costs about £24.99 and includes a DVD.
I think my son i quickly becoming a great magician with his new kits. Marvins magic has many types of magic and illusion kits for all ages which can be purchased directly from their
and also from Amazon and most good toy stores.
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关键词1:近景魔术(Close up magic)
代表魔法:巴格达斯效应(Berglas Effect)
&&& David Berglas在50年代的一次表演成为了近景魔术史上永远的谜 && 充分交待过的52张扑克牌,观众A随意说一张牌的花色及点数,观众B随意说1-52之间的数字,观众C从顶牌一张一张数到观众B说的数字,翻开即为观众A讲出的牌!魔术师在整个过程中不再触碰扑克牌,这也让50年来的所有魔术师为之不解。近景魔术就是这样的神奇,以至于魔术界都公认:Some things should just remain secret. THE BERGLAS EFFECT!
关键词2:舞台魔术(Stage magic)
代表法师:拉斯维加斯的兰斯&伯顿(Lance Burton)
&&&& Lance Burton是近代舞台魔术剧的代表人物,他的表演优雅唯美,情节丰足,动作流畅,一反传统舞台魔术带给人的暴躁,兰斯能在惊奇中将舞台剧的故事展现得淋漓尽致。1982年,22岁的兰斯参加了在瑞士举行的&F.I.S.M&大赛,一举赢得了&世界冠军魔术师&的荣誉,是第一位赢得此称誉的美国人和最年轻的得奖人。1996年,兰斯在拉斯维加斯的假日戏院举行了他的第五次也是最后一次的表演,他出演了一位彬彬有礼的侍者,先是隔空为烦闷而忧伤的女士斟满香宾,而后又仗剑与来犯的蒙面人展开殊死搏斗,最后更在凯撒皇宫400人的注视下消失并与蒙面人互换了身体!这次演出被誉为&近35年以来最精彩最成功的魔法奇迹&。
代表法师:马克思&布朗(Max Maven & Derren Brown)


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