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Daniel tiger's neighborhood 英文动画片小老虎丹尼尔故事集
Daniel Tiger’s Day & Night
Daniel Tiger’s Day & Night
**Children’s Technology Review Editor’s Choice Award****Recommended by Parents' Choice**Learn about morning and bedtime routines with PBS KIDS’ Daniel Tiger. Help Daniel get ready for school in the morning and for bed at night through imaginative play and songs.Features:o 8 games about morning and nighttime routines o Sing-along songs that help make routines familiar and fun o A musical timer to help keep routines on-trackGOOD MORNING GAMESDaniel Tiger has lots to do to get ready before Trolley comes to take him to school!Get Dressed: Help Daniel get dressed in his favorite red sweater. Then imagine with Daniel that his sweater is a “Super Daniel” costume. Breakfast: Help set the table as Daniel gets ready for breakfast. Have fun topping a pancake and then imagining that the pancake can dance!Brush Teeth: Help Daniel brush his teeth by moving your finger back and forth.Shoe Time: Choose a pair of shoes for Daniel to wear and help him tie them. Then imagine that his shoes can make him jump super high.GOOD NIGHT GAMESTime for Daniel Tiger to get ready for bed! Bath time: Help Daniel wash up before bedtime and pop silly soap bubbles together. Brush Teeth: It’s time to brush Daniel’s teeth again! Pajama Time: Choose pajamas for Daniel to wear and color a pair of make-believe pajamas for him.Bedtime Story: Guide Daniel through the clouds as his mom sings a calming bedtime song. SONGSPlay the Good Morning and Good Night songs at any time to reinforce each routine.TIMERUse the built-in timer for some of your family’s morning and bedtime routines to help you and your child stay on task.
The timer can be used to help children know how long they should brush their teeth. ABOUTDaniel Tiger’s Day & Night is based on the hit PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, produced by The Fred Rogers Company.
The app is designed to extend the series’ social-emotional curriculum, helping kids practice important daily routines.
For more fun with Daniel visit pbskids.org/daniel
Update includes a fix for the reported sound issues on phones. We appreciate the detailed feedback and apologize for the inconvenience.
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Toca Life: Hospital
进入 Toca Life: Hospital,体验忙碌医疗中心刺激人心的每一天!你会迎接新生儿来到这个世界,治疗病人,甚至与所爱之人告别!在 Toca Life: Hospital 中,你能以自己的方式体会到人生的喜怒哀乐。感受生命的轮回开始迎接新生儿来到这个世界,可能既有点儿吓人,又少不了刺激!分享我们迎来新生宝宝,交给 Toca Life! Family 成员和医务人员时的兴奋感,就能感受到对这些小可爱们的爱与关怀。结束有时,医院也会有难过的时刻。Toca Life: Hospital 中的告别室给相爱的人一次在平静中说再见的机会。以及中间的曲折Toca Life: Hospital 让你可以见识到关于医院中各类检查、拍 X 片以及所发生的其他各类事情,讲出以假乱真或真实生活中的故事。探索五层楼中的装置在地下层的车库中,启动救护车上的警笛,或者破解一台神秘机器上的代码,打开通往秘密实验室的门!在入口层中,到接诊台登记,然后在等候区就座,或从小餐厅取一份小食打发时间。就诊层有各种诊断病人的工具,检查样本的实验室和手术室。家庭护理层有儿童专用装置、配有超声仪的妇产科装置、育婴床和新生宝宝!一般护理层的病人可以进入禅意花园,讲述和交流人生。而当所爱之人去世时,可以在告别室温存告别。特色- 探索五个楼层:地下层、入口层、实验室和治疗层、家庭护理层和一般护理层。- 在大型电梯中让角色变换楼层。- 怀宝宝了?对怀孕病人使用超声仪!- 哇,新生儿:迎接小宝宝来到这个世界!- 使用 CAT 扫描仪和 X 光机为病人诊断!- 在医学监护仪上查看手术病人的生命体征。- 使用真实医院中找得到的所有工具:轮床、绷带、拐杖、病床、轮椅等等!- 破解神秘仪器的代码,探索神秘实验室!- 平静下来,在告别室与所爱之人告别。- 从扣人心弦的医院主题曲到轻松柔和的曲调,用正确的音乐设定故事基调。为自己的医院剧本制作视频使用应用程序内的录制功能可以制作原创视频!此功能可在你讲述故事时,录制你的声音和角色动作。制作的视频可长达两分钟,并保存到你的相机相册中,供以后分享之用!每周获得业内人士资讯千万别错过每周人生!这是你获得滑稽视频、业内人士提示和精彩同仁艺术的来源。轻按开始画面右上角处的灯泡,即可获得每周更新内容。此免费功能会向你提供有关 Toca Life 整个世界的有趣资讯!
My PlayHome Stores
From the creators of the award winning "My PlayHome" series!"My PlayHome Stores" allows your child to explore an open play world and play store without making a mess of your house! Take a walk down the street and look around 4 beautifully hand illustrated stores, all in stunning retina-display clarity.Fancy a treat? Make yourself an ice cream and grab a slushie of your favorite color! Bored with your outfit? Choose a new one in the clothing store! Make yourself a juice drink at the fruit shop! Fill up a shopping cart in the supermarket and scan the items at the checkout! "My PlayHome Stores" has no time limits, scores or power ups. Just free play that powers your child's imagination."My PlayHome Stores" is also fully integrated with all the "My PlayHome" series apps so you can bring everything back home!-----------------------------------------------"My four-year old would quite literally spend hours playing this if I were to let her..."
- "5 out of 5" - www.pappasappar.se-----------------? NO IN-APP PURCHASES!? NO 3RD PARTY ADVERTISEMENTS!? NO SOCIAL NETWORKS, PUSH NOTIFICATIONS OR REGISTRATION!-----------------------------------------------...Just hours of imagination driven play!-----------------------------------------------Clothing store music (C) Shtar - Fruit store music (C) Sam Semple - -----------------------------------------------Shimon Young is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families. Recommended Ages: 1-3, 4-7Categories: Games, Creative Play-----------------------------------------------//playhome/myplayhomeapp
图卡生活:农场 Toca Life: Farm
继承了Toca Boca作品的经典玩法,可爱的孩子们将会化身小小农场主,负责农场的各项事务。
Toca Life: City
欢迎来到 Toca Life: City,这个大都市每天都乐趣无穷!自定义角色、探索激动人心的场所、寻找隐藏的宝藏 — 到处都有惊喜等着您! Toca Life 介绍由于 Toca Town 取得了很好的反响,因此我们正式推出包括一系列应用程序的 Toca Life 系列,为您打造一个更大的娱乐天堂。该系列首先推出 Toca Life: Town 和 Toca Life: City!创造尝试、实验和自定义。快来 Toca Life: City 中展示创意吧!您可以换服装,将头发染成任意颜色,也可以在 Hair 3000 中换发型!这里有各种自定义个性化角色的方式 — 看看您能创造出多少来!探索 快来与 6 个场所的 34 个角色打招呼吧!去商场购物,去美食公园吃点东西,或者邀请朋友们来你的阁楼坐坐。角色们和他们的物品可以轻松在不同场所之间转移。 发现城市的每个地方都藏有宝藏,通过 Life Weekly 可轻松找到它们。该功能位于启动界面的右上角,助您了解 Toca Life: City 世界的有趣视角!录制利用新的录制功能录制,熟悉录制功能!创建故事并录制,将视频保存到您的相机胶卷中,然后与朋友们分享。您 Toca Life: City 中的朋友今天要干什么?都由您决定!特色:- 6 个场所供你探索:阁楼公寓、购物中心、美发沙龙、美食公园、剧院和裁缝店- 35 个角色有超过 4 百万种自定义方式! - 47 种发型、37 种颜色可供选择,还有各种服装尽情试穿- 美食广场有 7 个不同的饮食摊点 — 可以吃一些寿司配汉堡,尝尝著名的鱼搭薯条! - 在商场购买衣服、厨具、宠物、玩具和食品杂货- 写剧本并在剧院演出- 在应用程序中记录您的故事并与好友分享!- 更多适合电视的趣味视频和游戏- 没有时间限制或分数排行榜 — 尽情玩吧!- 没有第三方广告- 没有应用程序内购买倾听玩家心声Toca Life: City 是由大家自己打造的一款独一无二的游戏。Toca Town 发布后,我们收到了超过 10,000 条功能请求,我们将大家要求的功能直接增加到了 Toca Life: City 中。我们希望能够继续收到大家的要求,不要有顾虑,欢迎大家继续给我们提建议!您接下来希望看到什么?在 Facebook、Twitter、Pinterest 和 Instagram 与 @tocaboca 分享您的观点!***关于 TOCA BOCAToca Boca 是一家屡获殊荣的游戏工作室,专为儿童创作数码玩具。我们认为寓教于乐是了解这个世界的最佳方式。因此,我们创作的数码玩具和游戏有利于激发儿童的想象力,适合您与自己的孩子一起玩耍。最重要的是,我们以安全的方式提供产品,而且杜绝第三方广告或应用内消费。隐私政策我们极为看重隐私。如需更多了解我们如何处理隐私事务,请阅读我们的隐私政策:/privacy
Super Why! Power to Read
Award winning Super Why! app has a new look! Super Why and the super readers are here to help your child with the critical skills they need to learn to read (and love to read!)
These super readers need YOUR help in each literacy game, empowering your child with the power to read.
Features:- 4 unique games hosted by a super reader each focusing on a core literacy skill- earn 100+ stickers for your sticker book to make your own storybook sticker pages - Play All feature which allows your reader to play through all the super reader games back to backALPHA PIG’S LICKETY LETTER HUNT: Letters Help Alpha Pig practice the alphabet by identifying the missing letters along the path.
Find all the letters to complete the word and earn a sticker!PRINCESS PRESTO’S WANDS-UP WRITING : Letter Sounds and Letter WritingHelp Princess Presto practice with letter sounds, writing and spelling.
First, listen to the letter sound and tap on that letter.
Next, write the letter with Princess Presto by tracing the letter with your finger.
Finish the word and earn a sticker! WONDER RED’S RHYMING TIME : Rhyming Help Wonder Red find the missing rhyming words from her Wonder Words Basket.
Listen to the word and then tap on the word that rhymes with it.
SUPER WHY’S STORY SAVER: Reading Help Super Why read and complete story sentences to save the day! Listen to the story sentence and find the word that matches the pictures.
Zap the word into the sentence and earn a sticker!----------------------------About SUPER WHYSUPER WHY! app is based on the PBS KIDS series SUPER WHY, produced by Out of the Blue Enterprises. The breakthrough preschool series is designed to help kids ages 3 to 6 with the critical skills that they need to learn (and love) to read! Out of the Blue Digital is a division of Out of the Blue Enterprises, a leader in children's educational entertainment.For more learning adventures with SUPER WHY, visit pbskids.org/superwhy. For more Super Why Reading adventures and different reading levels, check out these Super Why Apps.Super Why ABC Adventures: Alphabet for 3 to 5 year olds Play five Super Reader literacy games that help build strategies and skills to master the alphabet!
Your child will be introduced to uppercase and lowercase letters and their names, the order of the alphabet, common letter sounds and writing letters as they earn stickers along the way. Super Why Phonics Fair for 4 to 6 year olds Play five Super Reader literacy games that focus word building, reading and phonics skills.
Your child will be introduced to 30 key word families, like the –ALL word family, as they play each game and earn stickers.ABOUT PBS KIDSSuper Why! app is part of PBS KIDS’ ongoing commitment to helping kids build the skills they need to succeed in school and in life. PBS KIDS, the number one educational media brand for kids, offers all children the opportunity to explore new ideas and new worlds through television and digital media, as well as community-based programs.For more apps from PBS KIDS, visit http://to.pbs.org/kidsapps.
PrivacyAcross all media platforms, PBS KIDS is committed to creating a safe and secure environment for children and families and being transparent about what information is collected from users. To learn more about PBS KIDS’ privacy policy, visit pbskids.org/privacy.
Calling all super painters!
Make painting super duper with 48 coloring pages featuring your favorite SUPER WHY characters from the hit PBS KIDS TV series: Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red, and, of course, Super Why!EXPLORE COLORS Fingers up! With a spectacular swipe of the color wheel, your child can personalize and experiment with a painting palette of 20 colors and a set of 19 virtual SUPER WHY-themed stickers!SUPER VARIETY Let's Paint! includes 48 wonderrific coloring pages that feature the superhero sidekicks in a variety of super poses.BUILD YOUR OWN GALLERY Store your child’s powerful paintings in a personal art gallery and add them to your photo roll with a single touch. SHARE YOUR MASTERPIECE Email your child’s amazing artwork to family and friends, upload to Facebook, send using MMS, or set as your wallpaper.
Super Readers…to the Rescue!INSPIRE OFFLINE LEARNING When your child has finished painting on screen, encourage color exploration at home by creating your own color wheel and identifying colors in your everyday environment.
Lickety learning!ABOUT SUPER WHY PAINTThe SUPER WHY Paint app from PBS KIDS was developed by Mobile Deluxe in partnership with PBS and Out of the Blue Enterprises, the producers of the breakthrough preschool series SUPER WHY, which airs weekdays on PBS KIDS. The series is designed to help kids ages 3 to 6 with the critical skills that they need to learn (and love) to read! For more exciting SUPER WHY online games, music and activities visit pbskids.org/superwhy and pbskids.org/mobile.
All Aboard the Dinosaur Train!
Help fit the dinosaurs into the right train cars, and then build the tracks to make sure the train picks up Buddy and his friends with these exciting games from the hit PBS KIDS show, DINOSAUR TRAIN."All Aboard the Dinosaur Train!"The Dinosaur Train is getting ready to leave and needs passengers! The problem is that dinosaurs come in different sizes, so your child needs to match the passengers with the right train cars. Two-player mode lets kids play with a friend, sibling or caregiver.This game challenges your child to problem-solve by estimating dinosaur sizes and comparing them with the train cars’ capacity. Each passenger only fits in certain train cars. Players will see dinosaurs walking on and off the platform and can move them to the right train car.
As the game progresses, there are more dinosaurs to match, and the matches get more challenging.
Players who complete all of the rounds successfully win a code for a special prize they can unlock on pbskids.org!“Troodon Tracks”This single-player game challenges your child to lay a track from station to station while avoiding obstacles like volcanoes, trees, boulders, and water. In addition, Buddy and his friends are spread out across the landscape and they need the train to pass their way so they can get on board! Featuring 60 different puzzles that span 12 levels, the game progressively gets harder and provides countless opportunities for repeated play and new challenges.
ABOUT DINOSAUR TRAINDINOSAUR TRAIN airs weekdays on PBS KIDS. The TV series encourages basic scientific thinking skills as the audience learns about life science, natural history and paleontology. The program features Buddy, an adorable preschool age Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family as they board the DINOSAUR TRAIN and embark on whimsical voyages through prehistoric jungles, swamps, volcanoes and oceans. Visit the series website at http://pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: Play at Home with Daniel
Playing is learning as you explore bedtime, bathtime, doctor, and more at Daniel Tiger's house.
With this Daniel Tiger app children have the chance to play about some of Daniel’s everyday experiences – experiences that might be a lot like theirs. And as they play, young children will be learning a little bit more about their place in the world.You’ll be learning too – about your child - when you talk, listen and play together. DoctorPlay Doctor Daniel with the instruments that doctors use. When children play about being the doctor, they’re in charge. That can make it easier to manage when they have to be the patient. BedtimeHelp Daniel get ready to go to sleep - and your children can be thinking about their own bedtime routines and the things that help them at bedtime.In Daniel’s BathroomWash, brush and flush with Daniel and play about and practice bathroom routines. Sticker BookChildren can have fun making up their own stories as they play with dozens of stickers in Daniel’s house and Neighborhood.Feel the MusicMusic is one way we all have to express our feelings. You and your child can play this game together to create music that shows different feelings - happy, sad and mad.Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: Play at Home with Daniel is based on the PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, produced by the Fred Rogers Company. Made for kids ages 2-5, the app is designed to extend the series’ social-emotional curriculum.Check out the other Daniel Tiger apps: Daniel Tiger's Day & Night and Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings.For more apps from PBS KIDS, visit http://to.pbs.org/kids_appstore.For more fun with Daniel Tiger, visit pbskids.org/daniel. ABOUT PBS KIDSDaniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: Play at Home with Daniel is part of PBS KIDS’ ongoing commitment to helping kids build the skills they need to succeed in school and in life. PBS KIDS, the number one educational media brand for kids, offers all children the opportunity to explore new ideas and new worlds through television and digital media, as well as community-based programs. Credits: Bedtime, Bathroom, Doctor, and Feel the Music were originally designed by Schell Games for PBS KIDS. The Daniel Tiger App was developed by Cloud Kid in partnership with PBS and The Fred Rogers Company.
Dinosaur Train Classic in the Jurassic, Jr.!
**What's New in Version 2.0,
Updated June 17, 2015This version is now available in English and Spanish, and includes bug fixes and user experience improvements informed by your feedback. Please rate this app after you’ve downloaded the update, and be sure to check out our other PBS KIDS Dinosaur Train apps!**The hit PBS KIDS show Dinosaur Train welcomes you to the Dinosaur Train Classic in the Jurassic, Jr.!, a unique app designed to help preschoolers develop and build on valuable math skills as they play with shape puzzles, pan balances, sorting and counting activities.Track StarsUse geometric shapes to build train cars, then decorate your train, add passengers, and watch it drive down the track!Bridge BuilderHelp build bridges so the dinosaurs can get around Troodon Town!
Drag your finger to measure the distance between two points, then choose the two sets of logs that equal the right length to complete the bridge.Chow TimeAdd food to the scale until it’s balanced to feed the hungry dinosaurs! When you’ve got it right, watch them chow down.All-Star SortingThe dinosaurs want to go to their houses! Put the dinosaurs in order by height to get them to the house they belong to.ABOUT DINOSAUR TRAINDINOSAUR TRAIN, produced by The Jim Henson Company, airs weekdays on PBS KIDS (check local listings). The TV series encourages basic scientific thinking skills as the audience learns about life science, natural history and paleontology. The program features Buddy, and adorable preschool age Tyrannosaurus rex, and his adoptive Pteranodon family as they board the Dinosaur Train and embark on whimsical voyages through prehistoric jungles, swamps, volcanoes and oceans. Visit the website at http://pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain.Now that Troodon Town is ready, it is time for the Classic in the Jurassic, Jr games! Join the competing teams using your math skills to measure, compare and sort your way to victory with seven free math games! http://pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain/games/classic.htmlThe contents of this app were developed under a cooperative agreement #PRU295A100025, from the U.S. Department of Education. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
小羊肖恩回家记 Home Sheep Home 2
ACDSee Pro
Fish Balls - 鱼丸
我们的任务就是尽可能多打几个泡泡上去,靠两个泡泡碰撞得分,但是泡泡别弹回来或者胀大得超出虚线,否则就 Game Over 了。
正准备为您一键安装“Daniel Tiger’s Day & Night”


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