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核心提示:iOS8 .2正式版终于发布了,想必不少果粉都想要第一时间升级吧?本文小编为您带来iOS8.2升级教程 iOS8.2正式版升级图文攻略,希望对大家能够有所帮助。
  iOS8 .2正式版终于发布了,想必不少果粉都想要第一时间升级吧?本文小编为您带来iOS8.2升级教程
iOS8.2正式版升级图文攻略,希望对大家能够有所帮助。    升级iOS8.2正式版前需注意事项:  1、已经越狱 朋友是无法通过OTA升级,建议使用iTunes升级方法;  2、iOS8使用新激活策略将封杀所有黑机,切勿轻易升级;  3、为了避免重要数据的丢失,升级前强烈推荐iTunes和iCloud或PP助手 工具双重备份好设备中的相关资料。  iOS8.2正式版升级教程  方法一:通过iTunes进行升级  ►注意事项:  1.【已越狱设备】已经越狱iPhone /iPad
/iTouch使用iTunes升级恢复会可能报未知错误,请放心!iPhone/iPad设备iTouch升级恢复失败会自动进入恢复模式,请连接iTunes再恢复iOS8固件一次就可以。  2.【未越狱设备】如果你没有越狱,可以通过OTA升级至iOS8.2。  ►升级操作过程:  1. 打开PP助手 电脑版,根据机型下载好上面所对应的固件版本。  2.将iPhoneiPadiTouch连接电脑打开iTunes:  3.按住键盘上Shift(上档键)+鼠标左键点击iTunes的更新
恢复功能:  4.iTunes会弹出对话窗--请选择已经下载好的固件--点击更新--等待iTunes运行。  5. 成功升级
恢复iOS8后需要先激活设备才可以正常使用!(请系统提示步骤完成)  方法二:DFU模式或恢复模式强制升级  ►注意事项:  此方法会抹掉你设备上的所有资料,请务必提前备份好重要资料!!!  ►升级操作过程:  一、打开iTunes,断开iOS设备与电脑的链接:  长按“Home键+电源键8秒强制关机” -- 关机后“长按Home键8秒”  通过USB数据线将设备连接电脑后,“先按住电源键2-3秒”  然后继续“同时按住电源键+Home键10秒”后请立即“松开电源键”,并继续“保持按住Home键”  直到在电脑上看到识别到DFU状态下的USB设备时就进入到DFU模式了,这个时候iTunes会自动或者手动启动。  二、iTunes会自动检测到一台等待恢复的设备,点击确定:  三、按住键盘上的shift键+iTunes上的“恢复”,选择固件:  四、设备就会开始重新刷机,恢复到一个全新的系统:  以上便是小编为您带来的iOS8.2正式版升级教程了,希望对大家能够有所帮助。
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8苹果iPhone 5S详细参数
iOS8带来了很多人性化改善,不过目前iOS8 beta版尚存在一些Bug,可能对使用造成影响,暂时不建议升级。
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  更新了什么更新内容介绍。近日,苹果官方又推出了ios9.3.2beta2版本,由于ios9.3系统问题不断,大家都十分好奇更新了什么,十分已经修复了bug,那么让小编给大家介绍一下更新内容吧!  苹果官方表示,iOS9.3.2 Beta2主要更新了夜间模式(Night Shift),同时还修复了iBooks、Safari浏览器以及模拟器、词典等存在的一些开发上的问题,着重改进系统底层的性能。  而iOS9.3.2 Beta2最大的亮点是:“低电量模式以及Night Shift又支持同时开启”。  iOS9.3.2 Beta2发布 主要更新Night Shift。  苹果开发者预览版版本号为13F61,目前正在使用iOS开发者预览版用户可以检查系统更新并升级,从更新需下载的升级文件体积大约57.4MB。  此外,苹果还同步推送了OS X 10.11.5 Beta2开发者预览版、tvOS系统最新预览版和watchOS系统最新预览版,不过并没有显性的功能层面变化,而主要是稳定性提升以及bug修复。  按照惯例,相信公测版也会在接下来的几天里迎来更新。而且近日关于苹果ios10系统的消息不断涌现,同时苹果WWDC2016全球开发者大会已经确定将于6月13日~17日举行,相信苹果iOS9.3.2正式版很快就将与我们见面。前些日子小编看到一则新闻,说目前大部分毕业生的理想工作是视频主播,各种播各种秀。...
本以为 iOS 9.3.4 会是 iOS 10 发布前的最后一次系统更新,但凌晨发布的 iOS 9.3.5 很...
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本周 App Store 中国区推出了一周限免 App《MindNode》,该应用原价 68 元,支持 iPho...
游戏开发商Pixelbite曾经在苹果商店当中推出射击游戏《太空刑警(Space Marshals)》...
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今天更新的beta2 ios8主要更新及改进的内容,希望有人能翻译一下噢。
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iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 8.0 Beta 2
This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded products. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with future betas of the API or technology.
Bug Reporting
Notes and Known Issues
iOS SDK 8.0 provides support for developing iOS apps. It is packaged with a complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.
With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 8. You can also test your apps using the included iOS Simulator, which supports iOS 8. iOS SDK 8.0 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.9.3 (Mavericks) or later.
This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.
For more information and additional support resources, visit /programs/ios/.
Bug Reporting
To report any bugs not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, use the Bug Reporter app or Bug Reporter on the Apple Developer website (/bugreporter/). You can quickly get to the Bug Reporter app from the Notifications Panel. Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 8.0 in the Apple Developer Forums: . To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to /icloud.
Notes and Known Issues
The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 8.0 to develop code.
Fixed in beta 2
Links to Developer websites from an app’s developer page are broken.
Known Issue
Projects using LocalAuthentication won’t build if the Destination is set to iOS Simulator.
Known Issues
The API returns incorrect values in some cases.
Use of the AVCaptureDevice method rampToVideoZoomFactor:withRate: will fail.
Use of the new constant, AVCaptureISOCurrent, will result in inconsistent ISO values (as observed on the ISO property) if setExposureModeCustomWithDuration:ISO:completionHandler:is called repeatedly.
In some configurations, the maxBracketedCaptureStillImageCountproperty on AVCaptureStillImageOutput will yield incorrect results.
Fixed in beta 2
Certain apps may crash on launch consistently if they came over from a Restore from Backup.
Known Issue
If you do a clean installation, iCloud Backups may not be completely restored to your device.
Workaround: Use iTunes to back up and restore your iOS 8 beta devices.
Battery Life
Known Issue
Extensive console logging of NCLaunchstats may be a cause of reduced battery life.
Workaround: Launch Notification Center, then reboot the device.
Known Issue
The CoreBluetooth State Preservation & Restoration feature does not work. If your application is jetsammed while in the background performing long-term action(s) with CoreBluetooth, those applications will cease and the application will not be restored.
Bug Reporter
Known Issues
The switch in Developer Settings to hide Bug Reporter is not working.
Workaround: Remove it from the Notification tab in Notification Center settings.
The Bug Reporter icon does not appear on the Home Screen on iPad.
Workaround: Open the app from the Notification tab in Notification Center settings.
The cursor may not get placed in the appropriate text field.
Camera Connector
Fixed in beta 2
When attached, the camera connector is not offered as an import option.
Fixed in beta 2
After using Siri, audio quality goes to 24KHz regardless of where it was originally set.
CarPlay may crash when pressing the Back button when in Now Playing.
Known Issues
When using the knob only, the highlight can move off screen but the scroll position of view doesn’t follow.
The Now Playing screen is missing the Back button in the top-left corner.
Known Issue
After memory pressure events, apps and system services may lose their preferences.
Workaround: Reboot the device.
Known Issues
Clients sending multiple simultaneous record update requests to the same zone in the private database may encounter CKErrorZoneBusy errors.
Workaround: Clients should send update requests for a given zone one at a time. In addition, they should handle CKErrorZoneBusy errors by retrying with an exponential back off.
Sometimes, very large syncs may fail.
The Address Book UI people picker has been changed for iOS 8. A new mode with new API has been added where the app does not need access to the user’s contacts and the user will not be prompted for access. A temporary copy of the selected person is returned to the app. See ABPeoplePickerNavigationController.h for more details.
In iOS 8 beta 2, you must use the new mode. The old mode has been deprecated with this beta.
See the new PeoplePicker: Picking a Person or Property sample project demonstrating usage of the new mode.
Known Issue
If the user selects a property from a unified contact, an incorrect person for that property may be returned by the people picker.
Document Providers
Your app needs the iCloud entitlement to be able to be used as a document provider.
Fixed in beta 2
After installing or modifying an existing document provider, you may need to restart the device for it to show in the available document providers.
Import/open causes sandbox denial on first try.
Known Issues
Document provider extensions sometimes crash when trying to import a document from a document provider view controller.
Document providers may hang when importing files.
Document provider extension will not load if changes are made to an existing document provider on device.
Workaround: You need to either reboot the device or delete the app and reinstall it.
App icons in the document picker do not show up on iPhones and iPads.
After deploying a FileProvider via Xcode, your documentStorageURL may be nil and cause your extension to crash.
Workaround: Force quit the app and re-use the extension.
Moving some files via UIDocumentPickerViewController may cause a crash if the file was not created locally.
Workaround: Create a local file in the iCloud container and use this URL to move files.
Sometimes, bringing up a Document Provider UI Extension will not show up after redeploying the app via Xcode.
Workaround: Force-quit the app, and then it should appear properly.
FileProvider extensions do not see the host app’s file removed when copying the file to a shared group container.
Fixed in beta 2
During a debug session, extensions may time out before loading.
Action extension view controllers do not support full-screen presentation.
Action extensions do not animate smoothly when dismissed.
openURL does not work from an extension.
Sometimes Sharing or Action extensions are not updated properly after enabling or disabling.
Passing NSExtensionItem or NSItemProviderinstances to UIActivityViewController does not work.
Known Issues
When Extension with UI is killed, it relaunches and is not dismissed.
Certain types of media, such as those synced from iTunes, are not editable in the Photos app.
Sharing extensions are enabled by default.
Sharing extensions display the name of the project instead of the name of the target.
If a Sharing extension or an Action extension hangs, it may be necessary to kill the hosting application.
Using xpc_service_set_attach_handler to profile app extensions for keyboard does not work.
Workaround: Run your app extension in Simulator, then trigger the Keyboard extension to load and attach to the running instance (for example, com.third**.foo.keyboard (123)) from Instruments’ target chooser.
During a debug session, extensions may time out before loading.
Application extensions may behave unpredictably with respect to location access.
Redeploying an extension may disable it in Notification Center.
Workaround: To debug the Today view extension. use “Attach to process.”
After redeploying an app, the Today view extension may not be launched, and sometimes its bundle display name becomes the name of the app.
Workaround: Reboot the device.
Known Issue
FaceTime does not work properly in landscape orientation.
Family Sharing
Fixed in beta 2
While using the iTunes Store you may experience a spinner that never completes.
Login to iCloud may be slow on iOS.
Shared purchase history page on Mac App Store and iOS App Store are disabled.
You can’t approve an “Ask to Buy” request from the requestor’s iOS device.
Known Issues
“Ask to Buy” request notifications do not appear, and requests are not actionable from devices running iOS 8 beta 2.
Items already owned by family members must be re-downloaded from the Purchased page (not Store pages) to get them free of additional charge.
Under 13 account creation is disabled in this beta.
Email invitat members can join using push notifications or via inline password entry flow.
A blank screen may be seen after creating a family on iPad.
Workaround: Tap on other settings and then back to iCloud settings.
“Ask to Buy” and Family Notifications may not appear due to SpringBoard crashing.
Workaround: Reboot.
File System
The file system layout of app containers has changed on disk. Rather than relying on hard-coded directory structure, use the NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomainsfunction or the URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:method of the NSFileManager class. See Accessing Files and Directories in File System Programming Guide.
Find My Friends
Now that the Share My Location feature is integrated into Messages, Find My Friends only supports the Apple ID configured in Settings & iCloud.
Find My iPhone
Fixed in beta 2
If you disable Location Services and choose Don’t Enable when prompted on the Find My iPhone page in Setup Assistant, Find My iPhone will not be enabled.
Triggering Lost mode
will not work on iPads that are at the lock screen.
Known Issue
Some Hindi strings are incorrectly displayed, causing search and rendering issues.
Game Center
Fixed in beta 2
Interacting with some menus in Game Center may cause a crash.
Clicking Achievements and Challenges always opens Leaderboards.
Notifications may not go through to a second device.
GameCenterUIService will crash if you try to send matchmaking invites multiple times.
Known Issues
Invites to matchmaking may get stuck on Waiting.
Workaround: Use automatch.
Swiping or tapping a Game Center friend request notification anywhere automatically accepts the friend request.
Handoff is incompatible between devices using this beta and the prior beta. You should test Handoff with the most recent beta software because it is not backward-compatible with previous betas.
Fixed in beta 2
Handoff-based Bluetooth connections between devices may stop working after trying to use Handoff.
Handoff does not work properly for document-based apps.
In some cases, not all devices associated with an Apple ID will pair successfully. These devices will be unable to use Handoff, Phone relay, or Tethering.
Some apps that use Handoff will mistakenly show as Safari in the iOS lock screen and OS X Dock.
Directions and Navigation in Maps do not work with Handoff in this beta.
In some cases, using Handoff with Safari will result in an old URL being resumed instead of the current URL.
Known Issues
When using a Mac, Handoff may sometimes stop showing icons on other iOS and OS X devices. Powering the Mac off and then back on can sometimes work around this issue.
Phone Calls to and from the Mac may sometimes not complete or send and receive audio.
Fixed in beta 2
HKCorrelationQuery only returns objects that were saved with correlations. It should return all data entries matching the predicate.
Blood pressure readings saved from Health will not have a correlation stored between the systolic and diastolic readings.
Known Issue
Health does not support locales outside of en-US at this time.
Fixed in beta 2
The “primary” property will not be available in HMService in the future.
A bridge accessory only supports a total of 5 services for all bridged accessories.
Siri may not immediately recognize HomeKit data changes.
Workaround: To trigger an update to Siri, edit other data used by Siri, such as a contact or the name of a Reminders list.
Pairing with the Home Kit Accessory Simulator may fail the first time you try. A second pairing attempt should resolve the issue.
Known Issues
HomeKit Bluetooth LE support is not enabled.
When upgrading from an earlier beta, you may need to remove accessories from Home Kit Accessory Simulator and then re-add them.
iCloud Drive
Upon upgrading to iOS 8 Beta, existing iCloud Documents & Data present (not evicted) on your device are copied into special server-side containers for use during the beta period.
iCloud Documents & Data created with iOS 8 Beta will not sync with with Documents and Data managed with iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, or earlier operating systems.
iCloud Documents & Data in iOS 8 Beta will only sync with devices running iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview.
iCloud Documents & Data managed with iOS 7 or OS X Mavericks will remain unaffected.
iCloud Documents & Data created with iOS 8 Beta will be deleted from the servers at some point during the beta period. Information downloaded and not evicted from the device will remain on device and will re-sync after the data wipe occurs.
The UI for managing iCloud Documents & Data does not show the documents and data for iOS 8 Beta and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview. It only shows the documents and data synced with previous operating systems.
Known Issues
In some cases, signing into iCloud can take up to two minutes.
Newly added files may not sync automatically. After signing into iCloud, reboot the device.
iCloud Keychain
Fixed in beta 2
Keychain Access developer APIs may not work in Simulator.
Known Issues
Initial sync does not work if the approving device is locked when the approval occurs.
Workaround: Toggle keychain off and then on again.
After changing an iCloud account password, you may notice an “iCloud Keychain has been reset” message.
Workaround: Add your device back into the keychain syncing circle.
iTunes Store
Fixed in beta 2
Opening iTunes Radio URLs from the iTunes Store music grouping page displays a page that asks you to upgrade to iOS 7.
The shelf is not displayed on first sign-in or first launch.
Fixed in beta 2
Deploying a third-** keyboard multiple times may cause the system keyboard to render incorrectly or go blank.
Workaround: Kill the hosting app or reboot the device.
Custom Keyboards do not have Network Access, even after setting the RequestsOpenAccess key to YES in the plist.
Known Issues
In some cases, you may need to restart an app to get third-** keyboard input to register.
If an iPad is restored while in landscape, it may end up with an offscreen keyboard in certain views.
Workaround: Reboot the device.
The requestSupplementaryLexiconWithCompletion:method does not return any lexicon entries.
There is a known performance issue, which is evident as a time lag between viewDidLoad and the textDidChange callbacks firing.
On-screen keyboards do not correctly respond to some notifications (such as layout changes made in Settings).
Workaround: Stop the running process and relaunch it or reboot the simulated device.
Keyboard keys are not being highlighted on some previous-generation devices.
When selecting a keyboard app in the Add New Keyboard menu, you may see an empty sheet. This happens when the containing app has a single keyboard target.
Workaround: To add the keyboard, tap Done on the top-right of the sheet.
The Delete button may not show up when trying to remove an iPad keyboard.
Workaround: Tap on the blank space where the Delete button would be to remove the keyboard.
Known Issue
There are a number of strings that will display in English for people running the iOS in other languages. Known areas include, but may not be limited to:
Podcasts: not localized for Hindi, Australian English, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong/zh_HK), or Canadian French
Messages/iChat: “%@’s Location” not localized in any language
Health/Healthkit: not localized for Arabic, Austrailian English, British English, Croatian, Czech, Spanish (Spain), Hebrew, Hindi, Traditional Chinese (both zh_TW and zh_HK), Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese
Spotlight Search “Learn More” explanatory text: not translated
Data Activation Strings “Location is required”, “Location Unavailable”, “Location Disabled”: not translated in all languages
Camera: most UI is not translated in all languages
Location Services
Fixed in beta 2
Apps using visit monitoring that are denied location authorization via Settings may appear to continue using location when they are not.
Visit monitoring may continue if an app is uninstalled while it is monitoring for visits.
When Location Services is turned on, the device’s current location is used to recommend relevant apps on the lock screen. In this beta, this happens whether or not the App Store is enabled for Location Services.
The CLVisit class incorrectly declares the coordinate and horizontalAccuracyproperties as read/write.
Known Issue
When Location Services is turned on, the device’s current location is used to suggest relevant apps on the lock screen. These suggested apps will remain on the lock screen even after leaving the relevant location.
Lock Screen
Known Issues
Sometimes devices may not wake when the home button is pushed.
Workaround: Use the sleep/wake/power button.
Tapping Emergency on the lock screen does not do anything.
Known Issues
A device doesn’t display the Lost Mode message in the lock screen if the device was locked at the time it was put into Lost Mode.
Workaround: Reboot the device.
After remote wiping a device and logging into the same (@) iCloud account, the Lost Mode lock screen is displayed and the device cannot be unlocked.
Fixed in beta 2
On iPad, trying to add a contact via a Suggestion Banner causes Mail to hang.
Known Issue
Sometimes Mail crashes when replying to an email with an attachment.
Fixed in beta 2
On iPad, tapping on “Points of Interest” can cause Maps to hang.
MKMapItem called with -[MKMapItem url] that have no URL return “http://(null)” when they should return nil.
Known Issue
Taking multiple snapshots using MKMapSnapshottercan sometimes produce a distorted map snapshot.
Media Player
Fixed in beta 2
MediaPlayer.framework - MPVolumeSettingsAlertShow() does not display a volume slider or the AirPlay controller.
Fixed in beta 2
The string “Location” appears in non-English languages.
Known Issues
SMS relay may not work until an iMessage is sent from the device.
The keyboard may cover the predictive text bar if you launch Messages from the App Switcher.
Fixed in beta 2
Radio Redirect links from product pages do not work.
Known Issue
Content downloaded via NKAssetDownload doesn’t get returned to the app.
Fixed in beta 2
Some app crashes cause Family notifications to stop appearing.
Known Issue
User notification custom action buttons don’t show when context is only set to UIUserNotificationActionContextDefault.
Workaround: Set the context to both Default and Minimal.
Beginning in iOS 8 beta 2, the NSURLSessionTaskclass provides a new “priority” property with three associated constants: NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault, NSURLSessionTaskPriorityLow, and NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh. NSURLSessionTask priorities can be used to specify how multiple requests and responses to the same host should be prioritized. Note that the priority is a hint and not a strict guarantee of NSURLSessionTaskperformance.
For complete usage details of NSURLSessionTaskpriorities, refer to the NSURLSession.h header file, which is provided by the Foundation framework.
Known Issue
Passes added on iOS 7 devices won’t appear in iOS 8 devices, and vice versa.
Fixed in beta 2
Missed calls and recent call info doesn’t always update properly.
Double height status bar does not always dismiss for phone and FaceTime calls.
Sometimes the FaceTime Audio icon appears when FaceTime Audio is not available.
Phone call relay sometimes results in poor audio quality.
Tapping a Maps pin during a call causes a hang.
Known Issues
Bringing up a contact card in Mail during a call causes a hang.
Phone call relay uses Bluetooth when it should be using Wi-Fi. Since not all devices have the necessary Bluetooth support, this may fail on some hardware.
Back up your photo libraries before enabling iCloud Photo Library by:
Importing to your Mac using iPhoto
Importing to your Mac using Image Capture
Enabling iCloud Photo Library will not add photos/videos that have been synced with iTunes to the cloud.
iPhoto will not launch. You can edit and organize your photos in the Photos app.
Fixed in beta 2
“Save to Camera Roll” button in a Shared stream doesn’t work.
If you turn off iCloud before disabling iCloud Photo Library, synced photos are still present on your device.
When uploading large libraries, users may encounter a stall when syncing.
If you turn on iCloud Photo Library while an iCloud restore is in progress, your initial upload will not happen until the restore completes.
Items deleted from the Recently Deleted album don’t sync to other devices.
Known Issues
The ability to automatically optimize device space is not enabled in this beta.
When using iCloud Family, both iCloud Photos and My Photostream are enabled.
After restore from iCloud backup, modified photos may show unmodified thumbnails.
If you reach your iCloud quota, there is no way to add or delete data within the Photos app.
Slow motion clips that have been trimmed sync to other devices as a gray thumbnail.
iCloud Photo downloads stall when a device is idle for a long period of time.
Workaround: Sync resumes when the device wakes up.
If both iCloud Photos and Photostream are enabled, duplicate photos are displayed.
iCloud Photo Library does not upload Photos synced from iTunes.
iPhoto for iOS will not launch on iOS 8 Beta. Launching Photos.app will migrate your iPhoto edits to the iOS 8 Photo Library. Make sure your iPhoto for iOS data is included in your device backup.
PHContentEditingController protocol methods may be called on background threads.
Known Issue
When you select Edit in a list of reminders and then scroll, reminders in the list are no longer editable.
Safari now blocks ads from automatically redirecting to the App Store without user interaction. If you still see the previous behavior, or find legitimate redirection to the App Store to be broken in some way, please file a bug.
You can now quickly add a site to Shared Links or save a bookmark by tapping and holding on the bookmarks button.
Screen Capture
Fixed in beta 2
QuickTime Player X is unable to connect to iPad Air devices for screen capture.
Fixed in beta 2
Settings sometimes crashes upon addition of a third-** keyboard.
Sometimes Settings shows an iCloud Drive/iCloud Documents incompatibility dialog and will not let you press OK.
The screen brightness slider in Settings does not work.
When signing out of iCloud, the account will actually be signed out, but the UI will not correctly reflect this until the user goes out of iCloud settings and back into it.
iTunes Wi-Fi Sync does not work.
Known Issues
You are unable to use the “Forgot Apple ID or Password” dialog on your device.
Workaround: Reset passwords from .
The username and password fields in iCloud Settings do not display properly.
Known Issues
Updating the iCloud settings screen may appear to hang during setup.
Workaround: Some accounts may have an extra long lag. Wait a couple of minutes and they should complete.
Touch ID is not enabled for iPhone unlock if a finger was registered in Setup.
Workaround: Enable iPhone Unlock option in Settings & Touch ID & Passcode.
Fixed in beta 2
The resizable iPhone does not work.
If a resizable device is being used in iOS Simulator, keyboard input will go to the width and height text fields if they have focus. If you want input to go to the hosted iOS app, you will need to use the Tab key to change focus away from the text field.
Logging into Game Center from the Settings app will result in an error:
Unable to connect to server. The operations couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 4097.)
Known Issues
Apps deployed to CarPlay do not launch or display controls.
Changing keyboards in Settings & General & Keyboard requires you to relaunch your app before the new settings are observed.
If you rename Xcode.app after having previously run it, Simulator stops working.
Workaround: Reboot or revert the name change.
The Toggle In-Call Status Bar menu option in the Hardware menu does not work.
You cannot log into an iCloud account in Simulator.
Known Issues
Localized strings for Voice Activation phrases don’t appear in Settings & General & Siri.
Voice Activation phrase for each Siri Language:
English (US, UK, AU, CA): Hey Siri
French (FR, CA, CH): Dis Siri
German (DE, CH): Hey Siri
German (DE, CH): Hey Siri
Italian (IT, CH): Ehi Siri
Japanese (JP): Hey Siri
Chinese - Cantonese (HK): 喂Siri
Chinese - Mandarin (CN, TW): 嘿Siri
Spanish (MX, SP, US): Oye Siri
Korean (KR): Siri?
If you use Bluetooth to activate Siri and ask what song is playing, Siri fails to identify the song.
After memory pressure events, pressing and holding the home button may launch Voice Control instead of Siri when Siri is enabled (Settings & General & Siri).
Workaround: Reboot the device to have Siri activate as expected.
UILabel has a default value of YES for clipsToBounds. This differs from the normal UIViewdefault of NO.
Fixed in beta 2
UIScrollViewcontentInset is not set correctly when pushing a navigation controller on a navigation controller in a UISVC.
There is no publicly available way to customize the search key for a UISearchBar.
Known Issues
Share sheets sometimes include the “Send to Shared Photostream” item when they should not.
If an app is using a xib as its main window and is launched in landscape iPad, the main window will have the incorrect dimensions, causing significant distortion and difficulty using presented view controllers. An app may have to be force-quit after presenting a system view controller to function again.
Workaround: Launch all apps in portrait before rotating to landscape.
Subpixel rendering is now on by default for all web content. Websites or in-app web views with extremely tight design constraints may render differently. Solutions for each issue will vary, but use Web Inspector to adjust position, border thickness, and width or height of elements.
In iOS 8.0 beta 2 and later, CSS object model getters (offset{Left|Top|Width|Height} and client{Left|Top|Width|Height}) return fractional double values based on subpixel metrics instead of rounded integral values.
Fixed in beta 2
SecRequestSharedWebCredential and SecAddSharedWebCredential currently only work on device, not in Simulator.
Known Issues
Applications that use Apache Cordova/PhoneGap are broken due to a bug that causes the window.navigator.userAgent object to become undefined when window.navigator is replaced by a pure JavaScript wrapper object.
If you pass NULL for the fqdn parameter of SecRequestSharedWebCredential as recommended, only the first domain in the entitlement is used.
Apps that play video in a UIWebView may fail playback.
Fixed in beta 2
Mapviews do not load tiles in widgets.
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红尘里 美梦有几多方
对gj14-06-18 09:24:55在2楼发表的人气:+1;
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红尘里 美梦有几多方
对pinko0于 09:28:51在3楼发表的人气:+1;
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无非就是修复BUG还能有啥回楼主pursueky于13 分钟前发表的: iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 8.0 Beta 2
This is a preliminary document for an API or technology ......
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iOS SDK为iOS 8.0 Beta 2版本说明
iOS SDK 8.0提供了支持开发iOS应用程序。是一套完整的包装Xcode工具、编译器、和框架为iOS和OS x这些工具用于创建应用程序包括Xcode IDE和仪器分析工具,在许多其他人。
使用这个软件你可以为iPhone开发应用程序,iPad,或iPod touch运行iOS 8。您还可以使用包括iOS模拟器测试您的应用程序,它支持iOS 8。iOS SDK 8.0需要Mac电脑运行OS X v10.9.3(小牛)或更高版本。
报告任何错误不是笔记和已知问题节中提到的,使用错误记者应用或错误的记者在苹果开发者网站上()。您可以快速到达错误记者从通知面板应用程序。此外,你可以讨论这些问题和iOS SDK 8.0苹果开发者论坛:。获得更多的信息关于iCloud对于开发人员来说,访问。
以下问题涉及到使用iOS SDK 8.0开发代码。
固定在beta 2
在一些配置,maxBracketedCaptureStillImageCountproperty AVCaptureStillImageOutput将产生不正确的结果。
固定在beta 2
处理:使用iTunes备份和恢复你的iOS 8测试设备。
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
地址簿UI人选择改变了iOS 8。添加了一个新的模式和新的API,应用程序不需要访问用户的接触和访问的用户将不会提示。临时复制选中的人返回给应用程序。ABPeoplePickerNavigationController见。h为更多的细节。
在iOS 8 beta 2,您必须使用新模式。旧的模式已被弃用测试版。
固定在beta 2
通过Xcode FileProvider部署后,你的documentStorageURL可能为零,导致您的扩展崩溃。
固定在beta 2
通过NSExtensionItem或NSItemProviderinstances UIActivityViewController不工作。
解决方案:在模拟器运行您的应用程序扩展,然后触发键盘扩展加载和附加到正在运行的实例(例如,com.third * * . foo。键盘(123))从仪器的目标选择器。
固定在beta 2
共享的购买历史页面在Mac App Store和iOS应用程序商店是禁用的。
“问购买“请求通知不出现,和请求没有可操作的设备运行iOS 8 beta 2。
现在分享我的位置特性集成到消息,找朋友只支持苹果ID & iCloud中配置设置。
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
一些应用程序使用切换将错误地显示在iOS Safari锁定屏幕和OS X码头。
当使用Mac,切换有时可能会阻止其他iOS和OS X设备上显示图标。推动了Mac,然后回到有时可以解决这个问题。
固定在beta 2
健康不支持地区以外的en - us。
固定在beta 2
在升级到iOS 8测试版,现有的iCloud文档和数据(而不是驱逐)复制到你的设备上特殊的服务器端测试期间使用的容器。
iCloud文档和数据创建iOS 8测试版不会同步文件和数据管理与iOS 7,OS X小牛队,或更早的操作系统。
iCloud文档和数据在iOS 8测试版将只与设备同步运行iOS 8和OS X约塞米蒂的开发者预览版。
iCloud文档和数据管理与iOS 7或OS X小牛队将不受影响。
iCloud文档和数据创建iOS 8测试版将从服务器中删除一些点在测试期间。信息下载并没有赶出设备和设备仍将将re-sync数据擦除后发生。
管理iCloud的UI文档和数据没有显示的文档和数据iOS 8测试版和OS X约塞米蒂的开发者预览版。它只显示了文档和数据同步与先前的操作系统。
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
打开iTunes无线电url从iTunes商店音乐分组页面显示一个页面,要求你升级到iOS 7。
固定在beta 2
多次部署第三* *键盘可能导致系统键盘渲染不正确或一片空白。
自定义键盘没有网络访问,即使设置RequestsOpenAccess plist是的关键。
在某些情况下,您可能需要重新启动应用程序获得第三* *键盘输入登记。
播客:不是印地语本地化,澳大利亚英语、繁体中文(香港/ zh_HK),或加拿大法语
消息/ iChat:“% @的位置”没有在任何语言本地化
健康/ Healthkit:不是阿拉伯语本地化,Austrailian英语,英式英语,克罗地亚,捷克,西班牙语(西班牙)、希伯来语、印地语、繁体中文(zh_TW和zh_HK)、日本、韩国、瑞典、乌克兰和越南
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
MKMapItem使用——[MKMapItem url]没有url返回“http://(null)”时,他们应该返回零。
固定在beta 2
媒体播放器。框架- MPVolumeSettingsAlertShow()不显示音量滑块或AirPlay控制器。
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
固定在beta 2
在iOS 8 beta 2开始,NSURLSessionTaskclass提供了一个新的“优先级”属性有三个相关的常量:NSURLSessionTaskPriorityDefault NSURLSessionTaskPriorityLow,NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh。NSURLSessionTask优先级可以被用来指定多个请求和响应相同的主机应优先。注意,最重要的是一个提示,而不是一个严格的NSURLSessionTaskperformance的保证。
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iOS8 Beta 2 中已修复的部分 Bug 如下:
App Store:
使用 Siri 之后,无论原来将音频采样率设置为了什么,都会强制使用 24KHz 的问题
在正在播放界面按返回按钮可能导致 CarPlay 崩溃的问题
扩展不能正确执行 openURL 的问题
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对Zxd14-06-18 09:39:17在7楼发表的内容评分:人气:+5;
iOS SDK为iOS 8.0 Beta 2版本说明
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