hero pop 第四张xhero地图下载 62关怎么过

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英雄无敌3地图jedi story改进版中罗斯可怎么打
英雄无敌3地图jedi story改进版中罗斯可怎么打,在那里?
09-06-03 &匿名提问 发布
春节又快到了,长假也快来了。即将回到老家,在那偏远的山村,没有网络游戏的闲暇时间里, 英雄无敌就是我每天的功课 。 几张地图和一个本本就可以打发好几天时间。不过最近一段时间逛地图行会却没有下载到新的地图。所以本人专挑了几张臭名昭著的死机地图经过一番辛苦的修改再修改后终于打通了。准备带回家再玩一次,同时也贡献出来给各位爱好h3的朋友们。 首先声明:除最后1张图外,地图都是从行会中下载的。并非原创,修改也只为各位参考,如有纰漏概不负责。   一: 征服-地狱风云(rpg bt图)这个地图设计还是不错的,像逃避紫色追杀的线路还是有创意的。不过作者太懒了,都没测试好就放出来,bug如下:1.地上黑龙城附近的马房过不去,骷髅冠无法取得。  修改:左移一格。2 .刚到地下,没船呜,事先摆好的船(5,131,1)被电脑招走。无法再继续。  修改:招船城里有招船术。这个是唯一能学得的地方。所以不要忘记建造哦。3.雪地第一个塔城集合旗(64,38,1)是死路,不能到下面的3个塔城。无法再继续。  修改:附近地形进行了调整。4. 诅咒地(83,91,1)木乃衣奖励鬼王篼蓬,但是此路不通(83,82,1)事件处的沙丘堵死了路,,无法取得。更加粗心大意的是木乃伊居然没有锁定不逃跑,如果不仔细看地图编辑器的话,不小心忘记追赶的话,鬼王篼蓬就在地图上消失了,任务就永远无法完成。  修改:地形进行了调整,怪物不会逃跑。5 .(95,62,1)紫色帐篷这里到兽城路堵死了。被树木和山丘堵住了。无法再继续。  修改:地形进行了调整。6.(113,131,1)水元素站岸边,无法踏水,过不了双向门,就无法进攻褐色了。  修改:水元属位置进行了调整。 7 .怪物之周落在(41,96,0)踏不了水。无法再继续。还有很多踏水的地方都是一个位置,也有可能落怪物。  修改:许多1格的关键位置都添加了空事件,附近添加了上下船和水上漂的位置。
 其他以下3个bug不会影响通关。1.(142,105,1)水元素站岸边,无法踏水访问红色帐篷。所幸的是地图上还好没有红色边境大门。2.(129,96,1)孟飞拉无法踏水消灭。3.开守卫(113,88,1)后艾丽斯会移动追杀玩家。总结:1-7bug 必须修改否则无法通关,后面3个可以无视。  
  二:jedi story(改进版)(bt之旅就是参照此图进行改进的)1.德肯头两天魔法值不够灭强盗。  修改:添加了魔法值增加事件20点。  2。(143,55,0)水神靴拿不了。  修改:附近地行进了调整。3。飞龙堡罗斯可神秘消失, 顺带过关宝物抗磨靴失踪。  修改:飞龙堡 左移一格。 4。泰坦之家到紫色守卫路上不通。
 修改:附近地形进行了调整。 5。摩力源泉守卫直接放岸边, 无法登陆。  修改:后退一格,添加空事件,附近设有水上漂地点。6。(99,0,0)无法得到过关宝物亡灵护身符。    修改:附近地形进行了调整。7。击败恶棍战斗法师守卫处无法登陆有事件。
 修改:附近地形进行了调整。8。打气神, 火神时候会黑屏跳出  修改:调整了两神兵力设置。9。褐色2恶魔城在接近时有机率死机不动。  修改:添加了3个双向门,死机的话可以将其消灭。10。击败玛利斯守卫无法访问。  修改:调整了附近地形 。11。 为了防止生物月在一些交通要道添加了空事件及水上漂位置。 其他:1。 (77,50,0)事件可以无限加魔法值,每次74点,附近还有个翻倍魔法泉水。这样搞个几万点魔法值地图打完估计也可以了。修改:只能触发一次。2,塔楼琼斯菲尔铁皮人太多,进行了调整。3。龙宫周围的野外水晶龙和毒龙设置成屈服和不限制增加。打这里可能会加入5K以上的水晶龙和毒龙。严重影响后面的平衡。 修改:限制增长及数量。 三:精灵的光复(严重死机地图)1。 第一天死机。修改了罗德哈特圣龙。2。阿尔金死机。修改了电脑组队。3。艾德里德跳出。修改了其兵力配置。4。杀死罗德哈特后死机。 修改了死亡之城及恐怖之城驻军及事件和莎拉女巫宝物。5。为了防止生物月在一些交通要道添加了空事件及水上漂位置。6。修改了抗磨关卡兵种。由原来的7*9999泰坦改为7*9999毒龙。(目的是确保翅膀和黑球不被玩家取得,否则后期战斗失去意义) ps:之前的不死机版本还有少数玩家说还会死机。所以这次修改后自己先打通了2次,都未出现死机才敢放上来。难道是我rp太好!-_-四:倚天屠龙这是从一个同学那里铐过来的他自己早期的一个作品。属于快速极限通关的一张建设发展和讲究战略战术的中等大小地图。限时5周。我打了几次,大概都在30天左右完成。下面只说下要点:1。 阿德拉不要战死。2。速攻。争取2周内灭掉兰,粉,褐色三家。3。快速升级。争取3周内到35级以上,4周内达到74级。(限制最高74级)4。尽可能早的取得黑球及得到9999圣龙。5。开了黑色守卫的话最好杀死hero.避免中间休息。移动不够的话可以在新的一天开始再开黑色守卫。6。城堡数量max,共48座,有神器,有望打满分500。加油加油。最后祝所有h3朋友们玩得开心!!!!
请登录后再发表评论!lasser des jugements du monde
de ce cacher pour ne plus avoir honte
assassiner a coup d'indiferance
sous estimé juste a cause de son aparence
il ne vont qu'on le plaigne
il veut juste qu'on lui tienne la main
et il marche qu'importe le froid qui le glace
et meme le vent qui le casse
et autant les gens qui le chasse
qu'importe la peine et il marche il marche
qu'importe tous ce qui le glace le casse le chasse
et c'est un soldat qui se bas qui se bat il
est mon hero hero hero
casser abimer par la vie le corp blesser
les reves qu'on lui a pris toujours laisser
sans en laisser pour compte sa diniter
il voudrait bien qu'on la lui rendre
il ne veut pas qu'on le plaigne
il veut juste qu'on lui tienne la main
il marche qu'importe le froid qui le glace
et meme le vent qui le casse
et autant les gens qui le chasse
qu'importe le mal il marche
il marche qu'importe tout ce qui le glace le casse le chasse
c'est un soldat qui se qui se batil est mon hero hero hero
ainsi juste couvert de honte c'est tout comme si
on le couper du monde.
lasser des jugements du monde
de ce cacher pour ne plus avoir honte
assassiner a coup d'indiferance
sous estimé juste a cause de son aparence
il ne vont qu'on le plaigne
il veut juste qu'on lui tienne la main
et il marche qu'importe le froid qui le glace
et meme le vent qui le casse
et autant les gens qui le chasse
qu'importe la peine et il marche il marche
qu'importe tous ce qui le glace le casse le chasse
et c'est un soldat qui se bas qui se bat il
est mon hero hero hero
casser abimer par la vie le corp blesser
les reves qu'on lui a pris toujours laisser
sans en laisser pour compte sa diniter
il voudrait bien qu'on la lui rendre
il ne veut pas qu'on le plaigne
il veut juste qu'on lui tienne la main
il marche qu'importe le froid qui le glace
et meme le vent qui le casse
et autant les gens qui le chasse
qu'importe le mal il marche
il marche qu'importe tout ce qui le glace le casse le chasse
c'est un soldat qui se qui se batil est mon hero hero hero
ainsi juste couvert de honte c'est tout comme si
on le couper du monde.
CIRCUS - 我知道你们都在笑我
我是一个大老粗 今天醒来没事做
神经大条不中用 老师已经当掉我
空 空 空 空 空 我不是脑袋空空
为什麽都没人 了解我
空 空 空 空 空 我不是梦想空空
口袋不再 空 空 空 空 空 空 空 空
就把坏事当作恶梦 一场空
我是一个大老粗 今天醒来没事做
神经大条不中用 老师已经当掉我
全身紧绷日子还是GO GO GO
GO GO GO GO GO 我不是什麽狗熊
遇见可怕的坏人 还是会瞬间变成HERO
GO GO GO GO GO 管他五月天的陈信宏
一起勇敢往前 决 不回头
GO GO GO GO GO 我不是什麽狗熊
遇见可怕的坏人 还是会瞬间变成HERO
GO GO GO GO GO 管他五月天的陈信宏
GO GO GO GO GO 我不是随便说说
我不是笨蛋 我知道你们都在笑我
LA LA LA LA LA 一起勇敢往前 决 不回头
They wait to plead their case, unknown cast aside
I love to see their face, can we spare the lie?
Are we afraid to see them, prisoners of history
These beautiful minds, trapped inside, bring them back to life
Let 'em shine, let 'em shine on
Let 'em shine, let 'em shine on
So dark when I see sparks, if we don't snuff 'em out
We've gotta let 'em flame, let 'em speak their name
Let 'em reach up to the clouds
Can't eat if we don't feed 'em, can't read if we don't teach 'em
There's no light if we just hide 'em
Don't just let 'em die
Let 'em shine (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
Let 'em shine (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
Oh let 'em shine on (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
Let 'em shine on (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine, on
Ohhhhh sparks flicker, in the distance
Lonely out in space
They sing out, but we're not listening
Cause we don't see their face
We can't let 'em die we can't, make 'em hide
All the little miracles that live inside
Let 'em shine, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Let 'em shine (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
Let 'em live (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
Let 'em be loved (yeah yeah yeah) let 'em shine on
C'mon let 'em love (yeah yeah yeah) hey
C'mon let 'em love (yeah yeah yeah) hey hey hey yeah
C'mon let 'em love (yeah yeah yeah) YEAH-HA-HEAH
Hold 'em close, let 'em know
That they'll get through the night
Ordinary people could, be a hero
Don't put out the light!
Let 'em shine, let 'em shine on
Let 'em shine, let 'em shine on
Let 'em shine on
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Il para顃rait que nos propos sont violents
Mais la vie reste cruelle
Comme le viol d'une fille dans une ruelle
Un jeune que les flics passent ?tabac et virent au violet
Vois tu tous ces gosses qui de plus en plus t魌 se mettent ?voler
Qu'est ce que vous vouliez que vous 閠閟 d閟oles
Mon rap lui restera dur, quitte ?vous affoler
Et si 鏰 te g鑞e, suce mon beau
Depuis que je suis venu au monde j'ai rien vu de tr鑣 beau
J'ai vu des potes qui sont tombes tr鑣 t魌 ou tr鑣 bas
M鑞e un terrible combat et jure de pas se faire ron-ba
Parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas
Dur de pas se faire baiser
Parfois blesser dans leur chair
Mais tous pr阾s a se dresser
Ils se disent agresser quand on livre nos pens閑s
Sur le gouvernement quand on se l鈉he ouvertement sans retenue
Quel int閞阾 on a ce qu'on a que l'ordre soit maintenue
Vu que leurs promesses sont jamais tenues
(Don Choa)
Sous Haute tension mais vivant par la gr鈉e du Tr鑣 Haut
Prend le courant tu repars froid ou tr鑣 chaud
Moral Z閞o, ils se font rare les h閞os
On a que des mots pour te secouer comme un rail d'Hero
Larme, Lame, Rasoir, Matraque, Batte de Base-ball
Chatte mouill閑, seins qui bougent et fesse chaude
S閞ies d'閘ectrochocs, Transaction de Coc,
Attente de verdict, r閝uisitoire du proc'
J'entends de dr鬺es d'histoires mon pote, juste trop vraies
Je crie vive la zone et fuck le progr鑣
J'ai si peu d'essence et tant de choses a cramer
J'ai si peu de temps avant que je me taise ?jamais
Je peux pas me calmer mec
Je veux la ramener, texte arm?de haine
Met ton cran de suret
C'est quel toupet, c'est bien dans notre intention
Don Choa, FF Haute Tension
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
(Le Rat Luciano)
Qu'est ce qui met Sous Haute Tension ?
Baiser une inconnue sans Manix
Foutre un suisse dans un neman d'un GSX
Quand je commence la ou toi tu t'arr阾e
Quand y a les civils en face et dans les poches les restes de barrettes
Vie dure, argent et mains sales fr鑢e 鏰 forge
Et puis tu peux pas imaginer tout ce que les miens savent faire
Faut que je respecte 鏰 fort
Trouver le bonheur la ou il est la et peu importe sa forme
Aller chercher les armes
Se retrouver au volant d'un bolide ou voir M鑢e verser des larmes
Tout 鏰 met sous Haute Tension
Comme un fusil ?pompe pointer vers soi
Ou apprendre que son m鬽e est en d閠ention
Dans la famille y a besoin d'argent y a d閖?rien
C'est comme voir la mort de pr鑣 et de l'関iter de rien
Etre sous Haute Tension quand m阭e on aime bien
Comme chacun des citoyens on veut dominer le monde des que 鏰 vient
On d閟ire produire de l'effet, profiter
Car la vie est la plus grande fortune que Dieu nous aient donne
C'est pas tire d'un roman mais inspire de r閑ls fait
Au bon endroit, au bon moment
Est ce comme 鏰 que l'histoire se fait ?
Tu crois avoir ?faire aux chanteurs a la croix de bois enfoir??
T'as quatre clebs toujours aux abois ouais enfoir閟 ?
Ca vient de Mars, pas celui de phaneuf
Mais de ces rues qui sont peut 阾re ?t閠ra hydro cannabinole
Merci a tous de me donner ma chance
Maintenir mon groupe vivant entier
C'est pas un jeu mais on est pas la pour plaisanter
Pour ceux qui nous ont quitt閟 avant l'heure
C'est ?souhaiter qu'ils aient trouver mieux ailleurs
Ca sera pas bien dur, ici y a plus d'all間resse
Les jours se ressemblent comme 2 gouttes d'eaux ou presque
On esp鑢e que la mis鑢e r間resse
Mais cette pute brise plus de foyer que de maitresses
De Mars on part en croisade contre l'閠at avare
C'est la m阭e merde aux quatre coins de France et de Navarre
Je fesserais sur ceux qui se mettraient en travers de mon groupe
De mes buts, ni le fric, ni la dope et encore moins une pute
Prend le bien ou mal 鏰 m'est bien 間al
Je continuerai m阭e si elle rendrait nos phases ill間ales
T'aime tant mieux, T'aime pas tant pis
De toute fa鏾n qu'est ce que 鏰 change vu qu'on s'attend au pire
FF, y'a plus d'enjeu hormis sauver nos pauvres victimes
Par les temps qui cours est devenu dangereux
Etes vous pr阾s, esp鑓e d'enfoir閟 阾es vous pr阾s
Moi je suis pr阾
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Shania Twain - C'est La Vie
It must be Monday! What a dumb day!
Can't drag my butt outta bed
Somebody stop me--I need another coffee
Like a hole in my head
When everyday begins this way
Gets you down and can drive you mad
The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad
Don't let it get to you
C'est la vie! That's life,
and that's how it's gonna be
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
it comes right eventually. Oh--ho--
If only I could sleep in--
and wake up on the weekend
Oh, what a dream that would be, yeah
But fat chance for that one--
it ain't gonna happen
Better get back to reality
I could be a slob or keep my job
That is the choice we have
The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad
Everybody's got to do it!
Everybody's got to earn their way
Uh, come on now
You gotta work your own way through it
Everybody's got their dues to pay
The daily grind can freak your mind
But life isn't all that bad
Don't let it get to you
C'est la vie! That's life,
and that's how it's gonna be
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
it comes right eventually.
Yeah, yeah
C'est la vie! That's life,
and that's how it's gonna be
Uh, come on now
C'est la vie! Hold tight,
it comes right eventually. Oh--ho--
C'est la vie
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Il para顃rait que nos propos sont violents
Mais la vie reste cruelle
Comme le viol d'une fille dans une ruelle
Un jeune que les flics passent ?tabac et virent au violet
Vois tu tous ces gosses qui de plus en plus t魌 se mettent ?voler
Qu'est ce que vous vouliez que vous 閠閟 d閟oles
Mon rap lui restera dur, quitte ?vous affoler
Et si 鏰 te g鑞e, suce mon beau
Depuis que je suis venu au monde j'ai rien vu de tr鑣 beau
J'ai vu des potes qui sont tombes tr鑣 t魌 ou tr鑣 bas
M鑞e un terrible combat et jure de pas se faire ron-ba
Parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas
Dur de pas se faire baiser
Parfois blesser dans leur chair
Mais tous pr阾s a se dresser
Ils se disent agresser quand on livre nos pens閑s
Sur le gouvernement quand on se l鈉he ouvertement sans retenue
Quel int閞阾 on a ce qu'on a que l'ordre soit maintenue
Vu que leurs promesses sont jamais tenues
(Don Choa)
Sous Haute tension mais vivant par la gr鈉e du Tr鑣 Haut
Prend le courant tu repars froid ou tr鑣 chaud
Moral Z閞o, ils se font rare les h閞os
On a que des mots pour te secouer comme un rail d'Hero
Larme, Lame, Rasoir, Matraque, Batte de Base-ball
Chatte mouill閑, seins qui bougent et fesse chaude
S閞ies d'閘ectrochocs, Transaction de Coc,
Attente de verdict, r閝uisitoire du proc'
J'entends de dr鬺es d'histoires mon pote, juste trop vraies
Je crie vive la zone et fuck le progr鑣
J'ai si peu d'essence et tant de choses a cramer
J'ai si peu de temps avant que je me taise ?jamais
Je peux pas me calmer mec
Je veux la ramener, texte arm?de haine
Met ton cran de suret
C'est quel toupet, c'est bien dans notre intention
Don Choa, FF Haute Tension
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
(Le Rat Luciano)
Qu'est ce qui met Sous Haute Tension ?
Baiser une inconnue sans Manix
Foutre un suisse dans un neman d'un GSX
Quand je commence la ou toi tu t'arr阾e
Quand y a les civils en face et dans les poches les restes de barrettes
Vie dure, argent et mains sales fr鑢e 鏰 forge
Et puis tu peux pas imaginer tout ce que les miens savent faire
Faut que je respecte 鏰 fort
Trouver le bonheur la ou il est la et peu importe sa forme
Aller chercher les armes
Se retrouver au volant d'un bolide ou voir M鑢e verser des larmes
Tout 鏰 met sous Haute Tension
Comme un fusil ?pompe pointer vers soi
Ou apprendre que son m鬽e est en d閠ention
Dans la famille y a besoin d'argent y a d閖?rien
C'est comme voir la mort de pr鑣 et de l'関iter de rien
Etre sous Haute Tension quand m阭e on aime bien
Comme chacun des citoyens on veut dominer le monde des que 鏰 vient
On d閟ire produire de l'effet, profiter
Car la vie est la plus grande fortune que Dieu nous aient donne
C'est pas tire d'un roman mais inspire de r閑ls fait
Au bon endroit, au bon moment
Est ce comme 鏰 que l'histoire se fait ?
Tu crois avoir ?faire aux chanteurs a la croix de bois enfoir??
T'as quatre clebs toujours aux abois ouais enfoir閟 ?
Ca vient de Mars, pas celui de phaneuf
Mais de ces rues qui sont peut 阾re ?t閠ra hydro cannabinole
Merci a tous de me donner ma chance
Maintenir mon groupe vivant entier
C'est pas un jeu mais on est pas la pour plaisanter
Pour ceux qui nous ont quitt閟 avant l'heure
C'est ?souhaiter qu'ils aient trouver mieux ailleurs
Ca sera pas bien dur, ici y a plus d'all間resse
Les jours se ressemblent comme 2 gouttes d'eaux ou presque
On esp鑢e que la mis鑢e r間resse
Mais cette pute brise plus de foyer que de maitresses
De Mars on part en croisade contre l'閠at avare
C'est la m阭e merde aux quatre coins de France et de Navarre
Je fesserais sur ceux qui se mettraient en travers de mon groupe
De mes buts, ni le fric, ni la dope et encore moins une pute
Prend le bien ou mal 鏰 m'est bien 間al
Je continuerai m阭e si elle rendrait nos phases ill間ales
T'aime tant mieux, T'aime pas tant pis
De toute fa鏾n qu'est ce que 鏰 change vu qu'on s'attend au pire
FF, y'a plus d'enjeu hormis sauver nos pauvres victimes
Par les temps qui cours est devenu dangereux
Etes vous pr阾s, esp鑓e d'enfoir閟 阾es vous pr阾s
Moi je suis pr阾
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Fin de soir閑, boite concert, haute Tension
Propre autour, crane ouvert, haute Tension
Les larmes d'une m鑢e mettent sous Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
Le matos sous le si鑗e Haute Tension
Civils CRS, Haute Tension
Les sacs pleins de billets, Haute Tension
FF Marseille sous Haute Tension
The Show Must Go On
演唱:Céline Dion,Lindsey Stirling
Empty spaces what are we living for
Abandoned places I guess we know the score
On and on does anybody know what we are looking for
Another hero another mindless crime
Behind the curtain in the pantomime
Hold the line does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
Whatever happens I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache another failed romance
On and on does anybody know what we are living for
I guess I'm learning I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show
I'll top the bill I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the
On with the show
The show must go on
Sheryl Crow - Safe And Sound
Maybe this is forever
Forever fades away
Like a rocket ascending into space
Could you not be sad
Could you not break down
After all I Won't let go
Until you're safe and sound
Until you're safe and sound
There's beauty in release
There's no one left to please
But you and me
I don't blame you for quitting
I know you really try
If only you could hang on through the night
I don't want to be lonely
I don't want to be scared
All our friends are waiting there
Until you're safe and sound……
Feel like I could've held on
Feel like I could've let go
Feel like I could've helped you
Feel like I could've changed you
Feel like I could've held you
Feel like I could've hurt you
Feel like I was a stranger
Feel like I was an angel
Feel like I was a hero
Feel like I was a zero
Feel like I could have changed you
Feel like I could have healed you
Feel like I could have saved you
Feel like I should've heard you
Feel like I could have moved you
Feel like I could have changed you
Feel like I could have loved you
Feel like I really loved you
Feel like I could've saved you
let's do it again uh let's do it again i said
let's do it again bigbang
let's do it again let's do it again like
?? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ???? ???
??? crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~
everybody in the place go ho
Everybody in the place go
hey hey girl what you want for me (ma)
??? ??? come here (ma)
????? ??? (?) ? ?? ?????
???????? ????? ? (?)
??? ? ?? ?? ?? (?)
???? ?? ??? ?? ????
? ???? ??? ???
? ?? ?? ?? so get down
??? ?? ?? ????
??? ???? ?? ????
? ???? ????
hands up go hands up go hands up
let's go let's go oh oh oh
(rock ya'll we gonna this party)
hands up go hands up go hands up
let me say oh oh oh
hey hey ? ??? ???
??? ???? something
? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? bang'em
?? ???? ??? ??? ???
?? ??? ???? hero
? ??? it's the hot in here
?? ???? ???? ???
i'm so hot ?
?? ? ?? ? ?? ???
hey ??? ?? ??? hey
??? ?? ??? hey
??? ? ??? ????? blahblahblah
? ?? ?? ?? so get down
??? ?? ?? ????
??? ???? ?? ????
? ???? ????
hands up go hands up go hands up
let's go let's go oh oh oh
(rock ya'll we gonna this party)
hands up go hands up go hands up
let me say oh oh oh
?? ??? ??? ??? ???
??? ?? ???? ???
??? crazy dog everybody in the place go ho~
everybody in the place go ho
Everybody in the place go
now movin yo movin
just movin b to the i the g bang
everybody dance now
???? ? ?? ????
??? ??? ??? ??
?? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??? ??
c'mon c'mon ?? ??? ?? ??
??? ??? ?? ?? ??
yoyoyo put your hands up
high big bang in da house
? ?? ?? ?? so get down
??? ?? ?? ????
??? ???? ??
???? ? ???? ????
hands up go hands up go hands up
let's go let's go oh oh oh
(rock ya'll we gonna this party)
hands up go hands up go hands up
let me say oh oh oh
Sheryl Crow - Safe And Sound
Maybe this is forever
Forever fades away
Like a rocket ascending into space
Could you not be sad
Could you not break down
After all I Won't let go
Until you're safe and sound
Until you're safe and sound
There's beauty in release
There's no one left to please
But you and me
I don't blame you for quitting
I know you really try
If only you could hang on through the night
I don't want to be lonely
I don't want to be scared
All our friends are waiting there
Until you're safe and sound……
Feel like I could've held on
Feel like I could've let go
Feel like I could've helped you
Feel like I could've changed you
Feel like I could've held you
Feel like I could've hurt you
Feel like I was a stranger
Feel like I was an angel
Feel like I was a hero
Feel like I was a zero
Feel like I could have changed you
Feel like I could have healed you
Feel like I could have saved you
Feel like I should've heard you
Feel like I could have moved you
Feel like I could have changed you
Feel like I could have loved you
Feel like I really loved you
Feel like I could've saved you
come to me
Celine Dion
I will always love you
no matter what
No matter where you go
or what you do
And knowing you
You're gonna have
to do things you're own way
And that's okay
So be free, spread your wings
And promise me just one thing...
If you ever need a place to cry
Baby, come to me
Come to me
I've always known
that you were born to fly
But you can come to me
If the world breaks your heart
No matter where on Earth you are
You can come to me
Don't walk around with the world
on your shoulders
And you're highest hopes
laying on the ground
I know you think
you've gotta try to be my hero
But dont you know the stars
you wish upon they fall its true
But I still belive in you
And though seven seas' you sailed
Although the winding road you're on
Leave you lost and feeling all alone
Let my heart be your beacon home
Self-Esteem (feat
演唱: Nelly
You got to believe in yourself
Don't let nobody tell you what you can't be
You got to believe in yoursel-elf
And everything else'll work out
you'll see
Ohh (ohh) ohh
You got to believe in yourself
Don't let nobody tell you what you can't be
You got to believe in yoursel-elf
And everything else'll work out
you'll see
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I know I can
I know I can
You see my poppa was a rollin stone
And my momma had problems of her own
But I still managed to make it out okay
Although I'm hailed as a hometown hero
Still in my hometown I'm seen as a negro
that's okay
Uh uh uh uh uh uh
It's so many obstacles in life to overcome
And as soon as you jump over one here come another come
But we got to be strong
and set examples for our sons
If the sun don't shine
then the decayin has begun
You got to believe in yourself
Don't let nobody tell you what you can't be
You got to believe in yoursel-elf
And everything else'll work out
you'll see
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I know I can
I know I can
They say I'm old enough to go to war
But I ain't old enough to play in the NBA no more
Now you tell me
what's wrong with that
ah-ah ah ah
I pledge allegiance all the way to Iraq
But ain't nobody pledgin to me when I get back
Tell my Uncle Sam he wrong for that
You see my self-esteem
I'm never leavin home without it
They told me I'd never make it
they told me I ain't doubt it
Now tell me whoever make it
now tell me I ain't got it
I'm seein (No Limits) nigga
who sayin I ain't (Bout it)
You got to believe in yourself
Don't let nobody tell you what you can't be
You got to believe in yoursel-elf
And everything else'll work out
you'll see
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I know I can
I know I can
Rock on Nelly
rock on my brother
Keep your head up over the storm
young fella (hoh )
Got a letter from the government
opened and read it
and told 'em all to forget it
cause we BELIEVE in the future
Uncle Sam sent his man to recruit ya
You still can't trust it
cause you came this far
End of discussion
when you KNOW who you are
You got to believe in yourself
Don't let nobody tell you what you can't be
You got to believe in yoursel-elf
And everything else'll work out
you'll see
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I think I - naw
I know I can
I know I can
I know I can
You gotta believe it
You gotta believe
my brother
You keep doin your thing
That's right
keep that head up
All the way to the future
That's right
for the babies baby
For the babies
You are my night in armor
The hero of my heart
When you smile at me I see
A true world go up
The river is getting deep, believe it
You're all these arms of mine wanna hold
All wrapped up with a river
Baby, I'm giving you this heart of gold
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
(Hey of love)
Just like Juliette belonged to Romeo
You can stay prepared that I won't be letting you go
In the heat of the night
So right you taste my sweetness on your lips
I'll make it better than you ever dreamed
And the rest of your life will be just like this
(Baby) So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
(Baby) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
(Yeah) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
Declaration of love (love)
Declaration of love (heh)
Declaration of love (oh)
Declaration of love (no no no no)
Declaration of love (to you baby)
Declaration of love (oh)
In the heat of the night
So right you taste my sweetness on your lips
I'll make it better than you ever dreamed
And the rest of your life will be just like this
(Baby) So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
baby, baby
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
Don't you know, don't you know
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
I swear to you baby
So listen up, it's you I trust
(Ooh) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Melissa Etheridge -- Tuesday Morning
10:03 on a Tuesday morning
In the fall of an American dream
Man is doing what he knows is right
On Flight 93
Loved his mom and he loved his dad
Loved his home and he loved his man
But on that bloody Tuesday morning
He died an American
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Even though he could not marry
Or teach our children in your schools
Because who he wants to love
Is breaking your God's rules
He stood up on a Tuesday morning
In the terror he was brave
And he made his choice, and without a doubt
A hundred lives he must have saved
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
And the things you might take for granted
Your inalienable rights
Some might choose to deny him
Even though he gave his life
Can you live with yourself in the land of the free
And make him less of a hero than the other three
Well it might begin to change here
In a field in Pennsylvania
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Stand up America
Hear the bell now as it tolls
Wake up America
It's Tuesday morning
C'mon, let's roll
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
You are my night in armor
The hero of my heart
When you smile at me I see
A true world go up
The river is getting deep, believe it
You're all these arms of mine wanna hold
All wrapped up with a river
Baby, I'm giving you this heart of gold
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
(Hey of love)
Just like Juliette belonged to Romeo
You can stay prepared that I won't be letting you go
In the heat of the night
So right you taste my sweetness on your lips
I'll make it better than you ever dreamed
And the rest of your life will be just like this
(Baby) So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
(Baby) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
(Yeah) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
Declaration of love (love)
Declaration of love (heh)
Declaration of love (oh)
Declaration of love (no no no no)
Declaration of love (to you baby)
Declaration of love (oh)
In the heat of the night
So right you taste my sweetness on your lips
I'll make it better than you ever dreamed
And the rest of your life will be just like this
(Baby) So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
baby, baby
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
I feel magic every time that we touch
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Tonight to you baby I make my declaration of love
So listen up, it's you I trust
Don't you know, don't you know
I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
I swear to you baby
So listen up, it's you I trust
(Ooh) I pledge allegiance to the heavens above
Melissa Etheridge -- Tuesday Morning
10:03 on a Tuesday morning
In the fall of an American dream
Man is doing what he knows is right
On Flight 93
Loved his mom and he loved his dad
Loved his home and he loved his man
But on that bloody Tuesday morning
He died an American
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Even though he could not marry
Or teach our children in your schools
Because who he wants to love
Is breaking your God's rules
He stood up on a Tuesday morning
In the terror he was brave
And he made his choice, and without a doubt
A hundred lives he must have saved
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
And the things you might take for granted
Your inalienable rights
Some might choose to deny him
Even though he gave his life
Can you live with yourself in the land of the free
And make him less of a hero than the other three
Well it might begin to change here
In a field in Pennsylvania
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Stand up America
Hear the bell now as it tolls
Wake up America
It's Tuesday morning
C'mon, let's roll
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Melissa Etheridge -- Tuesday Morning
10:03 on a Tuesday morning
In the fall of an American dream
Man is doing what he knows is right
On Flight 93
Loved his mom and he loved his dad
Loved his home and he loved his man
But on that bloody Tuesday morning
He died an American
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Even though he could not marry
Or teach our children in your schools
Because who he wants to love
Is breaking your God's rules
He stood up on a Tuesday morning
In the terror he was brave
And he made his choice, and without a doubt
A hundred lives he must have saved
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
And the things you might take for granted
Your inalienable rights
Some might choose to deny him
Even though he gave his life
Can you live with yourself in the land of the free
And make him less of a hero than the other three
Well it might begin to change here
In a field in Pennsylvania
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Stand up America
Hear the bell now as it tolls
Wake up America
It's Tuesday morning
C'mon, let's roll
Now you cannot change this
And you can't erase this
You can't pretend this is not the truth
Universal Mind Control (UMC)
This is that automatic
I stay fresh like I'm wrapped in plastic
P goes spastic
C galactic
South side boy
we Cadillac it
I hustle for mathematics
changed the status
Actor tappin yo' favorite actress
Gucci rockin'
coochies poppin'
Movie watchin'
booties droppin'
Body movin'
Stylin' and bein' fly
I touch the masses like a Catholic
Expensive rap shit
my future's backlit
Interact with the cat who macks and stacks
My vernac' attracts
y'all react
so let's go
This is that new shit
keep 'em standing in line
That Universal Mind Control
now move yo' behind
you know you like it
it's calling yo' name
this is that new shit and it don't feel the same
It's got that dang
some move robotic
Like cash money I stay in pocket
don't stop it
Chicks exotic
mix Hypnotic
Superhero role boy
I'm bionic
You a fad on some lumma-lumma supersonic
you 'bout it
you can strip like comic
And trance to melodic technotronic
Beats knockin'
seats droppin'
Seeds poppin'
streets rockin'
money makin'
Stylin' and bein' fly
I'm the one the ladies-ladies chose to
Strip and pose to
take off their clothes to
the one that go coast to coast to
This is that new shit
keep 'em standing in line
That Universal Mind Control
now move yo' behind
you know you like it
it's calling yo' name
this is that new shit and it don't feel the same
It's got that dang da-da-dang
I am a renegade
I never been afraid
Fresh and I'm gettin' paid
The future future of this age
From the Chi
so I talk this way
Twist the hay and the Grand Marnier
Rock the fly shit like every day
To the top and I'm on my way
This is that new shit
keep 'em standing in line
That Universal Mind Control
now move yo' behind
you know you like it
it's calling yo' name
this is that new shit and it don't feel the same
It's got that dang da-da-dang
God only knows
作詞:西田恵美 編曲:前口渉
【第一幕 Chapter1】作曲:M.C.E
What I'm seeing......Is it real?
What I'm feeling......Is it real?
What I'm doing......Is it real?
There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities<Go ahead with your own life ->
There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities<Is there any hope in your sight?>
<You will always be the one,so feel the power
And you should know the sun comes up - For you>
There is no regrets,satisfy my curiosities
There is a new world waiting,explore my possibilities
There is no guarantee,just improve my abilities
There is a choice to make,setting the right priorities
【第二幕 Chapter2】作曲:前口渉
<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
I was sitting and thinking the other day<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
If I fail,I won't throw my passion away<What is the best you can do? How can you do?>
Just 'cause giving up is not the only way
No matter how it's gonna be,I'll try it anyway
【第三幕 Chapter3】作曲:前口渉/木村香真良
Love is such a sweet illusion (Let's come together)
Can't seem to stop my imagination(Goes on forever)
What a ridiculous situation(Another matter)
But I can't deny,I'm faced with a tricky temptation
In the world that keeps on changing
Don't know why my heart is aching
Gotta handle it,no more hesitation
There can be no turning back
God only knows
"My mind is as free as the wind
But now what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows
"I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows
"There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows
"Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God only knows
"Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am,I'm sure taht things will go my way"
God only knows
"My mind is as free as the wind
But what I should do is to fall in love"
God only knows<Your own happiness,you can find it>
"I don't need that kind of real things
Feels like I'm lost in the labyrinth"
God only knows<Your infinity,you can feel it>
"There must be the meaning of life
Somehow unexpected happenings thrill me"
God only knows<Opportunity,you can take it>
"Just believe in myself and my dream
Anyone could be a hero and heroine"
God onky knows<Toward the future,you can make it>
"Though it's not so easy to get through
Here I am,I'm sure taht things will go my way"
【第四幕 Chapter4】作曲:柳田しゅ
<Sailing,you're sailing away
And now it's blowing,breeze will take you away>
I feel that my spirits rise
I will survive and just stay alive
Enjoy being alone,the isolation is not always so bad
Another day has gone by,every day goes by
In the sky,there'd be a bridge to a bright tomorrow
<You will find your treasure and share your pleasure
Let me tell you......>
【第五幕 Chapter5】作曲:mixakissa/すみだしんや
<Just keep your vision,your dream,and your soul alive
Be as you are ,I will always be right by your side>
Think about my love and my life
In an uncertain world,face to face with myself
Continue to make progress,day by day and step by step
I've got a good feeling
So I'm gonna keep on trying,life will go on......
【終幕 Reprise】作曲:前口渉
&2017 Baidu


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