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新pt老虎机送注册送36-百度 知道
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  齐鲁网6月8日讯(记者 刘冰冰 王玉栋)省政府新闻办今天召开宣布会,省财政厅先容了山东省十次党代会以来财政保障改善民生情形。全省近八成财政支出投向民生。
  ● 川南页岩气勘探开发、中节能成都国际节能环保装备制造基地建设项目。
  当下,怎样能把庞概略量的校园闲置体育园地使用起来?共享模式能否提供解决方案?PT老虎机注册-百度 娱乐
PT老虎机注册-百度 娱乐
时间: 09:53
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  资料图  日本警方12日说,今年4月末至5月初黄金周假期中,27人在登山时遇难,人数为历来第二高。  4月29日至5月7日期间,日本发生167件登山遇险事故,涉及人数达到190人,其中大约45%是60岁以上的老人。  27名遇难者中,15人年龄达到60岁,比例超过五成。84人在山难中受伤,2人失踪。  今年日本黄金周假期登山死伤人数分别比去年增加6人和21人,其中遇难人数为1994年有该项统计以来第二高。2011年黄金周假期,31人在登山期间遇难。  日本警方说,由于天气原因,遭遇雪崩和登山时滑坠的人增加。山里天气多变,“驴友”应提前充分收集信息,携带必要的登山装备,以防事故。
  埃尔切 1-1 莱万特
  We human beings naturally have two kinds of state that exist in us at any given time: peak state and off-peak state. Peak performance can be defined as "performing at your most optimal best at this time". An off-peak state would mean that we are not performing at the optimal level.So "optimizing your off-peak performance" simply means to convert your non-peak performance to a peak performance state.Suppose you hold a full-time job and you do Internet Marketing part-time. By the time you got home, you would quite likely be too tired to work on your online venture. At this moment, you are in an off-peak state because you cannot perform at an optimal level as compared to your work rate in your primary job. By using an "off-peak performance optimization" technique, you would be able to perform at your optimal level even though you are tired. In this scenario, a peak state would mean that you would be able to work just as effectively during 'off-hours'.Regardless of any state that you are in, whether you procrastinate or you don't have the mood to write a special report just because you have a bad hair day, you will be ready, set and GO using this technique!Now, let's imagine. If we could achieve X amounts of result during our peak state, what would it be like if we can double or even triple our results just by converting our non-peak state into a peak state? The effect is mind-blowing!This technique is called "anchoring". An anchor is a stimulus that enables you to fire off any state that you want in an instant. A stimulus is anything you see, hear or feel.There are 3 kinds of anchors: visual anchor, auditory anchor and kinesthetic anchor.1) Visual anchors are visual sights that are neurologically linked to a particular state. Does your nasty supervisor's face makes you feel lousy when you go to work? At the sight of your girlfriend, do you have a wonderful feeling? Do you feel sleepy when you start reading your textbook?2) Auditory anchors are sounds that are neurologically linked to a particular state. When someone shouts "FIRE" or "FIRE SALE!", does the sound of "FIRE" make you panicky? Does hearing beautiful sounds leave you a romantic feeling?3) Kinesthetic anchor is when someone touches you in a certain way or you move in a certain way that fires off a particular state. Do you feel loved when you are hug by your loved ones? Do you feel like laughing when a clown moves in a funny way?Whenever you are in an intense associated state, the state will be neurologically linked to the anchor. When this happens, all you have to do is to apply the same anchor repeatedly and you will immediately experience the same state consistently.Here are 4 steps to creating a powerful anchor for any resourceful state:1) Get into an intense, fully associated state. Think back to a time in the past when you felt a particular intense, fully associated state. Adopt the same physiology you were in. Assuming you wanted to anchor the state of motivation to work in front of your PC (or MAC!). Think of the time you felt totally motivated and adopt the same physiology, e.g. the same kind of sitting posture and breathing pattern when you felt totally motivated.2) Apply the anchor at the peak of the state! A combination of an auditory and kinesthetic anchor would yield the best results, e.g. you could snap your fingers and shout "YES!"3) Break the state, then repeat steps 1 & 2 at least five to ten times. Think of something else to break an unwanted state. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for five to ten times until the new anchor is successfully installed.4) Test the anchor. Test the anchor to see whether it works. Get into the normal state and apply the anchor e.g. snap finger and shout "YES!" If it works, the anchor is installed successfully. The best way to test the anchor would be the time when you are not feeling motivated.In short, "optimizing your off-peak performance" would enable you to access the resourceful state that you want instantly.Write down 5 resourceful states that you would like to have and the 5 anchors associated with it.Gifts Download: /freeload.htmlJustin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center () and Fresh Resources ().This article is free for reprint in your website, e-mails and other mediums with permission by default. The signature must be included. If it is for a profitable purpose e.g. content for a paid e-book, you must notify us.
  Dress to look young? Well think about it, how are you normally dressed? How do you normally present yourself to others? Unknowingly, a lot of us have been wearing clothes that made us appear older than we actually are, especially due to the nature of our work.To maintain a youthful look, a lot of women have invested heavily on skin care products. Many at times neglecting the very basic, the clothing they wore everyday, the way they are dressed. Some due to their profession didn't even realize
they are actually dressing to look old! Anti-ageing cream simply won't just do magic to them.To look young and pretty isn't really that difficult. All you need is to spend a little time & effort, giving yourself a little touch up.Tips:Try out a new hairstyle. Visit a hairdresser, they will be able to advise and styled your hair to suit you, bringing out that radiant in you.If you are still wearing glasses, why not give it a try with contact lens? You can have excellent peripheral vision and at the same time, ease, comfort and convenience. Not forgetting to mention, a more youthful look. Don't you love the way you naturally look without your glasses?Put on some light makeup to help lift your face, bringing out that natural beauty in you. Do however avoi a heavy eye makeup tends to add ages to the look.T add a little color to your daily wear. Yes, appropriate dressing for work is important, especially when your job involves frequent meeting with clients. But still, that doesn't mean that you have to stick to the same old boring dull clothing everyday. Well, as long as they are not too short, too tight, too revealing and too bright, you can still have fun with mixing and matching while maintaining your professional image.For instance, instead of the usual dull black pants & skirt, you can also go for a Glencheck Pants, Ice Blue Cotton Flare Leg Pants, a Pink Stretch Twill Pencil Skirt, White Pleated knee Skirt?Matching them with Yellow Stretch Corduroy Belted Blouse, Mint Chiffon V-neck Blouse, a White, Blue & Red Stripe Button Front Shirt? Perhaps even a Blue Dot Capsleeve Jersey Dress?Many work place, has nonetheless also adopted the idea of a Casual Friday. A printed tee with faded stretch denim jean? Why Not? Well and of course not forgetting the weekends. A Sporty & Youthful look? It's your weekend you call the shots!Hmm? Save the best for the last? Well, there's no need to wait for any special occasion to doll yourself up. You deserve to look your best everyday. Last but not least, put on a smile?Rick Valens is a freelance writer for Fashion-In-Style, bringing to you new fashion ideas & lifestyle. Visit now: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and all live website link as above.
  The best way to lose weight is by consuming fewer calories than you expend or conversely, by expending more calories than you consume.Experts have discovered that certain foods can actually help you to lose weight without the stress of dieting or exercise. The down side is that many of us have a tendency to dress these foods up with cheese, sour cream, butter or other calorie-laden flavor enhancers. This causes the weight loss effect to be lost. It may be difficult to not add extra calories to these foods but with a strong will power it can be done.A negative calorie food can be defined as a food that results in a slimming effect for the body. In other words a carrot (without anything else) will cause your body to use an increased amount of energy when digesting it and other foods, this can lead to an overall reducing effect on the body. This is partly from the amount of energy it takes to digest the carrot or other negative calorie food and partly from the elevation in metabolism that these foods naturally create. The overall effect is a net loss of energy, which is measured in calories.
It should be understood that 'negative calorie' doesn't mean that the food has zero calories in it, nor does it have an anti-calorie or a negative calorie.Here is a partial list of negative calorie foods: apples, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon mango, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, asparagus, beets, cabbage (green), carrots, cauliflower, hot Chile peppers, cucumbers, endives, garden cress, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnips and zucchini.
There are more and you can learn about them from a medical doctor's very popular book.In his book, Foods that Cause You to Lose Weight, Dr. Neal Barnard explains the effects these foods have on the body. A quote from Dr. Barnard's book reveals some startling facts, "They found that those who ate foods that were very low in fat and high in carbohydrates, lost weight steadily, without limiting how much they ate. But those on high-fat diets could not effectively lose weight even if they ate skimpy portions." Dr. Barnard is referring to the published results of an experiment conducted at Cornell University and published in the May 1991 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.A book reviewer posted on a website how he lost 30 lbs. utilizing the information from Dr Barnard's book. It is important to exercise caution when dieting because there are certain things that your body needs to remain healthy including proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are necessary for the body to function at its optimum level. You cannot remain optimally healthy by eating the negative calorie foods alone.This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any health condition.
Please consult a doctor before dieting.Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. His website is
  A few months ago, I set out to lose 22.6 pounds, then to put back on at least half of it.Huh?
Anybody who's ever found herself stuck on a yo-yo diet is probably thinking that I am either crazy or planning way too hard for the inevitable yo-yo heartaches.
However, my plan is more sneaky than that.First, I want to lose this rubber tire I've been carrying around my waist.
Have you ever gotten stuck inside a rubber tire?
It's not a pretty site.Then, I want to put back some of that weight in the form of muscle.
It's my grand master plan to change my shape from looking like a silly pear to looking like an upside down silly pear.Will it work?I think I have the "silly" part figured out.
And so far, I have lost14.6 pounds, but I think I really lost a few more, because I have been getting ahead of schedule on adding those muscle pounds.I would love to tell you what my weight is now, but that's very private information.
Why should it be so private?
I am not 100% certain, but I believe it is so that people can easily move between Earth and the Moon without being detected by hidden scales.
(Why people keep their age private is the subject of my column on aging gracefully at /aging-gracefully.html .)While there is more to healthy dieting than a few tips, these ten dieting tips should help you laugh away a few pounds (What a great way to lose!).
the explanations are not.Tip #1: Never eat before bed.
This is just common sense.
It is so much more fun to eat IN bed.Tip #2: Bake, don't fry.
This is also common sense.
Baking allows you to retain more friendships.
When you bake in the sun, you get a nice tan and go for a dip in the pool to cool off with your friends.
But when you fry, you get a sunburn and don't dare go in the shower for a week...which scares your friends away.Tip #3: Drink plenty of water before meals.
This will help you eat less during the meal.
After all, few people can over-eat consistently while rushing off to the bathroom.Tip #4: Don't taste-test while you cook.
Many cooks taste their dishes several times while cooking to make sure the flavor is just right.
Over a lifetime, the typical cook who takes such measures will put on 13.4 pounds.
Worse still, tasting your cooking in advance deprives you of entertaining facial scrunches when your family tastes your untested recipes.
(Remember that laughter is a great way to burn calories?)Tip #5:
Don't eat what your kids leave behind.
Admit it, after your kids leave the table, you gather up the food they leave behind.
You just can't bear to throw it away because you know that it's enough to feed a small, famished African country.
So you eat a "second supper" out of guilt.
How can you be so heartless?!
Send the leftover food to that small, famished African country.Tip #6: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are not all that bad for you, if you eat them in moderation.
But stay away from those dreaded peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches.Tip #7: Blot your pizza to remove 17% of the saturate fats.
If you blot it really well, you can remove 100%.
Of course, an empty plate might require a spicier sauce...Tip #8: No snacking in front of the TV.
Right now.
No snacking in front of my TV.
I don't want crumbs on my living room carpet.Tip #9: Schedule your exercise.
It's true, if you don't schedule it, your exercise will get pushed aside by things you do schedule.
I suggest scheduling it during office meetings, dental appointments and reality TV shows.
You wouldn't want to miss anything important, would you?Tip #10:
This is a good one.
Why, because #10 on any top-ten list is always a good one.
Ten is a great number.
So tip #10 is to celebrate every ten pounds lost by preparing a triple chocolate double-dip cheesecake supreme ice cream parfait deluxe.
Go ahead and drool.
You deserve it.
And if you think preparing it is fun, just wait until you lose another 50 pounds ... and have permission to actually eat it.I hope these tips help you.
On a serious note, most people will lose a significant amount of weight if they follow these ten tips along with watching their calories according to any popular healthy dieting plan.
You might not want to follow tip #6.
You will probably lose fewer pounds eating jelly than you would eating jellyfish.About The AuthorDavid Leonhardt writes about happy thoughts at
, positive thinking at /positive-thinking-free-ezine.html and tearing down your house at /home-improvement-project.html ... so why
not write about dieting?[email protected]
  Dieting Dilemma No 1: When Life Gets in the WayThat pesky thing called life has a way of fouling up our the best laid plans. First you decide you're going to start keeping your car cleaner, thinking, "I'll wash it every Saturday morning." Great, you have a plan. Saturday comes along and someone calls inviting you to go golfing. "I was going to wash the car, but I can do it when I get back," and off you go. Maybe you do wash the car later that day, maybe you tell yourself, "I'll wash it next
Saturday. It wasn't that dirty anyway."Next week Saturday comes along and someone invited you camping so you're in the woods thinking, "Oh, well, I can't wash the car from here, can I?"Another Saturday rolls around and
you've forgotten all about your car washing plan, so even though you're not doing anything else you're thinking, "I don't really FEEL like washing the car right now. I'll do it later," and so it goes."Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
-- John LennonIt happens to all of us. You join the gym and immediately get the flu. Sign up for a adult education class and you're car breaks down on the first night. When you need to water the grass there's no rain in sight, but wash the car and what always happens? These examples aren't meant to give you a pessimistic outlook but instead to point out why persistence in the face of obstacles is what separates the haves from the have nots.It's not what happens but what you DO with what happens that mattersThe best approach is one-day-at-a-time, or even lesser intervals depending on what you are attempting to do. If you're trying to quit smoking, you might want to take things half-an-hour at a time. With food or eating it can be one meal at a time, one hunger pang or craving at a time, or whatever interval works for you.Choose your Time Interval then Make it HappenIf you say you'll never do something again (smoke, overeat, over drink) it never lasts (you must build in the possibility of occasional lapse), but if you wake up in the morning and decide for that day, and only that day, that you will follow through with your plan, for just that one day, then it does happen.There's a real rush of accomplishment when you wake up and realize that yesterday you did follow- you accomplished what you set out to do. And that's when it's easier to decide your intention for that day (or that hour) once again. Each accomplishment builds onto the next, and it gets easier and easier. Learning to follow-through takes practice.Let Successes Build, Lapses PassIt takes practice to get proficient no matter what you are learning, so plan to persist. Small lapses aren't failures, they are only lapses, and you then decided for the next time period. You will find that you are following through more often than not as time goes by. Doing this allows you to pre-plan when you know you'll not stick to your eating plan, thereby making it okay on occasion to over indulge. Holidays, special occasions. People who maintain a healthy body weight do this all the time without thinking about it. When you give yourself permission to indulge, it's amazing how much less you'll feel like overdoing it.What About Those Obstacles and Unexpected Events?What about when you decide and something comes up unexpectedly? For instance, you decided you're going to work out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work at 6:00 PM. This works great on Monday and Wednesday but Friday someone asks you to join them after work for drinks or dinner. Maybe that cute co-worker you've had your eye on.What do you do? Do you say, "No, thanks, I have to work out," and risk never getting to know that person, or "No, I already have plans," and sound like a jerk, or "Maybe some other time," and you know there'll never be another time, or "Yes, that sounds great," and then you berate yourself for being a whimp and not following through with your workout plan? Either way you're not going to feel good about your decision and you're setting yourself up to fail.Set Things Up So You'll Succeed - No Matter WhatInstead, set things up so you will succeed, no matter what. Before you decide what you want to do, think it through completely. This is part of the "Creating a Compelling Outcome" process (included in the Ending Emotional Eating Workshop). When you decide what you'd like to do you must also consider everything else that will be affected and whether your plan is workable in the real world. Maybe Friday night workouts are going to be interrupted often. Better then to choose a different day or time.If you thought about it before-hand you may have realized that things would often come up Friday evenings, so you decided to work out on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings, or some other schedule. Thinking about what might interfere is why many people do their exercise in the early morning hours. Working out in the morning virtually ensures nothing else will interfere. No one invites you out for 6:00 AM except maybe your running partner!If you want to get up early, think it through. Are you a night person? Early morning hours probably won't work for you, but some other time will. Do you have a spouse who'd complain loudly? Consider them as well, but don't let everyone else's preferences keep you from doing what's best for you. Consider others and any objections they may have, and then decide in advance how to counter those objections. It's basically a way to look at your plans from all the angles, figure out the danger zones, decide in advance on strategies to keep you on track, and then get started.Secondly, realize that once in awhile you won't be able to keep to your plan. That's okay. Holidays interfere with gym hours. I've been annoyed when the gym was closed on Christmas Day! Sometimes despite your best efforts, things come up. That's okay too. You must be somewhat flexible, but at the same time persist to make sure you have scheduled a plan that can work the majority of the time.Use This Process on Any Change You'd Like to MakeIf you're making changes in your eating habits, do the same thing. I've done this successfully with many eating habits such as my old "Once a week cheese burgers and fries habit" which is now down to seldom or a couple of times a year. I did this by taking my four times a month cheese burgers and fries habit and cutting it back first to three times a month, then twice a month. Finally it was easy enough to just drop it. The habit was broken once I broke the regular cycle.Remember too, you're not setting up a perfectionist situation, but a plan you can live with and work with. Choose one small thing to change, one habit, one event. Achieving small wins daily builds to enormous successes, and life goes on. Enjoy every moment of it.Then, when those special situations arise, you'll know what to do, because you've already planned ahead, and even if you abandon your plan, for a vacation perhaps, you just get right back on track when you return feeling refreshed and excited to get started again. Relaxing like this on a vacation many find they eat a lot, play a lot and any weight they gain is lost within days of their return.By Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
  投篮点 实录 网友热议  北京时间3月27日消息,NBA常规赛继续进行。终场前1.8秒,斯坦恩投进制胜球,做客的国王队末节上演逆转好戏,最终以98-97险胜快船队,结束4连败。  四节的具体比分为24-24、18-20、23-32和33-21(国王队在前)。国王队这边,科里森19分4助攻,希尔德15分7篮板,托利弗投进5个三分15分3篮板,帕帕扬尼斯12分4篮板4助攻。快船队这边,小乔丹20分11篮板,保罗17分9助攻4篮板,格里芬17分6篮板4助攻,小里弗斯10分9篮板4助攻。  JJ-雷迪克因脚踝受伤缺阵。两队首节打的很胶着,前12分钟战成24平。次节国王队一度领先7分,快船队打出11-2攻击波反超比分。上半场战罢,快船队44-42领先国王队。前两节保罗拿下11分6助攻,其中三分球3投3中。  第三节快船队打出一波流,领先11分进入末节。比赛还剩5分多钟,快船队领先18分,比赛看似悬念不大。此时,国王队突然大爆发,最后5分16秒打出22-3攻击波完成逆转。包括终场前2秒,本-麦克勒莫跳投不中,斯坦恩摘下前场篮板补篮得分。快船队落后1分,比赛时间还剩1.8秒,保罗接边线球中投不中。  国王队最近11投9中,快船队错失最后9次出手。  国王队首发:斯卡尔-拉比西埃、威利-考利-斯坦恩、达伦-科里森、泰瑞克-埃文斯、巴迪-希尔德  快船队首发:卢克-理查德-巴莫特、布雷克-格里芬、德安德鲁-乔丹、克里斯-保罗、奥斯汀-里弗斯  (jim)
  Want long sexy legs? Well, it's possible. You can get sexy, hot legs that look long even if your legs are short. Forget squats which bulk up your legs.You want to tone and tighten your legs. Here's how to do that.Long Sexy Legs Exercises1. Hindu SquatsHindu squats are great for toning and slimming your legs. I know I said above to forget squats, but I meant squats with weights. These are bodyweight squats. What you do is squat up and down really fast. Go for 100 repetitions in under 5 minutes.This tones and slims your legs big time because your body gets put into an oxygen deficit which basically forces it to suck body fat from you to meet it's immediate energy needs. Thus, your legs tone up and look longer because they are more slim from the loss of leg fat.I can't give you longer legs, but I can give you the visual illusion of longer legs.2. Walking on a slight inclineThis works your butt as well as your legs... so be glad this exercise "kills 2 birds with 1 stone". Your body is use to normal walking on a flat surface, thus you don't really get any noticeable results from it. But just changing it up slightly and walking on a 10 degree incline (incline a treadmill) can jumpstart your ability to tone and slim your legs... as well as tighten your butt.I suggest you walk like this for 15-20 minutes a day.So get the long sexy legs look by doing these 2 exercises regularly.If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING! As a bonus, you'll get long sexy legs!
  Landmark Studies Yield Surprising ResultsCHICAGO - A series of studies conducted on Sensa, a new weight-loss technology that works solely on the sense of smell, showed an average weight loss of nearly 30 pounds.In the first study, conducted by the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, 1,436 female and male participants lost an average of 30.5 pounds, roughly equal to 15% of their total body mass, on average.In a follow up study conducted by an independent laboratory in Los Angeles, participants lost 27.6 pounds and about 14% of their body mass.What makes the results significant is that researchers asked subjects not to change their normal eating or exercise habits.Researchers Identify Link Between Smell and Weight LossThe purpose of both studies was to test whether enhancing an eater's sense of smell can help prevent overeating, a hypothesis first put forth by Dr. Alan Hirsch, M.D., founder and neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.HealthTop TipsNutritionLoveLifestyleHappinessWeight Loss &Contrary to what most people think, hunger is not controlled by your stomach - it's controlled by your brain, specifically the hypothalamus,& Dr. Hirsch explains. &Certain scents can help set in motion a process that triggers your hypothalamus to send signals telling your body you've had enough to eat.&What we've done is found a way to deliver the scents that can be added to food, in the form of flavorless crystals called Tastants, to prevent people from overeating.&Brain Trauma Research Leads to Weight-Loss DiscoveryHirsch is the first to admit that he's not a diet doctor. For much of his career, his focus was treating patients with smell and taste disorders.But during the course of his clinical work with brain trauma patients who suffered smell disorders, he began uncovering important clues into the underlying mechanisms of hunger and appetite.Specifically, he noted a trend where patients who had lost their sense of smell often gained 30 pounds or more. He theorized that if loss of smell leads to weight gain, the opposite might also be true - that enhancing smell could promote weight loss.To test his theory, Hirsch developed Tastant crystals that could be sprinkled onto food to enhance olfactory input.Will Powder: Can A Food Sprinkle Prevent Overeating?Hirsch has conducted several large-scale clinical weight-loss studies on his Sensa Tastant crystals. In each case, the evidence showed that sprinkling Tastants onto food does help to produce weight loss. Subjects in Hirsch's tests lost around 30 pounds, on average.Since Hirsch's initial findings were published, his Tastant technology has been incorporated into the Sensa Weight-Loss System. Recently, an independent laboratory conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on Sensa and found results very similar to Hirsch's, with an average weight loss of more than 27 pounds.The bottom like is that with Sensa, like anything else, the only way to know for sure if it will work for you is to try it. The company behind Sensa is offering Weight-Loss Central readers an opportunity to try Sensa for free.
  中新社洛杉矶4月30日电 美国西部时间4月30日18时左右,一名男子在圣地亚哥向人群开枪后被警察击毙。一名女子在枪击中死亡,另有7人受伤。  资料图:美国枪击现场  综合美国媒体最新消息,枪击案发生在圣地亚哥大学城一栋公寓大楼的游泳池旁边。据目击者称,当时大约有30人正在参加一个生日聚会,其中大部分是非洲裔美国人。一个身穿棕色短裤的白人男子向人群开枪,数人伤势严重。  圣地亚哥警察局长雪莱·齐默尔曼说,一架警用直升机首先到达现场,机上警员看到一名枪手正在游泳池旁边,好像在给枪支装弹。这时3名警察赶到,该男子用枪指向警察,警察一齐开火将其击毙。  该公寓大楼居民告诉美国哥伦比亚广播公司,18时左右听到枪声和尖叫声,“枪手一手拿着啤酒、一手拿着枪,看起来很放松”,“两个流着血的受伤者躺在地上,其中一人试图爬着去救另一人。”  另有2名20多岁的年轻人当时正在泳池里,他们躲进水里以免引起枪手注意。后来他们从水中出来躲到一堵墙后面,听见枪手对一名正在抢救受伤朋友的年轻女子说:“你要么离开,要么留下来死。”  警方表示,伤者已被送往医院。警察正在询问目击证人,目前尚未核实该男子身份,也不清楚其开枪动机。
     北京时间2月15日,据《休斯顿纪事报》报道,在接受采访时,火箭主帅德安东尼表示,在明天火箭主场对阵热火的比赛中,戈登有望复出,而戈登今天也参加了球队训练,同时在戈登看来,他希望能在本周末的全明星三分球大赛上赢得冠军。  此前戈登因为背部酸痛,缺席了过去两场比赛,从目前来看,他恢复不错,今天参加了全队训练,有望参加接下来与热火的比赛。  “我认为他明天应该没有问题,”德安东尼说道,“当然我们现在并不急于做出决定,不过从我角度来看,他应该会打明天的比赛。”  值得一提的是,在效力鹈鹕期间,戈登曾饱受伤病困扰,因此火箭方面对于戈登的伤情也格外小心。而戈登则表示,自己如今已经没有问题。  “现在感觉很好,”戈登坦言,“我之前就处理过这样的情况,到目前为止,一切都朝着正确的方向发展。我们会尽力去尝试,然后看看场上的感觉。而在全明星周末之前我们还有一场比赛要打,在那之后我们会有很多主场比赛,接下来需要为季后赛做准备。我们感觉现在处在一个很好的位置上,排名第三位,我们会试着继续向更高位次努力。当然我们所要做的就是保持健康,专注于该做的事情。”  对于戈登而言,他接下来关注的另一大焦点显然就是全明星周末的三分大赛,除了戈登之外,其他参赛选手还包括勇士的汤普森、猛龙的洛瑞等等。火箭核心哈登此前曾参加过三分球大赛,因此他也与戈登有过交流。对此,戈登表达了看法。  “他有和我谈过,我记得他曾参加过,我想要赢得这场比赛,我感觉自己的投篮比他更出色,”戈登说道,“从小我就梦想参加这项比赛,现在我终于得到机会。我会好好利用它,并赢得比赛。”  (浮云)
  2电  据澳洲网报道,澳大利亚总理特恩布尔将于当地时间出访美国,与美国总统特朗普在纽约的一艘航母上进行会面。据悉,这是二人首次进行面对面交流。  美国白宫新闻发言人斯派瑟宣布,“特朗普将与澳大利亚总理特恩布尔进行双边会谈。特朗普非常期待与澳大利亚总理的会谈,并期待向其展示出美澳两国的稳固关系、深厚友谊和紧密联盟。”    特恩布尔也表示,他“非常高兴”能够到访并与特朗普进行会面,声明这是一次“重申两国同盟关系以及美国加强与亚太地区合作”的机会。“澳大利亚和美国拥有相同的民主、法治价值观,对和平、繁荣和安全拥有共同的承诺。我们将继续为维护在中东地区的价值观而共同奋斗,我还将与美国指挥长官和国防部长马蒂斯共同探讨这一地区的未来。”  据悉,此次二人会面的航母名为“无畏号(USS Intrepid)”,曾参与过第二次世界大战,现存于哈德逊河上浮动博物馆。  报道称,选择这艘航母作为二人此次会面的地点是为了纪念由澳美两国海军和空军共同协作的珊瑚海战役75周年。这一纪念活动将由前美国驻澳大使贝里领导的澳美协会主办,澳大利亚的一些二战退伍军人也将前往纽约参与此项活动。
/0809395.false中国新闻网.cn/gj//8209672.shtmlreport13822电 据澳洲网报道,澳大利亚总理特恩布尔将于当地时间出访美国,与美国总统特朗普在纽约的一艘航母上进行会面。据悉,这是二人首次进行
  Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is a very popular subject these days.
Make a search on the internet for cosmetic or plastic surgery and you will get millions of results - web sites of plastic surgeons of different nationalities, various procedures available, advice for cheap plastic surgery, before and after photos, celebrity patients, clinics and surgery travel packages for various countries, news from around the world, and more.There is an increasing number of individuals from all walks of life who undergo cosmetic surgery each year.
How should someone considering plastic surgery select a plastic surgeon and make an informed decision?
Patients considering cosmetic surgery should know that choosing the right surgeon is the single most important decision they will make. Today, many doctors perform cosmetic plastic surgery but not all of them have trained as plastic surgeons. Once doctors get their medical degrees, they may practice any specialty, even if they have not completed advanced training in that field. And so, a doctor who performs cosmetic plastic surgery is not necessarily trained as a plastic surgeon.
He may have merely observed the procedure or taken a short course or workshop.
To ensure the best results for the surgery you are considering, choose an authentic plastic surgeon with the specialized training and experience that is necessary for the success of your surgery.As you visit the websites of plastic surgeons, they should provide you with basic information about plastic surgery and the various procedures available. You should be able to find information about the surgeon's formal training and experience. From the website, you should also be able to get an idea about the surgeon's basic approach and philosophy on cosmetic surgery and patient care.TrainingSelect a surgeon who has completed at least five to six years of formal training in plastic and reconstructive surgery in accredited training hospitals. This includes three to five years of general surgery residency and two to three years of plastic surgery residency. In the Philippines, these doctors are either board-eligible or board-certified by the Philippine Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who have completed residency training in plastic and reconstructive surgery are the only doctors who can rightfully claim to be plastic surgeons. Many doctors who perform cosmetic surgery procedures are board-certified in specialties other than plastic surgery or may even lack such credentials.ExperienceGood credentials provide a reasonable indication of a doctor's qualification to perform cosmetic surgery, and should serve as the basic starting point. Patients should then ask the surgeon about his experience. How long has he been in practice and how many times has he done the procedure you are considering? The broader your surgeon's experience, the greater your chances for a successful surgery.Hospital PrivilegesAnother factor to consider is whether the surgeon has hospital privileges. Before a hospital grants privileges to physicians, they usually require certain standards of training and competence to be met. Although many cosmetic surgery procedures may be safely done in outpatient clinics, others should only be done in a hospital setting. It is best to choose a surgeon who has hospital privileges.ConsultationFind a plastic surgeon whom you feel comfortable with. You should be able to communicate easily with him, ask him all your questions and discuss your needs and expectations. Make sure you have all the facts you need in order to make an informed judgement.A good plastic surgeon should be able to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for the surgery you are considering. He should be able to educate you about your options and give you advice about the best technique for your needs. If there are less invasive or non-surgical procedures that could fulfill your needs, the surgeon should be able to tell you about them.Realize that pre- and post-operative photos of the surgeon's patients can be useful in helping you understand the surgery but are no guarantee that your results will be similar. Every individual is different.Beware of any doctor who tells you there are no possible risks involved in surgery. There are always risks, and these should be discussed frankly.Never allow a doctor to talk you into any procedure you don't want. A reputable plastic surgeon will let the patient suggest what he or she wants done and then advise them on what is or is not possible.Be skeptical of any doctor who seems to avoid talking about his or her training and professional qualifications.PriceAlthough price is definitely a factor when considering elective surgery, don't "bargain shop" for plastic surgery. Any surgery is still surgery and has some uncertainty and risk involved.
When price is the primary factor for choosing a plastic surgeon, risks increase.
The success of your surgery is largely dependent on your choice of surgeon and professional qualifications and experience should be your main consideration in selecting your plastic surgeon. Even when you go to popular clinics where a number of surgeons practice as a group, take a look at the qualifications of the particular surgeon who will be handling your case.Good plastic surgeons may charge relatively affordable fees, especially if they practice in Asian countries like the Philippines, where cost of living expenses are low and if they can keep overhead costs low by having modest outpatient surgery clinics.
But think twice if the surgeon you're considering charges much lower than other plastic surgeons in the same country.
Especially if the procedure to be done is in the face, like a rhinoplasty (nose surgery), blepharoplasty (eye surgery) or rhytidectomy (face lift), you could end up having to stare at your "cheap" doctor's mistakes in the mirror every day. No wonder there are also so many searches made for "awful plastic surgery".Dr. Carlos Lasa Jr. is a Filipino plastic & reconstructive surgeon who trained at the University of the Philippines, Institute of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Georgia, USA, & Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Ohio,USA.
He is currently based in Metro Manila, Philippines.
He specializes in cosmetic plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, rhinoplasty (noselift), breast augmentation, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), rhytidectomy (facelift),
For more information about having affordable cosmetic plastic surgery in the Philippines, visit his site at
or email [email protected]
  Hot dang! If a few hundred other folks can peddle a plan to help people lose weight, there's no reason I can't jump on the bandwagon too! So, here's my plan. All you need to do is send me a certified check for 5.94 and I'll let you in on my &Secrets to Successful Weight Control&. How's that sound?You want a personalized plan? I can do that. You want charts and graphs? I can do that. You want weekly e-mail encouragement and special diet tips? I can do that.Shall I wait in breathless anticipation for the deluge of checks that are sure to start arriving in the next week or so? No? I am soooo disappointed!While I'm waiting though, I might as well pass along a few of my personal thoughts on the subject of weight control. Let's reinforce the &personal thoughts& part of the last sentence. I'm not a physician or a dietitian so I'm not in a position to recommend diddly-squat. These are just opinions?1. Genetics and your early environment both have a lot of influence on whether you'll have a tendency to put on the pounds. If either of your parents (and maybe grandparents) were (are) fluffy, you may have a life-long weight battle on your hands. This is the result of the ability of your body to absorb nutrients, inherited metabolic rates and lots of other stuff including basic eating/snacking habits.2. A tendency to continually graze (snack, munch) may be a just a habit (personal programming) or it may be due to mental/emotional influences such as stress, boredom, anger, uncertainty, fear, lack of confidence, or just don't give a fat rat's ass any more. Identify your trigger(s) and with professional help if necessary, work to solve the foundation problem. (If you automatically associate watching TV with popcorn, chips, cookies, soda, beer, etc. - it's probably a habit/addiction thing.)3. To maintain a given weight, you need to &burn& energy (calories) at the same rate you're taking them in. To lose weight, you'll need to burn more calories than are sneaking into your bod. The bottom line - eat less and exercise more.4. Toss out the scales and get weighed once a year during your physical. Translate this to mean that first you need to involve a physician if you're severely overweight. Second, focus on how you want to look, not how much you want to weigh. Muscular (or even well-toned) folks can pack a lot of weight into a small frame and look great. Besides, watching the scales show minimal loss or even slight gains from time to time can puncture your incentive to keep doing what you're doing. If your clothes are getting baggy, you're losing weight.5. Eat a balanced diet - bunches of salads and veggies along with a reasonable amount of the rest of the staples. (Emphasis on &reasonable&!) Yep, that includes meats, potatoes, pastas, fruits, whole grained breads - and chocolate. (Chocolate's one of the basic food groups, you know.) Too much of any one type of food probably isn't real good for you over the long haul. Watch the drippy, fatty - and slippery, sweet stuff. Limit consumption of anything that oozes down your arm.6. Eat breakfast. If possible, make lunch your biggest meal and cut back on dinner. Healthy snacks between the main meals will help remind your body that you're not really starving it between the other meals.7. Drink enough liquids. Nah, not so much that you unbalance your system and have to take whiz breaks every 30 minutes. Pay attention to your body. If you're getting thirsty - drink something!8. A multi-purpose vitamin supplement may not be absolutely necessary, but it won't hurt.9. Deserts and treats are OK as long as you've planned for them. Remember the calories in - calories burned thing. (Why would anyone force themselves to eat only the 100 percent healthy stuff and pass up the goodies? If that isn't an incentive to go off a diet, I don't know what is?)10. Don't forget the exercise. It doesn't need to be complicated nor expensive. Walks, jogging and swimming are all good. Twenty to thirty minute workouts a couple times a week can help too. Burn those calories!11. An occasional &splurge& on a high calorie meal once in a while won't hurt a thing. Sometimes the body just needs (are you buying this?) a big, juicy hamburger and fries!12. Pay attention to your body's needs. Our bodies are smart. If you find yourself hungry for certain foods, go for it. Constant cravings are probably more of a habit thing. You'll need to be careful here.13. Don't overdo it! Just because Hollywood and most advertisers are promoting the slim, sleek, curvy look, that doesn't mean it has any relation to reality. Be you, be healthy and be comfortable.OK - that's it. Probably not nearly complicated enough to ask for the 5.94 though, huh? Dang, I need to work on that. Meanwhile, my body NEEDS a piece of apple pie?.About The AuthorGene, , provides an easy reading self-help blog along with affordable books and materials written to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life's &secrets for survival& in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. You can visit Gene at /[email protected]
  投篮点 实录 网友热议  1,17赛季NBA季后赛继续进行,波士顿凯尔特人客场91-92憾负华盛顿奇才,总比分被逼成3-3平。  3-3战平,比赛又回到了同一起跑线上。原本7局4胜的比赛,如今,已变成一场定胜负的直接对决。  事实上,在今天比赛之前,对于奇才最终取胜,外界还是有预判的。毕竟,过往的历史战绩显示,绿军想在华盛顿拿下G6,难度是非常大的。而算上今天的比赛,双方本赛季常规赛+季后赛已打了10场球,这10场,最终赢球的都是主队一方。  只是,接下来,比赛的走势还会沿着这条定律走下去吗?回到波士顿主场,绿衫军还会延续主场必胜的惯性。  答案显然是未知的。  回到这场球,绿衫军并非没有机会。靠着小托马斯的后撤步跳投,以及冷血三分,他们在比赛还剩2分钟的时候,一度领先5分,眼看胜利在望。但后来,比尔和沃尔先后站出来,命中巨星级别的三分球,翻转了战局。  在绿军和奇才阵中,都有能在关键时刻一击制胜的巨星。如果G7,比赛还像今天这样,一直缠斗到最后,那么,到决胜时刻,谁最终成为赢球英雄,谁又将落寞出局,的确难以预料。  但相形之下,美国媒体还是更看好凯尔特人。ESPN篮球实力指数就预测认为,绿军最终赢得系列赛的概率为81%。即便他们第6场失利,但第7场突围的概率依然达到40%。  不过,还需要指出的是,这是奇才自1979年东部决赛之后,第一次在系列赛中打抢七。上一次,他们就是抢七的胜利者,而如今,东部决赛的巨大诱惑,也许会将奇才众将所有的潜能激发出来。  可以预见,2天后的抢七大战,一场恶斗,已然在所难免了!(波洛)
  With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.Here are some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying make-up.* Always apply make-up where there is adequate light on your face. Improper light can lead to horrible look. Yellow light compliments your skin the most.* Don't go for a colour eye-shadow as a base. Also, apply eyeliner close to the base of eyelashes so as to make them look thicker.* Always test the colour of foundation or concealer on the inside of your wrist. That's the place which will give you a good idea of how it is going to look on your face.* Do apply concealer before applying eye-liner on dark circles under your eyes. Generally, women directly apply eye-liner which instead make their eyes look too dark. Read more eye care tips at http://www./Eye_Care_Tips.htm* First apply moisturizer and after about 20 minutes, start putting on your make-up.Fight Aging with dignity: Get various Anti-Aging Tips and products at http://www./anti_ageing_products.htmAbout the AuthorJasdeep: for / your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.Also get more informative skin care tips related to various skin related issues
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  Why We Start Diets on MondayThe biggest problem with any attempt at change is where to begin? There are so many things to think about, so many distractions, so many reasons why it won't work. Have you ever noticed everyone seems to start a new eating plan on Monday? Why not start on Wednesday afternoon, or Friday morning for that matter?We've grown up counting the days, weeks, and years off like worry beads. Birthdays mark one year older and wiser, New Year's Eve marks a new beginning, the first day of the month and f they all mark a new beginning. There is no reason you can't simply decide to begin right here, right now. So, let's start now. Really, I'm not kidding. You can decide to start at any time. You don't need to wait until Monday. "But, I always start a new diet on Monday!" Ah, but this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change. A lifestyle change isn't about being ON or OFF a program, you are just living, and this is about beginning from this day forward, whether today is Tuesday or Saturday doesn't matter.That's why lifestyle changes work best for long-term weight loss. It may seem like it takes longer to lose weight by changing your usual habits, but it doesn't. Think about all the diets you've been on, all the days, weeks, months you've wasted dieting, that have added up to a big fat nothing, except maybe more weight. That to me seems like taking a very long time, in fact, the chances are you'll never truly succeed with any ON again, OFF again program. They don't work over the long-term because as soon as you go back to your usual habits, your usual weight comes right back. How could it be otherwise? In contrast, a lifestyle change may take a month to see much difference, but once you do notice a difference, once you've lost that 10 pounds, it's gone for good (unless of course you run right back to your old lifestyle).Practice makes perfect. Since there is no way to be perfect, it's far better to decide you'll do your best and then proceed about doing it. Eating something "off plan" is not a lapse, it's a life, it happens. We all have treats at birthdays and too much to drink New Year's Eve but we don't continue that pattern the next day, so why think you must eat perfectly from now on? It won't work if you set yourself up to fail by expecting perfection. Better to work on making one small change at a time.Choose to Make One Small Change, Then AnotherFad weight loss diets work over the short-term because you are drastically changing your habits, but drastic changes rarely stick. Who wants to live a life of deprivation? Not me. Instead, decide right now to make one small change. Choose something in your lifestyle that could be improved on and improve it. This is an ongoing process. As you lose some weight, you'll need to decide again and again whether you want to make any additional changes.I lost 80 pounds in nine months over 17 years ago. Over the years since then as my diet and daily habits shifted so did my weight. A few times I noticed I had put back on 10 or 20 pounds. That's when I'd begin to notice my clothes don't fit well and I either must buy bigger clothes or make some changes. I'd rather make changes in what I'm eating.My diet had shifted from a very healthy one to a pre-sweetened cereal for breakfast, cookies for lunch and grab what I can find for dinner lifestyle. Slowly the weight came back and despite thinking I wasn't eating that many calories, I actually was eating far more than I realized, plus the nutrition was poor quality. Your body needs quality food. Without it, you'll continue having hunger pangs despite having just eaten. Until you get some real nutrition you can expect to continue feeling hungry. The nutrition I was eating was poor and my body reflected that, plus I had stopped exercising completely.How to Lose 10 Pounds Without Really TryingI turned it around by returning to regular, consistent exercise (No. 1 best way to lose weight and keep it off is to exercise consistently), and I switched from pre-sweetened cereal to Grapenuts, oatmeal or other whole grain cereals. I still like cereal and eat it most mornings. I started to snack on fruits and vegetables instead of store bought cookies, and I started to eat quality protein with vegetables and salads for dinner.I still eat dessert most every night but now it's one-third the quantity it was when I had let my weight creep up. Small changes, but basically I'm still eating and living the same lifestyle. My choices are slightly different but that doesn't mean I wouldn't ever eat pre-sweetened cereal again. It does mean I know if I do eat Corn Pops (one of my favorites) I'll likely be hungry for something


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