FM2015点开后出现了Afm2015 serious errorr was encountered and the application will close等等的字幕

A serious error was encountered!
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Topic: A serious error was encountered!
total posts: 22since: Jul 2009
Nov 5, 10 at 12:46am
A serious error was encountered!
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I've just downloaded the game off steam. Installed the game fine. Loaded a new game fine. But when i got to the add manager screen i get this box:A serious error was encountered and the application will now closeAn error file has been generated in: /C:/ Documents and Settings/Gareth/My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/crash dumpsneed some help with this, can anyone give me some ideas whats going on??Thanks a lot, Gareth.
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total posts: 690since: Sep 2007
Nov 5, 10 at 12:48am
re: A serious error was encountered!
i think you delete your crash dumps folder m8 iirc.
total posts: 22since: Jul 2009
Nov 5, 10 at 1:04am
re: A serious error was encountered!
you sure about that?
total posts: 690since: Sep 2007
Nov 5, 10 at 1:06am
re: A serious error was encountered!
bout 80 percent sure but wait for a definitive answer m8.
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运行玩着玩着就跳出来:A serious error was encountered and the application will close.An error file has been generated in:C:\Users\asuss\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager2015\crash dumps\FM .、网上说的游民星空的缓存清理工具用过了没用2、DX3.2用过了没用,增强版3.3用过了没用。3、管理员身份运行没用4、不是杀毒软件误删5、汉化我也换过了还是出现问题6、改的都用过了QAQ大神们求助啊,用过那么多方法还是不行QAQ!!我想爱它都不让我爱啊!!
湖南卫视 江苏卫视 浙...
爱美之心,人皆有之。 ...
Hi,亲爱的玩家们: 欢...
终于等到你!海战军游,称霸远洋! [免费送舰娘]。
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win7 64位,重装了系统就不能玩了,打开就出现a serious error was encountered and the application will close。
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