
Minecraft Forge 1.9.4/1.8.9/1.7.10 | Minecraft Mods
& Minecraft Forge 1.9.4/1.8.9/1.7.10
Minecraft Forge 1.9.4/1.8.9/1.7.10
Minecraft Forge is an application library for Minecraft. It is the foundation of the majority of current mods of Minecraft. Developers can customise Mincecraft based on it. With Forge, Minecraft is limitless.
To do this, the staff of Forge have always updated versions to make mods compatiable with the update of Minecraft.
How to install:
Download Links:
Older version:
For 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.9
For Minecraft 1.9.4
Credits: LexManos
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Where you can find out anything for utilities of Minecraft.求minecraft一个1.7.10forge懒人包,或者借正版id登陆一下游戏我自己完成安装【这个要求不太可能哈】,再或者 有没有能够离线登陆的正版启动器?
求minecraft一个1.7.10forge懒人包,或者借正版id登陆一下游戏我自己完成安装【这个要求不太可能哈】,再或者 有没有能够离线登陆的正版启动器?
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号mc-1710-forgeoptifinerei_minimap-on-magiclauncher
MC 1.7.10 Forge+Optifine+Rei_minimap on MagicLauncher
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Run minecraft 1.7.10 with Forge and optifine 1.7.10_HD_A4 using magic launcher. (pc) Please check update log 3 For a new and improved guide with even more Mods!
Using the official minecraft launcher. (re-create the screen shot and it will work.) (forge/optifine out of date) (stable)
1. get yourself a clean 1.7.10
2. Download Forge ..........
(get the installer and install it)
(Please see update log)
3. Using the Official Minecraft launcher. Run your minecraft 1.7.10-forge once so it can grab some missing
libraries. it'll load up. close program.
4.Download Optifine 1.7.10_HD_A4.......
(get the JAR but dont run it)
*Put the optifine JAR in a new folder by itself, Right click on it and extract it.
*delete the folder &optifine& that extracts out with the rest of the file contents.
*Select all the remaining files and two folders except the existing jar file optifine came in and re-zip it.
*name the zip something you can identify like and move it to the Magic folder in the minecraft
program directory.
5.Configure your magic launcher, click SETUP. choose the environment 1.7.10-forge10.13.0.1180.
*give yourself at least 1024mb memory under the advanced tab. Under JVM arguments type in
-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true (If you dont, the game wont launch)
*Back on the MODS tab click the ADD button there on the right and add your you put together. you
should get zero errors and a checksum &OK&.
*Thats it! The rest is just extra information for you below
If you have graphic problems try the JVM argument -Dforge.forceNoStencil=true (Do NOT use this unless you have to)
To enter in multiple JVM arguments always start with a dash and a space between each one Example:
(-Dforge.forceNoStencil=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -argument -argument)
EXTRA: The Forge people say your 1.7.2 mods have a good chance of running on 1.7.10 minecraft. experiment!
EXTRA: Do you want Rei's Minimap? Download here
*Forge accepts .JAR's as well as .ZIP files. Drop the Rei Minimap into your MODS folder and then check your magic launcher for a checksum &OK& at the bottom under the Setup tab. The 1.7.10 mini map includes a player/entity rador and cave mapping.
I Have made a new and improved Mod Configuration for 1.7.10. It's proven and well tested! And way more simple to understand.& Link wont make when i added this so copy paste address into address bar or select the address and right click to open it. /blog/the-last-1710-modding-guide-you-will-ever-need-oo/
Other mods I have installed and work with this setup&Mob dismemberment for minecraft 1.7.10Download here: *Requires Forge latest version (runs on Forge-*Requires Ichunutil to be installed with it and is also found on the link above.*Both the Dismemberment mod and the Ichunutil mod download as .JAR's*The link states that they are Zips and do not extract them. This is irrelevant because the link gives you .JAR files. Just drop them into your MODS folder Forge uses.
I have found an easier way to install forge rather then messing with .JSON files*Simply install the latest Forge version to a clean 1.7.10 profile.*Run the forge modified 1.7.10 with the Official Minecraft launcher once. (it'll grab any missing files required)*Close the game and run it again using magic launcher.NOTE: This update is assuming you have other mods already installed so when you update your Forge version to the latest and run it with your Official Minecraft launcher once to update libraries. Expect it to crash because Forge is looking for mods you have applied with magic launcher and cannot find them. This is fine because your just updating the Forge files. Now the game will run again using magic launcher.Any questions comment me here.
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/css/style-v-version230.css,/css/editor-v-version230.cssMinecraft1.7.10装了forge后无法启动 启动了也是这样_百度知道
Minecraft1.7.10装了forge后无法启动 启动了也是这样" esrc="http://e


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