candy crush saga为什么这么火

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糖果传奇Candy Crush Saga说是有些自己的特点,小编体验的结果是音效还不错,可能是玩的还不够深入,前面几关好像没感觉出来什么特别之处,不过这游戏也是比较火爆的
软件名称:糖果传奇:Candy Crush Saga
android.permission.INTERNET访问网络 访问网络连接,可能产生GPRS流量
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE获取网络状态 获取网络信息状态,如当前的网络连接是否有效
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE获取WiFi状态 获取当前WiFi接入的状态以及WLAN热点的信息
android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS访问账户Gmail列表 访问GMail账户列表
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK唤醒锁定 允许程序在手机屏幕关闭后后台进程仍然运行
糖果传奇Candy Crush Saga是一款消除游戏,玩家需要将相同种类的糖果排序在一起以消除糖果并取得分数,玩家也可以将糖果排成T型或是L型以得到特殊的效果,有兴趣的玩家可以来挑战看看喔。
好消息!《糖果传奇》又迎来了一次精彩的更新, 我们现在共有 2030 个关卡啦!
在我们的最新篇章"苏打冲浪"中,苏打汽水淹没了糖果村。带上你的节日服装,前往 15 个全新关卡,畅享万圣节甜蜜活动,让自己忘却那早已厌倦的三点一线生活!
如不能联FB, 在没有安装FB apk 下,先安装1.80版, 联FB, 再用1.83版覆盖
Marshmallow早就出了,连Lollipop都快过时了,这货还是Jelly Bean。#(滑稽)
form>div>textarea" data-dock="left"
form').submit();">回复全球最受欢迎的休闲手游《糖果传奇(Candy Crush
Saga)》中文版即将正式面世!由腾讯移动游戏独家获国内发行权的《糖果传奇》将于7月31日率先发布安卓版本,于应用宝正式上架。与此同时,抢号活动也将同步开启。一起来领略中文版《糖果传奇》的独特魅力。社交关系乐趣多 礼包奖励拿不停融合了腾讯社交关系链的《糖果传奇》,可以通过手机QQ或微信账号登录,实现与好友比拼闯关、送心互助、送门票解锁新篇章等互动方式,体验《糖果传奇》结合社交元素的乐趣玩法。此外,还能享受到丰富的游戏活动,包括限时优惠、登录奖励等众多腾讯版本独家的游戏内容,值得期待!社交关系链画面消除大作惹人爱,离线也能玩到High继承了《Candy Crush
Saga》的优良品质,中文版《糖果传奇》无论画面还是操作,都保证了原国际版所具备的优秀体验,清新可爱的界面、活泼悦耳的音效、梦幻甜美的画风……从这些小细节上,不难看出制作团队的独具匠心。中文版开机画面此外,作为新一代的消除手游鼻祖,《糖果传奇》除拥有传统消除游戏的特色外,还开创性的引入了微策略玩法。例如在特定的关卡中,玩家需要在限定步数内完成消除任务,或需要在限定步数内集齐过关条件。并且,与其他消除游戏相比,《糖果传奇》还有一个最大优势——没有网络也能畅快玩!解决玩家在网络不好的情况下不能玩游戏的苦恼。无论是在地铁、飞机还是户外,玩家只需保证在有网络的时候登陆《糖果传奇》,之后即便断网也能继续玩。并且不用担心数据丢失,系统会将你的所有成绩在恢复网络时自动上传保存。糖果消除画面甜蜜魅力无法挡,明星倾力来推荐只需将三个以上相同颜色的糖果连接起来,就能消除得分。粗略看上去,《糖果传奇》就是一款简单的小游戏。但是,这款游戏特有的魅力要远远超乎你想象!据官方权威数据统计,在2013全年iOS、Google Play
Crush Saga》的忠实玩家。五月天推荐抢号活动超火爆 超值奖励等你拿7月31日,《糖果传奇》将在安卓应用宝正式上架。为了让玩家能尽情体验《糖果传奇》中文版的游戏乐趣,本次上架同期官方还精心准备了系列抢号活动——届时,凡抢号成功的玩家于8月1日-8月7日期间,登录游戏并成功通过第一局闯关的玩家,即能免费领取188根金条奖励!限时抢金条 就现在!“金条”是《糖果传奇(Candy Crush Saga)》中的通用货币,玩家可以用它在游戏内购买生命值、额外移动步数、魔法道具、给篇章解锁等等。现在关注公众账号,和朋友一起拿金条!微信公众账号二维码微媒体(weimeiti) 
你一定百思不得其解人与人之间的差距可以这么大???其实答案就在下面的10个二维码中还不收起你的懒癌晚期动动手进入10月,各大卫视开始紧锣密布地准备来年的广告招商计划。近日,几大一线卫视陆续公布了2017年年度大剧和综这部捧红了当今众多一线演员的“神系列”,还会继续书写它的造星神话吗?一直以来圆脸和锥子脸那个更好看都是值得争议的话题,大众审美随着时代的改变,越来越像简单粗暴的漫画人物,一味地前两天,孙杨、张继科、贾乃亮、徐海乔现身苏州参加了一档全民追逃真人秀节目的录制。几位人气超高的偶像一现身便遭到粉丝围堵,微博讨论热度也是居高不下。心有多大,舞台就有多大。 我们必须拥有乐观自信的心态,克服恐惧,勇往直前,认识自我,战胜自我。昨日,北上广深相继发布“网约车新规征求意见稿”,随后被触及到的三大网约车平台纷纷对意见稿进行回应近日,阿里集团董事局主席马云通过内部邮件形式宣布,蚂蚁金服董事长兼CEO彭蕾将卸任CEO,由另一位阿里合伙人今天上午,ofo共享单车宣布完成1.3亿美元C轮融资。此次C轮融资包括曾公布的滴滴出行数千万美元的C1轮战略投资,以及国内外投资机构的C2轮。说到Amblin Partners很多人都觉得陌生,但提到它的创始人斯皮尔伯格,中国的电影观众可能熟悉得多。橙色自行车、小黄车,在这两个月一下进入了我们的视野,共享单车仿佛一夜之间走进了我们的生活。原本被看好的偶像大片《爵迹》口碑扑街,票房缺远不达预期。最近,一档名叫《蒙面唱将猜猜猜》的节目在网络上掀起不小的话题热度。他又要开新品发布会了,期待吧嘻嘻也许你感觉自己的努力总是徒劳无功,但不必怀疑,你每天都离顶点更进一步。今天的你离顶点还遥遥无期。但你通过今天近日,教育科技公司万趣空间宣布获得百万美元天使轮融资。异乡人的痛,你根本不懂!国庆期间是宅在家还是旅游呢?旅游花费高,但宅在家就能省钱了吗,你要是这样想,可就错了,相信不少“剁手党”都已经填满购物车,期待着国庆各家电商的优惠活动,准备剁手“买买买”呢。讲真,很多时候我们的忙,真的是自己造成的。一个真心的建议:不管是工作学习还是做什么事情,请务必高效完的去完成919乐迷节已过,其“9.19将宣布收购亚马逊中国,改写中国电商行业”的谣言也不攻自破,坐实了碰瓷营销的帽子号称“热搜绝缘体”的电视剧《幻城》还未收官,郭敬明又一力作电影《爵迹》已定档9月30日与观众见面。电影《爵迹自律是控制情欲,欲望和感情的成功者,一个自律的人,可以理清生活中的细枝末节,稳当妥帖,各安其位,人生才能井然9月22日,演员乔任梁的追悼会上,当年的“好男儿”集体现身送他最后一程。乔任梁的去世,唤起了一大批粉丝对当年随缘,是一种胸怀,是一种成熟,是对自我内心的一种自信和把握。随缘,是对现实正确、清醒的认识,是对人生彻悟之后本周IT圈周报精彩事件不断,微信正式推出应用号“小程序”,引发社会各界人们关注;阿里、京东、国美逐鹿VR购物,究竟谁能引领行业的潮流让我们拭目以待。阅读一本不适合自己阅读的书,比不阅读还要坏。我们必须会这样一种本领,选择最有价值最适合自己所需要的读物。——今天上午,滴滴出行宣布数千万美元战略投资ofo共享单车,滴滴表示未来双方将在城市出行领域展开全方面合作。of近日,有消息称,瑞典家具零售商宜家计划在莫斯科上线电商业务。生活最大的奢侈是理性和节制"控制住自己的人最能成大事"生活恢复到纯简而克制的状态,其实幸福感真的会油然而生。9月27日,是饿了么的“品质节”,取自谐音“就爱吃”。近期,微软斥资262亿元收购LinkedIn,爆发了TO B领域的热议。牛人专访穷人到达富人的七个层次,可以看出富人与穷人的区别:1、富人花的比赚的少2、他们合理的运用时间、精力和近日,国民老公王思聪的熊猫TV完成了6.5亿的A轮融资,估值为24亿元。本轮融资由乐视控股旗下子公司乐视云领基于微信AI团队自主研发的语音处理技术,腾讯云联合微信AI团队正式上线智能语音服务,在语音识别、语音合成、声据外媒报道,虽然数周前比尔·盖茨的财富再次增值,但也挡不住后起之秀的追赶,据《福布斯》报道,西班牙快销品牌Z9月初正是开学季,工信部移动互联网产业孵化中心组织的“创新创业校园行”在北京多所高校先后进行。关注这些精品号,让你学贯中西,今天,小编精挑细选一大波内容超棒的微信公众号,关注它们,让自己每天进步一点点!每天你会花多少时间在朋友圈?大数据时代中流量为王,数字营销从业者每天都在绞尽脑汁费劲心思打造“爆款”,“10曾经有人问过我这样一个问题,“作为一名内容创业者,在这个互联网+时代最关注的是什么?”我仔细思考的答案是——网上买东西现在不新鲜,但要说马上就能在网上能逛街(真的逛大街),直接所见即所得也将成为现实你相信吗?2016信息大泛滥,生活大爆炸。小编精挑细选一大波内容超棒的微信公众号,关注它们,让自己每天进步一点点,学习永无止境近期开拍的电视剧《如懿传》眼下正处风口浪尖。作为现象级大剧《甄嬛传》的姊妹篇,《如懿传》始终话题不断,年初腾曾国藩说:“人之气质,由于天生,本难改变,惟读书则可以变其气质。”高贵,是即使身处险难,依旧替别人着想;高贵作为一个懒癌患者,托微信君的福,终于在脑海中植入了“运动”这个指令,有那么一段时间,为了在微信运动排行榜上冒信息大泛滥,生活大爆炸。在即时资讯无孔不入的今天,谁提供最实用的信息?谁发表最深度的见解?谁讲出最好玩儿故事北京时间9月4日消息,据外媒报道,苹果的“补税门”事件也是一石激起千层浪,一方面是苹果称欧盟胡乱定税率,自己在《越洋情书》(Lettres à Nelson Algren)里,波伏娃写道,“我渴望能见你一面,但请你记最近,国民公公王健林在电视访谈节目中的“小目标”走红网络,而近期节目组又爆出一段视频,视频中王健林大谈他的儿独家解读魅族的“演唱会”与手机销量之谜车慢一点,停下来等等红灯,你能看到每个路口的风景;队伍慢一点,与陌生人攀谈,你有机会邂逅意外的际遇;饭慢一点weimeiti微媒体专注移动互联网产业、应用、方法、案例,是中国领先的移动互联网资讯、调研、营销、策划和服务机构。微媒体官方微信致力于传播包括微博、微信营销等移动互联网知识,分享移动互联网营销成功案例。热门文章最新文章weimeiti微媒体专注移动互联网产业、应用、方法、案例,是中国领先的移动互联网资讯、调研、营销、策划和服务机构。微媒体官方微信致力于传播包括微博、微信营销等移动互联网知识,分享移动互联网营销成功案例。之前就一直蝉联 iOS 美国榜前几名,最近超越了 Clash of Clan 登顶 Grossing 榜首()。但玩了一下感觉和普通的三消类游戏(如宝石迷阵)好像没有很大差别(可能是我没有玩到后面?),比较迷惑。
Game MechanicsEvery single month, there are over 42 million Facebook users play
Saga by King. Are you one of them? The game is currently more popular than every other game on Facebook, including mega-popular ones like Words With Friends, , and Angry Birds.So what makes the game so addictive and leaves players clamoring for bonuses like new episodes, extra lives, and charms and boosters?The answer is actually quite simple. King has implemented aspects from all of the Eight Core Drives of the game-design framework
into their game, and those drives work together to create an incredibly addictive experience that is currently earning over half a million dollars every single day thanks to in-app purchases.How are they hooking you, exactly? Let’s look at each of the core drives of Octalysis and see how Candy Crush Saga implements each one.Game Core Drive #1:
and CallingUnlike most games, Candy Crush Saga does not have a particularly compelling narrative that, on its own, convinces the participant to take action. True, you ride a little train solving problems in the magical world, but it’s mostly just funny problems such as helping a magical dragon bathe in candy, which is not a very strong “I’m doing this because it’s a mission bigger than myself.”Instead, the epic meaning and calling comes from game techniques such as Beginners Luck, Destiny Child, and getting a Free Lunch.Players experience Beginner’s Luck
(Game Technique #23) when they start the early levels, which allow them to easily get three stars for matching candies and crushing them.As they continue playing, many players can go through the first 10 levels and get three stars on each on the first try. This makes them think, “Hey, I’m pretty good at this – I should keep playing.” They feel like they are destined to take this journey and see how far they can get without losing lives (Game Technique #25)As they progress even further through the levels, players start to unlock charms and boosters that give them extra moves, special abilities, and cool new ways to crush candy. Now, eventually they’ll have to pay for these terms and boosters, but initially, they get 1 to 3 freebies that they can use during the game. This is the Free Lunch (Game Technique #24) that makes them feel like they are getting bonuses due in part to their performance.Almost every addicted player feels these three mechanisms during the on-boarding process, which is in the first 35 levels. Not surprisingly, these first 35 levels are free and help players get acclimated to the game before the levels start costing money. Core Drive #2: Development andCandy Crush Saga, like most Facebook games and iPad apps, uses tons of rewards to show progress and demonstrate accomplishments to the player. As I mentioned before, on each level players earn up to three stars and also get a score based on how many points they earned throughout the level.There are also Fixed Action Rewards (Game Technique #7) built into the game. The most obvious one is that if you beat a level with at least one star, you’ll unlock the next level. Of course, the next level is just another puzzle to figure out (an intrinsic motivation that ties to Core Drive #3), but the tangible reward is in the accomplishment of progressing through the map, which shows one long, continuous train track. The player always knows where she is on the track and always knows the next action she needs to take in order to move forward.One of the most important things in any game design is to make sure the user isn’t stuck for too long. This is where they introduced the Glowing Choice (Game Technique #28). When the player doesn’t make a move within 10 seconds, Candy Crush Saga will offer a hint that appears to have no rhyme or reason. The goal of this is just to make sure no one is stuck at any point for too long without finding any next steps at all.Additionally, the iPad app allows you to connect to Facebook, which automatically connects you to all your friends who are playing the game.At the beginning of each level, you’ll see a Leaderboard (Game Technique #3) which includes where you rank amongst your friends. The leaderboard gives you all sorts of metrics you can try to achieve, including what your friends scores for that level. This motivates players because they can see their own progress against their friends’ scores, stars, leaderboard positions, and number of levels beaten or progress within the game (This of course leans heavily on Core Drive #5:
& Relatedness too).Finally, Candy Crush Saga is divided into episodes, most of which have 15 levels each (the first two episodes are the only ones with 10 levels). The last level in each episode is almost always the hardest and simulates the Boss Fight (Game Technique #14) that is typical of traditional video games like Mario Brothers or Donkey Kong. Beating this last level lets the player progress to the next episode, which gives players a huge sense of accomplishment.Gamification Core Drive #3:
of Creativity and FeedbackEach level of Candy Crush Saga arranges the candies in a random order, which means that no two boards are quite the same. This allows players to use their own creativity to come up with the right combinations that will help them beat each level. When they create a cascade of matches, the game rewards them with words like, “Tasty!”, “Sweet”, and “Delicious!” This lets the player know that they are racking up points with each move.The game also uses Step-By-Step Tutorials (Game Technique #9) to show players how newly introduced concepts work. These tutorials are incredibly important, especially during the on-boarding process, because they empower players with the confidence to learn by doing things and practicing the skills they just learned on their own.Finally, because the game is almost entirely based on unlocking new levels, new boosters, and new episodes, there’s always a General’s Carrot
(Game Technique #11) dangling in front of them, which engages them to push forward through the game.Gamification Core Drive #4:
and PossessionCandy Crush Saga uses a few forms of ownership and possession to help their players, though they could easily add more of this drive to the game. The primary Virtual Goods (Game Technique #8) within the game are the charms, which are special candies that can be used between 1 to 3 times on any level once activated. These candies are good throughout the entire game, so even though they often run between $25-$50, players are happy to collect them and use them on the more difficult levels that they are having a hard time beating.The way Candy Crush Saga gets players is by bringing the opportunity to purchase those charms and boosters outside of the “shop.” At the beginning of each level, they show you exactly which charms and boosters are allowed on the level and fade out the ones that you haven’t collected (purchased) yet. They present the charms and boosters as a small set of three or four so it looks like you have one but not the others. This makes players want to purchase the others to complete their Collection Set (Game Technique #16), because who doesn’t want to have tons of boosters to use on a specific level?Gamification Core Drive #5: Social Influence and RelatednessCandy Crush Saga makes use of Facebook’s platform to spread the word about their game. When you open the game in your browser, the first message you’ll receive is a Friend Invite request (Game Technique #60), asking to invite friends to play the game too.Candy Crush Saga also uses Social Treasures (Game Technique #63) as a way to get you interacting with your friends on the game.There are a number of social treasures you can give your friends at no cost to either you or them. These include helping them unlock an episode, giving them free lives, and giving them three extra moves that they can use on any level of their choosing. These gifted bonuses cost money within the game, making them especially valuable virtually and in the real-world. Because there’s no cost, this encourages players to help their friends by sending them these coveted items.But Candy Crush Saga takes it even a step further because it also allows players to send requests to their friends for these free items. For example, to unlock an episode, you can either pay $0.99 or you can get help from three of your friends. There’s a built-in mechanism to send requests to your friends whenever you need help unlocking in episode or gaining extra lives.Finally, the game’s use of leaderboards and the map allow you to see how far your friends have progressed throughout the game. While there’s no mechanism specifically for Bragging (Game Technique #57) to your friends, it’s easy to start a comparing yourselves with others either on points, stars, or number of episodes unlocked (which is Touting).This can also create a subtle sense of Envy (Game Technique #59), drawing the player into wanting to be more like their high-achieving friends.Gamification Core Drive #6:
and ImpatienceOne of Candy Crush Saga’s most frustrating points is that they only give you five lives — and when you lose one, it takes you 30 minutes to gain it back. That means that if you play a level and lose it five times, you have to wait roughly 2 1/2 hours before you can play again.This use of the Fixed Interval Torture (Game Technique #66) leaves players with an incredible sense of impatience to get back to the game.Of course, you can buy another set of five lives as an in-app purchase if you don’t want to wait. But there are other ways to get more lives as well, like through asking your friends or by connecting your Facebook account to as many mobile devices as you want. The game is available on the iPad, the iPhone, and most android phones, each of which will start your lives back at five, which means players are often switching between multiple devices in order to keep playing.This gives Candy Crush Saga incredible penetration in the mobile market, which means that players have the game at their disposal while they’re out waiting in lines, riding the train, or stuck in traffic. This just encourages more and more opportunities for play until the player has developed an addictive habit to keep them going with the game.Gamification Core Drive #7: Curiosity andEven though the concept behind Candy Crush Saga is simple, it’s a surprisingly unpredictable game. The most obvious unpredictability is that each time you open the level, the candies are arranged in random order. That means that some configurations will make the level of easier to beat than others, which has players going through the level over and over again in rapid succession until they beat it.Additionally, as a player gets into the later levels, there are tons of Sudden Rewards (Game Technique #75)in the form of special candies. The player has no idea what special candies they might get when they start a new level, which keeps the game fun and fresh.After a number of episodes, the game literally introduces Easter Eggs, which are a type of candy that, once matched, turns into a particular handful of special candies. When a player matches an Easter Egg, there are both random rewards and random penalties, because the Easter Egg can either turn into a special candy or a molasses trap, like a chocolate bite or metal twists, both of which make it more difficult to play level.Gamification Core Drive #8: Loss and The last core drive, loss and avoidance, is also used in Candy Crush Saga. When a player connects to Facebook, all other players they are friends with can see how many days they have been stuck on a particular level. This Scarlet Letter (Game Technique #82) can make it socially unappealing to not move forward in the game. Candy Crush Saga also encourages players to connect to Facebook from their mobile app because Facebook syncs their progress. If you don’t sync up, and you lose your phone or break your iPad, then through Lost Progress (Game Technique #81), you’ve lost all the effort you’ve invested into the game and will have to start over from the beginning.The game also makes use Weep Tunes (Game Technique #49) and Visual Graves (Game Technique #47) to give negative feedback when you lose a level.Finally, this game is based on tons of levels that take between three and five minutes to play, each. This means that an avid player can easily work through 100 levels in a couple weeks. This engages the Last Mile Drive (Game Technique #53) where the player keeps on playing because they’re so close to the goal and they’ve already invested too much time and energy in the game to quit.But are they that close to completing the game? King continues to add new episodes to the end of the map, which means the players can keep going for awhile. The longer they play, the harder it is to stop.So now that we’ve been through the eight core drives of gamification and how Candy Crush Saga utilizes each of them to hook players into returning for more and more levels, can you see why this simple game has swept the nation?Learning from Game Mechanics of Candy CrushCandy Crush sure did a good job appealing to the mainstream consumer and getting them to pay comfortably on an app. Our goal here is not to make sure we can make good games, but to make sure we learn from the game design and dynamics so we can provide it into useful and productive tasks within Gamification.What appeals to you the most about Candy Crush?Via:
赚钱多的被关注当然火了。 -产品上值得研究的是三个: 关卡设计。把三消相关的难度设置做到步步提高; -算法设计。掉落都是算出来的; -收入方式。不复杂,但超精巧。内容遮挡,退回方式,再加上第二点,不赚钱都难。
这个游戏确实很火,前几天的GDC正好有Candy Crush开发公司&a href=&///?target=http%3A//& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&&/span&&span class=&invisible&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&的2个演讲,他们自己公布的数据是DAU 900万,而且用户以女性用户为主,占了70%。在演讲里&a href=&///?target=http%3A//& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&&/span&&span class=&invisible&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&的Tommy Palm总结了4个原因:&br&&br&1、&a href=&///?target=http%3A//& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&&/span&&span class=&invisible&&&/span&&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&在过去10年开发了150款游戏,有着丰富的经验&br&2、之前三消类游戏和过关类游戏都很受欢迎,Candy Crush将两者结合在一起,再加上游戏本身的高品质和带来的乐趣。&br&3、智能机平台版本与Facebook版跨平台的数据同步&br&4、快速增长的智能机与社交游戏市场&br&&br&在另外一场产品主题演讲中他们将原因总结为:CAN:Campfire Index(很好地利用社交元素,朋友之间的成绩对比心理,刺激用户活跃)、Accessibility(移动市场的扩大,让更多用户能够利用碎片时间玩游戏)Never Ending(现在有245关)&br&&img data-rawheight=&750& data-rawwidth=&1000& src=&/cd1a88a830f66391df07a_b.jpg& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1000& data-original=&/cd1a88a830f66391df07a_r.jpg&&
这个游戏确实很火,前几天的GDC正好有Candy Crush开发公司的2个演讲,他们自己公布的数据是DAU 900万,而且用户以女性用户为主,占了70%。在演讲里的Tommy Palm总结了4个原因: 1、在过去10年…


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