kim kardashian ed2k里让我跟一个人约会怎么去完成啊,我找不到这个人啊

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justin thinks that a true man would show the girl that he loved EVERY day, not just on Valentines day.
justins hat size is a 7 and a quarter
justin blushes when a cute girl smiles at him
justin said &I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it's not corny&
justin说'我认为年龄大一点的人更能欣赏我的音乐,因为我唱歌的时候真的很用心,这绝对不是伤感粗糙的音乐'!!! (i really appreciate them!!)
justin does believe in long-lasting relationships, but not long-distance.
justin said &I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow with me&
justin thinks that a true man would show the girl that he loved EVERY day, not just on Valentines day.
justins hat size is a 7 and a quarter
justin blushes when a cute girl smiles at him
justin said &I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it's not corny&
justin说'我认为年龄大一点的人更能欣赏我的音乐,因为我唱歌的时候真的很用心,这绝对不是伤感粗糙的音乐'!!! (i really appreciate them!!)
justin does believe in long-lasting relationships, but not long-distance.
justin said &I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow with me&
justin likes defending his fans when his fans defend and support him.
justin dedicated &stuck in the moment& to a fan.
justin的'stuck in the moment'是献给一个fan的!
when people ask justin how he broke up foot, justin says he was on a safari in africa and an orangutan attacked him.
当人们问justin怎么摔断腿时,justin说他那时正在非洲旅行,然后一只猩猩攻击了他! (真会开玩笑!他不想我们担心!)
teenage boys are actually paying a lot of money, up to $150, to get bieber’s hairstyle
很多男孩都去理发店花了很多钱去剪justin的发型,将近花掉$150 !!
Justin once DM a fan to ask her parents to let her go to his concert in LA
justin once tweeted &what should i dream about?& 5 minutes later he deleted it because of all the awkward responses.
justin said it would be easier to ask a girl out of she admitted she liked him first.
once a fan said &Justin your so yummy& and replied &your so yummy, i could eat you& ;)
一次一个fan说'justin 你太美味了!',justin回复说'你也很美味!我可以吃了你!' (i wanna eat u!)
once justin was at the dentist and the dentist sneezed, so justin bit his hand.
一次justin看牙医的时候打了个喷嚏,所以justin咬了他的手! (估计是觉得太脏了..)
justin shaved but after wards he said &it’s all peach fuzz anyways.&
justin试着刮了刮胡子,之后他说'不管怎么刮这上面都是可爱的细毛'! (还没有胡子哦.)
justin doesn't like crunchy stuff
justin has to shave his armpits, his mom makes him.
justin不得不刮腋毛,是他妈妈让他这么做的.. (怪不得我想咋米有毛的- -)
justin hired a personal trainer to help justin bulk his body.
justin请了一个私人教练来帮他壮大自己的身体.. (小孩你的确够瘦的!)
justin comes off strong and confident around girls, but inside he his nervous and shy
justin said if he could be any animal, he would be a Liger :)
justin is sending his mom to a spa in LA for Mother's Day today.
justin sent his step-mom, Erin Bieber, flowers for Mother's Day.
justin母亲节给他的继母Erin Bieber献了花!!
justin still thinks its weird when he goes to a place and has thousands of people waiting for him.
justin got mad at the girl in the eenie meenie video that he leaves with, cause she couldnt dance at all
justin对eenie meenie mv中他放弃的那个女孩很恼火,因为她根本不会跳舞!!! (right!)
justin hates pickles
a fan once touched justins butt but he said he didn't care cause she was goodlooking.
justins favorite joke:'How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant?Because he didnt wrap his whopper!'lol
justin最喜欢的笑话是'Burger King是怎么让Dariy Queen怀孕的呢?因为他没有遮好他的whooper'(whopper原本是bk汉堡的一种,这里的意思大家自己悟吧..嘿嘿&/)
justin enjoys meeting fans, sometimes if he likes them, he takes them on a date.
justin loves visiting Disney Land and 6 Flags
justin喜欢disney和6 flags.
justin wears a lot of plaid
justin once told a fan &your sexy&. then the fan then happy cried and nearly fainted.
justin loves Yo Momma jokes
justin喜欢'Yo Momma'笑话.!!...
justins favorite part of the week are the WEEKENDS ;)
justin一周最喜欢的是周末!! (for sure!)
justin said &i do have talent, but that talent would be nothing without fans like mine& ?
justin falls asleep, sees black, and wakes up. justin said he rarely has dreams, but if he does. they're nightmares.
justin is scared of mice :b
justin makes weird and random facial expressions.
justin wants a girl to be just as romantic as he is
justin will fall for a good listener who can offer a shoulder to cry on.
justin finds water boring, but he needs to drink it because its keeping him healthy and growing
justin barely brushes his hair, because he doesn't need to.
justin几乎不梳头发,因为他不需要.. (nice hair!)
justin says if his hair doesnt get cut regularly his hair grows really think & long.
justin's girlfriends meant a lot to him and he loved them all, but he was never really &in love& with them.
justin过去的女朋友们对他很重要,他那时都很爱她们,但是他没有真正的爱上她们.(just puppy love!~)
justin is afraid of heights
justin怕高! (那你还蹦极的这么high!)
when justin first became famous, he had huge bags under his eyes because he was always so busy and tired
justin’s favorite date restaurant is King’s Buffet
justin最喜欢约会的餐厅是King's Buffet!
justin would rather wear a sweatshirt with jeans and his favorite shoes more than anything else.
justin loves shrimp
justin's goal is to go to as many countries as he can, so he can meet fans from all over the world.
justin doesn't understand why fans go crazy over him. 'i'm not that cool, haha.' justin said.
justin不明白为什么他的fans对他那么着迷,justin说'我没有那么cool,haha!' (!!kidding~)
justins favorite baseball team is the Atlanta Braves, but he loves the Yankees, too.
justin believes that &every woman should feel beautiful&
justin has gone up to and thanked fans in the middle of the street because they were wearing a Bieber Shirt
justin is over-protective of his little sister Jazmyn and when she gets older, he's gonna fight off the boys for her :)
justin has admitted that he prefers brunettes, but that could change if he met a beautiful girl w/ a different hair color
justin calls usher all the time. and the first thing he says is. What )
justin经常call Usher,他第一句话通常是'你那里有什么样的女孩?' (oh..cute!)
justin once signed around 50 posters in under three minutes because he was in a rush and didn't wanna upset his fans.
justin曾经在3分钟内签了将近50张海报,因为他有事很急但是他又不想让fans失望!! (sweet!)
justin hates baths and only ever takes showers .
justin sometimes helps his mum shop!
justin says ryan and chaz are his best friends as they like him for being justin not 'Justin Bieber' :)
justin说ryan n chaz是他最好的朋友,因为他们喜欢他是justin而不是'justin bieber'.
justin says miley cyrus is 'a cool girl'
justin calls naps 'cat-naps' :)
justin hates it when girls whisper together
justin names his hairstyle 'The Biebs'
justin把他的发型叫做'The Biebs'
justin wishes his dad could travel with him but knows he cant :(
justin admits that he is very competitive
justin signed a pledge for oprah not to text and drive
justin hates it when there is too much light while he is performing, as he is not able to see the audience
justin once tried curling his hair as a joke and he said he looked like a girl :P
justin says if a girl can cook that is better :)
justin has extremely long eyelashes and is sometimes forced to wear mascara which makes them even longer!
justin is the only left-handed person in his family and they dont know where it came from
justin said his mum is like a piece of home he can take with him :)
Justin said &No, i've never had my teeth whitened, i just always use to take good care of them as a kid&
1.Sean Kingston revealed that he and Justin have 4 other songs in the works besides the recent &EeniMeenie
2.Justin is always trying to sweet talk his way out of trouble
3.Justin revealed to Seventeen Mag that he is &saving himself (his virginity)'for marriage&.
justin对Seventeen Mag 的启示是,他正在为他的婚姻保留他的童贞(感动啊)
4.Justin runs around with a shirt off during his water fights on tour
5.Iyaz is a secret surprise guest set to appear on Justin's tour
Iyaz 是一个秘密嘉宾出现在justin的巡演现场
6.Justin always wants someone to cuddle when he's cold
7.Justin is an extremely messy burger eater
8.Justin once held up a sign from his hotel room window that said &Go to McDonalds and get me a (cont)
9.Justin can't stand false rumors that are spread about him
10.The rumor about Justin's mom posing for Playboy freaked and weirded him out.
关于justin的妈妈为playboy拍照的谣言让justin吓一跳,也是他weirded him out.
11.Justin is promoting Microsoft Kinect for his tour
12.: At every show of his tour, Justin is giving out a few free tickets to lucky fans in the crowd outside.
13Justin recieved his driver's permit this year.
1.This is the approximate location of Justin's home in Atlanta
2Justin says he has lost 80% of his hearing due to loud fans
3.Justins mom takes away his computer at night so he can sleep, but he secretly continues playing on
4.The girls show up [to my concerts] wearing almost nothing. I can't lie, I'm 16, I don't hate (cont
5.Justin used to take karate classes when he was younger
6.Justin and Disney Star Brenda Song are set for a new candy endorsement deal
7. Demi Lovato, Perez Hilton, and Marlon Wayans were among some celebs that attended Justin's LA concert.
在众多名人中Demi Lovato, Perez Hilton, and Marlon Wayans被邀请参加justin的la音乐会。
1.Caitlin sends Justin pictures of email quite often
2.Justin and ex Caitlin Beadles were extremely close
3.Justin said to Bliss Mag his perfect date would consist of ice hockey, bowling, dinner, and then (cont
4.The real reason Justin goes to a mall in almost every state is because he wants to meet girls
5.Justin LOVES California Girls
6.Fans are paying over $4000 for a special meet and greet with Justin at the California Mid-State Fair
7.Selena Gomez says it would be &a dream come true& to do a duet with Justin.
8.Producers reveal they are still thinking about casting a love interest as a lead role in Justin's new movie
9.Justin has finally received the white Lamborghini that Diddy promised to give him.
10.According to Jessica Jarrell, a girl can win over Justin's heart just by smiling.
11.Justin's new comic book will be unveiled at Comic-Con
12.On Sept. 23, Justin will make an appearance on CSI as Jason McCann, a troubled teen
在9.23号,justin将要出现在csi中扮演问题少年Jason McCan
15.Justin will be studying Geometry for the upcoming school year for his math level. #
16.Justin said he is more attracted to girls who dress for themselves rather than ones who go all out
1.Justin was named this month's BOP magazines #1 Hottest Star
JB被本月底BOP杂志提名为 【最火的明星】
2.Jasmine V visited Justin at a few of his stop on his tour.
3.Justin takes his relationship with Kim K &seriously&
4.Justin has been selected to be in a Texas-based bowling hall of fame
JB被【德克萨斯基地】选中成为在保龄球馆成名的一位明星【baby mv拍摄地】
.Justin often gets criticized for writing love songs when he doesn't really understand love at all.
6.Justin describes his kiss with a dolphin as &the wettest kiss I've ever gotten
7.Justin's NEVER SAY NEVER was sold to him by Travis Garland, who recorded a demo called SEXY
JB的NEVER SAY NEVER被Travis Garland卖给了自己,Travis Garland曾经录了一份示范片 叫做【性感】
8.Justin is always using his phone at the table when eating.
1.Justin's BABY video is set to dethrone Gaga's Bad Romance vid as the most all-time views
JB的baby的mv已经超过Lady gaga的 mv:Bad Romance 创造了网上的最多观看记录
2.Justin's My World Tour is the cause of poor sales of Jonas Brothers concerts
(大家都去买JB的门票了 :))
3.A documentary about Justin that will possibly play in theatres is set to be released soon
4.Justin's new song &Ohama Mall& was inspired by his recent trip there and features his swagger coach
JB的新歌Ohama Mall的创作灵感来自于他最近的旅行,还有他的swagger coach 的特点
【注swagger coach :如果有人问JB会与谁逛街 justin经常会说:不知道,跟我的swagger coach吧!(引起了当地媒体的注意)后来justin说“哈哈,其实我也不知道他是谁,应该是我自己吧!” ]
5.Justin said &I am a different person in my family life, personal life, love life, and (cont
JB说:“其实在我的家庭生活 个人生活 和恋爱方面都是一个不同的人”
6.Kim Kardashian is an older woman Justin's mom wants him to be cautious about. #
Kim Kardashian是个年长的女人、JB的妈妈想让JB小心一点。
7.Justin has his own personalized segway for getting around backstage for his shows
JB有他自己的segway 【电动自行车】他会骑着它在后台为他的表演东奔西走
8.Justin took a break from tour to come down to LA for frozen yogurt with Kim Kardashian
JB有一次没有按照原本的约定去旅行 而是去和kim一起看LA吃冰冻的酸乳酪
9.Justin was named this month's BOP magazines #1 Hottest Star
JB被本月底BOP杂志提名为 【最火的明星】
10.Jasmine V visited Justin at a few of his stop on his tour.
Q:&who is ur idol?& A:&Chuck Norris. Dont ask a question.&
'谁是你的偶像?' 'chuck Norris.别问任何问题.' :)
Q:&according to u who's the most beautiful woman in the world?& A:&the most beautiful woman is my mom&
'对你来说,谁是世界上最漂亮的女人?' '最漂亮的女人是我妈妈.' :D
Q:&could u show us ur hair movement& A:&alright! *shakes* i know its crazy&
'你能给我们看看你甩头的动作么?' '可以!' *shakes*(甩头~) '我知道这样很crazy '
&if u ask someone something and it starts with “is it weird?” Its prolly weird&
&No matter how talented you are, not everybody will like you. That's life. You just have to stay strong.&
'不管你多有才能,不是每个人都会喜欢你,这就是人生.你只需要做的就是坚强!' :)
Interviewer:&So what would a girl have to do to impress you?& Justin: &Well she should be nice, it's hard to find a nice girl&
'什么样的女孩会让你印象深刻?' '她需要很nice,但是很难找到这样的女孩' :p
Interviewer &So what's one of your rituals you do before you go out in public ?& Justin: &Well ummm, I brush my teeth.&
'在你去公众场所之前,你通常会做些什么?' 'well.ummm.我会刷牙.' LOL!!hahaha...
People write to me: ‘I’m giving up’ I just write them a simple message like, ‘Never give up,’ and It changes their life.”
人们写给我说'我要放弃了',我只是给他们写些很简单的话比如 'never give up',这会改变他们的生活...:)
'There’s more people that like me, than there are who hates me, so I kind of brush the haters off.'
interviewer: Why do you have so many followers on Twitter ?& Justin: &I don't know why,I am not that cool.& *laughs*
'为什么你在twitter上有那么多的followers?' '我不知道为什么.我没有那么酷.' *laughs*
&I keep the bh's (bra's) that girls throw to me, and I hang them up on my wall. No, I'm just kidding.&
'我还留着那些女孩扔给我的bras,我把它们挂在墙上.NO.我在开玩笑' XD.
&Yeah I'm a beast.&
'YEAH 我是野兽!' lol
&After my tour I'm going to sleep for two weeks.&
'结束了my tour,我想要睡整整2个星期的觉' haha.LMAO.
&If you fall in love, you fall in love.&
FACT: (咱只看重口味的~)
Justin likes soft kisses, but long. Aww B) ?
Once Justin got asked out by a guy!
有一次justin被一个男生邀请出去玩..haha....= =
1.Shay Misuraca, Justin's first girlfriend, has stayed low key throughout his entire fame gain
Shay Misuraca,justin的第一个女朋友,在他名气一直大增的时候,自始至终保持着低调
2.: As of July 4th, My World 2.0 has sold 5 million copies!
截止7月4日,My World 2.0已经销售了五百万张(高兴啊)
3.Justin ignores people when he's in a bad mood, but then lectured by his mother to apologize.
4.Justin brought out Scooter's girlfriend on stage on her birthday. #
5.When Justin doesn't tweet, it's because his mom punishes him and takes his phone and computer
6Justin isn't shy at all of bursting out randomly into song at public places
7. Jusitn has a personalized tour bus
1.Justin gets pranked, too
2.When Justin sings Overboard with Jessica Jarrell onstage, he puts his hand on her waist and grabs her shirt
当justin和Jessica Jarrell在舞台上唱overboard的时候,他把手放在他的要上抓他的衬衫
3. Sean Kingston reveals Justin hated the girl he had to leave with in the Eenie Meenie music video
肖恩透露,justin讨厌在em mv里他不得不离开的女孩
4.Justin used to play basketball at Usher's house
5.Justin says it's hard to find a nice girl, but he can't wait to meet one.
6. Justin said the youngest he would date a girl is at 15
7.Ryan Good, Justin's road manager, used to be Usher's personal assistant
Ryan Good,,justin的经纪人,曾今是usher的私人助理
8.Sometimes mothers offer themselves to work for Justin so he can date their daughters
9Justin's mom doesn't like when older women flirt and put themselves out to Justin
10.Justin loves going to the mall often
11.Justin is the most searched person on the internet
12.Justin says it's very hard to find a girl who likes him for who HE is and not his fame and image
13Justin is constantly mimicking people with foreign accents
14Justin will not go to North Korea for his world tour due to dangerous bomb testing in the country
Justin calls his mom &sexy& or && when he trys to get her attention!
justin说当试图引起他妈妈的注意时 就夸她很性感和Patricia(有出身高贵和身材娇小的意思)
Justin would break-up with his girlfriend if she didn't like his dog
当他的女朋友不喜欢他的狗时 justin会和她分手
Caitlin has a huge poster of Justin in her room:)
Caitlin的房间里有一张关于justin的 很大的海报
Justins afraid of rejection:(
Justin thinks Twilight is overrated
justin觉得暮光之城被高估了( really?)
Justin wishes he could hug all his fans:)
Justin doesn't get pocket money. He just asks his mum when he wants some.
justin没有零用钱 当他需要什么的时候他会和他妈妈说
( good boy :D )
Justin googles himself.
Justin loves grapes and bananas.
justin喜欢葡萄和香蕉 ( but i don' like banans :s )
If Justin doesnt have cap 'N' crunch cereal when he wakes up he'll be in a bad mood
Justin早晨起来时如果没有可以咀嚼的谷物 会情绪很低落
When Justin gets nervous he flips his sexy hair.
His Mom said he wasnt allowed date untill he was 16 but he started dating at 13.
她妈妈不允许justin谈恋爱约会直到16岁(意思是在16岁之前不允许) 可是他13岁就开始了
Justin loves quesadillas! He says it's his favorite Mexican food! :)
Justin admits he loves the movie &A Walk To Remember&
Justin承认他喜欢“A Walk To Remember”这部电影
Justin says that he wants to take that 'special' girl on a date to the beach!
Justin loves to draw in his free time!
Justin said '' Selena Gomez is cute, but she's just a friend ''
Justin说Selena Gomez很可爱 但只是一个朋友
Justin said Christian Beadles as his 'little brother'
Justin说Christian Beadles(小刚牙)就如同他的弟弟
Justin likes a girl who can cook!
Justin喜欢会做饭的女生 ?
98% of Beliebers are girls!
Justin don't understand people's obsession with his hair
Justin does not like cats, because he once dreamed that a cat ate him.
Justin不喜欢猫 因为他曾梦见一只猫吃了他 ( = =.)
。Tonight, in Trenton, Justin ran off the stage during Down to Earth because he burst into tears
今晚,在特伦顿,justin在唱Down to Earth 时跑下了台,因为他突然哭了
2。Justin came out wet and wrapped in a towel during Scooter's live chat with Perez Hilton
justin在和Perez Hilton聊天时,浑身湿湿的并且包裹在湿毛巾里
3。Justin usually never gets nervous, but he told Scooter on his first night of tour that he was &petrified
4。Justin has 85 shows for his whole 6 month tour
5。Justin loves staying up all night playing video games and talking to girls
6。Justin said he is &seriously, like extremely attracted to funny girls. I love those kind of girls&.
7。Justin's friends reveal he is always pranking people on Chatroullete and Zingled
justin的朋友透露,他总是在Chatroullete and Zingled pranking (这啥意思我不知道)人们
8,Scooter, Justin's manager, says Justin is constantly asking him for girl advice
9.About 1 million pieces of confetti are dropped at the end of Justin's show in his tour.
10,When they were in the Bahamas recently, Caitlin told Justin that she missed him
11,Whenever Justin stands up, he grabs hold of his &man parts&.
无论何时justin站起来,他会展现他男人的部分(后半句我凭感觉翻译的因为我 不知到啥意思)
1 Selena Gomez has a picture of Justin on the back of her iPhone
Selena Gomez在他的手机背部有justin的图片
2.Justin is a ladies man
3.Justin is celebrating the 4th of July with a barbecue
4.Justin's New York Macy's Parade appearance was recorded earlier this month
5.Justin has soft cheeks
Justin: &i'm not like Peter Pan, my voice will change&
justin说'我不是彼得 潘,我的声音还是会变的':)
Sometimes at the waterfights, Justin takes his t-shirt and hat off, and throws them in the crowd!
In a recent interveiw Jessica Jarrell Said that Justin could be the next MJ!
在最近的一次采访中,Jessica jarrell说justin会是下一个MJ!!!! wow!
Justin thinks he can grow a moustache easily
justin觉得他很容易长出胡子.lol (来自最近画自己头像的video)
The new bieber word is 'belieberish', its the language we speak
新词'bieberish',就是我们所讲的语言! (bieberlast!)
Justin said if his girlfriend could sing, he would consider doing a duet with her!
Justin once said &Girls do like me. It's just a fact.& :)
justin说过'女孩的确很喜欢我,这是个事实!' LMAO.
Justin would give his girlfriend a promise ring
justin会给他女友一枚'promise ring'(定情戒).?
Justin has a shirt with &i ? Girls& written on it
justin有一件T恤上写着'i ? Girls'..haha
Justin likes to tell girls that they're beautiful
In Justin's 'Thank you' on My World 2.0. He thanks Chuck Norris!
在justin的My World 2.0的感谢信中,他同样谢了chuck Norris..:p
'I like being Canadian, the people are real nice. We've got maple syrup, Tim Hortons and we live in igloos..Just kidding'
'我喜欢成为一个加拿大人,人们都很友好,我们有枫叶牌糖浆,TIM HORTONS,而且我们住在雪屋里..just kidding' haha..
JB:&Thanks for all the praying, we are gunna bounce.. *points to the left* Oh that way actually. *points to the right*. &
jb:'谢谢大家所有的祈祷,接下来我们要跳了(当时情况不清楚)'然后指向左边,'oh 不对,应该是那边'然后指向右边
Justin dislikes tight clothes on girls, he wants the girl to be comfortable
On the streets, a fan came up to Justin and said,&OMG you look just like Justin Bieber!&
在街上,有个fan跑到justin面前说'OMG!你看起来真像justin bieber' haha:D
At a mall signing, the security guards were rude to the fans, so Justin yelled at them
Justin thinks it's funny when fans say OH MY BIEBER
justin觉得fans说'oh my bieber'很有趣:) OMB!!!
Haters bought backstage passes to Justin's concert to tell him he was the reason his parents divorced
Haters会到justin演唱会后台告诉他说他是他父母离婚的原因!!! (haters!!get ur lives!!!)
Justin said he wished he could read girl's minds
Justin said he will call his girlfriend daily if he isn't with her.
justin说如果和女友不在一起的话,他会每天给她打电话. aw...
Justin and Sean Kingston always answer each other saying &Yessssir&.
justin和sean Kingston经常回答对方'yessirrrrr' haha
1says Justin will share new secrets
2.Justin tries to make himself look better.
3.Justin thought he looked his ultimate best at this year's MMVA's
4.Justin will recieved no schooling whatsoever during his tour
5.Justin thinks a girl's most noticable feature is her eyes
justin 认为一个女孩最显著的特点就是她的眼镜
6.NYCBelieber knows something about Justin
@ NYCBelieber 知道justin的一些事情
7.Justin's Atlantis after party is hosted at Club Rush
在高尔夫俱乐部聚会之后,justin的Atlantis 是最火的
8.Justin reveals that his tour will feature &cool flashing lights and some magic stuff&.
9. Justin loves breaking into a song or dance at random moments
justin喜欢在任何时候很随意的就突然间唱歌和跳舞 。
10..Somebody to Love is Justin's first &mature& and &sexy& music video.
somebody to love是justin的第一个“成熟”和“性感”的音乐录影带。
11.Justin feels awkward if a person doesn't laugh at a joke he makes.
12.Justin loves being funny and making others laugh
13.Justin has a habit of licking his lips
14.Justin likes to show off his dance moves and pick up on new ones when he is at parties or events
15.Justin took Christian and Caitlin Beadles with him to the Bahamas
16 Justin thinks this is the funniest parody of him anyone has done.
17Justin likes kiddie playgrounds, though he doesn't have time for them anymore
1.Justin weighs 107 lbs as of today, June 29th. #
2.Justin's drivers permit expired on June 16 of 2010
3.Justin had to kiss Grace Wilson, his One Less Lonely Girl music video girl.
justin已经吻过了他的One Less Lonely Girlmv里的女主角Grace Wilson
4.Justin considers his fans like his own friends
5.Justin says papparazzi can be &annoying
justin说papparazzi (这个我没查到翻译的意思哎)是让人厌倦的
6.Justin hopes to find summer love this year during his tour
7.Justin is getting sick of Sour Patch Kids, but is now starting to like Twizzlers
justin现在对Sour Patch 童装慢慢地不感冒了(就是不喜欢了),但是现在他开始喜欢Twizzlers啦(服装品牌的名字)
8.Justin's favorite sneaker colors are purple, red, and white - for Canada
9、: Justin likes &those yellow brown eyes with the starburst effect
10.Sometimes, Justin's mother scolds him for making rude and inappropriate jokes.
11.When Justin is onstage performing, he says cute things because he loves the girl's reactions
12Justin hates taking things TOO seriously
13.Justin loves leaving funny messages on his SayNow line
justin喜欢有趣的留言在他的SayNow line上
14.Justin has finally reached 3 million followers
1.Jusitn's voice took on a dramaric change
2. For his driver permit, Pattie made him part his hair so his face was seen in case he ever changed his hair.
2.对于justin的司机permit, Pattie 让他整理他的头发,这样就能看见他的脸了,假使他曾改变过他的头发。
3.Justin's voice has gotten two pitches deeper from the time he recorded BABY and now.
4.Justin says he sees girls at his shows all the time who make his heart skip a beat.
5.As smooth as he may seem around them, girls do in fact make Justin Bieber nervous
6. Jusitn's twitter account is worth $1,694,257 according to
7.Justin cried when singing Down to Earth in Cincinatti, Ohio
在in Cincinatti, Ohio唱
Down to Earth 的时候justin(又哭了,心疼啊)
8.Justin won &Hottest Guy of the Year& in Twist magazine
justin在Twist magazine获得了本年最热门人物(棒极了)
9.: Selena Gomez and Justin may never date because she says she &doesn't want to date guys she knows&.
10.Justin and Sean Kingston always answer each other saying &Yessssir&.
11will be premiering a documentary called Justin Bieber: My World.
12. Justin likes late nights and sleeping in
13. Justin shoots fans so they will leave the tour bus area
14. Justin's tweet that said &golfing& appeared on Celebri-Tweets on E
justin的tweet上,高尔夫球出现在Celebri-Tweets on E上
15.Justin included a personal handwritten note in his concert program
16.Madame Tussaud's Wax Musuem reveals Justin is possibly the next star to get waxed.
杜莎夫人蜡像馆的Wax Musuem 透露,justin将会是下一个得到蜡像的明星(哇,激动啊,看来宝真是超级大明星啊)
1.Justin wants to extend his fanbase from just tweens to a more mature crowd
justin 想要把他的粉丝从青少年扩大到更成熟的人群
2.Justin plans on never smoking or drinking, and just focusing on what he loves to do
3. BET's 106&Park is playing the Somebody to Love video as the new Joint of the Day
BET's 106&公园作为新的加入的一天,正在拍摄somebodytolove的视频(这个不咋会翻译啦)
4.Justin is taking Caitlin and Christian Beadles on tour with him
justin在巡演时时时刻刻与catlin和Christian Beadles聊天
5.According to watchers, Justin and Caitlin grinded at Club Rush in the Bahamas
6.The shirt Ryan wore in the Somebody to Love video was a joke between him and Justin.
ryan在sb to love中穿的衬衫,是他和justin之间的玩笑
7.Justin's favorite season is summer because he likes to feel hot
8.Justin doesn't care if his girls parents don' all that matters is his true love's opinion
9.Justin said he would leave everything if something happened to his girl
10.Justin hates when papparazzi capture unattractive pictures of him
1During his chat with Perez Hilton, Scooter reveals Justin is currently single but is definitely dating around
在与Perez Hilton聊天期间,他的经纪人表示,justin现在单身,但是约会不断(后半句我凭感觉翻译的)
2. Justin said he won't have a steady girlfriend until he can give her the time she deserves.
justin表示:他目前不会有固定的女友 ,除非他能给他足够的时间。
3.Justin will get a girl's number is he's interested in her, and hang with her the next day if he's in town.
4. Justin has recieved a free Xbox system for his tour bus because Xbox is sponsoring his tour.
5.: In all, there are 11 tour buses for Justin's tour
6.Tour buses are parked in a secret location during a concert so Justin's fans won't be able to jump in
7.Justin jerked at Club rush.
8.just so you guys know, were not live anymore and a recorded video is playing on our twitcam.
感谢网友豆包_包 ,王飒飒2009,__peekaboo,hohohojia2009,Galatea_Melody,mis_Ronne 的翻译!


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