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iphone版 《愤怒的老奶奶玩跑酷》 Angry GranRun
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《愤怒的老奶奶》 AngryGran是一款由专为ios平台用户打造的探险游戏,愤恕的小鸟不知道大家玩过没,这款游戏虽然叫做愤恕的老奶奶,可是游戏玩是不一样的哦~谁说世界上最可怕的生物种群是中年妇女了,看起来满脸慈祥行动迟缓的老奶奶要是想起来报复社会,那绝对是惨绝人寰!愤怒的奶奶可来了!
游戏特色: 1.Our Angry Gran has been locked away
the Angry Asylum, she's plotting her escape, and she needs YOU to guide her through the streets once she's busted out! 2.Run, jump and slide over and around tons of different and WACKY obstacles in this crazy new running game! 3.THE PUNKS ARE BACK! Bash them out the way and grab their coins to clear up the streets once and for all! 4.Change your look by buying new costumes including 70's hippy gran, wonder gran and even a PENGUIN COSTUME! 5.Forget temples, jungles and subway stations - the cities of New York and Rome await you! 6.Buy and upgrade loads of different power-ups like BULLET-TIME and INVINCIBLE SHIELDS. 7.Watch out for ALIENS, DINOSAURS and other INSANE stuff!
更新日志: 版本 V1.7.0.0 日期
Travel to Cairo in our new area! 1.Take an adventure with the Arabian Prince playable character! 2.All unlockable characters now come with their own unique abilities!
3.Take advantage of weekend sales! 4.Improved GameCenter support. 5.Further improved collision detection. 6.General graphical fixes and improvements. 7.Various improvements and fixes regarding . 8.Added a new in-app billing package of 2,200,000 coins. 9.Items acquired through in-app billing now show their price on the button. 10.Daily Task no longer resets to Day 1 after completing Day 5, making Day 5 repeatable.
版本 V1.6.0.0 日期
1.Travel to Grannywood in a completely new area! 2.Meet Captain Cuddles, our brand new playable character! 3.A whole new costumes menu! 4.Hugely improved graphical quality! 5.Automatically adds your Achievements to Facebook! 6.Redesigned Level End menu 。 7.Fixed graphical issues。 8.Improved attack animations。 9.Improved pickup collision accuracy (no more missed coins!) 10.Mission data fixes。 11.A whole heap of little issues fixed!
版本 V1.5.1.3 日期
1.Meet the Barbarian! Our new playable character! 2.Added new Gem currency! 3.Added ability to continue after dying for gems! 4.Added two extra power-up upgrade slots! 5.Improved graphical quality. 6.Improved support for iPhone/iPod Touch devices. 7.Introduced late-game speed cap. 8.Fixed menu system related issues. 9.Fixed Facebook related issues. 10.Fixed Daily Task not contributing to Mission tasks. 11.Loads of little bug fixes!
游戏试玩视频: /player.php/sid/XNTU1OTgzMzM2/v.swf
iphone版 《愤怒的老奶奶玩跑酷》 Angry GranRun
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4.网侠QQ群:应用软件交流群: 手机游戏交流:【求助!】墓园一开始如何对抗地狱RUSH!_冠军对决吧_百度贴吧
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3楼 18:53&|来自
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