ndsl 游戏出现了“THIS IS A FAKE CARD”应该怎么办?

KeaWeather Board
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04-10- PMby
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05-30- PMby
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04-19- PMby
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09-11- PMby
Discuss South west Monsoon, Indian summers, Indian winters etcin here.
05-31- PMby
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05-31- AMby
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Sub Forums:
05-28- AMby
Rainfall data for all over India compiled and contributed by our KeaWeather member Pradeep John.
05-31- PMby
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05-12- PMby
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05-07- PMby BoyceNilsson
Discuss NEM, summer, SWM and winter of Chennai and TN only in this forum.
04-30- PMby
Discuss the weather in India in this board
03-27- PMby
World weather discussions in this board
02-25- PMby
Rainfall data, quizzes, earthquake reports all will be discussed here
04-01- AMby
Sub Forums:
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