
| , , 71-772-677, 46-2003-15
Dev by MYIP & design by Xart 黑ICP备号自然保育社第六次讀書會心得討論報告
&&&&& 晚上17:30~21:30
1. 第六次課程:分類、親源演化與國際自然保育團體和國際生物貿易組織。
2. 小組成員第六次報告,應翻譯一篇文章並且額外查詢物種相關資料與生態習性,並上台以ppt檔案進行口頭分享。
3. 第六次小組成員討論,就上台報告者之內容討論發問,並且擇一深度問題至下次讀書會討論回答。
Part 1. 課程內容,講者:曾文宣
A. 為何我們要學習分類學:就像我們不喜歡被人家叫做猩猩或被戲稱從黑猩猩演化而來一樣,地球上所有的生物都是有分門別類好的,牠們有獨一無二的學名和分類地位。再者,形形色色的生物有了分類階層後才能更有系統細地區分和學習,從最大範圍的域和界,慢慢地將圈圈縮小最後成為一個物種。另一方面更能透過階層性的分類來檢視不同生物之間的親緣關係,例如我們和黑猩猩同屬靈長目,但屬於不同科。最後分類學在現今人類過度破壞大自然的情況下越顯重要,在保育上也許我們原先認為是同一物種的生物共有1000隻,在最新的研究卻發現可能為三個物種,如此一來必定有其一或期二物種的數目少於300種,這樣牠們的保育地位就變得天差地遠了!因此學習分類學必是成功達成保育的關鍵之一。
B. 現今生物的簡易分類:可分成三域五界,真細菌域、古細菌域和真核生物域,原核生物界、原生生物界、植物界、真菌界和動物界。但原生生物界的分類較為複雜凌亂,包括了許多尚無法確切分類的物種。一般認為原生生物最早由真核生物中演化而來,接著再演變出植物界、真菌界和動物界。
C. 分類階層概念:階層越往上囊括越多物種,階層越往下則包含了越少物種。而越高階層的物種之間的親緣關係越疏遠,反隻越低階層生物之間則親緣關係較為接近。
D. 地球上有多少生物:自從林奈提出以二名法命名物種以來,經歷約250年的分類學研究,人類已描述約120萬種生物。其中僅佔海洋生物的9%,陸域淡水域生物的14%。由Camilo Mora團隊最新研究利用分類階層的數量趨勢,推估地球上有870萬種(740萬種-1000萬種)生物。脊椎動物推測以命名物種已佔推估所有脊椎動物物種的3/4;而無脊椎動物(由其是節肢動物門昆蟲綱)所命名的物種不超過1/5。但可惜的是現今物種的絕種速率已大幅超越我們發現新物種的速率,因此有很多新物種在我們還沒發現前就儼然從地球消失。
E. 遙遙無期的成果:以過去20年來的動物新種發表速率推算(平均每年發表6200種新種,平均每位分類學家一生平均發表24.8種新種),需要30.3萬名分類學家,以1200年的時間才能描述完地球上所有動物新種。而總金額需耗費3640億美元。
F. 林奈的二名法:屬名(第一字母需大寫,斜體)+種小名(形容詞,斜體)。形容詞可能為分布地區或是外貌特徵,例如Polypedates megacephalus,意為大頭的泛樹蛙。而亞種或是變種則會在種小名後再加入一個形容詞。另外例如Japalura swinhonis(Gunther,1864)的意思為在1864年由Gunther科學家命名的物種。
G. 種系發生學(phylogeny):藉由DNA最新分子技術建構各生物的親緣演化關係,可以從中得知不同物種之間的親緣關係,亦可以推估某物種是甚麼時候從哪個祖先分化而來的。例如由現今的種系發生研究普遍認為雖然稱做古細菌的生物卻比起真細菌域來得與我們真核生物的親緣關係較為接近。
H. 親緣演化關係樹(phylogeny tree):像是現今對生物所做的檢索表一樣,利用各個物種的分子DNA證據來檢視之間的親緣關係,從共同祖先開始逐次往下(指隨著時間越往現今)分化成各式各樣的物種。其中分化的時間點稱為節點node,上頭開始分化的則是共同祖先存在的時間。在樹枝末梢的則是各個物種或是尚未被往下細分的生物類群,稱為taxon。若兩個taxon的生物有最近的共同祖先,則稱這兩群生物為姐妹群sister taxa。而若一「群」生物在最近的共同祖先往下只有這一群生物則稱為單系群monophyletic group;反之若在最近共同祖先往下仍有其他生物則稱為多系群polyphyletic group。分類上若是某生物類群發現不為單系群(而為多系群),則代表現今的分類方是不合宜,需要重新分門別類,最完美的樹型應是每個節點後所有生物皆為單系群的生物。
I. 註解:從演化關係樹上有時可以看到數字在橫條上,其意思代表了有多少比率其後的生物是被歸類在同一個單系群。而將分類階層套用到樹上可以發現在甚麼時間開始出現了新的分類階層,例如從節點的時間可以推估食肉目在某百萬年前分化成貓科、犬科和貂科,而又可進一步得知犬科和貂科在與貓科分家後還有一個共同祖先。
J. IUCN:國際自然保護聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources),旨在保護大自然環境和野生動植物並且能與人類發展取得平衡解決辦法,是目前世界上最大的,最重要的世界性保護聯盟,是政府及非政府機構都能參與合作的少數幾個國際組織之一。其在1963年發布IUCN紅皮書,將現今生物的受威脅程度進行分級以利生物的永續發展。
J. IUCN red list:區分了九個受威脅級別,分別為絕種(EX,extinction)、野外滅絕(EW,extinction in the wild)、嚴重瀕危(CR,critically endangered)、瀕危(EN,endangered)、易危(VU,vulnerable)、近危(NT,near threatened)、無威脅(LC,least concern)、缺乏數據(DD,data deficient)、未評估(NE,not evaluated)。
K. CITES:華盛頓公約(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora),於1973年6月21日在美國華盛頓簽署,總共有134個締約國。目的在建立野生物輸出及輸入國間之合作管道,以確實預防及阻止公約指定物種之非法國際貿易行為。將貿易物種分為三類列於三個附錄之中,在寵物、藥材、植栽、實驗動物等市場中是個很重要的公約。
L. CITES三附錄:附錄一的物種為若再進行國際貿易會導致滅絕的動植物,明白規定禁止其國際性的交易;附錄二的物種則為目前無滅絕危機,僅管制其國際貿易的物種,但若仍面臨貿易壓力,族群量繼續降低,則將其升級入附錄一。附錄三是各國視其國內需要,區域性管制國際貿易的物種。各附錄物種之交易皆須合法申請許可證方能進行國際貿易,但CITES只負責管控國際非法交易,無法干涉各國內的國政,因此若是針對保育保護某國本地的物種則須仰賴其他的組織與團體來進行。
Part 2. 小組成員第六次報告(譯本請見附件)
Part 3. 第六次小組成員討論,問題一覽
Ans. 因為工業過度排放二氧化碳,造成植物無法負荷,所以有部分二氧化碳溶於水,會與水分子結合形成碳酸。碳酸溶於水會釋出氫離子和碳酸氫根離子或進一步解離成碳酸根離子,在水中游離。若以pH值表示水中氫離子濃度,pH值下降一單位,表示水中氫離子濃度增加10倍,代表酸性增強。海水pH值在8~8.3之間,呈微鹼性。吸收二氧化碳會造成水表面pH值下降。
Ans. 關於長江年齡的說法也是眾說紛紜,有人認為長江形成於距今4500萬年前,而中國學術界普遍認為長江形成於距今100萬至200萬年的更新世。過去科學家們研究長江往往從地理學、地貌學著手,研究過程中遇到一些困擾,比如地貌經過時代的變遷,沒有被完整保留下來。「我們換個思路,從地質學角度,採用比較先進和成熟的沉積物物源示蹤方法,研究長江中下游盆地沉積物的來源,從而判別長江上游的物質何時到達下游,間接指示了長江貫通東流的時限。」
c.王郁傑:Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris (文中介紹的器官)是否為弓頭鯨所獨有?
Ans. 搜尋了網路資料,此器官是前一陣子才第一次在弓頭鯨上被發現,因此其他已經做過詳細解剖學研究的鯨豚應該是沒有,但不能說只有弓頭鯨才有(可能有些尚未做過解剖學研究)。
Ans. 冰淇淋頭痛是鼻竇毛細血管受到忽冷忽熱的影響而發生的直接原因。低溫會導致鼻竇毛細血管的收縮,而後溫度回升會使鼻竇毛細血管再次急速擴張。上顎上的疼痛感受器感知此擴張並通過一條主要的面部神經&三叉神經傳回到大腦。該神經可以感覺面部疼痛,只要大腦將神經信號識別為來自額頭的痛感即可。這與心臟病發作時導致的牽涉痛是一樣的。冰淇淋頭痛可以同時在熱或冷的外界條件下發生。。
Ans. 【常綠闊葉林】海拔500~2000公尺的山區,氣候溫暖,溼度高,土壤肥沃,植物茂盛。主要組成是落葉樹與常綠闊葉樹,也就是亞熱帶中部終年常綠的闊葉型森林。台灣闊葉林之森林層次要比典型溫帶林複雜,充滿了各式各樣植物,昆蟲鳥類在比例上也較多,蝴蝶景觀是台灣闊葉林的重要生態特色,鳥類如白耳畫眉、深山竹雞、小鶯等。森林底層落葉堆積得厚,溼度溫度適合蕈類生長。台灣彌猴棲息於此。而不同地區的熱帶闊葉林森林的優勢樹種包括桑科、大戟科、茜草科等熱帶的類別,外觀呈現出熱帶雨林的部份特性,例如幹生花現象、兼具吸收養分與支持作用的支柱根、能增強根部固著作用的板根現象。其他森林中繁盛的天南星科植物、蕁麻科植物、蘭科植物、薑科植物與蕨類植物,包括有地生、著生與攀爬的種類,共同建構台灣熱帶林帶的景觀。
Ans. 螯蟹蘭並非是蜘蛛蘭的別名,而是蜘蛛蘭這類蘭花的分類屬名。
Ans. 食骨蠕蟲屬中目前有發現了五種種類。,上次報告的是Osedax mucofloris。牠屬於環節動物門、多毛綱、纓鰓蟲目、西伯加蟲科、食骨蠕蟲屬。一開始食骨蠕蟲被發現時,科學家們就發現這種蟲在不同性別上的形態差異非常大。上次的翻譯有提到在鯨魚骨頭上發現的都是雌性個體,這是因為雄性的食骨蠕蟲體型都小了許多。圖上面看到的這些都是雌性的食骨蠕蟲,他們會把自己埋在骨頭裡吸食膠原和脂質,留下外面很像花的管子在漂。被嵌在骨頭裡面的這部分會有很像根的結構,裡面住著幫助牠消化的共生細菌。另外雌性的食骨蠕蟲會利用質子幫浦來產生酸液滲透骨頭,把骨頭鑽孔後就會一直住在那裡不動,靠吸食骨頭的養分生活。
&&& 這學期自然保育社辦了一個讀書會:生態演化新知與生態保育近況討論及分享。讀書會的成員以翻譯外國的一些相關短文、分享並查閱補充相關資料為主。我在其中擔任導讀人的工作,並會適時的補充一些國內相關的訊息供同學們參考。一學期下來,我學到許多新知,而且同學在自然生態上的常識與知識,都有顯著的提昇。更難能可貴的是同學對生態保育問題方面的關注,大家因此都更關心臺灣這片土地上、自己生活週遭的有關的環境議題。這個讀書會,是由大四的前前任社長曾文宣同學擔任召集人,各年級的社員都人有加入。由學長帶領學弟妹學習,這是一個非常好的傳承方式。
&&& 雖然沒有下一次的讀書會討論了,但是經過了六次的讀書會相信在施行運作上有了很多的經驗,也非常能夠了解會遇到的狀況以及該如何去解決。由衷希望接下來學弟妹若想繼續施辦讀書會,必須要好好思考如何增加讀書會成員向心力這部分,也就是要怎麼做才能讓讀書會成員真得想要透過讀書會學點甚麼,利用讀書會的機會來好好學習,而不是由於活動所逼而難產出來的報告分享,否則學習的效果是很有限的。試著在挑選讀書會成員上先下功夫,要確定小組成員是真得想要學習,並且去了解他們對於參加讀書會的動機和願景,有這番考量之下更能去協調主題和施行方式,達到真正讀書會的學習效果。生態保育上的知識是永遠不枯竭的,這些知識若沒有人去消化、去分享,就不用還倘論保護牠們了!
The bowhead whale's been keeping a strange secret - a huge organ that chills its brain, detects its food and works a lot like a penis.
弓頭鯨(bowhead whale)藏著一個怪異的秘密,它有一個巨大的器官用來冷卻腦袋、偵測食物,而且運作方式像是陰莖。
When dissecting the mouths of bowhead whales, researchers noticed something strange. Each whale had a large rod of tissue (about 12 feet long) running down the centre of its palate. Cutting into this tissue released a deluge of blood - a disproportionate amount, in fact.&
Well, turns out this organ has a similar biological set-up to a penis. Mammalian penises are made up of a spongy tissue, which increases in size and becomes rigid when filled with blood. The organ in the bowhead whale's mouth - named the Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris - is made of similar spongy tissue.&
原來是這個器官與陰莖有相似的生物結構。哺乳類的陰莖由海綿體構成,當充滿血液時會變大變硬。在弓頭鯨嘴巴裡的這個器官,叫做(Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris),也是由相似的組織組成!
The first clue of this organ's purpose came from its surprising heat. Though the whales had died hours earlier, this organ was much warmer (sometimes as much as 12 degrees warmer). By pumping hot blood into this organ and opening its mouth, a bowhead whale can keep cool and draw heat away from its brain. It sounds strange to talk of the whale overheating, considering it lives in the Arctic ocean, but their round shape and huge amounts of blubber make this a real danger.
But the Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris has a second job - plankton detection. Bowheads feed by opening their mouths and swimming forward, a strategy requiring a lot of energy. This pays off if it catches a lot of plankton, but is very costly if it doesn't. As the new organ is packed with touch-sensitive nerves, it looks like its second function is to tell the whale whether it should stay feeding or cut its losses and shut its mouth.
但是Corpus Cavernosum Maxillaris有另外一項工作:偵測浮游生物。弓頭鯨藉由張開牠的大嘴並向前游動來捕食,這項策略必須消耗大量的能量。! 如果沒辦法,那代價是非常昂貴的!這個新的器官包含了許多感覺神經,似乎它的第二功能是告訴鯨魚現在是否應該繼續捕食,或是關上嘴巴以減少能量損失。
Source & Reference
Say hello to the sarcastic fringehead, a fish often suggested as &the inspiration for the Predator&.
With its mouth closed, the sarcastic fringehead (Neoclinus blanchardi) doesn't look like anything particularly special. It's about a foot (30 cm) long, a mottled brown colour and makes its home inside objects such as mollusc shells or litter, where it positions itself so that only its head is visible. But if something should stray too close it darts out and opens its cavernous maw. If this isn't enough, it starts biting with its needle-like teeth.
Being highly aggressive and quite solitary creatures, they don't take kindly to other sarcastic fringeheads invading their territory. If two are too close they display their huge mouths, sometimes making warning bites toward their competitor. If this doesn't solve the dispute (and it probably won't - they have quite poor eyesight), they mouth-wrestle. By forcing their mouths together they can find out who is the bigger fish.
If you're wondering where the name comes from, it's from the appendages above their eyes. Oh, and the sarcastic part refers to their aggression rather than any cruel wit. &Sarcastic& and &sarcasm& both have their root in the Greek word &&&&&&&?& (sarkasmos), meaning &to tear or rend flesh&.
若你在想他們的名字的由來,這是由於他們眼睛上方的附屬器官。哦,挖苦的部份使指他們的侵略性而不是他們殘忍的機智。&Sarcastic& and &sarcasm&都源自於希臘字&&&&&&&?& (sarkasmos),指的是撕裂或撕開肉體。
Source & Reference
Why do we walk upright? In essence, it&s a very basic question. But the answer is more complex than you might think&
The movement of early humans from an arboreal ifestyle to a terrestrial one seems logical. One hypothesis suggests that hominins were forced to move out of the trees because of climate change, which eroded the tree cover. However, recent research done at the University of York challenges this rather traditional view.
There are many good reasons to come down to earth. There are more opportunities to trap or hunt for prey. Rocky outcrops also gave better shelter and protection. The researchers say that the terrain in which the hominin found itself was steep and rugged. Bipedal motion allowed early man to effectively occupy this niche.
Bipedalism also had other benefits. It left the upper limbs free, which in turn led to increased manual dexterity and the development of tools. Furthermore, in response to the varied terrain into which they had moved, hominins developed better locomotor skills that enabled them to cover the uneven ground with ease. The terrain may also account for the development of advanced cognitive skills, such as navigation and communication.
&Our hypothesis offers a new, viable alternative to traditional vegetation or climate change hypotheses. It explains all the key processes in hominin evolution and offers a more convincing scenario than traditional hypotheses.&, said one of the researchers, Dr Isabelle Winder.
「我們的假設提供了除了傳統植物或氣候假設之外的新及可行的選擇。它解釋了在人類演化上所有關鍵的進程並且提供比起傳統假設更具有說服力的方案。」參與此研究的Isabelle Winder博士如是說到。
Source & Reference
Cat got your tongue, or is it Cymothoa exigua?
Parasites often alter their host's behaviour or appearance, but Cymothoa exigua goes one further - it is the only parasite known to replace an entire organ. Its unfortunate host is typically the rose spotted snapper, which it enters through the gills and lodges itself at the back of the mouth. It hooks its claws at the base of the tongue and interrupts the blood flow, consuming it instead. Due to the lack of blood the tongue atrophies and falls off, where the isopod parasite attaches itself to the remaining stub. It then &becomes& a functional tongue for the fish, able to be moved as the fish would have moved its original tongue.
Like most cymothoid isopods, C. exigua is a hermaphrodite. In one study females were only found in the mouth, whereas males could be found in the gills and the mouth (and in the mouth they were clinging to females, suggesting copulation). A small proportion of extremely unlucky fish were found with females as the tongue and males simultaneously occupying the gills. Despite the &organ-replacement& part, it doesn't appear C. exigua has other adverse effects on the fish.&
In case you were wondering (and we're sure it crossed your mind at some point), C. exigua does not affect humans. That said, don't pick one up - they deliver quite a nip.
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Just before a lobster can turn a sea hare into dinner, the hare squirts unpalatable purple ink and opaline into its would-be attacker's face. New research shows that this opaline deters lobsters by blocking its sense of smell.
For any hungry lobster, the soft slow-moving sea hare (genus Aplysia) looks like an excellent meal. But the sea hare has two chemical defenses: purple ink and a sticky white substance known as opaline. These chemicals (stored in separate glands and able to be squirted independently) form a last a line of defense for the sea hare. But how does opaline deter attackers?
To find out, researchers from Georgia State University (Atlanta, US) painted the antennules (the first pair of antennae and olfactory organs) of spiny lobsters with opaline mixtures. Each lobsters' chemosensory neuron activity was measured when it was presented with &shrimp juice& - water shredded shrimp had been immersed in for half an hour.
Each mixture yielded a different result. The neurons of lobsters painted with water-soluble but sticky opaline (deprived of the usual amino acids it contains) were greatly inhibited, whereas lobsters painted with the amino acids of opaline (but not in a sticky substance) reacted to the shrimp juice normally. Lobsters painted with carboxymethylcellulose (a substance that mimics opaline's stickiness) also couldn't detect the shrimp juice.
每一個混合物都產生了不同的結果。塗了水溶性但還是黏黏的opaline (去除掉所含的胺基酸)的龍蝦神經活性被大大的抑制,然而塗了含有原本胺基酸的opaline (不再黏黏的)的龍蝦神經會對蝦子汁做出正常反應。
The results indicate rather than overpowering the lobster's sense of smell, opaline's stickiness &inactivates& it. While the lobster tries to rid itself of the substance and restore its sense of smell the sea hare makes its escape. The team say it is the first experimental demonstration of sensory inactivation as a defense against predators.
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The most colorful tree in the world: The Rainbow Eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus deglupta).
The Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) or 'MINDANAO GUM' looks almost like it's been spray painted, but the up to 70-m tall tree is colored this way completely naturally. Its bark can take on a yellow, green, orange and even purple shading.
If you want to spot a Rainbow Eucalyptus tree live and in all its glory, you&ll have to travel to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea or Philippines where the tree grows natively. However, it has been introduced worldwide as an exotic wood in South America, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, China and other countries.
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The distorted-looking nose of the Saiga antelope (Saigatatarica) is probably its most distinctive feature, and it's thanks to this bulbous snout that Saigas can live in the dry plains and semi-deserts of Central Asian countries. In warm summers the nose filters the dusty air and in the cold winters it warms the air before it's breathed in. Saigas reach about 1-1.5 metres long and 0.8 at the shoulder, about the size of sheep.
When breeding seasons comes around, each Saiga male will attempt to create himself a harem of around 5-10 females. Intense fights (sometimes to the death) are fought for harems. Males devote their energy to protecting their harems, even at the expense of grazing, and as a result male mortality rates can reach over 90% simply due to exhaustion.
The Saiga is the only surviving member of its genus, and it's critically endangered today. Until the 1990s the total Saiga population was strong, reaching around a million individuals, but when the Soviet Union collapsed poaching became rife. The loss of large numbers of males, hunted for their horns (which are desired for - you guessed it - traditional Asian medicine), created a massive drop in birth rates and prevented the population recovering. Hopefully the programs which are in place today will allow Saiga populations to recover.
賽加羚羊是其屬的唯一倖存的成員,然而它們卻瀕臨滅絕。直到20世紀90年代塞加總人口是多量的,達到約一百萬隻,但是當蘇聯解散後偷獵蔚然成風。大量的雄性被獵殺因為他們的牛角(這些牛角被大量需要 - 你猜對了 - 亞洲傳統醫藥),創造了出生率大量下降和阻礙羊族數量恢復困難。希望有計畫能夠恢復賽加羚羊的數量。
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Though we often think of natural selection when we talk about evolution, there is also artificial selection: humans decide which plants and animals reproduce, depending on what characteristics humans find desirable.
The bloodhound is an excellent example of artificial selection. This breed of dog is one of the oldest scent hounds in the world. Its lineage can be traced back in Europe to before the time of the Crusades. Most believe the breed originated in Constantinople. The name &bloodhound& does not refer to the dog following a trail of blood. Instead, it refers to the fact that this hound's lineage was tightly controlled to produce an animal whose nose is so reliable, the evidence it finds stands in a court of law.
So how does the bloodhound track? The bloodhound has enlarged, sensitive scent membranes in its nose, containing 230 million olfactory cells (40x more than humans). It can distinguish smells at least a thousand times better than humans. The bloodhound's wrinkly face and long ears help trap and sweep up scents. It has poweful shoulders, which help it keep close to the ground and on a trail.........sometimes as far as 130 miles.
The nose is not the only characteristic that humans bred this dog for. The dog was also bred to have a desire to work. A dog with a good nose is useless to a human if the dog doesn't want to cooperate.
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Happy Mother&s Day everybody! (Really, though, we don&t need a special day to appreciate our mothers&)
The Giant Pacific Octopus makes the ultimate sacrifice for her children. They only breed once in their lives. After mating, the female Giant Pacific Octopus searches for a den in which she must lay her fertilized eggs. She is very picky and makes sure that it is as secure as possible. She lays up to 100,000 eggs, which hang in bunches from the sides of the den. These nutrient-rich eggs can be easy food for any sea creature.
So she protects them. For the next six months, the mother doesn't leave the den, not even to eat. While she stays there, she gently strokes the eggs to keep them clean and algae-free. Eventually, the ordeal takes a toll on her, and she dies. Her eggs eventually hatch into tiny, albeit fully developed baby octopi.
This behaviour is anomalous. Such acts of mothering are normally associated with social animals like mammals and birds. Usually, adult Giant Pacific Octopi are solitary and aggressive to one another. It is therefore, truly interesting that they display such maternal instinct.
So let your mother know you love her!
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Many of us are familiar with the unique mating rituals of birds. Birds of paradise, in particular, are famous for their strange and elaborate dances. Generally, a male performs a dance or has a display ready to woo a female. One male, one ritual, one female. But the blue-backed manakin (Chiroxiphia pareola) had to one up everyone.
相信大家對於鳥類擁有獨特的交配儀式並不陌生。其中最常被提及的就是天堂鳥那奇異又精緻的舞蹈。一般而言是由雄鳥跳舞或展示牠們已經做好追求異性的準備,通常是一個雄鳥用一種儀式,吸引單一雌性。但在藍背嬌鶲&(Chiroxiphia pareola) 就不是這麼一回事,追求者不但要會跳舞,還要成為舞王。
The blue-backed manakin can be found in the tropics of South America. It's a small bird, about 13cm long, but the male's black body and face, blue &cape& on its back, and red toupee, make it stand out. The female is mostly olive green. What makes this bird stand out from others is the way the male attracts a female: two males coordinate a dance to attract a female, which mates with only one of the males.
The males choose a branch (usually the same one, year after year), on which to dance. One male will jump into the air, while the other male scoots forward on the branch. When the first male lands on the branch, the second male jumps into the air, and they reverse roles. This creates a &cartwheel& type dance. When a female lands on their branch, the males dance facing her. If she chooses to mate, only the dominant male will mate with her. The other male will not mate until the dominant male dies and the lone male partners with another male and becomes the dominant male.
Only 6% of bird species use a lek mating system (in which males gather to display for females). Blue-backed manakins are even more unusual because the males don't just display near each other, they actually display together.
What does the submissive male gain from this arrangement? He doesn't get to mate, although he's working hard to display to females. Researchers are intrigued by the lek mating system, and there is a great deal of research into the advantages of the system.
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親屬選擇(Kin selection)在嬌鶲類的原始論文:
When you think of male deer fighting over females, you probably think of clashing antlers. After all, this is the way the majority of deer species do it. But water deer, or Hydropotesinermis (meaning &unarmed water-drinker) do things a little differently: when two males want to compete for territory, they stand together and swing their heads down to wound each other's neck and shoulders with their long canines. These fights can cause fairly serious wounds. When one male is defeated he lays his head on the ground, whereupon the victor stops the fight and chases the loser out of his territory.&
The water deer's features make it a very unusual member of the Cervidae family, with only muntjacs possessing similar teeth (though they have small antlers too). It also shares its strange appearance with musk deer (which belong to the family Moschidae), who also have tusks rather than antlers.
There are two subs the Chinese water deer (Hydropotesinermisinermis) and the Korean water deer (Hydropotesinermisargyropus). Importing and escapes have created a sizeable population of Chinese water deer in Britain. Water deer are relatively small in size, reaching a height of just over 65cm at the shoulder.&
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l.陳佳微, Endling-僅存者的悲哀
&Endling& might just be the loneliest term in the English language. An endling is the last member of a species or subspecies, and when this lone individual dies its species is extinct.
Several endlings have been recorded in recent times. Martha, the last passenger pigeon, died in 1914 in Cincinnatti Zoo, and she was frozen in a block of ice and sent to the Smithsonian Institution, where she sits (in a cupboard) today.She was the last of a species that had numbered several billion before Europeans arrived in&North America. Human actions are a oft-repeated theme in the story of endlings.
The animal in the photo is Benjamin, the last thylacine (or Tasmanian Tiger). Benjamin - who may have actually been female - lived out his days in Hobart Zoo. On the 7th of September, 1936, Benjamin died due to neglect. Other species endlings have included the last quagga and the Caspian tiger, though there are certainly more we don't know of.&
Perhaps the most well-known recent endling is the Pinta Island giant tortoise Lonesome George, who died on 24th June last year. George's status as anendling may
DNA from 17 hybrid tortoises indicates that they have some genetic material from George's subspecies. Given tortoises' long lifespans, the researchers have hope that the hybrids' parents may still be alive somewhere on the Gal&pagos islands. Unless these purebred specimens are found (if they are still alive), Lonesome George holds a special place as our most famous and recent
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&&&&& 晚上17:30~21:30
1. 第四次讀書會課程:爬蟲類概論
2. 小組成員第五次報告,應翻譯一篇文章並且額外查詢物種相關資料與生態習性,並上台以ppt檔案進行口頭分享。
3. 第五次小組成員討論,就上台報告者之內容討論發問,並且擇一深度問題至下次讀書會討論回答。
Part 1. 課程內容,講者:曾文宣
h.岌岌可危:科學家們在三月時發布藉由評估隨機抽出的1500種爬蟲類保育現況,估計全球爬蟲類已知的9084種約有19%受到滅絕的壓力。其中有12%歸類於極危(Critically Endangered),41%歸類於瀕危(Endangered),47%歸類於易危(Vulnerable)。主要的元凶當然是人類,除了棲地的破壞與過度開發影響甚劇外,蛇皮、鱷魚皮、龜板等動物性製品更是加重了物種滅絕的命運。另外對於爬蟲類的誤解也是因素之一。
&&& Part 2小組成員第五次報告(譯本請見附件)
Part 3第五次小組成員討論,問題一覽
Ans. 此種蠑螈名為Mount Lyell salamander,分布於北美的溫帶森林,淡水溫泉,岩石區,和洞穴。但是相較於我們提出的問題,在下面連結中的影片有稍為描述到,他是以腹部著外的方式滾動,所以可能是我們看錯。
Ans. 黑頭海蛇分布在熱帶及亞熱帶,南中國海附近,包括越南、中國廣東至浙江與及台灣海岸;澳洲及新幾內亞一帶的海域,澳洲北領地及西澳州沿岸;日本西南群島及沖繩島,有時也會順著對馬海流游至北海道。
Ans. Woolly Mammoth猛獁象,3,000到10,000年前絕種,復種最具代表性生物,其基因保存較為完整,但絕種時間距今甚久。
Gastric-Brooding Frog胃育蛙,分別有兩個不同物種的胃育蛙,南方胃育蛙(Rheobatrachussilus)和北方胃育蛙(Rheobatrachusvitellinus),兩個分別在 1973和1984被發現,但在1980年代中雙雙消失。
Passenger Pigeon旅鴿,十九世紀曾經以數十億隻數量飛行於北美洲的天空,然而在二十世紀歐洲人移入因被大量獵殺而滅絕。基因學家Ben Novak指出她可以從在博物館保存的旅鴿樣本中任意組織取出具有一半以上完整基因的細胞,而目前已有許多科學家投入旅鴿的復種行列。
Pyrenean Ibex庇里牛斯高地山羊,在2000年因為捕獵和與優勢動物競爭導致了滅種,在2009年庇里牛斯山羊細胞曾被複製成功,但只存活了幾分鐘的時間,但這卻是復種計畫的一個里程碑。
Carolina Parakeet卡羅來納鸚鵡,是美國東部唯一的一種原生鸚鵡,因為農業擴張和棲地破壞導致卡羅來納鸚鵡數量在十九世紀大量減少,最後一隻卡羅來納鸚鵡在1904年在佛羅里達州被殺。
Woolly Rhinoceros披毛犀(長毛犀牛),有許多辯論懷疑披毛犀的滅絕年代,但最常被接受的是在冰河時期大概10000年前左又消失。現今與之血緣最為相近的物種是極度瀕危的蘇門答臘犀牛。
Moa(Dinornisrobustus)恐鳥,是一種生活在紐西蘭巨大沒有飛行能力的鳥類,體重可達230 公斤。恐鳥在1400年逐漸開始消失,因為毛利人的獵殺和棲地遭農地瓜分和破壞等,最後在1850年代宣告絕種。
Thylacine(Tasmanian Tiger)袋狼(塔斯馬尼亞虎),20世紀初當時大批從英國移民而來的人們為了急速發展農業與畜牧業,除了造成袋狼大量棲地喪失外,飼養羊群的死亡亦嫁禍於這棲居此地萬年之久的本土生物(而事實上都是狗吃掉的)。於是政府在1888年下令懸賞獎勵獵捕袋狼的民眾,從1888年到1941年總計共有2268條袋狼遭到捕殺。最後一隻野生袋狼於1939年死與非命,而最後一隻動物園豢養的袋狼則在1948年死去,但是至今關於發現袋狼的消息仍時有耳聞。
Ans. 棲息在略有草叢的乾燥或半乾燥地區,喜歡開闊地。喜歡沙浴,會挖掘洞穴居住,夜行性,一晚覓食距離可達350公尺,食物包括種子、果實、葉、莖、芽和昆蟲等,有儲食行為,通常不喝水,而是利用晚上活動、從食物中獲得水分。族群密度每公頃3.5~17.5隻,通常單獨活動,有領域性,環境好的地區終年可生殖。
&&& 很開心這個學期有機會參與生態演化讀書會。雖然我一開始是以講師身份參加,但在整個過程中我卻比較像是學員的角色,我在這個讀書會中所學到的比給出的建議還要多得多。隨著一次又一次的讀書會,我們繼續翻譯來自國外的文章,每一位成員的興趣與翻譯文章主題都大相逕庭,但這也恰恰反映了現今國內外的生物多樣性,每一個報導都令人大開眼界。以導讀人的角度來說,我提供了討論時的邏輯思考方向,也因為我的專長,在分子遺傳方向也給了一些新研究的資訊。過程中也確實見證學員的報告有所進步,對於討論中可能有的提問也都做了一定程度的準備,這是相當值得高興的,也達成了讀書會最主要的目的。在學期初的心得中提到希望除了翻譯以外,我們也可以給一些台灣本地的生態資訊,或是實際參加生態保育活動。恰好讀書會後期開始有比較多保育相關的主題,部分成員就與&寶島淨鄉團&一同到香山濕地淨灘,和&荒野保護協會&一起幫青蛙過馬路;部分成員也開始關心並傳遞國內外瀕危物種的保育現況。一次一點點的改變,一次一點點的進步,累積起來的成果是相當可觀的。於是,讀書會成了一個契機,讓我們知道生態保育不只是專業人士、保育團體、生態學者們的任務,而是需要你、我以及身邊每個人的關注。能夠使來自不同學科專長的成員們,都能經由此讀書會喚起對於這塊土地的熱愛,這一點相當難能可貴。因此最後我想謝謝這次的籌辦人兼負責人&曾文宣,給予我們一個討論的機會與空間,讓我們對於生態、演化、保育有進一步的認識,也結識了一群志同道合的朋友們。無論是否有機會繼續接續此讀書會,我相信這次的經驗對於我還有其他成員們都是收獲豐碩,也相信我們的熱情能夠感動身邊更多的人來關心保育議題。
&&& 發現在讀書會的進行過程中有一個很大的問題,因為每次參予的人並不完全一樣,因此當報告者在回答問題時台下上次沒來的人就會不知道問題是甚麼,那種生物又是甚麼東西。也許因為這個原因讓讀書會小組成員討論的效益很有限,雖然在問問題時大家很踴躍很好奇想要了解更多,但是若在後來沒辦法得到答案的話,這樣的學習效果有待改進!
That intense pain, which quickly dissipates, is caused by the dilation and contraction of the internal carotid artery and the anterior cerebral artery when the cold drink/ice cream cools the blood at the back of your mouth. Cold blood equals angry brain.
Your brain can't actually feel pain, but the meninges (the outer covering of your brain) has receptors that interpret&the contraction and dilation as pain.
Why are brain freezes important? Because they help scientists understand headaches. Researchers can't give headaches to people just to see what will happen (most people would rather avoid a headache, after all), but brain freezes are quick, easy, and not likely to cause any damage. So
just say it's for science.
Source & Reference
Shellfish have become a popular seafood dish, but their popularity rests on a tragedy.
The collapse of the cod and haddock industries in the UK, USA, and Canada was devastating to fishermen, but shellfish have risen to become the number one marine resource. Why? Cod and haddock are predators, and without predators, the shellfish population has boomed.
This sounds like good news: the fishing industry has continued by relying on booming populations of tasty shellfish. There are significant problems with this scenario, however.
First, shellfish are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification from global climate change. Ocean acidification interferes with proper shell formation. Remember DDT's affect on eggshells? Well, a scallop doesn't do well with a weak shell either.
Second, relying on shellfish is like relying on monoculture agriculture: if something goes wrong, it really goes wrong. An ecosystem without predators is at risk of disease and species invasion in the long term.
The Black Sea, Baltic, and west coast of Africa have already seen the result of an ocean without predators: the loss of large predators in these areas have led to jellyfish explosions. Oxygen depletion and large quantities of hydrogen sulphide have destroyed the local ecosystems.
Professor Callum Roberts says &We need more marine protected areas to stop our seas from becoming a wasteland and to restore the diversity and productivity of fisheries well into the future.&
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The Walking Dead. Based on a true story.
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, also known as cordyceps, is a type of fungus that infects insects and takes over their nervous systems. The method with which they take control of nervous systems is still a mystery to science. However, the repercussions of such an infection are all too clear.
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis(偏側蛇蟲草菌),又稱「蟲草」,是一種會感染昆蟲並接管牠們神經系統的一種真菌。這種真菌是如何控制神經系統至今仍是科學界裡的一個謎。但是這樣感染的結果被研究、觀察地很透徹。
Carpenter Ants, for example, live in the canopy of the tropical rainforest. They frequently forage for food on the forest floor. Unfortunately, this is where the cordyceps fungus proliferates. A new study shows that the fungus prefers to grow on &the undersides of leaves sprouting from the northwest side of plants that grow on the forest floor& This places it in an ideal position to grow and release its spores to infect ants. Here's how the fungus gets there in the first place.
When an ant is infected by cordyceps, it undergoes a series of behavioural changes. The fungus forces the ant to climb down from the canopy to the low leaves where the cordyceps prefers to grow. Just before dying, the ant will use its mandibles to bite down on the leaf to secure itself.
After the zombie ant dies, the fungus digests the insides of the ant to get nutrition for growth. It&s interesting to note that the cordyceps avoids digesting the muscles controlling the ant&s mandibles. These muscles are the ones that keep the ant attached to the surface. The outer husk of the ant is also left unharmed. The cordyceps uses this as a physical armor to protect against microbes and other fungi.
在殭屍螞蟻死去之後,真菌會消化螞蟻的身體內部來獲得成長的營養。注意到有趣的是這些蟲草會避免消化到控制下頜骨的肌肉。這些肌肉的功能是使螞蟻能夠維持緊貼在葉子表面上。螞蟻的外骨骼結構也不會被蟲草侵蝕。 蟲草利用了這些物理裝甲來防護其他微生物或真菌的入侵。
The fruiting body of the cordyceps will then erupt from the ants head, slowly growing longer until it matures, after which it will release the spores, which seek new hosts. Any ant in the vicinity of this event risks infection.
A single ant infection is a threat to the whole colony. As such, ant colonies go out of their way to avoid an epidemic. Worker ants will often carry an infected ant far away from where the colony forages to prevent the spread of the fungus. The fact that Carpenter Ants live in the canopy of the rainforest may be a strategy to escape the infection.
Cordyceps does not exclusively target Carpenter Ants. There are many different types of Cordyceps fungi that can infect many different insects, including moths, grasshoppers and many more.
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After its death, a whale's remains play host to a strange ecosystem that we know very little about. For the first time, scientists have discovered a whale skeleton on the Antarctic seafloor and with it, 9 new species.
When a whale dies, its body sinks to its final resting place (known as a whale fall). The size and depth of the oceans mean you'll only find one if you happen to be right above it with an underwater vehicle and as such only six natural whale falls have been found. The bones of this southern Minke whale, located nearly a mile under the Antarctic surface, provide an important insight into how the ocean recycles its giants.
當鯨魚死掉後,牠的身體會沉到海底,這個過程又叫作whale fall。除非你剛好在鯨魚屍體的正上方並且剛好有水下的載具,你才能在遼闊的海洋中找到鯨魚屍體,所以目前只有發現六個天然的whale falls。這隻南極小鬚鯨的骨頭位於南極地底深約一英哩的地方,可以看出海洋是如何將這龐然大物回收再利用。
A whale's carcass is stripped relatively quickly - due to scavengers and decomposition, after a very short time almost all that will remain of the whale will be its bones. For some organisms, these are enough. Despite the Minke bones being decades old, the team found corals, snails, worms, limpets and new species of isopods (woodlouse-like arthropods) and &zombie worms& on them.
This discovery comes shortly after another study revealed more about the development of the bone-eating zombie worms (of the genus Osedax). They feed by excreting acid onto the bone, boring a hole (rather than being whale specialists, they seem to eat all vertebrate bones). Six weeks after finding bones the females mature and then continuously release eggs, fertilized by the diminutive males. After hatching the microscopic larvae can swim for 10 days to find a carcass of their very own.
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Osedax mucofloris (literally &bone-eating snot-flower&) dissected from whale bone.
照片中是從鯨魚骨頭中解剖出來的Osedax mucofloris,字面上的意思為吃骨頭的鼻涕花。
New research on bone-eating zombie worms raises as many questions as it answers...
Zombie worms (scientifically known as members of the genus Osedax) have an important role in marine ecosystems. When whales and other vertebrates die they are one of many organisms that live off the carcass, occupying the very rare niche of living off the bones. &Bone-eater& is the literal meaning of Osedax.
To get to the juicy nutrients locked inside the skeleton, the worms dissolve the bones using acid. This acid, produced by their skin, is created by proton pumps at the front of the worm. When the bone is dissolved, it's thought the worms absorb the released collagen and lipids. Intriguingly, the worms' acid is almost identical to the acid produced by osteoclasts - cells that break down bone so it can be reabsorbed and rebuilt.
It's all very well saying these worms live off bone, but how? Not only do they not have mouths, they also have no digestive system. It's not yet known how they &digest& the nutrients they release. It's likely the bacteria that live in the worm play a role, and some evidence has suggested the bacteria break the collagen down into other compounds which are then absorbed by the worm.
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Orcinus orca, commonly known as the Killer Whale, is the largest species of dolphin in the world. The dorsal fin alone can grow to be taller than an adult human. Despite their size, they are by no means slow or stupid. They can reach 55km/h underwater and employ incredibly smart tactics when hunting. They are amongst the only animals that will hunt and eat whales. Killer Whales are known to beach&themselves on purpose (a dangerous maneuvre) to catch their prey by surprise. Once the prey is caught, they do not kill them immediately, but bring them back for their children to practice hunting with.
They have long lives. Whilst male Killer Whales only live to their 50s, female Killer Whales can survive well into their 90s. Yet, they are unable to reproduce after their 30s and 40s. This equates to them having the longest menopause of any non-human species. The reason for their obscenely long menopause was unknown until quite recently. As it turns out, the mother is able to care for her adult children well after menopause. A study shows that in the absence of a mother, the likelihood of death for the adult son increases 14 times. In the words of Dr Dan Franks, &Our analysis shows that male killer whales are pretty much mommy's boys and struggle to survive without their mother's help.&
It's interesting that while humans have evolved menopause to allow for women to care for their grandchildren, female killer whales only seem to care for their own offspring.
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Previously, it was hypothesized that iron-rich cells in pigeon beaks helped them to orientate themselves to the Earth&s magnetic field. However, research done by the Keays lab at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna showed that they were really just blood cells, which naturally contain iron.
However, further studies done by the same lab have resulted&in the discovery of microscopic balls of iron in the sensory neurons of birds. These iron balls are found in all birds, be it flightless or not. The sensory neurons in which they are present, are known as &hair cells&. These hair cells are used to detect sound and gravity. The presence of these iron balls in these sensory neurons is a truly exciting revelation. However, it is not confirmed that these iron balls are the magnetoreceptors that help birds orientate themselves to magnetic fields.
但是,同個實驗室的最新研究指出,他們在鳥類的感覺神經元中發現微米級的小鐵球。這些小鐵球在鳥類中普遍存在,無論牠們是否會飛行。含有這些鐵球的細胞就是我們所說的毛細胞,在體內是用於感受聽覺與重力(平衡)。雖然目前還沒有證據顯示感覺神經元內的鐵球與使用地磁導航有直接關聯,但是這些小鐵球的發現無疑 是個令人興奮的啓示。
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Most of us have met identical twins and we understand that though they may be genetically identical, they are two unique individuals. But how can two people who share the same genes and the same environment be so different?
Researchers are intrigued by identical twins because they bring up the old nature vs. nurture dilemma. However testing human identical twins in a laboratory setting isn't possible. That's where mice come in.
學者們一直以來都為同卵雙生雙胞胎的異同感到好奇,這樣的差異也回歸到了&先天 vs. 後天&影響個體的老問題。我們無法在研究上直接對同卵雙生雙胞胎的人類進行實驗,但是我們可以使用其他的生物做為實驗平台,實驗用小鼠就是一個例子。
Researchers, led by Gerd Kempermann of the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden in Germany, studied 40 genetically identical female mice. They placed the mice in identical mazes and studied how much the mice explored. Later on, the researchers cross sectioned the mice brains and looked at the differences in the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for navigation and memory) between mice. The resear


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