america s army's Army 3美国陆军3这个游戏好不好玩

战地系列任意一个,反恐精英,美国陆军(免费),老滚五,魔岩山传说,魔多阴影,炉石传说(免费),时What are your favorite PC games?你最喜欢的电脑游戏是哪个?
评论翻译:Aniruddh Bhatkal, Love gaming but not an avid Gamer. Have to pick it by genre. 1.Sci fi
action and adventure Game. Mass effect 3. Before interstellar showed us one way of interstellar travel, we had the Mass effect. In the mid to late 22nd century, humanity finds a technology of a lost civilization that allows them to build ships that can travel from one corner of the galaxy to another in minutes. They use this technology to join a galactic society which is built around this technology. Yeah the tech is mass effect. Problem is that the aliens who created mass effect technology are extinct, and no one knows what happened to them. The answer is an ancient race of alien robots hiding in the dark space between galaxies. The galaxy is so horrified that they spend years denying their existence (I.e. throughout the course of ME 1 & 2, where you're on your own). In 3 the machines attack, and you are suddenly the last hope of the galaxy. 我通过类型来选取 1.科幻动作冒险游戏。3,在航天学向我们展示星际航行之前,我们有质量效应。在22世纪中后期,人类发现了一个失落文明的技术(),让人们建造的飞船可以几分钟内从星系的一边到另一边。人们通过使用这种技术加入了建立在这种技术之上的银河社会。对,这个技术就是质量效应。问题是创造了质量效应技术的文明灭绝了,没人知道发生了什么。答案是一个古老的外星机械种族躲在星系之间的暗区里,整个震惊无比,他们花费数年来否认它们的存在。(质量效应1代2代穿插了整个过程,你要靠你自己了)在第三代机器人大举入侵了,你突然成为了银河系最后的希望。
2.Real Time Strategy. Age of Empires 2: the Forgotten. Everyone has heard of AoE by now. AoE 2 the conquerors is practically a benchmark for all RTS games. The Forgotten Empires was a fan mod which became official after the. Eta release, and the new, revamped game is unbeatable. 2.即时战略。帝国时代2被遗忘的帝国.现在人人都听说过帝国时代系列。帝国时代2征服者几乎是所有即时战略游戏的标杆。被遗忘的帝国本来是个玩家MOD后来变成了官方DLC。由Eta发行,新游戏是无与伦比的。
3.Turn based strategy. Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Turn based is like chess. As the name suggests, actions are turn based. But difference is that you get to move ALL pieces on the adventure map before your turn ends. Several screens. Adventure screen is where you expand your influence, gaining control of mines and camps and gathering resources. The town screen is where you build up your towns, one structure every turn. The battle screen is where players fight, against other players or unaligned bandits. Losing army wiped off the map. Here, too, battle takes place one stack at a time, with fastest stacks moving first. Heroes 3 is amazing. I love all Games from the series in this order. 3,5,4,6,2,1. 3.策略战棋游戏。英雄无敌3.类似国际象棋那种回合制。顾名思义,走步是基础。但不同的是,在你回合结束前你得把你所有界面上的步骤弄完。多种界面。探险界面你需要扩张你的影响力,控制矿山营地并收集资源。城市界面你需要建设你的城镇,每回合一个建筑。战斗界面中玩家们战斗,攻击其他玩家或者野怪。战败则军队从地图上被抹去。同样的,战斗一次动一个兵种,谁的速度快谁先走。英雄无敌3是惊艳的,我喜欢这个游戏系列的顺序是354621。
4.Historical fiction / action adventure. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. After his journey for revenge across Italy in Assassin's Creed 2, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze must save Rome from the excesses of his enemies the templars, now led by the unpredictable Cesare Borgia. 4.历史题材动作冒险类。刺客信条之兄弟会。在他在刺客信条2代中纵横意大利的复仇之旅后,艾吉奥·奥迪托雷必须从老谋深算的博尔吉亚领导的圣殿骑士手中拯救罗马。
5.RPG. Dragon Age Origins. My favorite RPG, narrowly defeating Knights of the Old Republic 2: the Sith lords. Simple enough game. Start as one character hailing from one in six origins. You are effectively kicked out of your home and are to join the Greg Wardens. These warriors live to fight the monstrous darkspawn. The spawn are moving to the surface from their underground lairs under the command of a dreaded archdemon and a new Blight stands ready to begin. When the goes horribly wrong, you must unite the fragmented nation of Ferelden in order to save it.
The latest one, Dragon Age (3) Inquisition, would've been my favorite if it had been sold in India. Thank you, stupid Indian laws!!!! 5.角色扮演类。龙腾世纪之起源。我最喜欢的RPG,以微弱优势击败了旧共和国武士2:西斯领主。足够简单的游戏。你的起点是一个生于六大起源之一的角色。你被强制扫地出门然后加入了格雷格守卫。这些勇士生来与巨大的怪物战斗。怪物们在大恶魔的指挥下从地下巢穴向地表进发,瘟疫山雨欲来。当可怕的事情来临,你必须团结支离破碎的国家去拯救世界。 最后一个,龙腾世纪3审判。如果能在印度出售的话将是我的最爱,愚蠢的印度法律!
Fernando Georgiou, Secondary school student in the UK Some of my favourite games are: Team fortress 2 Assassins creed series (including unity) Minecraft Payday 2 GTA v Watch dogs Middle earth - shadow of modor Kerbal space programme我最喜欢的游戏是这些: 军团要塞2,刺客信条系列(包括Unity),我的世界,收获日2,侠盗猎车手5,中土世界-魔多阴影,看门狗,坎巴拉太空计划。
Brett Schroder, Radar,Wafer Fab, IT & EE Tech/ Electrician/ PC Builder & Gamer BattleField - Any of them Counter-Strike America's Army (Free) Skyrim Grimrock Shadow of Mordor Hearthstone (Free) Rift (Free) 战地系列任意一个,反恐精英,美国陆军(免费),老滚五,魔岩山传说,魔多阴影,炉石传说(免费),时空裂痕(免费)
Tushar Turkar FPS : Counter Strike (any and all versions) RPG : Skyrim (my current indulgence) Stealth : Assassin's Creed (I liked revelation the best); Batman: Arkham City (go Batman!!); Hitman
射击游戏:反恐精英(所有版本) RPG:上古卷轴天际(我现在的嗜好) 动作类:刺客信条(我最喜欢启示录)蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆城(上吧蝙蝠侠!)杀手:代号47
Tim Hodgson, Playing Video Games since 1977 I still play all of these occasionally... Diablo 1,2,3 TF2 Civ 2-5 Defense Grid 1 & 2 我依旧偶尔玩玩这些: 暗黑破坏神1,2,3 军团要塞2 文明2~5 防御阵型1和2
Febin Sunny, PC gamer. Command and Conquer series(Tiberium Arc, not a fan of Generals). GTA series. NFSMW(Played both, likes the 2005 one better even now) :D 命令与征服系列(泰伯利亚,我不喜欢将军那代) 侠盗猎车手系列 极品飞车:最高通缉(都玩了,现在为止更喜欢2005那版)
Kakashi Malav Gupta, player Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a multiplayer online battle arena mod for the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the &Aeon of Strife& map for StarCraft. The scenario objective is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancient, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission Why I like it? 1. Teaches you teamwork- no matter how strong you are, you are nothing without your team 2. Patience- Slowly and gradually you will earn gold
3. Skills- Everything is about skills, no one is strong or weak, it all depends on your skills. 4. Strategy - Requires a lot of strategy to build your items and destroy the opponents. 5. Many characters to play with and many items to build. 守卫遗迹(DOTA)是多人在线竞技游戏,是电脑游戏魔兽争霸3混乱之治和他的资料片冰封王座的一个MOD。基于星际争霸的万世浩劫地图。游戏的目标是地图双方摧毁对方的远古遗迹和各个角落的防御塔。玩家操控强大的英雄,和同阵营的辅助英雄还有AI控制的战士一起。同角色扮演类游戏一样,游戏中玩家升级他们的英雄并使用金币购买装备。 为什么我喜欢DOTA? 1.教给我们团队协作-无论你多强,脱离了团队你什么都不是。 2.耐心-你得缓慢逐步的获得金币 3.技巧-所有事都需要技巧,没有最强的英雄只有最强的玩家 4.策略-你需要很多的策略来选择你的装备以及消灭对手 5.许多英雄可选,许多装备可以合成。【完】
开发公司:america's army
发行公司:america's army
英文名称:america's army 3
游戏介绍美国军方在《美国陆军》这款游戏获得成功之后,便以此为基础成立了军方专属的游戏开发公司。日前美国军方于对外宣布将会推出第三部军事训练游戏《美国陆军3》(America's Army 3),这将会是美国军方系列射击训练游戏之一, 《美国陆军3》只有PC版,与美军之前推出的相关游戏一样,这款游戏同样也是免费下载以及免费试玩,不过其中肯定有部分游戏将不会让外界玩家接触。 ...
开发公司:america's army
发行公司:america's army
英文名称:america's army 3
游戏介绍美国军方在《美国陆军》这款游戏获得成功之后,便以此为基础成立了军方专属的游戏开发公司。日前美国军方于对外宣布将会推出第三部军事训练游戏《美国陆军3》(America's Army 3),这将会是美国军方系列射击训练游戏之一, 《美国陆军3》只有PC版,与美军之前推出的相关游戏一样,这款游戏同样也是免费下载以及免费试玩,不过其中肯定有部分游戏将不会让外界玩家接触。 ...


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