windows7能玩围攻besiege中文版,也就是围攻吗? 在steam上看只能xp玩。

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交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限140UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间326 小时
UID积分2487帖子精华0浮云11 猥币3042 汽油0
本帖最后由 xujunfeng143 于
10:40 编辑
  游戏名称:围攻  英文名称:Besiege  游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏  游戏制作:Spiderling  游戏发行:Spiderling  游戏平台:PC  发售时间:2015年
  游戏介绍:  《围攻Besiege》是steam青睐之光中的独立游戏作品之一,虽然是战争攻城题材,但是画面十分清新,不少玩家都是被画面所吸引。游戏集成了最新的破解补丁+简体中文汉化补丁1.0资源,围攻Besiege中文版需要大家自定义攻城战车来进行战斗,可以充分发挥自己的想象力。  《围攻Besiege》对于某些破坏欲较强的玩家,这款游戏是个不错的选择。游戏虽然小,但是做的一点都不马虎,各种类型的零配件我们都可以看到。  《围攻Besiege》采用了非常棒的物理引擎,虽然目前游戏还只是测试阶段,模式比较单调,超高的自由度依旧可以让玩家玩的不亦乐乎。玩家在游戏中任意建造一个攻城机器,摧毁系统给出的目标即可。组建攻城机器的零部件在左下方显示,玩家可以发挥自己的想象随意建造。建造完毕后点击左上角的三角按钮,我们就可以观赏机器摧毁房屋的宏伟场景了。
  配置要求:  操作系统:Windows XP/Vista/7/8  DX:DirectX 9c  处理器:1 GHz  内存:1 GB RAM
  安装信息:  1. 解压缩  2. 运行游戏
  相关推荐:  》围攻Besiege 汉化补丁1.0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限40UID1933415帖子狩魂0 在线时间22 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 590, 距离下一级还需 410 积分
UID1933415积分590帖子精华0浮云0 猥币2842 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间1 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 3, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
UID积分3帖子精华0浮云0 猥币11 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 38 积分
UID积分12帖子精华0浮云0 猥币59 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 12, 距离下一级还需 38 积分
UID积分12帖子精华0浮云0 猥币59 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 49 积分
UID积分1帖子精华0浮云0 猥币5 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 45 积分
UID积分5帖子精华0浮云0 猥币26 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID1946423帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 48 积分
UID1946423积分2帖子精华0浮云0 猥币7 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID1946423帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 48 积分
UID1946423积分2帖子精华0浮云0 猥币7 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID1946423帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 48 积分
UID1946423积分2帖子精华0浮云0 猥币7 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID1205194帖子狩魂0 在线时间4 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 328, 距离下一级还需 172 积分
UID1205194积分328帖子精华0浮云0 猥币1627 汽油0
感觉好有趣的说& &感觉要死好多脑细胞
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限30UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间51 小时
猥乎其微 Lv.3, 积分 311, 距离下一级还需 189 积分
UID积分311帖子精华0浮云10 猥币1185 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 1, 距离下一级还需 49 积分
UID积分1帖子精华0浮云0 猥币3 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID6544404帖子狩魂0 在线时间0 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 11, 距离下一级还需 39 积分
UID6544404积分11帖子精华0浮云0 猥币54 汽油0
交易诚信度0 最后登录注册时间阅读权限1UID帖子狩魂0 在线时间1 小时
猥时尚早 Lv.1, 积分 3, 距离下一级还需 47 积分
UID积分3帖子精华0浮云0 猥币12 汽油0
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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Early Access essentially puts us in dialogue with the community and the players. We want Besiege to be easy to access, and we would like to involve and address player feedback as the game progresses. Also, we really love to see how far everyone can push the building mechanics, and we want to be able to respond to the crazy methods people are discovering that we weren't even aware of!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We aren't entirely sure how long it will take to release the game in its finished form. A rough and cautious estimate would be 1.5 - 2 years from now until version 1.0. We don't want to say any earlier than that!&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&The full version will contain many more levels, in the form of islands to conquer. These islands will have different aesthetics and will feature objective types not found in the current Alpha, hopefully encouraging different tactics! If all goes to plan, the final game should boast more variety. As well as this, there will be more building pieces to utilise, potentially a level editor, and more expansive creation and sandbox options. The final game will also hopefully be significantly more polished than what it is currently!&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
Early Access version contains 15 levels, comprising the kingdom of Ipsilon. There is a sand-box level to test creations and in any given level you can disable all limitations, allowing for experimentation. There is also a time-dilation dial, allowing the game to be viewed in slowmotion, or at 2X the normal speed. There is also a broad suite of building tools and pieces, including flying pieces, flamethrowers, cannons, contractible springs, axels, detachable joints, explosives and much more. You can also save and load machines in any given level.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&We are going to scale the price with the amount of content available. So as more features, game modes and levels are added we will add to the cost incrementally. We hope that players will feel they paid the appropriate price for the amount of content available at any given stage of the games development.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We are already being surprised by what people are constructing and discovering. It is quite amazing, and we want to expand and address features that the community finds or wants. For example, some members of the community are building an immense Siege Walker type thing – we never even realised this was possible. We want to facilitate such creativity, so we will be constantly looking toward what everyone is doing!&
Buy Besiege
$6.99 USD
Recommended By Curators
"Don't let the polish fool you, this is an early access game. Nevertheless, for the janky physics enthusiast Besiege holds much promise for the price."
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About This Game
Besiege is a physics based building game in which you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to immense fortresses and peaceful hamlets. Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources, defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal. Create a trundling behemoth, or take clumsily to the skies, and cause carnage in fully destructible environments. Ultimately, you must conquer every Kingdom by crippling their castles and killing their men and livestock, in as creative or clinical a manner as possible!
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP (latest SP)
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 1 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
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247 people found this review funny
56.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Why not a flying aircraft carrier of pure destruction ? I love the possibilities of this game...
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1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Decided (stupidly) to try and make a bog standard battering ram, it crumbled after the slightest impact, I then created a death machine with powers comparable to the death star.Morale of the story?when in doubt, get the guns out.
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4.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
My machine didn't complete the objective, and I don't know why.My machine completed the objective, and I don't know why.10/10
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15 people found this review funny
1.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Besiege is a physics based building game where you create all kinds of crazy medieval siege engines to complete objectives ranging from delivering wood to slaughtering sheep. You want a flying block of flamethrowers? Go for it. You want a giant trebuchet? Go for it. You want to make a p*nis? You naughty little so and so, go for it anyway.+Nice graphics and simplistic level design suit the game well+The possibilites of what you can make are endless+The sandbox mode provides a great way of creating and testing different ideas+Cheap and great value for money+Physics are pretty realistic+Variety of different mission objectives as previously mentioned+A lot of parts to choose from ranging from simple to use blocks to more complex components+The game has a very basic tutorial which forces you to learn more complex things for yourself encouraging trial and error therefore increasing play-time+Doesn't require high performance to be playable as long as you use the timescale settings-There are only fifteen missions at the moment and I can't find any timescale for them implementing all of the missions which are currently unavailable in the game-No Steamworks features-The turning mechanic doesn't feel right and is sometimes quite clunkyVerdict:8A great physics based builder that's worth the small asking price despite the current lack of content.Want more? Check out my El K.
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18.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Tried to make a rocket that would get shot up in the air by millions of bombs beneath it.It stood nice and firm on the ground and in the blink of an eye my camera was up several kilometres in the air with burning pieces of my space voyager raining down destroying everything on sandbox in an infernal apocalyptic fire.1000/10
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60 people found this review funny
18.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Since the dawn of video gaming, we've all experienced the most satisfying kills, the most satisfying slaughterings... Years ago, when my journey started, I remember being told to conquer the enemy armies of elves, undead, orcs... And I clicked. I clicked on sheeps. The jubilation of sheep exploding due to the sheer force of my hundred clicks. Now this game... This game is heaven. There's hundreds of sheeps! And your clicks have evolved into a builder with only your imagination limiting the ways of magnificent destruction you can unleash on those sheep. 10/10, I'll go back to thinking of ways to destroy sheep.
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86 people found this review funny
4.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Besiege is more promising in Early Access than most beta games I've seen, and cheaper.I would happily pay 15$ for this game.Possibilities are near endless, even this early on, theres so many things you can make, and mess around with. Building is easy enough, and simple controls make this easy to pick up and play.Oh andI Made a flying swastika of saw blades and flamethrowers.11/10
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23.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
For $7, this game contains more fun, challenge and longevity than most $50 games out there.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is alot of fun even in early access. I will say this though to people gassing up the early access content, this game still needs work. I personally would see a benefit in having a tutorial, or atleast a brief description of what all the parts do as well as their interactions when conjoined. What else can I say besides that, this game has alot of potential and hopefully the devs will include a tutorial. If they choose not to, I would look at it as a big mistake. I hope this game heads in the right direction.
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6.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I've literally spent the last 1,5 hours experimenting with the perfect wheel drive method. No cannons, no bombs... just the chassis. If you haven't bought this game yet, then for Gods sake, RUN! It's more addicthive than heroin. Basically it's infinite LEGO. With gore. And sheep. 498/10 Would break the axle over and over again.
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2.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
What I expected:Slingshot Simulator 2015What I got:I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
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5.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I am played 5h. and I ????in' love this game! dead sheep/10
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1.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
10/10Just watch this
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5.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
your creative = the play time for this gameit can be unlimited
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2.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I never thought that i could laugh for this game, but i did.Buy the game, build something that even Hitler would have been afraid of it, and smash 'em all
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6.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Gameplay video & Thoughts below:Besiege is a beautiful blend of pyshics and puzzle elements in one simple formula. At first you build relatively simple siege engines to solve most problems. Eventually however you begin to try more and more things. For the amount of items you can use to create your weapons of destruction its astonishing what you can create. When I bought this game I lost all my spare time over a weekend. Loved every second! Can not wait for even more parts to play with.
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18 people found this review funny
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
No Radio towers
to unlock S***GOTY 11/10
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3.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm very impressed with this game.. It's so early on and the UI is wonderful.
No matter what type of computer you have I feel this will run very smoothly.
If you love building games like minecraft you'll love this.
If you have a creative mind that wants to destory sheep and outfit armor to defend against an arrow storm that will blot out the sun, then you'll want this game.
I really hope this dev opens up mods for steam users to create.
I really hope there is a multiplayer mode that opens up on this game.. It have a lot of potential.
It's a Must buy.
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17.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
manifest you most dark desire of medieval siege warfare in world where insanity prevails!sheep are suicidal and royal army is mindless zealots will test mettle of your machines and imagination. dare!
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3.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Just can't wait for the full version!!
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Title: Besiege
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 28 Jan, 2015
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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阿童木围攻:外星人攻击Astro Boy Siege是一款以阿童木为主角的塔防类手机游戏。玩家将扮演阿童木拯救地球,阻止外星人和机器人的入侵。和阿童木的小伙伴们也一起加入战斗吧!
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