打开udietoo时白屏,并且退出时java memory leakk 怎么办

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In , a memory leak is a type of
that occurs when a
incorrectly manages
in such a way that memory which is no longer needed is not released. In , a memory leak may happen when an
is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code. A memory leak has symptoms similar to a number of other problems and generally can only be diagnosed by a programmer with access to the program's source code.
Because they can exhaust available system memory as an application runs, memory leaks are often the cause of or a contributing factor to .
A memory leak reduces the performance of the computer by reducing the amount of available memory. Eventually, in the worst case, too much of the available memory may become allocated and all or part of the system or device stops working correctly, the application fails, or the system slows down vastly due to .
Memory leaks may not be serious or even detectable by normal means. In modern operating systems, normal memory used by an application is released when the application terminates. This means that a memory leak in a program that only runs for a short time may not be noticed and is rarely serious.
Much more serious leaks include those:
where the program runs for an extended time and consumes additional memory over time, such as background tasks on servers, but especially in
which may be left running for many years
where new memory is allocated frequently for one-time tasks, such as when rendering the frames of a computer game or animated video
where the program can request memory — such as  — that is not released, even when the program terminates
where memory is very limited, such as in an
or portable device
where the leak occurs within the operating system or
when a system
causes the leak
running on an operating system that does not automatically release memory on program termination.
The following example, written in , is intended to show how a memory leak can come about, and its effects, without needing any programming knowledge. The program in this case is part of some very simple software designed to control an . This part of the program is run whenever anyone inside the elevator presses the button for a floor.
When a button is pressed:
Get some memory, which will be used to remember the floor number
Put the floor number into the memory
Are we already on the target floor?
If so, we have nothing to do: finished
Wait until the lift is idle
Go to the required floor
Release the memory we used to remember the floor number
The memory leak would occur if the floor number requested is the same floor tha the condition for releasing the memory would be skipped. Each time this case occurs, more memory is leaked.
Cases like this wouldn't usually have any immediate effects. People do not often press the button for the floor they are already on, and in any case, the elevator might have enough spare memory that this could happen hundreds or thousands of times. However, the elevator will eventually run out of memory. This could take months or years, so it might not be discovered despite thorough testing.
The consequences at the very least, the elevator would stop responding to requests to move to another floor (like when you call the elevator or when someone is inside and presses the floor buttons). If other parts of the program need memory (a part assigned to open and close the door, for example), then someone may be trapped inside, or if no one is in, then no one would be able to use the elevator since the software cannot open the door.
The memory leak lasts until the system is reset. For example: if the elevator's power were turned off or in a power outage, the program would stop running. When power was turned on again, the program would restart and all the memory would be available again, but the slow process of memory leak would restart together with the program, eventually prejudicing the correct running of the system.
The leak in the above example can be corrected by bringing the 'release' operation outside of the conditional:
When a button is pressed:
Get some memory, which will be used to remember the floor number
Put the floor number into the memory
Are we already on the target floor?
Wait until the lift is idle
Go to the required floor
Release the memory we used to remember the floor number
Memory leaks are a common error in programming, especially when using
that have no built in automatic , such as
and . Typically, a memory leak occurs because
memory has become . The prevalence of memory leak
has led to the development of a number of
to detect unreachable memory. , , , ,
are some of the more popular
for C and C++ programs. "Conservative" garbage collection capabilities can be added to any programming language that lacks it as a built-in feature, and libraries for doing this are available for C and C++ programs. A conservative collector finds and reclaims most, but not all, unreachable memory.
Although the
can recover unreachable memory, it cannot free memory that is still reachable and therefore potentially still useful. Modern memory managers therefore provide techniques for programmers to semantically mark memory with varying levels of usefulness, which correspond to varying levels of reachability. The memory manager does not free an object that is strongly reachable. An object is strongly reachable if it is reachable either directly by a
or indirectly by a chain of strong references. (A strong reference is a reference that, unlike a , prevents an object from being garbage collected.) To prevent this, the developer is responsible for cleaning up references after use, typically by setting the reference to
once it is no longer needed and, if necessary, by deregistering any
that maintain strong references to the object.
In general, automatic memory management is more robust and convenient for developers, as they don't need to implement freeing routines or worry about the sequence in which cleanup is performed or be concerned about whether or not an object is still referenced. It is easier for a programmer to know when a reference is no longer needed than to know when an object is no longer referenced. However, automatic memory management can impose a performance overhead, and it does not eliminate all of the programming errors that cause memory leaks.
Main article:
RAII, short for , is an approach to the problem commonly taken in , , and . It involves associating scoped objects with the acquired resources, and automatically releasing the resources once the objects are out of scope. Unlike garbage collection, RAII has the advantage of knowing when objects exist and when they do not. Compare the following C and C++ examples:
/* C version */
#include &stdlib.h&
void f(int n)
int* array = calloc(n, sizeof(int));
// C++ version
#include &vector&
void f(int n)
std::vector&int& array (n);
The C version, as implemented in the example, requires e the array is
(from the heap in most C implementations), and continues to exist until explicitly freed.
The C++ version requires no e it will always occur automatically as soon as the object array goes out of scope, including if an exception is thrown. This avoids some of the overhead of
schemes. And because object destructors can free resources other than memory, RAII helps to prevent the , which mark-and-sweep garbage collection does not handle gracefully. These include open files, open windows, user notifications, objects in a graphics drawing library, thread synchronisation primitives such as critical sections, network connections, and connections to the
or another database.
However, using RAII correctly is not always easy and has its own pitfalls. For instance, if one is not careful, it is possible to create
(or references) by returning data by reference, only to have that data be deleted when its containing object goes out of scope.
uses a combination of RAII and garbage collection, employing automatic destruction when it is clear that an object cannot be accessed outside its original scope, and garbage collection otherwise.
More modern
schemes are often based on a notion of reachability – if you don't have a usable reference to the memory in question, it can be collected. Other garbage collection schemes can be based on , where an object is responsible for keeping track of how many references are pointing to it. If the number goes down to zero, the object is expected to release itself and allow its memory to be reclaimed. The flaw with this model is that it doesn't cope with cyclic references, and this is why nowadays most programmers are prepared to accept the burden of the more costly mark and sweep type of systems.
The following
code illustrates the canonical reference-counting memory leak:
Set A = CreateObject("Some.Thing")
Set B = CreateObject("Some.Thing")
' At this point, the two objects each have one reference,
Set A.member = B
Set B.member = A
' Now they each have two references.
Set A = Nothing
' You could still get out of it...
Set B = Nothing
' And now you've got a memory leak!
In practice, this trivial example would be spotted straight away and fixed. In most real examples, the cycle of references spans more than two objects, and is more difficult to detect.
A well-known example of this kind of leak came to prominence with the rise of
programming techniques in
code which associated a
element with an event handler, and failed to remove the reference before exiting, would leak memory (AJAX web pages keep a given DOM alive for a lot longer than traditional web pages, so this leak was much more apparent).
If a program has a memory leak and its memory usage is steadily increasing, there will not usually be an immediate symptom. Every physical system has a finite amount of memory, and if the memory leak is not contained (for example, by restarting the leaking program) it will sooner or later start to cause problems.
Most modern consumer desktop
which is physically housed in RAM microchips, and
such as a . Memory allocation is dynamic – each process gets as much memory as it requests. Active
are transferred into main me inactive pages are pushed out to secondary storage to make room, as needed. When a single process starts consuming a large amount of memory, it usually occupies more and more of main memory, pushing other programs out to secondary storage – usually significantly slowing performance of the system. Even if the leaking program is terminated, it may take some time for other programs to swap back into main memory, and for performance to return to normal.
When all the memory on a system is exhausted (whether there is virtual memory or only main memory, such as on an embedded system) any attempt to allocate more memory will fail. This usually causes the program attempting to allocate the memory to terminate itself, or to generate a . Some programs are designed to recover from this situation (possibly by falling back on pre-reserved memory). The first program to experience the out-of-memory may or may not be the program that has the memory leak.
operating systems have special mechanisms to deal with an out-of-memory condition, such as killing processes at random (which may affect "innocent" processes), or killing the largest process in memory (which presumably is the one causing the problem). Some operating systems have a per-process memory limit, to prevent any one program from hogging all of the memory on the system. The disadvantage to this arrangement is that the operating system sometimes must be re-configured to allow proper operation of programs that legitimately require large amounts of memory, such as those dealing with graphics, video, or scientific calculations.
The "sawtooth" pattern of memory utilization: the sudden drop in used memory is a candidate symptom for a memory leak.
If the memory leak is in the , the operating system itself will likely fail. Computers without sophisticated memory management, such as embedded systems, may also completely fail from a persistent memory leak.
Publicly accessible systems such as
are prone to
if an attacker discovers a sequence of operations which can trigger a leak. Such a sequence is known as an .
A "sawtooth" pattern of memory utilization may be an indicator of a memory leak if the vertical drops coincide with reboots or application restarts. Care should be taken though because
points could also cause such a pattern and would show a healthy usage of the heap.
Note that constantly increasing memory usage is not necessarily evidence of a memory leak. Some applications will store ever increasing amounts of information in memory (e.g. as a ). If the cache can grow so large as to cause problems, this may be a programming or design error, but is not a memory leak as the information remains nominally in use. In other cases, programs may require an unreasonably large amount of memory because the programmer has assumed memory is always sufficient f for example, a graphics file processor might start by reading the entire contents of an image file and storing it all into memory, something that is not viable where a very large image exceeds available memory.
To put it another way, a memory leak arises from a particular kind of programming error, and without access to the program code, someone seeing symptoms can only guess that there might be a memory leak. It would be better to use terms such as "constantly increasing memory use" where no such inside knowledge exists.
The following
function deliberately leaks memory by losing the pointer to the allocated memory. The leak can be said to occur as soon as the pointer 'a' goes out of scope, i.e. when function_which_allocates() returns without freeing 'a'.
#include &stdlib.h&
void function_which_allocates(void) {
/* allocate an array of 45 floats */
float *a = malloc(sizeof(float) * 45);
/* additional code making use of 'a' */
/* return to main, having forgotten to free the memory we malloc'd */
int main(void) {
/* the pointer 'a' no longer exists, and therefore cannot be freed,
but the memory is still allocated. a leak has occurred. */
is a popular memory leak detection tool for applications running on
(short for Nigel's Monitor) is a popular system monitor tool for the AIX and Linux operating systems.
Crockford, Douglas.
. Stack Overflow.
for Visual Studio, open source
(Using MFC Debugging Support)
Article "" by Cal Erickson
: Hidden categories:解决memory&leak问题
& 17:43:12
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] registered the JBDC driver
[com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web
application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver
has been forcibly unregistered.
17:43:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] registered the JBDC driver
[oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver] but failed to unregister it when the web
application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver
has been forcibly unregistered.
17:43:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] appears to have started a
thread named [Timer-0] but has failed to stop it. This is very
likely to create a memory leak.
17:43:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] created a ThreadLocal with
key of type [null] (value
[com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.ContainerImpl$10@e1666]) and a
value of type [java.lang.Object[]] (value
[[Ljava.lang.O@e0ada6]) but failed to remove it when the web
application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory
17:43:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] created a ThreadLocal with
key of type [null] (value
[com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.ContainerImpl$10@a8a314]) and a
value of type [java.lang.Object[]] (value
[[Ljava.lang.O@16ab2e8]) but failed to remove it when the web
application was stopped. This is very likely to create a memory
AbandonedObjectPool is used ()
&& LogAbandoned: false
&& RemoveAbandoned: true
&& RemoveAbandonedTimeout:
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] registered the JBDC driver
[oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver] but failed to unregister it when the web
application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver
has been forcibly unregistered.
重写了mons.dbcp.BasicDataSource& 的
import java.sql.DriverM
import java.sql.SQLE
import mons.dbcp.BasicDataS
public class XBasicDataSource extends BasicDataSource{
&public synchronized void close() throws
严重: The web application [/codeMarket] registered the JBDC driver
[com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web
application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver
has been forcibly unregistered.
17:43:12 org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
赶紧删之&& ok~
同样适用于暗黑II 1.10及以上版本 。
2、进入。 确保你的暗黑上有人物存档(就是新建的人物),选中、点右下角的OK。3、人物属性的编辑。
方法:用Winhex打开你的人物存档(注意!存档文件是指那个以你人物名字开头,扩展名为d2s的那个!例如:Test.d2s全是16进制编码,在里边找第一个4A4D ,然后往前数60个数,有个69 66 ,找到后把69 66后边的编码改成63 63 63 63 63......一直到4A4D前边为止!注意这个要特别小心,别出错!
然后进游戏吧!你可能当时就跟我急了:改坏了!进不了游戏了! 别着急!用UdieToo打开你的人物,然后什么都不用动直接点保存!再进游戏把!哈哈!所有技能均99级!
(个人觉得把每件装备都加All Skill Levels 会比较简单)
改耐久的方法:找到MAX Dur这个字段改成0就可以无法破坏了,注意也要清理一下属性!
在Max Dur那个字段前边有个Defense(防御)的字段,改成0装备的的防御就是-10了!游戏里没有显示。防御是越高越好。武器和首饰没有这个属性字段!所以不必找了,找不到的
ReAnimate Monster ID也就是复活怪物的ID,它的值在第三个框里面,是1023。把鼠标放到第三个框上面就会显示“ClicktoEdit(点击编辑)”,点一下,然后在弹出的对话框里面把1023改成703以内的数字就可以复活怪物了。不过有些ID是没用的,比如说巴尔就有好几个,543是那个毁灭的王座上面不动的巴尔,570是巴尔的分身……,只有544才是真正的巴尔,而且有的怪物如243暗黑破坏神、巴尔等是敌我不分的,常攻击我,虽然不会造成伤害,但复活这样忘恩负义的怪物也就没意义了。我觉得比较听话又有一定攻击力的怪物就是211都瑞尔和242墨菲斯托。还有就是,不要直接修改属性码,因为每个属性码后面属性值所占的长度都是不同的,你改了以后,后面的代码就全乱了,常会造成错误。所以不想要某个属性了,要把属性码和后面相关的属性值部分全部删掉加入新属性比较好。
ReAnimate Monster ID表
Amazon 亚马逊
Bow and Crossbow 弓和十字弓技能 006 Magic Arrow:魔法箭;简称MA 007 FireArrow:火焰箭;简称FA 011 Cold Arrow:冰箭; 012 Multiple Shot:多重箭;简称MS 016Exploding Arrow:爆裂箭; 021 Ice Arrow:急冻箭; 022 Guided Arrow:导引箭;简称GA 026Strafe:炮轰;俗称扫射 027 Immolating Arrow:牺牲之箭;简称Immo 031 FreezingArrow:冻结之箭;简称FA
Passive and Magic 被动和魔法技能 008 Inner Sight:内视; 009Critical Shot:双倍打击;简称CS 013 Dodge:闪避; 017 Slow Missiles:慢速箭;简称SM 018Avoid:躲避; 023 Penetrate:刺入; 028 Decoy:诱饵; 029 Evade:回避; 032Valkyrie:女武神;简称Valk 033 Pierce:穿透;
Javelin and Spear 标枪和长矛技能 010Jab:戳刺; 014 Power Strike:威力一击; 015 Poison Javelin:毒枪; 019 Impale:刺爆;020 Lightning Bolt:闪电球; 024 Charged Strike:充能一击 025 PlagueJavelin:瘟疫标枪; 030 Fend:击退; 034 Lightning Strike:闪电攻击; 035 Lightningfury:闪电之怒;简称LFAssassin 刺客
Martial Art 武学艺术 254 TigerStrike:虎击;简称TS 255 Dragon Talon:龙爪; 260 Dragon Claw:双龙爪;简称DC 259 Fistsof Fire:焰拳;简称fof 265 Cobra Strike:眼镜蛇攻击;简称CS 270 Dragon Tail:神龙摆尾;简称DT269 Claws of Thunder:雷电爪;简称cot 274 Blades of Ice:寒冰刃;简称boi 275 DragonFlight:飞龙在天;简称DF 280 Phoenix Strike:
Shadow Disciplines 影子训练252 Claw Mastery:支配利爪;简称CM 253 Psychic Hammer:心灵战槌;魔法攻击 258 Burst ofSpeed:速度爆发;简称BoS 264 Cloak of Shadows:魔影斗篷;简称CoS 263 WeaponBlock:武器格挡;简称WB 267 Fade:能量消解;提高各方面抵抗能力并抵抗诅咒 268 Shadow Warrior:影子战士;273 Mind Blast:心灵爆震;简称MB 278 Venom:毒牙;在爪类武器上增加毒性伤害 279 ShadowMaster:影子大师;简称SM
Traps 陷阱 251 Fire Blast:火焰爆震; 256 Shock Web:雷电网; 257Blade Sentinel:刃之守卫; 261 Charged Bolt Sentry:电能守卫; 262 Wake OfFire:火焰复苏;简称WoF 266 Blade Fury:刃之怒; 271 Lightning Sentry:
守卫;简称LS 272Wake Of Inferno:复苏狱火; 276 Death Sentry:亡者守卫;简称DS 277 Blade Shield:刀刃之盾;Barbarian 野蛮人
War Cries 呐喊 130 Howl:狂嗥; 131 Find potion:找寻药剂; 137 Taunt:嘲弄; 138Shout:大叫; 增加防御 142 Find item:找寻物品; 146 Battle cry:战嗥;降低敌人的伤害和防御 149Battle orders:战斗体制;简称BO,增加生命、法力和耐力 150 Grim Ward:残酷吓阻; 154 Warcry:战斗狂嗥;155 Battle command:战斗指挥;简称BC,增加技能等级
Combat Masteries 战斗专家 127 Swordmastery:支配长剑;简称SM 128 Axe mastery:支配斧头; 129 Mace mastery:支配钉头槌; 134Polearm mastery:支配长柄武器; 135 Throwing mastery:支配飞掷; 136 Spearmastery:支配长矛; 141 Increased :增加耐力; 145 Iron skin:铁布杉;简称IS,增加防御148 Increased speed:加速; 153 Natural resistance:自然抵抗;简称NR,降低元素和毒素伤害
Combat 战斗技能 126 Bash:重击; 132 Leap:跳跃; 133 Double swing:双手挥击; 139Stun:击昏; 140 Double throw:双手投掷;简称DT 143 Leap attack:跳跃攻击;简称LA 144Concentrate:专心;提高防御和准确率 147 Frenzy:狂乱; 151 Whirlwind:旋风;简称WW 152Berserk:狂战士;增加伤害和准确率Druid 德鲁依
Elemental 元素 225 Firestorm:火风爆;229 Molten Boulder:熔浆巨岩; 230 Arctic Blast:极地风暴;简称AB 234 Fissure:火山爆;235 Cyclone Armor:飓风装甲;简称CA 240 Twister:
; 244 Volcano:火山; 245Tornado:龙卷风; 250 Hurricane:暴风; 249 Armageddon:毁天灭地;
ShapeShifting 外型变形 223 Werewolf:狼人变化; 224 Lycanthropy:变形术; 228Werebear:熊人变化; 233 Maul:撞槌; 232 Feral Rage:野性狂暴; 239 Fire Claws:焰爪; 238Rabies:狂犬病;变成狼人攻击时,造成毒素伤害 243 Shock Wave:震波; 242Hunger:饥饿;攻击敌人时,获得生命与法力 248 Fury:狂怒;变成狼人时,攻击多个目标
Summoning 召唤221 Raven:乌鸦; 222 Poison Creeper:猛毒花藤; 226 Oak Sage:橡木智者;简称OS,增加生命 227Summon Spirit Wolf:召唤狼灵; 231 Carrion Vine:食尸藤; 236 Heart ofWolverine:狼獾之心;简称HoW,增加伤害和准确率 237 Summon Dire Wolf:召唤狂狼; 241 SolarCreeper:太阳藤; 246 Spirit of Barbs:棘灵;伤害反弹 247 Summon Grizzly:召唤灰熊;简称GrizNecromancer 亡灵巫师
Summoning 召唤法术 069 Skeleton mastery:支配骷髅; 070 Raise skeleton:骷髅复苏; 075Clay Golem:黏土石魔;简称CG 079 Golem Mastery:支配石魔;简称GM 080 Raise skeletalmage:复苏骷髅法师; 085 Blood Golem:鲜血石魔;简称BG 089 Summoned resistance:召唤抵抗;090 Iron Golem:钢铁石魔;简称IG 094 Fire Golem:火焰石魔;简称FG 095 Revive:重生;
Poisonand bone 毒素和白骨法术 067 Teech:牙; 068 Bone Armor:白骨装甲;简称BA 073 PoisonDagger:淬毒匕首;简称PD 074 Corpse Explosion:尸体爆炸;简称CE 078 Bone Wall:骨墙; 083Poison Explosion:毒爆; 084 Bone Spear:骨矛; 088 Bone Prison:骨牢; 092 PoisonNova:剧毒新星;简称PN 093 Bone spirit:白骨之魂;简称BS
Curses 诅咒 066 AmplifyDamage:伤害加深;简称Ad 071 Dim Vision:微暗灵视;简称Dim 072 Weaken:削弱;降低敌人伤害 076Iron maiden:攻击反噬;简称IM 077 Terror:恐惧; 081 Confuse:迷乱; 082 Life Tap:偷取生命;086 Attracc:吸引; 087 Decrepify:衰老;简称Dec 091 Lower Resist:降低抵抗;简称LRPaladin 圣骑士
Defensive Auras 防御性灵气 099 Prayer:祈祷;恢复生命 100 Resist Fire:抵抗火焰; 104Defiance:反抗;增加防御 105 Resist Cold:抵抗冰冷; 109 Cleansing:净化;减少毒气和诅咒的持续时间110 Resist Lightning:抵抗闪电; 115 Vigor:活力; 120 Meditation:冥思;增加法力回复速度 124Redemption:救赎;利用尸体,恢复生命和法力 125 Salvation:救助;降低火焰、冰冻和闪电伤害
Offensive Auras 攻击灵气 098 Might:力量; 102 Holy-Fire:圣火; 103 Thorns:荆棘; 108Blessed Aim:祝福瞄准; 113 Concentration:专注;简称Conc,增加伤害,降低攻击中断可能 114 HolyFreeze:神圣冰冻;简称HF 118 Holy Shock:神圣冲击;增加闪电伤害 119 Sanctuary:庇护所; 122Fanaticism:狂热;简称Fana,增加伤害、攻击速度和准确率 123 Conviction:信念;简称Conv
Combat 作战技能 096 Sacrifice:牺牲; 097 Smite:重击;盾牌攻击 101 Holy bolt:圣光弹; 106Zeal:白热;攻击多个目标 107 Charge:冲锋 111 Vengeance:复仇;简称Veng,在攻击中附加火焰、冰冻和闪电伤害112 Blessed hammer:祝福之锤;简称BH 116 Conversion:转换; 117 Holyshield:神圣之盾;简称HS,加强盾牌 121 Fist of the heavens:天堂之拳;Sorceress 女巫法师
Cold 冰冻法术 039 Icebolt:冰弹; 040 Frozen Armor:冰封装甲; 044 FrostNova:霜之新星;简称FN 045 Ice Blast:
; 050 Shiver Armor:碎冰甲; 055 GlacialSpike:冰尖柱;简称GS 059 Blizzard:暴风雪; 060 Chilling Armor:寒冰装甲; 064 FrozenOrb:冰封球;简称FO 065 Cold Matery:支配冰冷;简称CM
Lighting 闪电法术 038 ChargedBolt:充能弹;简称CB 042 Static Field:静态力场; 043 Telekinesis:心灵传动;简称TK 048Nova:新星; 049 Lightning:闪电; 053 Chain Lightning:连锁闪电;简称CL 054Teleport:传送;简称TP 057 Thunder Storm:
;简称TS 058 EnergyShield:能量护盾;简称ES 063 Lightning Mastery:支配闪电;简称LM
Fire 火焰法术 036Firebolt:火弹;简称fb 037 Warmth:热情; 041 Inferno:地狱之火; 046 Blaze:炽烈之径; 047Fireball:火球;简称FB 051 Firewall:火墙;简称:FW 052 Enchant:火焰强化; 056 Meteor:陨石;062 Hydra:九头海蛇; 061 Fire Mastery:支配之焰;简称FMDiablo 大菠萝
Elemental 元素/Fire 火焰法术 197 Firestorm:火风暴(此乃神技,莫当成了德鲁伊的渣火风暴,此技不仅特效霸气,伤害更是华丽得没话说,谁用谁知道;修改的时候注意把触发概率调低些,否则会出现严重卡屏,影响游戏流畅)
Strength 增加力量 ★
Energy 增加精力 ★
Vitality 增加体力 ★
Stat Points 没用
Skill Points 没用
Max Life 增加最大生命 ★
Max Mana 增加最大魔法 ★
stamina 没用
Max Stamina 增加最大耐力★
level 没用
experience 没用
goldbank 没用
Enhanced Defense % 防御增加百分比 ★
Enchanced Damage % 伤害增加百分比 ★
Enchanced Min Dmg % 增加最小伤害百分比 ★
Attack Rating 增加命中率 ★
Chance of Blocking % 增加格挡率 ★
Min 1-handed Dmg 增加单手最小伤害
Max 1-handed Dmg 增加单手
Min 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最小伤害
Max 2-handed Dmg 增加双手最大伤害
Damage % nv 伤害增加百分比★
Regenerate Mana % nv 法力再生(隐藏)
Regenerate Mana Plus % 法力再生
Heal Stemina Plus % 耐力恢复
lastexp 没用
nextexp 没用
Defense 增加防御 ★
Def vs Missile 增加对近战的防御
Damage Reduced By 伤害减少 ★
Magic Dmg Reduced By 魔法伤害减少 ★
Damage Reduced By % 伤害减少百分比
Magic Resistance % 魔法抵抗百分比★
Max Magic Resistance % 增加最大魔法抵抗的百分比
Fire Resistance % 增加火抗的百分比
Max Fire Resistance % 增加最大火抗的百分比
Lightning Resistance % 增加电抗的百分比
Max Lightning Resistance % 增加最大电抗的百分比
Cold Resistance % 增加冰抗的百分比
Max Cold Resistance % 增加最大冰抗的百分比
Poison Resistance % 增加毒抗的百分比
Max Poison Resistance % 增加最大毒抗的百分比
damageaura 没用
Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害 ★
Max Fire Damage 增加火焰伤害最大值
Lightning Damage 增加闪电伤害 ★
Max Lightning Dmg 增加闪电伤害最大值
Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害 ★
Max Magic Damage 增加魔法伤害最大值
Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害 ★
Max Cold Damage 增加寒冷伤害最大值
Cold Length 冻结目标的时间
Poison Damage 增加毒伤害 ★
Max Poison Dmg 增加毒伤害最大值
Poison Length 目标中毒的持续时间
Per Hit Min 偷取生命 ★
Life Stolen Per Hit Max 没用
Mana Stolen Per Hit Min 偷取法力 ★
Mana Stolen Per Hit Max 没用
Stamina Drain Min 没用
Stamina Drain Max 没用
Stun Length没用 
Run/Walk Speed % nv 跑步速率增加百分比(隐藏) ★
Attack Speed % nv 攻击速率增加百分比(隐藏) ★
other_animrate 没用
quantity 没用
value 没用
Durabilty 没用
Max Durability 增加装备耐久
Replenish Life 自行恢复生命值 ★
Max Durability % 没用
Life % 增加生命上限% ★
Mana % 增加法力上限% ★
Attacker Takes Damage Of 反伤
Extra Gold From Monsters % 怪掉的钱增加
Chance Of Getting Magic Items % 这个就是魔法装备暴率 ★
Knock Back 击退
Time Duration (未测试)
Add Class Skill 加单人技能(职业代码为0到6的2进制)
Unsentparam1 未知属性1
Add experience 增加百分比得到的经验值
Heal after kill 加X生命在杀死一只怪物后★
Reduced prices 降低商人价格%
Double Herb Duration (未测试)
Light Radius 增加光照范围 ★
Light Color nv 光照范围(隐藏)
Requirements % 物品对基本属性的需求
Level Require 没用
Increased Attack Speed 提升攻击速度% ★
Level Require % 增加等级需求
Last block frame 格挡有关
Faster Run/Walk 提升跑步速度%★
Non Class skill 无职业限制技能
state 特殊状态,比如头上永远顶个经验祭坛
Faster Hit Recovery Rate 加快打击恢复
Monster player count 没用
Poison override 没用
Faster Block Rate 快速格挡速度
Bypass undead 没用
Faster Cast Rate 快速释法速度 ★
Bypass beasts 没用
Single Skill 增加职业限制技能
Rest in peace 杀死怪物后恢复平静★
Curse resistance 抗诅咒几率
Poison Length Reduced By % 自己的中毒时间减少
Damage 增加伤害
Hit Causes Monster To
% 使怪物怪物会逃跑
Hit Blinds Target 打中的敌人会失明
Damage To Mana % 受损生命转化为提高法力
Ignore Target Defense 无视目标防御★
Target Defense % 减少目标防御%
Prevent Monster Heal 防止怪物回血
Half Freeze Duration 自己的冰冻时间减半
Bonus To Attack Rating % 增加百分比额外的命中率
Reduce Monster Defense per Hit 每次打中都减少怪物的防御
Damage To Demons % 增加对恶魔系怪物的伤害
Damage To Undead % 增加对不死系怪物的伤害
Attack Rating Against Demons 增加对恶魔系怪物的命中率
Attack Rating Against Undead 增加最不死系怪物的命中率
Throwable (未测试)
Elemental Skill 增加火焰技能
All Skill Levels 增加所有技能 ★
Attacker Takes Lightning Dmg Of 攻击者受到电伤害
ironmaiden_level 没用
lifetap_level 没用
thorns_percent 没用
bonearmor 没用
bonearmormax 没用
Attack Freezes Target 冻结目标 ★
Chance of Open Wounds 撕开伤口的几率 ★
Chance of Crushing Blow 压碎攻击的几率 ★
Kick Damage 增加脚踢伤害
Mana After Each Kill 加法力在杀死一只怪物后
Life After Each Demon Kill 加生命在杀死恶魔系怪物后
Extra Blood 没用
Chance of Deadly Strike 致命攻击的几率★
Fire Absorbs % 火焰吸收%
Fire Absorbs 火焰吸收
Lightning Absorbs % 闪电吸收%
Lightning Absorbs 闪电吸收
Magic Absorbs % %
Magic Absorbs 魔法吸收
Cold Absorbs % 冰冷吸收%
Cold Absorbs 冰冷吸收
Slows Target By % 使目标减缓%
Aura 灵气赐予
Indestructible 装备无法破坏★
Cannot be Frozen 不会被冻结 ★
Slower Stamina Drain % 减缓耐力消耗 
ReAnimate 杀死怪物后复活为
Pierce Attack % 穿透攻击
Fire Magic Arrows or Bolts 射出魔法箭
Fire Explosive Arrows or Bolts 射出爆炸箭
Min Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最小远程攻击
Max Throw Dmg nv 增加百分比最大远程攻击
UnCoded 未知属性
Attack Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加命中率
Damage Vs Monster 对特定怪物增加伤害
fade 身体透明化
Armor override % 没用
Unused183 …
Unused184 …
Unused185 …
Unused186 …
Unused187 …
Add Skill Tab 加入单系技能
Unused189 没用
Unused190 …
Unused191 …
Unused192 …
Unused193 …
Increased Sockets 增加凹槽(需先激活)
Skill On Attack 攻击时释放特法
Skill On Kill 杀死怪物时释放特定魔法
Skill On Death 自己死亡时放特定魔法
Skill On Hit 打中时释放特定魔法
Unused200 没用
Skill On Get Hit 被打中时释放特定魔法
Unused202 没用
Unused203 …
Charged Skill 特定聚气技能
Unused205 没用…
Unused206 …
Unused207 …
Unused208 …
Unused209 …
Unused210 ..
Unused211 …
Unused212 ..
Unused213 …
Defense (on Lvl) 按等级增加防御
Enhanced Defense (on Lvl) 按等级提高防御
Life (on Lvl) 按等级提高生命值
Mana (on Lvl) 按等级提高魔法值
Maximum Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害
Enhanced MaxDmg (on Lvl) 按等级提高最大伤害
Strength (on Lvl) 按等级增加力量
Dexterity (on Lvl) 按等级增加敏捷
Energy (on Lvl) 按等级增加精力
Vitality (on Lvl) 按等级增加体力
Att Rating (on Lvl) 按等级增加命中率
Bonus to Att Rating % (on Lvl) 按等级提高额外的命中率
Maximum Cold Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大寒冷伤害
Maximum Fire Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大火伤害
Maximum Lightning Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大闪电伤害
Maximum Poison Dmg (on Lvl) 按等级增加最大毒伤害
Cold Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比冰抗
Fire Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比火抗
Lightning Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比电抗
Poison Resistance % (on Lvl) 按等级增加百分比毒抗
Absorbs Cold Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高吸收寒冷伤害能力
Absorbs Fire Damage (on Lvl) 按等级吸收火伤害能力
Absorbs Lightning Damage (on Lvl) 按等级吸收闪电伤害能力
Absorbs Poison (per lvl) &很诱惑的属性,不过没用&
Attacker Takes Damage of (on Lvl) 按等级反伤
Extra Gold From Monsters % (on Lvl)按等级提高怪掉的钱
Chance of Getting Magic Items % (on Lvl) 按等级提高魔法装备暴率
Heal Stamina Plus % (on Lvl)按等级耐力恢复速度提高 
Maximum Stamina (on Lvl) 按等级增加耐力最大值 
Damage to Demons % (on Lvl) 没用
Damage to Undead % (on Lvl) 没用
Att Rating against Demons (on Lvl) 没用
Att Rating against Undead (on Lvl) 没用
Chance of Crushing Blow (on Lvl) 按等级提高压碎攻击的几率
Chance of Open Wounds (on Lvl) 按等级提高撕开伤口的几率
Kick Damage (on Lvl) 按等级提高踢伤害
Chance of Deadly Strike (on Lvl) 按等级提高致命攻击几率
Find Gems per level 没用
Repair 1 Durability In Seconds 按时间恢复耐久
Replenish 1 Quantity In Seconds 回复数量
Increased Stack Size 增加数量
UnCoded 没用
UnCoded …
UnCoded …
UnCoded …
UnCoded …
UnCoded …
UnCoded ..
UnCoded …
UnCoded ..
Defense (by Time) [1] 以下为属性/时间
Defense (by Time) [2]
Life (by Time)
Mana (by Time)
Max Damage (by Time) [1]
Max Damage (by Time) [2]
Strength (by Time)
Dexterity (by Time)
Energy (by Time)
Vitality (by Time)
Attack Rating (by Time) [1]
Attack Rating (by Time) [2]
Max Cold Dmg (by Time)
Max Fire Dmg (by Time)
Max Lightning Dmg (by Time)
Max Poison Dmg (by Time)
Cold Resistance % (by Time)
Fire Resistance % (by Time)
Lightning Resistance % (by Time)
Poison Resistance % (by Time)
Absorbs Cold Damage (by Time)
Absorbs Fire Damage (by Time)
Absorbs Lightning Damage (by Time)
Blessed Aim
Gold From Monsters % (by Time)
Find Magic Items % (by Time)
Heal Stamina Plus % (by Time)
Max Stamina (by Time)
Damage vs Demon % (by Time)
Damage vs Undead % (by Time)
Attack Rating vs Demon (by Time)
Attack Rating vs Undead (by Time)
Chance of Crushing Blow (by Time)
Chance of Open Wounds (by Time)
Kick Damage (by Time)
Chance of Deadly Strike (by Time)
item_find_gems_bytime 没用
item_pierce_cold 减少敌人对冰技能抵抗%
item_pierce_fire 减少敌人对火技能抵抗%
item_pierce_ltng 减少对闪电技能抵抗%
item_pierce_pois 减少对毒素技能的抵抗%
item_damage_vs_monster 没用
item_damage_percent_vs_monster …
item_tohit_vs_monster …
item_tohit_percent_vs_monster …
item_ac_vs_monster …
item_ac_percent_vs_monster …
firelength …
burningmin …
burningmax …
progressive_damage …
progressive_steal ..
progressive_other ..
progressive_fire …
progressive_cold …
progressive_lightning …
item_extra_charges …
progressive_tohit …
poison_count …
damage_framerate …
pierce_idx …
passive_fire_mastery 增加百分比火技能伤害
passive_ltng_mastery ……闪电技能伤害
passive_cold_mastery ……寒冷技能伤害
passive_pois_mastery ……毒素伤害
passive_fire_pierce 减敌人对火技能抗性(测试效果为增加元素伤害上限)
passive_ltng_pierce ……对闪电技能抗性
passive_cold_pierce ……对寒冷技能抗性
passive_pois_pierce ……对毒素技能抗性
passive_critical_strike 不清楚
passive_dodge 三闪之一
passive_avoid 三闪……
passive_evade 三闪……
passive_warmth 热情
passive_mastery_melee_th 未测试
passive_mastery_melee_dmg …
passive_mastery_melee_crit …
passive_mastery_throw_th …
passive_mastery_throw_dmg …
passive_mastery_throw_crit …
passive_weaponblock …
passive_summon_resist …
modifierlist_skill 没用
modifierlist_level 没用
last_sent_hp_pct 没用
source_unit_type 没用
source_unit_id 没用
shortparami 未测试
questitemdifficulty 未测试
passive_mag_mastery 未测试
passive_mag_pierce 未测试
1 蓝色(冰冻)
2 绿色(中毒)
3 抗火光环
4 抗寒光环
5 抗电光环
8 救助光环
9 中伤害加深
11 蓝色(冰冻)
16 死灵变身火云
17 星光闪闪
28 审判光环
32 战斗体制
33 力量光环
34 祈祷光环
35 圣火光环
36 刺针光环
37 反抗光环
40 祝福瞄准光环
41 精力光环
42 专注光环
43 圣冰光环
44 蓝色(冰冻)
45 净化光环
46 神圣冲击光环
47 庇护所光环
48 冥思光环
49 狂热光环
50 救赎光环
51 战斗指挥
54 终极不死定身
55 中攻击反噬
58 中偷取生命
63 亚马逊变身
87 星光闪闪
90 蓝色(冰冻)
91 红色(强化)
93 女武神变身
94 飓风装甲
95 白色蝌蚪
96 黑色(重生)
100 杀敌尸爆
103 运斤成风
105 可攻敌
110 疯狂之虫之光(卸时尸爆)
112 全身火焰
113 中减防
119 刺客变身
128 防御神殿
129 战斗神殿
130 抗电神殿
131 抗火神殿
132 抗寒神殿
133 抗毒神殿
134 技能神殿
135 法力重生神殿
136 耐力神殿
137 经验神殿
139 狼人变身
140 熊人变身
141 血涟漪
147 彩色庇护所光环
148 狂热光环(敌)
149 橡木智者光环
150 只有影子
158 刃之守卫
159 能量消解
175 套装的金芒
176 死灵变身
177 冥河娃娃变身
178 抗毒神殿
179 抗寒神殿
180 耐力神殿
257 蓝色(冰冻)
259 抵抗火焰
260 抵抗冰冷
261 抵抗闪电
264 救助(3抗)
265 伤害加深
267 冰冻目标
271 增强防御
278 脚下有蜘蛛丝
281 死亡骑士强化
284 信念(施放者)
285 信念(接收者)
286 能量盾
288 战斗体制
294 雷云风暴
296 祝福瞄准
299 神圣冰冻
300 神圣冰冻(接受者)
302 神圣冲击
303 庇护所
307 战斗指挥
310 不能动
311 攻击反噬
313 督军诅咒
314 偷取生命
317 降低抵抗
343 慢速箭
349 变女武神
352 重生色透明灰
359 狂乱(小)
368 传送门光
369 巴尔诅咒(减防)
370 巴尔诅咒(施法减血)
375 变刺客
384 防神殿
385 攻神殿
386 抗雷神殿
387 抗火神殿
388 抗冰神殿
389 抗毒神殿
390 技能神殿
391 法力神殿
392 耐力神殿
393 经验神殿
394 流星光
402 隐身可变回
403 Barb(Dru召唤兽反伤灵气)
404 Volv(Dru召唤兽攻击灵气)
405 Oaks(Dru召唤兽加血灵气)
406 人不见剩影子
414 刺客刀
415 能量消解
432 变僵尸法师
433 变娃娃
436 耐力条修改方法:
257 蓝色(冰冻)
259 抵抗火焰
260 抵抗冰冷
261 抵抗闪电
264 救助(3抗)
265 伤害加深
267 冰冻目标
271 增强防御
278 脚下有蜘蛛丝
281 死亡骑士强化
284 信念(施放者)
285 信念(接收者)
286 能量盾
288 战斗体制
294 雷云风暴
296 祝福瞄准
299 神圣冰冻
300 神圣冰冻(接受者)
302 神圣冲击
303 庇护所
307 战斗指挥
310 不能动
311 攻击反噬
313 督军诅咒
314 偷取生命
317 降低抵抗
343 慢速箭
349 变女武神
352 重生色透明灰
359 狂乱(小)
368 传送门光
369 巴尔诅咒(减防)
370 巴尔诅咒(施法减血)
375 变刺客
384 防神殿
385 攻神殿
386 抗雷神殿
387 抗火神殿
388 抗冰神殿
389 抗毒神殿
390 技能神殿
391 法力神殿
392 耐力神殿
393 经验神殿
394 流星光
397 红蕴!!!!!!!!!!
402 隐身可变回
403 Barb(Dru召唤兽反伤灵气)
404 Volv(Dru召唤兽攻击灵气)
405 Oaks(Dru召唤兽加血灵气)
406 人不见剩影子
414 刺客刀
415 能量消解
432 变僵尸法师
433 变娃娃
436 耐力条
406 人不见剩影子
409 效果不明
414 刺客刀
415 黄环点
428 诅咒声音
429 采屍体声音
430 炫风壁
431 女武神光芒
432 变僵屍法师
433 变娃娃
434 效果不明
435 效果不明
436 耐力条
最近更新时间: 09:35:50


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