
sat 数学教材之SAT数学宝典目录:  第1章SAT数学概况  1.1SAT简介  1.2SAT数学概况  1.3SAT数学部分所涵盖的数学知识  1.4SAT数学部分题目难易程度的安排  1.5答题策略  1.6计算器的使用  第2章SAT常用数学词汇  2.1代数部分  2.1.1数论  2.1.2数列  2.1.3集合  2.1.4基本运算  2.1.5基本数学概念  2.1.6分数和小数  2.1.7代数式、方程和不等式  2.1.8其他  2.2几何  2.2.1线段  2.2.2角  2.2.3三角形  2.2.4其他平面图形  2.2.5立体图  2.2.6与图形相关的术语  2.2.7平面坐标  2.2.8其他  第3章SAT常用数学概念与公式  3.1数的概念及数的运算类  3.2代数及函数类  3.3几何  3.4数据分析、统计和概率类  SAT数学宝典目录第4章Number and Operations  4.1Numbers and Operations on Numbers  4.1.1数学基本概念  4.1.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.1.3Solutions  4.2Factors and Multiples  4.2.1数学基本概念  4.2.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.2.3Solutions  4.3Ratios and Rates  4.3.1数学基本概念  4.3.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.3.3Solutions  4.4Proportions  4.4.1数学基本概念  4.4.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.4.3Solutions  4.5Fractions and Percents  4.5.1数学基本概念  4.5.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.5.3Solutions  4.6Exponents and Roots  4.6.1数学基本概念  4.6.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.6.3Solutions  4.7Counting and Logic Reasoning  4.7.1数学基本概念  4.7.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  4.7.3Solutions  第5章Algebra and Functions  5.1Signed Numbers and Equations  5.1.1数学基本概念  5.1.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.1.3Solutions  5.2Literal Expressions  5.2.1数学基本概念  5.2.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.2.3Solutions  5.3Factoring and Algebraic Fractions  5.3.1数学基本概念  5.3.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.3.3Solutions  5.4Absolute Value and Inequalities  5.4.1数学基本概念  5.4.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.4.3Solutions  5.5Functions  5.5.1数学基本概念  5.5.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.5.3Solutions  5.6Problem Solving in Algebra  5.6.1数学基本概念  5.6.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  5.6.3Solutions  第6章Geometry  6.1Lines and Angles  6.1.1数学基本概念  6.1.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.1.3Solutions  6.2Triangles  6.2.1数学基本概念  6.2.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.2.3Solutions  6.3Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons  6.3.1数学基本概念  6.3.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.3.3Solutions  6.4Circles  6.4.1数学基本概念  6.4.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.4.3Solutions  6.5Solids  6.5.1数学基本概念  6.5.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.5.3Solutions  6.6Coordinate Geometry  6.6.1数学基本概念  6.6.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.6.3Solutions  6.7Transformations  6.7.1数学基本概念  6.7.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  6.7.3Solutions  第7章Graphs, Statistics, and Probability  7.1Mean, Median, and Mode  7.1.1数学基本概念  7.1.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  7.1.3Solutions  7.2Graphs  7.2.1数学基本概念  7.2.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  7.2.3Solutions  7.3Probability  7.3.1数学基本概念  7.3.2Specified SAT Practice Questions  7.3.3Solutions  第8章Practice Test A   第9章Practice Test B...
(注意:only 引导的状语从句不倒装,(主句倒装) 注意:Only 如不在句首,) Only then did I realize the importance of English. 只在那时我才意识到英语的重要性,翻译练习(地点状语放在句首,这里only后面必须跟有它修饰的状语或状语从句,主句倒装,否则就不倒装,则不倒装,或only 修饰的不是状语,(正常语序:A table that is made of wood which is imported from Brazil of South America is at the center of the big room over there. 这句话主语和谓语间隔太长...
和改进句子题的考察点基本一致;2. 把两句句子结合成一个句子;3. 在段落中插入句子;4. 文章分析问题,对于此类题型中的改正句子语法错误题,二、改进段落(Improving Paragraphs)  改进段落的题型一般是一篇含有语法和逻辑错误,看完全句会发现这是个用逗号分隔的句子,一般这种题型有四大类问题:1. 改正句子中的语法错误,例如:In the past I worked at a language school in New Zealand now I am back in China. 3. 使用不正确的逗号切割句子,以上就是SAT频道为大家整理的SAT语法之改进句子与段落,即根据文章语境选择正确的句子,还有使用and 连接两个没有直接关系的两个句子,所以不正确...
书面用语考试:  书面用语,会用于两种情景,一是我们平常接触的大部分纸质的材料,二是比较正式的场合,如演讲,报告,教授上课的场景等等.一般来说,学历越高的人,他就越会用一些高级的词汇(书面语). 书面语的特点: 表意性更丰富,比如说愤怒,我们口语当中说angry,或者mad,那么这个词语非常的笼统,而书面语中表示生气有以下几种:  Indignation: feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated. 即因为收到不公正的待遇而引起的愤慨. (你可以从它的词根构成上来理解这个单词的意思,in(不)+dign(dein,神,正统):非正规的待遇)  Outrage,或者enrage: 我们看一下outrage(out+rage)出离愤怒,程度相当高; enrage(en+rage),愤怒,只是进入了rage的那种状态;  Wrath: extreme anger, 即暴怒,其实这个单词也好记,(wr扭曲+ath(oath指誓言),扭曲誓言肯定会引起暴怒.  从以上几个词语我们可以看出,相对于angery,mad等笼统的生气来说,indignation, outrage, enrage, wrath等书面语表意都相当的丰富,而这些形象的表意单词,都是sat考试的热点,而不像其他考试,你只要判断是什么样的感情就可以了,而Sat还要求你知道是什么更具体的感情.  阅读能力考试:  在单词的基础上组成了表意群,即句子,然后有很多个表意群相同的单词组成段落,最后由段落组成一个表意单位.所以说阅读能力就需要你顺着这样由单词—句子—段落—文章,这样的一个顺序理解作者最终的思想感情或者论点.但是对于sat考试, 单词—句子—段落—文章,每一个都不是简单的,导致了sat考试要难于一般的考试,更何况是它的考试又有时间的要求,所以只有当你单位时间理解的能力达到一定程度的时候,你才能考好这个考试.  逻辑能力考试:  Sat考试目的是选择有潜力进入某个大学读书的人去读书,而我们读课本上某些原理,定理,特别是人文科学类的,都需要我们具备一定的思考的范式和思考的顺序,即逻辑,而且一般来说,我们这个能力越强,我们会在大学学习甚至研究中会更容易做出成绩.sat考试,无论是从单句逻辑(填空)和篇章逻辑来说,都注重了这方面的考察. 编辑推荐:如何冲刺SAT语法备考SAT语法知识点总结...
SAT语法之段落优化题:Improving Paragraphs Questions 1-6 refer to the following passage, which is a draft of an essay:(1) I recently revisited the city which I was born in, which is a place well known for a castle built on a rock overlooking the surrounding plains, and even better known for a legendary figure who robbed the rich to give to the poor. (2)As I toured the castle and its museum, visited the town center, and roamed around old haunts, I reflected on how the buildings that people of different eras build reflect their central preoccupations.(3) The castle was originally built in the eleventh century, and remained important for several centuries. (4)Throughout the medieval period castles and fortified houses were built. (5)The powerful landowners surveyed and dominated the surrounding lands, the source of their wealth and prestige.(6) Once the industrial era began, castles were sidelined. (7)The merchants and factory owners built town halls, churches, factories and imposing office buildings. (7)The town center reflects this era. (8)An imposing town hall, complete with massive pillars and monumental lions, overlooks the town square. (9)The square is surrounded by equally massive blocks of shops, banks and offices, built to reflect the power of trade in the heyday of the British Empire.(10) Most people who enter the city today never visit the castle or the old market square, they head for the two shopping malls situated at either end of the city center. (11)Here the visitor can shop to their hearts content in an environment of glass and polished chrome. (12)Modern man is no longer a warrior defending his land, or a builder of churches, or a governor of people: he is primarily a consumer. (13)The buildings our generation leaves to posterity will reflect our predominant interest – shopping.
1. The author's approach to the topic can best be described asA. rhetorical B. a reminiscence C. a specific example to illustrate a general point D. personal narrative E. several examples used to contradict a viewpoint2. The sentence (or sentences) which most clearly expresses the author's primary purpose isA. (1) B. (2) C. (12) D. (13) E. (1) and (13)3. Which is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence (1), (reproduced below)?
I recently revisited the city which I was born in, which is a place well known for a castle built on a rock overlooking the surrounding plains, and even better known for a legendary figure who robbed the rich to give to the poor.satA. I recently revisited the city which I was born in, which is a place B. I recently revisited the city in which I was born in, which is C. I recently revisited the city in which I was born, a city D. Recently I revisited the place which I was born in, which is a city E. Recently I revisited the city which I was born in, which is4. The best way to rewrite the underlined parts of sentences 4 and 5 (reproduced below) in order to combine the sentences is: Throughout the medieval period castles and fortified houses were built. The powerful landowners surveyed and dominated the surrounding lands, the source of their wealth and prestige.A. Throughout the medieval period castles and fortified houses were built from which powerful landowners surveyed and dominated B. Castles and fortified houses were built throughout the medieval period, from which powerful landowners surveyed and dominated C. Castles and fortified houses were built throughout the medieval period, when powerful landowners surveyed and dominated D. Throughout the medieval period, powerful landowners built castles and fortified houses from which to survey and dominate E. Throughout the medieval period, powerful landowners built castles and fortified houses from which they would have surveyed and dominated5. The change most needed in sentence 10 isA. change or to nor B. change “either end” to “both ends” C. change the comma to a semicolon D. avoid the repetition of the word “city” E. change people to persons6. Sentence 11 has faultyA. pronoun usage B. parallelism C. verb tenses D. diction E. verb agreementQuestions 7-12 refer to the following passage, which is a draft of an essay:(1)Nowadays we tend to use the expression “plain vanilla” in a derogatory sense for something simple and unadorned. (2)But have you ever thought about the ways in which the vanilla bean has improved the taste of what we eat?(3)One of the most used, and presumably, most appreciated, flavors known to man, worldwide we use more than one thousand tons of vanilla beans every year, mainly to flavor ice cream, cakes and confectionery. (4)Since the 1930s chemical companies have also been making huge amounts of synthetic vanilla essence mainly from the byproducts of the paper pulp industry. (5)In fact, most of the “vanilla flavor” products on the supermarket shelves have never seen a vanilla pod. (6)However, good cooks keep real vanilla pods in their sugar to enhance the taste of their cakes and cookies and would not buy synthetic vanilla.sat(7)Natural vanilla is the product of a creeper that grows best in hot wet climates. (8)It requires hand pollinating and the growing, harvesting and curing need skill and are labor intensive. (9)With the advent of biotechnology it remains to be seen how long the traditional growing and production methods would survive.(10)But whatever the source, vanilla has become essential to the human palate. (11)Think about it: do you even know what “plain” ice cream would taste like without vanilla?7. The writer uses all of the following techniques exceptA. rhetorical questions B. statement of facts C. speculation D. address to the reader E. personal experience8. Which version of the underlined part best corrects and improves sentence 3 (reproduced below)? One of the most used, and presumably, most appreciated, flavors known to man, worldwide we use more than one thousand tons of vanilla beans every year, mainly to flavor ice cream, cakes and confectionery.A. Vanilla is certainly one of the most used, and presumably most appreciated, flavors known to man. Worldwide B. Vanilla is certainly one of the most used, and presumably most appreciated, flavors known to man, worldwide C. Vanilla is certainly one of the most used, and presumably most appreciated, flavors known to man worldwide: D. One of the most used, and presumably most appreciated, flavors known to man worldwide, vanilla E. Worldwide vanilla is certainly one of the most used, and presumably most appreciated, flavors known to man.9. The best replacement for the word “it” in sentence 8 isA. vanilla B. the pod C. vanilla flowers D. the plant E. pods10. The change most needed in sentence 9 isA. change “would” to “will” B. change “methods” to “method” C. rewrite to avoid “to be” D. insert “for” in front of “how” E. substitute “arrival” for “advent”11. One reason the writer uses the word “plain” in the last sentence is probablyA. to contrast with “vanilla” B. to link to the use of the same word in the first sentence C. to emphasis an opposite D. to clarify what is meant by flavor E. to add more force to the argument12. Which sentence best states the author's contention about vanilla?A. 1 B. 2 C. 9 D. 10 E. 11 答案:1.Correct Answer: CExplanation:The author uses the examples of his/her home city to make the point that buildings reflect the concerns of an era2.Correct Answer: BExplanation:The author intends to show how the different buildings reflect the concerns of different ages.3.Correct Answer: CExplanation:Answer (C) is the most concise and avoids the awkward repetition of which.4.Correct Answer: DExplanation:Answers A, B and C all use the passive voice. Of choices D and E, which use the active voice, D is the more concise.5.Correct Answer: CExplanation:The major grammar error is the use of the comma to link two full sentences. Other changes are matters of style.sat6.Correct Answer: AExplanation:A visitor is singular and so the sentence should state "to his or her heart's content".7.Correct Answer: EExplanation:The author does not give her own experience but makes general statements.8.Correct Answer: AExplanation:The original version has a dangling modifier, which needs to be corrected.
“Worldwide” refers to the use of vanilla. Sentence A deals with both problems.9.Correct Answer: CExplanation:A singular subject is required. We are referring to the creeper, which is a plant.10.Correct Answer: AExplanation:A simple future tense is needed.11.Correct Answer: BExplanation:The author starts with the idea of “plain vanilla” and rounds of by returning to the same idea.12.Correct Answer: DExplanation:...
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