真人密室逃脱解密stranded deep的怎么解

大海解说 深海搁浅第一期试玩 Stranded Deep视频
大海解说 深海搁浅第一期试玩 Stranded Deep视频
80多秒见过没,iPad广告//@xiaowoo123/a>:我还中过62秒/a>年 //@老戴刁炸天/a>:无聊中奖了60秒/a> 广告
我还中过62秒/a>年 //@老戴刁炸天/a>:无聊中奖了60秒/a> 广告
荒岛求生//@a/a>: 游戏叫什么?
Stem //@AloneLove/a>:在哪里下哦
游侠的翻译不准,真正直译过来叫《深海搁浅》好不好,stranded是搁浅 deep是深海,还有,这只是抢先版 主体还没出,大家有疑问,可以去关注百度的深海搁浅吧找大家帮忙。。。
Rust //@00嘟嘟熊00/a>:海哥一直玩这类游戏 //@CH神秘人/a> :希望你多多给我们推荐像rsut一样的游戏
steam //@a/a>:哪里买?
//@00嘟嘟熊00/a>:拉出铁线虫,然后螳螂死掉 //@烟云/a> :你们把螳螂放在水瓶里看看会怎么样
拉出铁线虫,然后螳螂死掉 //@烟云/a>:你们把螳螂放在水瓶里看看会怎么样
海哥一直玩这类游戏 //@CH神秘人/a>:希望你多多给我们推荐像rsut一样的游戏小花仙小游戏在线玩完整版电影-高清视频—最新电视剧在线观看&2015最新最好看电影高清完整版正版视频QVOD快播百度影音国语版粤语版免费在线观看,最新更新电视剧全集剧情介绍,演员海报剧照简介,连载视频预告片高清完整版下载。小花仙小游戏在线玩<img alt="★我的世界★Minecraft【1.8多人小游戏——籽岷带队怒虐炎黄五歌队】" src="/upload/49F43FA889F14FAB10B053B4EF1-D7B0-1EDC-0C26-795F9AC102C2.jpg">游戏原创,MC,五歌,我的世界,Minecraft,炎黄,籽岷 发布时间:<strong title="★我的世界★Minecraft【1.8多人小游戏——籽岷带队怒虐炎黄五歌队】" class="zanghe">★我的世界★Minecraft【1.8多人小游戏——籽岷带队怒虐炎黄五歌队】 小花仙小游戏在线玩相关最新推荐推荐高清电影优质动漫下载最新综艺服务节目本网站提供的最新优质电视剧和高清完整版电影全面资源均系收集于互联网各大视频网站。本网站只提供高清在线观看的页面服务,并不提供影片资源存储,也不参与任何高清视频录制、上传。本站所有在线播放服务无需安装插件,无需注册免费在线观看。本站不承担任何由于内容的合法性及健康性所引起的争议和法律责任。若本站收录的高清视频节目无意侵犯了贵司版权,请给网页底部邮箱地址来信,我们会及时处理和回复,版权归原创者所有,谢谢。Copyright&版权所有本站接受广告,谢谢to add this game to your wishlist or mark as not interested
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We have a great game and you have great ideas - Early access is a platform that allows us to put those things together so you can help Stranded Deep grow to it's full potential.
...As those ideas come together and evolve, there may be some hiccups, but we'll always be doing our best to make sure that Stranded Deep is a playable, enjoyable game. Early Access is getting a bad reputation lately and we'd like to help turn that around. This is a game made by gamers - Beam Team - not a faceless corporation. We care about the game and the people who play it.
See our roadmap below for more details on the great things to come!&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We don't want to work on Stranded Deep forever. If all goes well, we're hoping to have it completed by the end of 2015.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&We're using Early Access to add more content and balance game mechanics through community input. We would like to think of the full release as the conclusion to this process.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&This is Early Access and this is an early build.
All core mechanics for crafting, building and interacting are in place and functional. Players will be able to manage their character's vital system and accumulate resources. Every current object and item in the game has a purpose and functionality that we will no doubt have to balance as development continues.
The world is infinitely procedurally-generated and full of different biomes. Areas will not be inco Instead, the biomes and world generation will evolve as development progresses.
There is no &end-game& yet, so players will not be able to &beat& the game or be rescued.
Optimization is an ongoing process. We've made many optimizations along the way and have incorporated comprehensive graphics options, but there's always more to do. We are confident in a stable performant build but this is never a guarantee.
We are very passionate developers and have put our heart and soul into Stranded Deep. We prefer not to give estimates of percentages or timelines for our development but we can be confident in saying that we're not releasing bug-ridden shovel-ware.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The price will remain the same during Early Access. After Early Access has finished, the final price will reflect the additional content added during development - but it won't be a big change.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We will be releasing a public board that lists our progress, concepts and issues so players can see what's being addressed at the time and also that their feedback is being received and used positively.
We always read our feedback and take everyone's opinion seriously. Receiving player feedback is important so we can use it to improve and evolve. We will see it.&
Buy Stranded Deep
&#36;14.99 USD
"[EARLY ACCESS] Play the role of a castaway surviving in an ocean filled with islands, shipwrecks, coral reefs, sharks, and more! Watch my test drive!"
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Recent updates
27 January
Hotfix 1 for version 0.01 (0.01.H1) is now live.
Please note that you will need to start a new game as previous save files will not load correctly!
Stay Alive!
:: Beam Team
Bug Fixes
Rafts - Fixed the “Bermuda Triangle” bug. Rafts no longer disappear when travelling.
Rafts - Improved raft functionality with collisions and ladders.
Player - Fixed a bug where the player would be reloaded inside the terrain, shipwrecks, etc.
Player - Adjusted swimming speed.
Intro - Fixed “Bouncing Betty” bug, see:
Cooking - Fixed campfires where multiple cookable items would interfere with each other’s cooking times.
Menus - Fixed mouse sensitivity not applying.
Menus - Added key binding functionality (Controllers are not officially supported, but it is possible).
Menus - Added in-game options functionality.
Saving/Terrain - F An edge case where if loading a saved game, and then resaving, previously saved biomes were being overwritten.
Terrain - Adjusted rock and stick spawning quantity.
Saving - Fixed a bug where stabbed items on the end of a Spear weren't being saved.
Saving - Fixed item display names not saving.
Sharks - Fixed disappearing great white sharks when killed.
Sharks - Shouldn’t appear on land anymore..
Sharks - Fixed shark meat not attaching to a Fire Spit.
Sharks - Spear now damages sharks.
Sharks - Various AI changes to increase the difficulty (a little).
Marlin - Fixed disappearing Marlins when killed.
Sleeping - Changed sleeping times. You can now sleep anytime from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am. The day count also increments properly now.
Flare Gun - Fixed using spam.
Harvesting Yuccas and Potatoes - Fixed incorrect scale of regrowing plants.
Drinkable Coconut - Fixed using animations and audio with various tools.
DeadEx Box - Can now be picked up.
Container and Doors - Fixed audio spam when entering loaded biomes.
Container and Doors - Fixed a large bug with loot spawning positions.
Various - Fixed various missing interactive object tags, descriptions, etc.
Various - Fixed the “Banana” yellow arm bug when looking at the watch and another lightsource was around.
Various - Fixed a hovering bug with one of the glass shaders.
New Content
Whales - New creature!
Divers Slate - New Easter Egg!
Boat Motor - Is now craftable and functional. Have fun with this one! ;)
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.
Scavenge. Discover. Survive.
Infinite Procedurally-generated World - Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes.
No two worlds are the same, even share your world seed!
Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle - Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
Unique Physically-based Crafting System - Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world - no crafting slots!
Unique Physically-based Building System - Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction - Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
Random Loot and Collectables - Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Hunting and fishing - Spear small animals in the shallows or risk the depths with a spear gun in search of larger meals. Starve an island of resources or maintain and manage its growth.
The things we want and things we know you want!
Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
Performance - Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
Island and Terrain Variety - Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
More Wildlife - Incorporating more fish and shark species and more interesting island wildlife like birds, snakes and lizards.
An End-game Scenario - Making it possible to complete a series of optional tasks and progress through the world in an attempt to be rescued.
Co-operative Gameplay - Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
Multiplayer - Fun multiplayer game modes like raft wars, fishing challenges, rescue objectives, island vs island, etc.
Improved User Interface - All of the in-game UI is temporary and will be replaced with a more fitting theme.
Occulus Rift Support
Controller Support
Much more! - See our website for more details,
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista or higher
Processor: 1.8GHz Intel dual-core and above
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD5000 with minimum 512MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 or higher
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX600 or ATI HD7000 series with 2GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion
Processor: 1.8GHz Intel dual-core and above
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD5000 with minimum 512MB VRAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
OS: OSX 10.9 Mavericks
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX600 or ATI HD7000 series with 2GB VRAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
All rights reserved, Beam Team Pty Ltd 2014.
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749 people found this review funny
37.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
-Horded Coconuts-Made tools, built a nice house.-Looted Shipwrecks, found compass and other goodies-Ran out of palmtrees, went viking on the neighbouring islands with an axe.-Found flaregun, useless against sharks.-Ran out of coconuts-Ran out of crabs-Went viking on further islands.-Lost my way, cried a bit.-Found cooler stuff, things were ok again.-Found Wilson, accidentally dropped him in the ocean.-Cried lots but found him again, f.u. Tom Hanks-Made a new home, built a tropical Taj Mahal.-Made my lifeboat a coconut pen. (????)-Ran out of palmtrees halfway through building Taj Mahal-Swam to other islands to get palmtrees-Discovered bug that lets you fly chopped down palmtrees at sprinting speed-Flew across the water back to my island on palmtreerocket ?(^?^?)-Got many more (?^?^)?-Finished Taj Mahal, had twin beds with Wilson, a huge stack of coconuts, crabs and sardines on lock.-84 days survived, saved game.-Loaded again and it was all gone.-(┛?Д?)┛彡┻━┻Wilson/10 would rage again.
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23 people found this review funny
48.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is the best early-access I've ever played, If you're into survival, exploration, and crafting : GET THIS GAME!It's a very good bargain. The fact that this small Indie a team has a faster, better and friendlier response to its players than other Early-Access games *cough* dayz *cough* should be enough to convince you to buy this, because it means your money did not go to waste, as these devs will fix and solve the bugs you actually post.But enough about the devs, lets talk about the game!The intro to the game is pretty generic to survival games (crashing off a plane) but at least you get to make your own martini before descending into your doom. It is also very well made, the intro looks realistic and its not just some stupid black screen at the end of it. Afterwards you wake up on the raft you climbed on before being blown to ???? with your trusty paddle and you will find a tiny island : your new home.There you can gather resources and craft new items and tools necessary for your survival. The crafting in this game is very original, and you will not be disappointed. Instead of depending on a generic crafting screen, this game actually handles that in the physical game world, meaning you have to lay down some sticks, rope and rock before you before you can start crafting your spear.You have the ability to hunt crabs (easiest) or fish from the ocean, even bigger fish near the reefs and deeper into the water. Hell, if you're brave enough you can actually chase that stupid shark thats been circling your beloved raft for so long, and kill it, and COOK IT! As of now you cant eat shark fin soup, but you can still eat the fin, and other parts.The cooking is quite realistic, you will have to wait a while before your crabs become crispy and tasty, instead of insta-cooking.You will have to manage your resources as they are quite finite, which after a while will force you to navigate to other islands in search for more wood and rocks. Especially if you want to build a nice big hut. This game has a few bugs, but none of them are game-breaking which is something very worth your money these days.The main reason why I think you should get this game is because it has so damn much potential. And when all the amazing new features start coming in you will start to realize how you should have bought this game early on, you can wait, sure. But you'll miss out on alot of fun. It is always nice to support such a promising game. Even more when you've got community friendly devs, and amazing gameplay.50/10 - would live off crabs and coconuts again
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7.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Tom Hanks Cast Away Simulator 2015
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27.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game rules, I dont care if there are some bugs, This. Game. Is. BEAST.I would like to see a two or four player co-op to play with steam friends, That would be cool, so your not so lonely on your island, Plus you could have one person cook wilst the other forages.
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17.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
These days may vairy in content and exact date... Day 1: scared to touch water, saw my 1st shark been scared beyond compare...Day 5: my birthday still stuck getting hungry figuring out what i can do and how to survive what to eat what not to eat...Day 10: had everyithing on the island collected and stored with a bed built... started satteling to one island to keep safe and keep the items in order and safe...Day 20: Started traveling around taking the easy close islands 1st and only taking easy boats mostly above water to explore...figured out all the crafting options... found a compas never been happier... started using sharp stones... to cut and salvage with when coming to a new island... little inventory space and it lets me creat a knife, than a axe than a spear...Day 25: jumped into the water near my island since i got annoyed with sharks taunting me... stabed him... stabed him again... and again and again... that ????? swam off i assume i was one hit away from killing him... started salveging resources from different islands bringing them back too mine to build more things...
every island i find items on which i cant carry like knives, axes, hammers... usefull things i build a bungalow where i store them will i return...Day 30: that ????? came back jumped into the water stabbed him 2x with a sharp rock he died...sharks have damage memory... awesome... my house fully built... 4 boat engines 3 fuel tanks 1 propeler 9 ducktape... still cant find the final peace of this damn engine... build an outpost on every Day 35: found 2 flare guns hoped for escape ...shot 1 of them empty on that night... wasted those 2 shots... started building a house on water on my island as a vacation home...Day 40: Christmas beautiful couldnt ask for a nicer place to have it ... getting lonely.. wish Wilson would be here with me...Day 46: New year stayed up shot both of the 2nd flareguns charges no savior... no ships.. no planes... no nothing...Day 50: Back to work a new year a new channce... going further and further with the boat looking for the last part of that damn engine... still scared to go deep see diving to find things since i only travel with a sharp stone a spear a compas and a pedal to pedal my boat.. Im still alive... Still Hoping... Surviving... By the grace of The Lord Allmighty... I dont know how much longer i can last... Hopefully I can survive till help comes... Days are just slipping away blending together finding things getting bored... The idea of scuiside getting more and more appealing... Help... Please...To the creators. If you add co op make sure people can add only friends or an oppened server because than all this game will be is an ??????? camping on a spawn or the nearest island instantly killing or stealing items from the player... They will ruin your game and it will become just crap for everyone to play I promise you that please save this amazing game and think 2x before adding just a random online play this game needs single player and co op ! but it does not need online opened world...
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3.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I'm too scared to leave the island.
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3 people found this review funny
3.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is great, it has a even greater potential. If you're wondering if this game is worth it or not, go for it, I've played 2hrs and had a bunch of fun already. Can't wait for more content coming to this game!
A tip to new players: right click and hold, drag and release rocks against bigger rocks :)
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6.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Short Version : Its good, reasonably stable, atmospheric but empty at the moment. Easy to survive with not many dangers or things to actually do. Buy if have an active imagination and can keep yourself amused, or wait until more content is added as this game has tonnes of potential... if completed.My experience of the game has been mostly positive, it was stable and ran at a decent frame rate on my PC (Intel i7 4ghz nVidia GTX 780 16 gigs rame SSD) and gltitches were minimal really solid opening for a early access alpha.Visually the game is atmospheric with some especially noteworthy lighting, take particular note of the moonlight and sunset though sunrise did have some shadow flickering issues. The islands are generic tropical but pleasing to the eye with some nice water effects, diving below the waterline was well implemented.Controls and physics are reasonable, the movement can be clumsy at times especially near objects or climbing trees and moving about wrecks.Object physics are well implemented with some neat additions to manipulating in game objects in a reasonable fashion, it works much like how you would expect it in many cases.Content is currently rather limited, with very few craftable items and structures available and there really isnt a whole lot to do in the game currently, its up to you the player to amuse yourself in the game.Challenge is currently limited as well, as surviving is easy if somewhat tedious as crossing islands is long and dull but a reasonable expectation given the set piece of the game, and more content is forthcoming and should provide for more challenges to survivial.In its current state this game is a well crafted and stable alpha that is fun to play initially and can amuse for a while, but will sooner rather than later show itself to be shallow and lacking.I would reccommend the game if you have an active imagination, would be happy to enjoy the visuals and pretend to be a castaway and set own goals to amuse yourself... I would not buy this title at the moment if you want action or a harsh survivial trial with goals and achievements to strive for.For an Alpha its a very good start, has tonnes of potential but its early days and the developers will need to keep up the good work.
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1.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The concept of the game is simple, you're stranded in a deserted island somewhere in the middle of the ocean and you have to survive. Chopping down a tree takes ages, in my opinion , and the shark appearances are completely random. I ate a crab, swam down to the ocean floor right outside of my beach, shark appeared from the sand, killed me.11/10 would play this one more time.
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6.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Holy F this game actually scares me fear of sharks dosent help ahh but it is a great game :D and i found wilson :P
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4.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
very interesting game can't wait for more add ons
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12.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I spend like 3 hours building my shelter, gathering stuff etc, then went to another island and found a shipwreck on the surface, I went in and found some cool loot but I got stuck inside the ship and couldn't get out because the hatch was too high so I starved to death inside that ship -_- Result ?
12/10 would buy again this amazing tom hanks simulator :3 PS: Looking forward for multiplayerEdit: Still cant find wollie :(
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8 people found this review funny
20.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Just collected enough materials from others islands to build a 5 star resort on mine!10/10
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32.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Day 32, Now have a respectable base on my island, which I aptly named &Shark Island& after the 3 sharks that chased me on the shore screaming (IRL) on day 4. Im the only one here, except &Sancho the sand-shark& who has kept me company since I got here. Also Haddock the crab who lives in my life-raft. have yet to find Wilson.I have a stockpile of coconuts and plans are made to explore an Island due South-west. Day 33, At dawn me and Haddock paddled out due South-west, still terrified of sharks and have a bad case of deepsea-phobia. at midday I had to stop for a snack when that music started playing. I turned around and glimpsed the dorsal fin of a Tiger-shark the next second it pushed me and Haddock into the water. I am currently out in open ocean with half a coconut and a crude spear. Haddock is sinking into the depths below me, like that scene from titanic.
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13 people found this review funny
14.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hour 1: Make sticksHour 1 1/2: Man make fireHour 2: LAND SHARKSHour 2 1/2: Island now dedicated to Jesus Land SharksDay 2: Sacrificial Coconuts did not please Jesus Land SharksDay 3: Built Home, filled with potatoes, Jesus Land Shark was not pleasedDay 4: Potatoes gone, coconuts every where, I'm scaredDay 5: Fall off palm tree and die because coconut would not cooperate10/10 would sacrfice self for coconuts and potatoes to Jesus Land Shark all day every day
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38.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Played the game for around 30 hours now and can say I'v really enjoyed what the developers have done so far with this game. For a game in alpha it is very stable. I have not experienced a single crash yet. I run the game on the highest graphics settings and havin't noticed any FPS drops. Exploring/Crafting/Hunting are what you will do most of the game. Pretty early on you will use up all the resources on your main island and need to venture out to the surrounding islands for supplies. There are ship recks you can find that will normally have loot which can be medicine, boat motor parts, tools, flares and a bunch more.Traveling between the islands is the real danger in this game. A sudden storm can make it very difficult to navigate and if you get lost it can be very difficult to find your main island again. There are also a lot of sharks around. Tiger sharks normally in the shallow areas and Great White sharks in the deeper waters.Like any alpha the game does have bugs but nothing game breaking. There has already been a hotfix that fixed alot of the issues people were experiencing at release. Overall I'v really enjoyed the game so far its got a lot of potential.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Found wilson on first day/night :o....Got so tempted to throw him into the water after seeing how creepy he is ingame10.5/10.4 - Dayum son Ign
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1.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game has a lot of potential. I think it needs objectives, because I feel like I'm just surviving to survive. I don't feel like I'm ever going to get off the islands. Also, I think that thirst should go down before your hunger does. Sharks should be more rare to find and there should be more regular fish to cook and eat. It seems like there are only crabs. Like I said, it's has a lot of ptential but there are glitches and improvements to be made to make this game more enjoyable.
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2.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Early access i the fact that developers get their end goal of income, yet the consumer gets a half-??? game, doesn’t make much sense in my head. However, even with early access, Stranded Deep manages to deliver a lot of fun gameplay, showcasing a potentially terrific future.Stranded Deep is a very ‘The Forest’-esque game, in which you survive a plane crash (never seen that before) and hop aboard a life raft into a randomly generated archipelago. Once landing onto shore, there are very limited resources upon your shockingly small new home. With only a paddle, a bottle of water, a pocket knife and a lighter to arm yourself with, you head out on an uncertain journey. As an early access build, the limit of different resources found on an island is around seven, but special items such as torches and axes can be found washed up on shore or in an underwater boat wreck.There is no HUD on screen, so you might be wandering how you see your thirst, health and hunger? By holding the F key the player will raise their wrist, exposing a watch that displays the time alongside the other three key stats. All of this is very nicely textured, which is surprising considering the 400ish mb download size. Every animation that the player can conduct is smooth and accurate, and I was impressed by the detail at which some of the s cutting trees in half to see the inner rings, for example.After a couple of hours I had made myself a simple shelter, put together by a g throw items on the floor and see what happens, it’s that simple. Alongside this, I created a fire pit, bed and a huge pile of coconuts harvested from palm trees – not to mention the shark meat harvested from seemingly harmless sharks I had slaughtered. By this point the game felt as if there was not much else for me to do in this first public build.As you’d expect, there are a few bugs which lie in this current version of the game. Sharks sometimes can’t harm you, not matter how close you get. The primary game breaking bug, which one of the two developers of the game has pointed out, is that when you travel to a new island you discover that whatever raft you take disappears when entering a new biome. A bit sad, especially when you’d already placed your favourite football companion, Wilson, on the raft – he actually exists as an easter egg. Who knows, perhaps Tom Hanks might make an appearance in an upcoming update, too. However, this is the first version of the game to be released for the public and bugs have to be taken with a pinch of salt.Conclusion:To conclude, this beautiful game is great for a couple of fun-filled hours, and a potential gem if the developers stick to it and play their cards right. The room for expansion for this title is endless. The roadmap of the future of the game lies on the Steam store page, featuring things like multiplayer, more wildlife and an end game scenario. Let’s hope to see updates soon, and happy exploring!
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2.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
After 1,5h of playing my charakter lives under more comfortable circumstances than I do in my student-appartment.There is also a greater variability of food available.
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Includes 8 Steam Achievements
Title: Stranded Deep
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 23 Jan, 2015
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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