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Jewel of Atlantis game - official site
Jewel of Atlantis game - official site
Jewel of Atlantis
Downloadable game
Enjoy underwater adventures solving puzzles in this enthralling action puzzle gameExplore just uncovered ancient continent searching for valuable treasures and Relics. Sink below the deep sea to witness exciting adventures in mystical places such as
Sacred Temple, Ship Wreck, Sunken Volcano and others.
- over 100 mysterious levels - 19 ancient relics to uncover - 2 game modes
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Order Jewel of Atlantis NOW and receive:
- over 100 mysterious levels - 19 ancient relics to uncover - 2 game modes
- No nag screen - Unlimited play time - Support via e-mail
System requirementsfor Windows: Processor: 400 MHz or above RAM: 64 MB Video: 16 MB OS: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with DirectX 8 installedfor Mac: Processor 1 GHz Inter or PowerPC RAM: 256 MB Video: 64 MB OS: MacOS X 10.4 or higher
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Comments / reviews
Love it! love it! love it! This is one of the best match-3 games out there. I beat other games in a few evening sittings but this one is really challenging in the end. Please make part 2 !!!
I were really excited about trying this (demo) game on my Mac. It plays well windowed but when I switch to Fullscreen it locks up. Clicks with the mouse have absolutely no effect and I have to stop the game with +Q. Very sad! :confused: :(
Or programmer will get in touch with you shortly to learn more about your problem and try to solve it.
I already have game and am on the last level. But it seems no matter what or how I can never unlock all the locks!!! Its getting very frustrating and i am no longer having fun. Ive been working on it for weeks and im ready to give up! What am I doing wrong?:(:confused:
I am in the same boat as Grammoo the gr8. I try and try the last level, but the game will not give me the right jewels to get into where the locks are. This is, hands-down, the hardest level in the game, and I don't appreciate the huge jump in difficulty from all the other levels to this one - I prefer a little more linearity. Of course the game must be challenging, but the seemingly impossible nature of the last screen has seriously reduced how much fun I have playing.
What no one tells you unless you complain to Bersker is you must achieve Emperor in all the games in Arcade mode.
I completed the 4 levels in Quest mode & found 7 jewels. However, I couldn't get to the other levels and other jewels. This is what I e-mailed Enkord:
I have completed all of the games in the 4 sections in the Quest mode. I have completed all of the games in the Arcade mode. There are only 7 of the 19 jewels in My Treasury. When I completed two of the games in the Arcade mode the &score& notice said I had unlocked 11 and 2 gates. But when I went back into the Quest mode, there were no new games. I have e-mailed Enkord but have not received a response. I tried re-entering the reg key. Didn't work. I purchased the game from you in 2007. it took me a long time playing on/off to complete what games there are....don't want to over write any of those files.
This is the msg I got from Enkord support:
Thank you for contacting Enkord.
To find extra treasures you need to complete all arcade mode levels at
best rank (Emperror)
I have gone back to the Arcade mode & played the games on/off for the past year.
I did get some more Emperor scores, but on some I don't think I ever will.
Berkser said players weren't meant to get Emperor on all games.
I have been playing Jewel of Atlantis for 7 years!!!
Still have not gotten Emperor status on all games in Arcade mode.
I have played some of the games hundreds of times both a expert and beginner.
Moderator Berserker said you have to attain Emperor status in all games to unlock any more levels.
I don't think I will. Very frustrating.
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ENKORD Ltd. All names and trademarks are registered trademarks of Enkord Ltd. or their respective owners. All rights reserved.手机游戏&&尽在九游
““战潮:亚特兰提斯的英雄”推出独到而富有战略性的布署战斗系统玩家将指挥部队走位掌握先机,再操控英雄使出强大技能解决对手。 在本游戏中,玩家能召唤如传说中的战士或神秘法师般的英雄,招兵买马,夺回失落已久的亚特兰提斯帝国。还得保护主城免于敌袭,连线挑战全球领袖,组成强大联盟一同击溃联盟公敌。 游戏特色 ●体验独特而奇幻的新亚特兰提斯大陆 ●操纵强大英雄与魔法打垮对手 ●召集各式强力英雄与部队,组成精锐之师 ●组建变化多端的队伍,拟定完美作战策略 ●取得胜利,借此升级英雄并解锁酷炫新技能 ●挑战全球玩家,树立威名 ●集合志同道合的玩家,共组终极联盟 提示 : 【说明】游戏需要联网才能运行
Wartide: Heroes of Atlantis
Wartide: Heroes of Atlantis 1.10.42 安装包安卓安装包
The Awakened CityThe loose confederation of immigrants to the island soon organized into a city-state led by the magi. They called it Atlantis, which in their polyglot tongue meant “the ocean spire.” Over time, the enlightened founded separate orders to fulfill the roles of governance, from mystical militia to scholars to a priesthood of the Mysteries to guide them all.Atlantis, a legend highly civilized country, one in the Empire disappeared overnight. For several thousand years, people have always been skeptical about the finding that it is there. (亚特兰蒂斯,一个传说中高度文明的国度,一个在一夜之间消失得无影无踪的帝国.几千年来,人们一直在怀疑中寻找它的存在.)Plato wrote in the book, there are about more than 10,000 years aga, Atlantic islands. The size of North Africa and West Asia combined, more than 2000 million population, This is highly civilized Atlantis. Poseidon is the creation of the Kingdom of Atlantis legend Poseidon. Poseidon island will be divided into 10 regions, ruled by the son of 10, and eldest son as the supreme ruler. As the eldest son Ajiaoatras, this country was known as the Atlantis Empire It was also known as the Atlantic or the Atlantic Chau island. Atlantis area of 400,000 square kilometers, north of the mountains, vast plains of the south. Atlantis is the most beautiful building in the capital's Royal Palace, the palace useful or decorative statue. Palace dug around three of the artificial canals, crossed the canal into the Royal Palace on the Parthenon. The Parthenon is all internal, silver, copper and ivory ornaments, enshrines Poseidon Poseidon. Plato described by the palace built, each successor, who will construct and renovate the palace. the gorgeous and refined until the palace reached staggering proportions. In addition, there was a huge altar of worship. Plato said Atlantis has the wealth of so many people who could not imagine that their initial good honest with extraordinary wisdom, lived a carefree life. But with the passage of time, they began to send troops to conquer neighboring countries, life has become corrupt and morally bankrupt. Their acts have angered the gods, goddesses, the king of gods, goddesses Zeus overnight to earthquakes and floods hit the jackpot in Atlantic islands. Atlantis disappeared in the sea.
(柏拉图在书中写道,大约在10000多年前,大西洋上有座岛屿,面积比北非和小亚细亚加起来还要大,人口2000多万,这就是具有高度文明的亚特兰蒂斯.传说创建亚特兰蒂斯王国的是海神波赛东.波赛东将岛屿划分为10个区,分别由10个儿子统治,并以长子为最高统治者.由于长子名叫亚特拉斯,因此这个国家就被称为亚特兰蒂斯帝国,也有人称它为大西岛或大西洲.亚特兰蒂斯面积有40万平方公里,北部为崇山峻岭,南部是广阔平原.亚特兰蒂斯最精美的建筑是首都的王宫,宫殿里有用黄金装饰的雕像.王宫周围有3条人工开凿的运河,跨过运河就进入王宫里的神庙.神庙内部全部用金、银、铜以及象牙装饰,供奉着海神波赛东.按柏拉图的描绘,王宫建成后,每位继位者都会大兴土木,对王宫进行改造,直到王宫的华丽和精致达到令人瞠目结舌的地步.此外,这里还有祭祀用的巨大神坛.柏拉图说亚特兰蒂斯人拥有的财富多得让人无法想像,他们最初诚实善良,具有超凡智慧,过着无忧无虑的生活.但随着时间流逝,他们开始派军队征服周边国家,生活也变得腐化、道德沦丧.他们的行为激怒了众神,众神之王宙斯一夜之间将地震和洪水降临在大西岛上,亚特兰蒂斯从此消失在大海之中.)To the 19th century, some mysterious prophet tells us that not only exists Atlantis. Moreover, it has a very advanced technology, and culture. They can fly more than 100 kilometers per hour use of the territory to inspect the spacecraft, using something called "Feilier" fuel 36,000 a bit like a modern jet engines. Full of imagination to describe the mysterious atmosphere has increased by Atlantis. Empire is not only to find the disappeared historians and archaeological workers in 1931. Nazi Germany had organized an unprecedented adventure, which is the command of Nazi Germany's Waffen SS officers Jews. He believes Atlantis is not only exist, and the so-called purebred German Atlantis is the descendants of the Aryans. He said that to find Atlantis, it will be able to dominate the world in supernatural forces. However, nothing in this adventure. (到了19世纪,一些神秘预言家告诉人们,亚特兰蒂斯不仅存在,而且拥有非常先进的技术和文化.他们乘坐每小时能飞100多公里的飞船巡查领土,用一种叫“菲利尔”的燃料产生推力,有点像现代的喷气引擎.这些充满想像力的描述更增加了亚特兰蒂斯神秘的氛围.寻找这个消失帝国的不仅是历史学家和考古工作者,1931年,德国纳粹曾组织了一次规模空前的探险活动,指挥者就是德国纳粹党卫军军官希姆莱.他相信亚特兰蒂斯不仅存在,而德国所谓纯种的雅利安人就是亚特兰蒂斯人的后代.他认为,找到亚特兰蒂斯,就可以凭借它超自然的力量称霸世界.然而这次探险一无所获.)
扫描下载二维码求英雄无敌3地图 The fall of Atlantis(失落的亚特兰蒂斯)_百度知道
求英雄无敌3地图 The fall of Atlantis(失落的亚特兰蒂斯)
求英雄无敌3地图 The fall of Atlantis(失落的亚特兰蒂斯)
包括:精灵的光复,勇敢的心,新不可能任务,Knightmare,Wayfarer,永恒国度,血染的风采(UBT),我的复仇(VIM),一条小路通罗马,战役永恒之爱(Eternal Love汉化版) 增加了:街霸vs拳皇 吕布后传 奇幻旅程 毁灭之路BT版 玩死了那才叫玩 Matrix 人在清华 联众历险记 征服——地狱风云 魔幻世代 及第粥 生化危机1 天骄 神的黄昏 啊泰斯特叛变之谜 大刀砍向鬼子 抗日英雄传 新中国时代 亵渎 流氓造就历史 锦绣天下 绝地反击 圣斗士之智慧女神篇 不要 最后的异次元之门 上古预言之七领主 上古七英雄之刀锋 地震阴影--恶魔重生 谁与争锋 亡命天涯 英雄无敌 金庸群侠传 挑战 三国神话 祭祀IV 魔咒 生死百年 三国演义之风云再起 善与恶之间 十四年 美女封魔录 命运的抉择 突出重围 魔龙之巢 三国英雄 第二次世界大战 光明 康熙王朝 壮志雄心 幻想群侠传 刘邦别传 双骑之恋 魔戒 抉择与历炼 战役仙剑奇侠传 战役最后的光辉 战役最终的阿玛格顿 又找到一些轻量BT的:Blademan、To Kill for Power333、The Lord of War、Asmirith、色、格鲁的考试、暴斩黑骑士、冬天的泰坦、暗黑、红豆、华英雄之龙血瓶、龙之吻、倚天屠龙、异世大陆、战役避世救赎、战役血统与荣耀、战役勇者无敌、战役最后之战、战役王权与战争 找到一些经典国外地图:Jedi Story 、EPICA、Lands of Shar、Wings of heaven 、Angelic Pride Eps. IV, V, VI、Ringing of Victory、The Ophobia、Fall and Rise、lucifer 、Time of Testing、The Search for the Cloak、Armagddn(末日审判)、When Champions Fail(一个农民打天下)、Running With the Devil、Astrogonia、Devil VS Angel、Eternal Love(单场景)、The Lone Knight 、The Uprising、Reavers of the North、战役Coppein's swear(科佩恩的誓言) 新到地图:寻秦记续传之四面楚歌、水浒新传、江山如画、Ragnar's quest 三部曲、归途 sod版、仙剑奇侠传(非战役)、天龙八部08版、止战之殇、三国演义之刘备传、反正不会输(不死机)、天使联盟、吸血鬼战神、激战千里之短兵相接、The Fall of Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯之灾)、战役愿神传说-十年战争
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亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:太好玩了了,那就怪了
亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:很好的游戏,一开始摸不着头脑,慢慢就好了。可惜关卡不够多啊。
亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:没看明白怎么玩?
亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:太好玩了了,那就怪了
亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:很好的游戏,一开始摸不着头脑,慢慢就好了。可惜关卡不够多啊。
亚特兰蒂斯的魔方 Cube of AtlantisV1.1.4用户评价:没看明白怎么玩?
Cube of Atlantis Free(亚特兰蒂斯的魔方)是Android平台一款能够极限地测试您的...
包名:com.dangermonkeys.cubeofatlantisfreeCube of Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯立方...
Cube of Atlantis Free(亚特兰蒂斯的魔方)是Android平台一款能够极限地测试您的...
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