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中文翻译藤球&&&&锦纶安全带&&&&下颚固定&&&&钦伦&&&&就是典型的&&&&青龙石灰岩&&&&银扁担&&&&钦马亚&&&&砖亭&&&&钦马亚拉贾尼纳特加雷坎&&&&高级烟煤; 块煤
例句与用法Prof . chinlon lin : fellow of optical society of america林清隆教授:美国光学学会院士Prof . lin chinlon林清隆教授Prof chinlon lin , professor of photonics , department of information engineering , cuhk香港中文大学讯息工程学系光子学讲座教授林清隆教授On the same day as the opening of the iosat and ppl , cuhk organized a forum on the " future of photonics in hong kong " on campus . the speakers at the forum include professor charles k kao , former vice - chancellor of cuhk , mr c d tam , chief executive officer of the hong kong science and technology parks corporation , mr chi - hung lin , vice president for photonics component technology , the hong kong applied science and technology research institute co . ltd , and dr chinlon lin , director designate of the institute of optical science and technology at cuhk中文大学光科技研究所及光电子封装实验室开幕典礼当日,大学举办了光电子在香港之未来发展论坛。讲者包括有前香港中文大学校长高锟教授、香港科技园公司行政总裁谭宗定先生、香港应用科技研究院有限公司元件科技副总裁连智洪先生,以及香港中文大学光科技研究所候任所长林清隆博士;另有过百名从事光科技工业的人士、学者和研究人员出席论坛,共同为香港光电子的发展出谋献策。 &&
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中文翻译adj.鸽的,鸽似的;鸽色的。 columbine innocence 鸽子一样纯洁无邪的。n.【植物;植物学】美洲耧斗菜。&&&&黑枪文化; 科拜校事件; 科伦拜恩的保龄; 科伦拜校园事件&&&&耧斗菜剑纹夜蛾&&&&可鲁宾釉(红蓝混合釉)&&&&欧洲耧斗菜&&&&洋牡丹&&&&唐松草&&&&耧斗菜&&&&丑角阿尔肯与柯伦宾&&&&唐松草&&&&野耧斗菜&&&&银扁担&&&&哥伦拜恩中学&&&&哥伦拜恩校园事件; 科拜校事件; 科伦拜校园事件&&&&漏斗菜&&&&野前胡
例句与用法Iike its some kind of columbine thing or something说是类似科伦拜恩事件(美国著名校园枪击事件)的事情This was after the columbine high school shootings in colorado写文章的时间就处在卡罗拉多高校枪击案之后。 Said mrs bolton , as she carefully separated the young columbines into single plants波太太一边说,一边小心地把楼斗菜一一分开。 This was after the ( column by ) columbine high school shootings in calorado此次事件是发生在卡罗拉多州哥伦比亚高中枪击事件之后。 It ' s disappointing that columbine was put on the map because of a high school shooting令人失望的是,科伦拜高中是因为校园扫射事件才广为人知。 The columbine killings of 1999 failed to provoke any shift in americans ' attitudes to guns1999年的哥伦拜恩枪击案并没有改变美国人对枪支的一丝态度。 The columbine killings of 1999 failed to provoke any shift in americans ' attitudes to guns1999年的哥伦比亚枪击案未促使美国人改变对枪支管理上的态度。 It was at columbine , in colorado , when two students started shooting and killing one after another你会听过那故事,在科罗拉多的哥伦拜恩,两名学生在校园内乱枪扫射。 As we were choosing flowers from the florist for grandpa ' s funeral , i slipped away to grandpa ' s garden and walked with my memories of columbine and sweet william当大家在花店为爷爷的葬礼选择葬花时,我悄悄地离开来到爷爷的花园。 Four months after two gunmen sent them fleeing in horror , students reclaimed columbine high school in colorado for the start of the school year4个月以后,两个持枪歹徒陷入了极端惊骇之中,学生们新学期开始时也回到了科罗拉多的科隆比纳高中更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
英文解释a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular s north temperate regions especially mountains同义词:, ,
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