
一起来打星际 让女生轻松上手的方法
文章所属:星际争霸2资讯 &&&&&&&作者:紫魔瞳瞳&&&&&&&来源:齐乐乐游戏网 &&&&&&&发布时间: 12:21:47
  虽然现实中女选手很少,但在网络小说中,倒是有不少YY出的电竞女选手,比如无罪的星际4部曲《SC之彼岸花》中的张玉、《扬眉》中的韩国MM 金善雅、《流氓高手2》中的郭细细和陈然,都是水平不错的女生哦。当然人气最高的还是《流氓高手》中的LuLu,非常亲民,简直就是全体男星际玩家心中的女神啊!
  星际中的兵种很多,也有相克的情况,选手们通常都会利用这种相克来制定战术。比如我们去那边的人族家侦查,发现他没造防空,你就可以造一大堆飞龙慢悠悠地飞过去然后把他敲死- -||。或者神族选择出追猎者,如果你是人族你就可以造劫掠者去打他。而战术的变化也就在于此了,对方出什么兵,你用相应的兵种去对付他,那岂不是必胜么?
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地区(语言):&美国(英文) 发行时间:&2009年
收藏人数: 1276
中文名:&星际争霸系列小说原名:&StarCraft Universe资源格式:&PDF版本:&5.26更新/暗影猎手/暮光/天堂的恶魔地区:&语言:&简介:&
暴雪 - 星际争霸系列小说有些有中文版,有些没有,详情见最后的目录。有新的小说出版,或中文翻译完成了的我会不定期更新。各小说文件夹包括不同版本的电子小说和封面图片,包含书目详情请见最后。简介:  几千万年前,有个科技极为发达的种族赛而那加(Xel'Naga)在宇宙中流浪,他们在所到达的星球创造新的生命,他们试着创造出纯粹的生物形体,其中最成功的作品就是神族(protoss)和虫族(zerg)。但野心使得神族和虫族陷入大规模的战争中而无法自拔。赛而那加给了虫族同化寄生主的本领,结果虫族却最终毁灭了赛而那加。在这些种族的的战斗中,哈斯(Khas)取得了暂时的统一,他们以银河低等种族的保护者自居,但他们始终害怕神族和虫族的挑战。在虫族开始将目标转向神族的时候,人(Terran)族加入了战争。人族是来自地球的流浪者。在地球第三次世界大战后,地球出现了联合政府,控制了大部分人口。然而地球联合政府却是个专制而恐怖的政府,他们摧毁宗教及不同的语言,并将异己流放到星际中,这就是人族的由来。被流放的地球人从冷冻睡眠后醒来,发现自己正遭到异星力量的威胁,只有选择战斗。虫族为了霸占整个星系,将目标放在拥有智慧潜力的人族身上。小说顺序起义-Uprising利伯蒂的远征-Liberty's Crusade萨尔那加之影-Shadow of the Xel'Naga黑暗降临之前-The Speed of Darkness刀锋女王-Queen of Blades幽灵战士 诺娃-Ghost - Nova黑暗圣堂传奇三部曲 第一部 长子-The Dark Templar Saga - Book One - Firstborn......(黑暗圣堂传奇三部曲 第二部与第三部)我,蒙斯克-I, Mengsk01. 星际争霸 #1 - 利伯蒂的远征 (StarCraft #1 - Liberty's Crusade) 原版/中文版by Jeff Grubb (Author)Product DescriptionFar in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, a loose confederacy of Terran exiles is locked in battle with the enigmatic Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm. Each species struggles to ensure its own survival among the stars in a war that will herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter -- or foretell its violent, bloody end. Danny Liberty was a good reporter...too good. When his investigations struck too close to the heart of the corrupt Terran Confederacy, he faced a simple choice: continue his current series of exposés, or take a hazardous new assignment covering the Marines on the front lines of the Koprulu Sector. It didn't take him long to decide.... Behind the attacks of the Zerg and the Protoss lies the story of a lifetime, but every piece of information blurs the mystery further. Thrown into the middle of a war where the outcome will determine mankind's very survival, the only thing that Danny Liberty knows for sure is that the only person he can trust to keep him alive is himself. The first in an epic new series of space warfare novels set in the world of the bestselling computer game!Publisher: Pocket (March 1, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 02. 星际争霸 #2 - 萨尔那加之影 (StarCraft #2 - Shadow of the Xel'Naga) 原版/中文版by Gabriel Mesta (Author)Product DescriptionFar in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, a loose confederacy of Terran exiles are locked in battle with the enigmatic Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm. Each species struggles to ensure its own survival among the stars in a war that will herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter -- or foretell its violent, bloody end. Bhekar Ro: a bleak, backwater world on the fringe of the Terran Dominion, where every day is a struggle to survive for its handful of human colonists. It is a veritable wasteland -- one speck of dust among many in the vast, dark sea of space. But when the most violent storm in recent memory unearths an unfathomable alien artifact, Bhekar Ro becomes the greatest prize in the Terran Sector -- the Holy Grail of the Zerg, the Protoss, and Humanity alike -- as forces from the three great powers converge to claim the lost secrets of the most powerful species the universe has ever known.
An original tale of space warfare novels set in the world of the bestselling computer game!Publisher: Pocket Books (June 26, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 03. 星际争霸 #3 - 黑暗降临之前 (StarCraft #3 - The Speed of Darkness) 原版/中文版by Tracy Hickman (Author)Product DescriptionFar in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, a loose confederacy of Terran exiles is locked in battle with the enigmatic Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm, as each species struggles to ensure its own survival among the stars -- war that will herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter or foretell its violent, bloody end. All Ardo Menikov ever dreamed of was to live in peace on the verdant colony world of Bountiful. But when the vicious Zerg Swarm attacked the colony and annihilated his loved ones, Ardo was forced to wake from his dream and accept the brutal realities of a war-torn galaxy. Now a confederate marine, charged with defending the worlds of the Terran confederacy, Ardo must come to terms with the painful memories of his past -- and the unsettling truths that may dominate his future.Publisher: Star Trek (May 21, 2002) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 04. 星际争霸 - 起义 (StarCraft - Uprising) 原版by Micky Neilson (Author)Product DescriptionFar in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, Terran exiles battle Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm. Each species struggles for survival in a war heralding mankind's greatest chapter or foretelling its bloody end. The Zerg Queen of Blades, once Sarah Kerrigan, was a human -- the unwilling subject of an experiment. Now her name is a legend. This is the story of her origins, and of the war that was fought for her soul.Publisher: Star Trek (December 18, 2000) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services Language: English ASIN: B000FC0USA 05. 星际争霸 - 刀锋女王 (StarCraft - Queen of Blades) 原版by Aaron Rosenberg (Author)Product DescriptionFormer marshal-turned-rebel Jim Raynor has broken away from the power-crazed Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Enraged over Mengsk's betrayal of the powerful telepath, Sarah Kerrigan, to the ravenous Zerg, Raynor has lost all faith in his fellow humanity. Yet, in the aftermath of Mengsk's treachery, Raynor is plagued by strange visions of Char -- a deadly, volcanic world haunted by horrifying alien creatures. As the nightmares grow in intensity, Raynor begins to suspect that they may not be figments of his imagination -- but a desperate form of telepathic contact. Convinced that the woman he loves is still alive, Raynor launches a hasty mission to rescue Kerrigan from Char. But deep beneath the planet's smoldering surface, Raynor finds a strange chrysalis...and is forced to watch in horror as a terrible, all-too-familiar entity rises from it. Before him stands a creature of depthless malice and vengeance...Sarah Kerrigan: the Zerg Queen of Blades.Publisher: Pocket Star (May 23, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 06. 星际争霸 - 幽灵战士 诺娃 (StarCraft - Ghost - Nova) 原版by Blizzard Entertainment (Author), Keith R. A. DeCandido (Author)Product DescriptionFour years after the end of the Brood War, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk has rebuilt much of the Terran Dominion and consolidated a new military force despite an ever-present alien threat. Within this boiling cauldron of strife and subversion, a young woman known only as Nova shows the potential to become Mengsk's most lethal and promising &Ghost& operative. Utilizing a combination of pure physical aptitude, innate psychic power, and advanced technology, Nova can strike anywhere with the utmost stealth. Like a phantom in the shadows, she exists only as a myth to the enemies of the Terran Dominion.Yet Nova wasn't born a killer. She was once a privileged child of one of the Old Families of the Terran Confederacy, but her life changed forever when a rebel militia murdered her family. In her grief, Nova unleashed her devastating psychic powers, killing hundreds in a single, terrible moment. Now, on the run through the slums of Tarsonis, she is unable to trust anyone. Pursued by a special agent tasked with hunting down rogue telepaths, Nova must come to terms with both her burgeoning powers and her guilt -- before they consume her and destroy everything in her path....Publisher: Pocket Star (November 28, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 07. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第一部 长子 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book One - Firstborn) 原版by Christie Golden (Author)Product DescriptionJake Ramsey -- an unassuming, yet talented archaeologist -- has been given the chance of a lifetime. Hired to investigate a recently unearthed Xel'Naga temple, he knows this latest assignment will open up whole new possibilities for his career. Yet, when Jake discovers the remains of a long-dead protoss mystic, his hopes and dreams are irrevocably drowned in a flood of alien memories. Bonded to the spirit of the dead protoss, Jake has become the sole inheritor of the protoss's total history -- every event, every thought -- every feeling.Struggling to maintain his own fragile identity amidst the raging psychic storm in his mind, Jake soon realizes that he has stumbled upon a secret so cataclysmic in magnitude -- that it will shake the very foundations of the universe.An original tale of space warfare based on the bestselling computer game series from Blizzard Entertainment.Publisher: Pocket Star (May 22, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- 08. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第二部 暗影猎手 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book Two - Shadow Hunters) 原版Product DescriptionAn original tale of space warfare based on the bestselling computer gameseries from Blizzard Entertainment.Driven by the living memories of a long-dead protoss mystic and hounded by the Queen of Blades' ravenous zerg, archaeologist Jake Ramsey embarks on a perilous journey to reach the fabled protoss homeworld of Aiur. Seeking a vital piece of protoss technology, Jake finds that Aiur has been overrun by the zerg. Descending into the shadowy labyrinths beneath the planet's surface, he must find the sacred crystal before time runs out -- for him...and the universe itself. Yet, what Jake discovers beneath Aiur is a horror beyond his wildest nightmares -- Ulrezaj -- an archon comprised of the seven most deadly and powerful dark templar in history.... Product DetailsMass Market Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Pocket Star (November 27, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- Product Dimensions: 6.6 x 4.1 x 1 inches
09. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第三部 暮光 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book Three - Twilight) 原版Product DescriptionAfter the seeming defeat of the dark archon Ulrezaj on the protoss homeworld of Aiur, Jake and Rosemary become separated as they flee through the newly repaired warp gate. Rosemary finds herself with the other refugee protoss on Shakuras, while Jake is catapulted elsewhere. But Jake does not have long to live: their enemies are regrouping, and Zamara's essence must be separated from Jake's mind before time runs out.Jake knows he must survive long enough for Zamara to pass on her vital secret. But which faction -- Valerian, zerg, or the recovered and increasingly powerful Ulrezaj -- will find them first? His only hope rests with the powerful and legendary Zeratul, but as Jake is about to learn...even a dark templar can have a crisis of faith. Product DetailsMass Market Paperback: 336 pages Publisher: Pocket S Original edition (June 30, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- Product Dimensions: 6.9 x 4.2 x 0.9 inches
10. 星际争霸 - 我,蒙斯克 (StarCraft - I, Mengsk) 原版by Graham McNeill (Author)Product DescriptionSixty-thousand light-years from Earth, the corrupt Terran Confederacy holds the Koprulu sector tightly in its tyrannical grip, controlling every aspect of its citizens' lives. One man dares to stand up to this faceless empire and vows to bring it to its knees: Arcturus Mengsk -- genius propagandist, tactician, and freedom fighter. A monstrous act of bloody violence sows the seeds of rebellion in Arcturus, but he is not the first Mengsk to rail against such oppression. Before Arcturus grew to manhood, his father, Angus Mengsk, also defied the Confederacy and sought to end its brutal reign. The destiny of the Mengsk family has long been tied to that of the Confederacy and the Koprulu sector, but as a new empire rises from the ashes of the past and alien invaders threaten the very existence of humanity, what will the future hold for the next generation...?Publisher: Pocket Star (December 30, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978-11. 星际争霸 II - 天堂的恶魔 (Starcraft II - Heaven's Devils) 原版Product DescriptionFor the poor, hardworking citizens of the Confederacy's fringe worlds, the Guild Wars have exacted a huge toll. Swayed by the promise of financial rewards, a new batch of recruits joins the fight alongside a slew of mysteriously docile criminals -- and a few dubious military leaders. Eighteen-year-old Jim Raynor, full of testosterone and eager to make things right at home, ships off to boot camp and finds his footing on the battlefield, but he soon discovers that the official mission is not what he's really fighting for.For the first time ever, StarCraft enthusiasts will learn the origins of the enduring friendship between the young upstart Jim Raynor and the streetwise soldier Tychus Findlay. Watch as they battle on the front lines of a fierce interplanetary war and bear witness to the Confederacy's rank corruption -- corruption so reprehensible that it rains immeasurable death and destruction upon the government's own people. Product DetailsHardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Pocket (April 6, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10:
ISBN-13: 978- Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.3 x 1.2 inches
01. 星际争霸 #1 - 利伯蒂的远征 (StarCraft #1 - Liberty's Crusade) 原版/中文版02. 星际争霸 #2 - 萨尔那加之影 (StarCraft #2 - Shadow of the Xel'Naga) 原版/中文版03. 星际争霸 #3 - 黑暗降临之前 (StarCraft #3 - The Speed of Darkness) 原版/中文版04. 星际争霸 - 起义 (StarCraft - Uprising) 原版05. 星际争霸 - 刀锋女王 (StarCraft - Queen of Blades) 原版06. 星际争霸 - 幽灵战士 诺娃 (StarCraft - Ghost - Nova) 原版07. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第一部 长子 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book One - Firstborn) 原版08. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第二部 暗影猎手 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book Two - Shadow Hunters) 原版09. 星际争霸 - 黑暗圣堂传奇 第三部 暮光 (Starcraft - The Dark Templar Saga - Book Three - Twilight) 原版10. 星际争霸 - 我,蒙斯克 (StarCraft - I, Mengsk) 原版11. 星际争霸 II - 天堂的恶魔 (Starcraft II - Heaven's Devils) 原版


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