gourmet kitchenranch游戏总是崩溃

牧场烹饪上菜破解存档 Gourmet Ranch修改教程_图文攻略_全通关攻略_高分攻略_百度攻略
牧场烹饪上菜存档,小编为大家带来牧场烹饪上菜破解存档,存档修改无限金币可供大家使用,需要的小伙伴快来看看吧!游戏简介:《美食牧场 Gourmet Ranch》是一款模拟经营题材的休闲游戏。欢迎来到轻松美丽的世界!这里的阳光永远耀眼,作物永远茂盛,佳肴永远美味,餐厅永远赚钱!在游戏中,玩家需要再牧场内种植有机作物或者蓄养动物,在绝妙的露天厨房内将它们变成一道道美味佳肴,为河岸咖啡屋的幸福客人提供舌尖上的美味!玩家可以通过经营赚来的钱扩张以及装饰你的美食王国。喜欢模拟经营的玩家赶紧下载体验吧!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com存档内容:1.无限金币下载地址:美食牧场修改存档(暂缺)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com存档使用方法:1、使用iTools等软件找到游戏。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com2、点击浏览,进入游戏目录(注意:请备份原版的存档或文件,以免解锁失败导致失去存档)3、解压存档后,把文件夹内的Documents、Library文件夹复制到游戏里,覆盖原文件,如图所示。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com4、关闭软件,打开游戏,完成修改更多美食牧场相关攻略,敬请关注搞趣网手机游戏攻略站!
相关攻略推荐Sean Ryan谈开发商如何应对游戏末期
发布时间: 11:27:53
作者:AJ Glasser
Facebook游戏生态系统如今已发展成当前态势:开发商着手计划游戏生命末期而非初始阶段。Facebook Sean Ryan日前接受采访,谈论开发商应如何应对游戏发展末期。
Ryan表示,“我们目前步入的是游戏2、3、4岁阶段,所以关于如何应对我们有众多选择。完整续集是否算是不同游戏?还是增加扩充内容诸如Zynga的Pioneer Trail(游戏邦注:其原本是《FrontierVille》的扩充内容,如今已是款独立游戏),或《Army Attack》中的Desert Area?抑或者是放任自由,随其衰败?”
虽然游戏持续推出新内容和每月更新,我们过去4个月来还是看到若干长期运作的作品在入驻Facebook 2年多后步入其生命暮年。若游戏无法维持盈利,或开发商维持此作品需承受机会成本,这些资源原本能够用来开发新内容,此时作品就步入寿命末期。财政表现水平因开发商而异,但我们从开发商那最常听到的是“价值等式”是LTV(终身价值)& CPI(安装成本)。也就是说,当游戏用户终身价值大于用户安装成本时,游戏保持健康发展。若运作下滑至LTV & CPI,游戏就开始消亡。
这是PopCap收购前,ZipZapPlay几款游戏的运作情况。ZipZapPlay前首席执行官,现PopCap总经理Curt Bererton在上月西雅图Casual Connect大会上阐述用户的整个等式演变过程。在讲话“Finding the Minimum Viable Game and When to Kill Your Baby”中,他谈及开发商如何在发行第一天、第七天以及最后的1个月后检验LTV & CPI等式。他表示,通常来说,若LTV & CPI维持1个月以上,那么作品就正常运作。
案例研究:ZipZapPlay的《Happy Habitat》
Chart 1 from insidesocialgames.com
上图呈现《Happy Habitat》整个生命周期的流量情况。其高峰出现在2010年3月,用户数量创历新高,MAU达50.1918万,DAU达7.9921万。2011年4月工作室被PopCap收购,此时《Happy Habitat》的MAU和DAU有小幅提高,源于新公司宣布将逐步卸下这款游戏。游戏于日正式终结生命,“享年”2.5岁。
当留存率低于10%及每活跃用户平均收益非常低时(游戏邦注:例如低于1美分),游戏就会出现LTV & CPI情况。但这并不一定会导致作品步入末期,因为我们常发现有些开发商只是通过简单调整机制或添加新内容就扭转游戏命运。
案例研究:RockYou Playdemic的《Gourmet Ranch》
Chart 2 from insidesocialgames.com
发行商RockYou于2011年初收购《Gourmet Ranch》开发商 Playdemic。不久后,开发商就宣布推出融入新游戏机制的扩充内容——钓鱼,这成为游戏核心玩法。从过去8个月的数据信息图我们可以发现,在4、5月推出扩充内容期间,MAU和DAU提高而留存率几乎都呈下滑趋势。在6月份期间,MAU和DAU下滑,而留存率上升,3个月后(7月),游戏总体留存率比推出扩充内容前的水平期高出5%。注意:留存率过去1个月出现下滑是因为RockYou在《Gourmet Ranch》植入新广告平台;这带来新MAU和DAU。
Facebook社交游戏开发商刚刚找到通过添加扩充内容和续集能够延长游戏体验的途径。早期续集案例,如Playdom的《Mobsters 2》表现并不好,因为用户似乎不愿意从既有应用转移至新应用。RockYou的《动物世界 2》长期问鼎榜单,因此开发商能够选择通过相同应用ID制作续集,绕过复杂过程。其他游戏,如6 Waves Lolapps的《Ravenwood Fair》旨在通过扩充游戏续集内容而非直接制作续集寻找成功之路。此外,Zynga依然继续在其问世14个月的《FrontierVille》中添加即将问世Pioneer Trail扩充内容。
除引入新内容外,开发商也可通过降低总体CPI改变价值等式。这体现在仅将用户获取方案瞄准目标群体。这似乎是个显而易见的结论:资金投入应瞄准潜在付费群体;但我们仍旧能够发现某些游戏在发行前2个月瞄准大量普通用户。虽然此“竞争临界规模”策略适用诸如迪士尼 Playdom《时光花园》之类的游戏,但多数中小型开发商无法实现此目标,除非携手具有临界规模的发行商。
When to Sunset and When to Stay With Social Games on Facebook
By AJ Glasser
The Facebook games ecosystem has evolved to the point where most social game developers put effort into planning the end of a game’s life cycle instead of just its beginning. Facebook’s Sean Ryan shares some insight with ISG on what developers are doing when a game reaches the end of the line.
“We’re hitting a phase right now where games are two, three, and four years old,” Ryan tells ISG. “So we’re seeing different philosophies on what you do. A full sequel that is a different game? An expansion pack like we’ve seen with Zynga and Pioneer Trail, or Army Attack with the Desert Area? Or just let it go and watch it decline?”
When to Let Go
Even with games consistently releasing new content and monthly updates, we’ve seen several long-running games reach the point of sunset in the last four months after 2+ years on the Facebook platform. This point comes when the game drops below a financial performance point or when the developer hits an opportunity cost of resources spent maintaining the game that could instead be spent on developing a new game. The financial performance point varies by developer, but the most common “evaluation equation” we’ve heard from developers is LTV & CPI. That is, when a game’s lifetime value of users is greater than the cost per install of a user, the game is healthy. If its performance drops to a point where LTV & CPI, the game is dying.
This was the case for several games developed by ZipZapPlay prior to its PopCap acquisition. Curt Bererton, former CEO of ZipZapPlay and now General Manager under PopCap, walked an audience through the equation during a session at Casual Connect in Seattle last month. In his talk, titled “Finding the Minimum Viable Game and When to Kill Your Baby,” he explained how the developer checked the LTV & CPI equation on the first day of launch, the seventh day post-launch, and then a final time a month after the game’s launch. In general, he says, if LTV & CPI after 30 days, you’re doing it right.
The point at which the equation seems to change dramatically for most developers is after the three- and four-month mark, where we see social games lose a lot of their early traffic. At this point, says Ryan, the game’s LTV is usually very high because only the dedicated paying users remain in the game while non-paying users have left. Depending on how a developer manages the CPI, the game will either thrive on its loyal users, or gradually decline over a period that ranges from six months to a year.
Case Study: ZipZapPlay’s Happy Habitat
The graph above shows the entire traffic life cycle of Happy Habitat as recorded by our traffic tracking service, AppData. At its peak in March 2010, the game had an all-time high of 501,918 monthly active users and 79,921 daily active users. At the point of the PopCap acquisition in April 2011, Happy Habitat got a slight lift in MAU and DAU as the new owner announced plans to sunset the title. The game officially ended June 30, 2011 at the age of 2.5 years.
When to Hang On
A game might have a LTV & CPI situation on its hands when retention drops below 10% and average revenue per daily active user is already low (say, less than 1 cent). That doesn’t always result in sunsetting, however, as we’ve seen developers turn a game around by simply changing the gameplay or adding new content.
When a game introduces a new expansion, two things happen: MAU and DAU spike as new users come into the game, and retention (DAU as a percentage of MAU) falls. This creates a second curve in the game’s overall life cycle similar to its first three months on the market. Like those first six months, the non-paying users will drop out and the dedicated paying users will stay — and hopefully there will be more of those dedicated users than prior to the expansion.
Case Study: RockYou Playdemic’s Gourmet Ranch
At the beginning of 2011, publisher RockYou acquired Gourmet Ranch developer Playdemic. Not too long afterward, the developer released an expansion pack that added a new game mechanic — fishing — the core gameplay experience. As we can see from an AppData chart covering the last eight months, MAU and DAU rose while retention mostly fell during the April and May months when the expansion launched. Throughout June, MAU and DAU fell while retention rose and after three months — in July — the game’s overall retention came out almost 5% higher than the pre-expansion figure. *Note that we see retention falling in the last 30 days on account of RockYou pushing its new ad platform in Gourmet R this is creating a new influx of MAU and DAU.
What Developers Can Do: Keep it Awesome, Reduce CPI
Social games on Facebook are only just now finding ways to prolong the gameplay experience through expansions and sequels. Early examples of sequels like Playdom’s Mobsters 2 didn’t perform very well, as users seemed reluctant to migrate from an old app to a new one. As RockYou’s Zoo World 2 proves week after week in our rankings, however, developers can get around this complication by running the sequel in the same app ID as the original. Other games, like 6 Waves Lolapps’ Ravenwood Fair, are hoping to find success through franchise extension in new games rather than with direct sequels. Zynga, meanwhile, continues to explore expansions like the upcoming Pioneer Trail add-on for the 14-month-old FrontierVille.
Aside from introducing new content, developers can also change the evaluation equation by reducing overall CPI. This comes from targeting user acquisition toward only the users they want to have in their game. It may seem like an obvious conclusion that you should only spend money on the users most likely t but we still see some games going after a large, general audiences in their first two months on the market. While this “race to critical mass” approach seems to be working for some games like Disney Playdom’s Gardens of Time, most mid-market and small developers struggle to reach this point unless they go through a publisher with a preexisting critical mass.
What Facebook Can Do: Make it Easier to Acquire Users
Facebook scaled back viral channels available to social games last year in an attempt to clamp down on a spam problem. Some of this virality is beginning to return on the platform, now that Facebook feels it has spam under control. Beyond that, though, the platform is working to improve social discovery for games and introduce a better new-user experience. All of this will help developers connect with the kind of users that can support high LTV.
“We focus on greater ability to find the right types of users for a lower cost for your game,” Ryan says. “It’s not just a sunsetting issue — sunsetting in creative fields is life. You move on. [Facebook] focuses on better ways for you to expand, for you to go viral, for you to acquire customers. That should help, whether it’s sunsetting or expansion.”(Source:)
CopyRight Since 2010 GamerBoom All rights reserved &&闽ICP备&号-1分析Facebook六大农场游戏用户粘性及盈利性
发布时间: 11:50:24
作者:James Au
Facebook top 6 farm games(from AppData)
除了《FarmVille》之外,其它居于前列的五款农场游戏的用户来自于世界各地,其中多为阿拉伯,土耳其以及中国Facebook用户。根据Inside Virtual Goods数据,这些名列前茅的农场游戏都拥有超过20%的用户粘性。本文将简要介绍每一款游戏的核心游戏机制和盈利功能。(游戏邦注:这里所指的农场游戏排除了那些收割和种植非农作物的模拟游戏,例如怪物、僵尸和大麻题材的游戏。)
Farmville-MAU-DAU(from AppData)
发行于2009年的夏季,并在2010年12月份就已经获得了将近6千万的MAU(达到了顶峰),但是今天其MAU已经下跌到峰值的一半,并且这种趋势将一直持续到2011年5月。Zynga后来与著名歌手Lady Gaga在该游戏中推出品牌营销合作,促使该游戏DAU和MAU的短时间回升,并且在9月份推出游戏扩展内容Lighthouse Cove之时,其MAU也获得了暂时提高,但DAU却无明显增幅。从11月份开始,《FarmVille》的DAU和MAU比值开始呈现下滑趋势,从10月中旬的28%跌落至今天的23%,其MAU虽然在上升,但DAU却在下滑。
阿拉伯语游戏(英文名:《Happy Land》)–Peak Games(发行商)& Halfquest(开发商)
Happy-Land-Arabic(from AppData)
《Happy Land》是针对阿拉伯国家Facebook用户的一款农场游戏,并且游戏中包含了许多符合当地人审美观点的图像,例如游戏中的顾问角色就戴着阿拉伯头巾。在游戏玩法中,玩家可以用收获的农场资源去饲养牲畜,或者加工后拿到市场中进行贩卖。玩家可以装扮农场,并与其他玩家竞争以获得更多财富和经验值去拓展自己的农场。玩家可以用虚拟货币“Ranch Cash”(用Facebook Credits购买)来升级设备,特殊的道具等。
Happy Land(from insidemobileapps)
从左上顺时针方向依序为:《Happy Land》(阿拉伯语),《Happy Land》(英语),《Country Life》以及《Our Farm》(土耳其语)
除了拥有50万MAU与23%DAU/MAU比值的英语农场游戏《Happy Land》,发行商Peak Games还推出了一款土耳其语农场游戏《Bizim ?iftlik》,该游戏拥有98万的MAU,26%的DAU/MAU比值。另外还有一款英语农场游戏《Country Life》,拥有110万MAU和19%的DAU/MAU比值,但是截止本文撰稿,Peak Games都未回应这款游戏是否由其发行,或者该游戏将由其开发商Halfquest自主安排发行事宜。
中文游戏《开心农场》(英文名:《Happy Farm》)——ELEX
开心农场(from AppData)
《开心农场》是一款针对中国Facebook用户的农场游戏,玩家可以在4×7的农场网格中种植并收获庄稼,自行装扮农场,并通过游戏中的排名系统与好友进行竞争。该游戏营收来自其虚拟货币,玩家可以通过Facebook Credits购买其指定货币,然后再用它兑换特殊的种子,植物,设备,牲畜以及拥有不同背景的农场布局。《开心农场》拥有非常高的用户粘性,超过40%的玩家每天都在玩这款游戏。
土耳其语游戏《Kom?u ?iftlik》(英文名:《Barn Buddy》)——TheBroth & Peak Games
Kom?u ?iftlik(from AppData)
这款TheBroth的《Barn Buddy》土耳其语版本MAU远远超过其之前发行的英语版游戏(前者的MAU是210万,后者是160万),并且DAU/MAU比值接近20%。这款游戏的核心机制是玩家通过清除死苗,喷洒农药,种植并浇灌新芽去照料一片农场,获得收货后将其卖到市场上换取游戏货币“Coins”和“Credits”。与众多农场游戏一样,《Barn Buddy》的玩家也可以访问好友的农场,帮助他们照料庄稼和牲畜。他们也可以通过放置害虫和野草去破坏好友的农场,或者偷取他们的庄稼。这种机制提高了游戏的竞争性,让玩家为了排名而更加踊跃参与游戏。
该游戏让玩家使用Facebook Credits购买农场的动物,以此赚取更多货币和经验值。例如他们可以购买防盗狗去防止其他玩家的偷盗行为。在这些动物中还有来自日本著名电视节目中的一个角色Domo的虚拟品牌形象,TheBroth之前曾针对这一角色在Facebook上另外开发了一款游戏。玩家也可以通过观看嵌入式广告而获得Facebook Credits。
《Farm Town》—-–Slashkey
Farm Town(from AppData)
作为最早的Facebook农场模拟游戏之一,《Farm Town》在2009年的顶峰期就获得了大量的玩家,并且直到现在仍然保留许多活跃玩家。在游戏中,玩家能够自定义并控制游戏角色,让他们去种植并收获庄稼,在市场上贩售,并用所得利润去拓展自己的农场。在市场中,角色与角色之间可以随时交流,并帮助对方完成农场任务而获得奖励(游戏中设置了在线聊天以及玩家间相互发送信息的功能)。
玩家可以通过添加工厂以及其它建筑物,牲畜等装扮并扩展自己的农场,并花费“Coin”(玩家可以通过完成游戏内的任务或者使用Facebook Credits换得)或者“FarmCash”(只能用Facebook Credits换取或者广告商的“赞助”)在游戏中购买道具,如种子、树、花、动物、建筑物、额外的土地或者家具等。
《Gourmet Ranch》——Playdemic & RockYou
Gourmet Ranch(from AppData)
在《Gourmet Ranch》中,玩家不仅可以自定义并扩展自己的农场,还会经营一间有机餐厅。玩家可以对自定义的游戏角色下达命令。并且,与其它农场游戏一样,玩家必须种植,培育并收获庄稼/牲畜。但是与其它农场游戏不一样之处是,玩家可以将所收获的产品用于自己经营的餐厅中。并且他们也可以将收获的作物(连同加工后的产品)卖给其他玩家,并利用所得收入去购买更多高质量的农产品,以制作出更多高价销售的餐厅食物,以此不断扩展自己的农场和餐厅。
玩家在游戏中可以获得虚拟货币“GR Coin”和“Cash”(均可用Facebook Credits换得),并以此购买更多农场和餐厅的道具和产品。“Key”可以打开更多游戏内容,“Speedups”可以帮助玩家加速完成游戏目标,并且玩家都可以利用“GR”和“Cash”购买这两种道具。
值得一提的是,RockYou在2011年1月收购了《Gourmet Ranch》开发商Playdemic,并将自身广告平台与该游戏绑定,从而推动了游戏的稳定发展和持续更新。但是RockYou最近进行了一次重要改组,并将Playdemic连同《Gourmet Ranch》回售给其创始人,而这也是这款游戏在上图中的MAU和DAU下降的主要原因之一。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
Facebook’s Top Farming Games By Traffic
While farming games no longer dominate the Facebook gaming platform as they once did in previous years, they still retain a very large userbase. Join us for a look at the top six farming games by traffic, as recorded by our traffic tracking service, AppData.
1. FarmVille 7,000,000 30,900,000 23%
2. ??????? ???????(Happy Land) 3,000,000 920,000 31%
3. 開心農場 (Happy Farm) 2,200,000 890,000 41%
4. Kom?u ?iftlik (Barn Buddy) 2,100,000 450,000 22%
5. Farm Town 990,000 260,000 26%
6. Gourmet Ranch 620,000 160,000 26%
Beyond FarmVille, the leading five farm games have over 13 million total monthly active users (MAU), spread across a demographically diverse userbase, much of whom are Arab, Turkish, and Chinese speaking Facebook users. Many of these top farm games boast engagement rates over 20%, which is considered high based on data collected in Inside Virtual Goods. This report will briefly review each of these games’ core gameplay loops and monetization features.
[Editor's Note: For the purposes of this report, “farming game” is defined as a simulation where the act of farming forms the core gameplay loop. This list also excludes games where
farming mechanics such as harvesting and planting are used to collect non-farm resources -- monsters, zombies, marijuana, etc.]
Farmville – Zynga
Launched in the Summer of 2009 and reaching a peak of of nearly 60 million MAU in December 2010, FarmVille’s userbase is now roughly half that number, with a downward trend that continued into May 2011. At that point, Zynga launched a branded FarmVille ad campaign linked to pop star Lady Gaga that created a short-term increase in DAU and MAU; a complete expansion launched in September also temporarily increased MAU, but not DAU. Since November, FarmVille has seen a recent drop of DAU as a percent of MAU, falling from 28% in mid-October to 23% now as MAU continues to rise while DAU falls.
Beyond FarmVille, however, activity rates for the top farming games are often quite different:
??????? ??????? (Arabic, Happy Land) – Peak Games & Halfquest
A farming game aimed at Arabic-speaking Facebook users, Happy Land contains art assets target for instance, the player’s advisor character wears a keffiyeh headdress. In the core gameplay loop, the player harvests farm resources which can be used to feed livestock, or processed, and then sold at market. Players can customize the look of their farm, and compete with other players to gain the most wealth and experience points for developing them. Monetization is through Ranch Cash (purchased with Facebook Credits) used for buying equipment upgrades, special items, and farming power-ups.
Clockwise from top left: Happy Land (Arabic), Happy Land (English), Country Life, and Our Farm (Turkish)
Note that publisher Peak Games also has a Turkish language version of the game called Bizim ?iftlik that enjoys 980,000 MAU and 26% DAU/MAU in addition to an English language version of the game called Happy Land, which now sees 500,000 MAU and 23% DAU/MAU. There also appears to be second English language version of the game, Country Life, with 1,100,000 MAU and 19% DAU/MAU, but as of press time Peak Games has not responded to request to clarify whether or not this game published by it or was perhaps created by developer Halfquest independently of its publishing agreement with Peak Games.
開心農場 (Chinese, Happy Farm) – ELEX
A farming game aimed at Chinese-speaking Facebook users, Happy Farm’s core gameplay loop centers around a 4×7 farming grid, where crops can be planted and harvested. Players have some customization options for the look of their farm, and a ranking system enables competition between friends playing the game. Monetization is built on special Happy Farm currency, purchasable with Facebook Credits, which can then be used to purchase special seeds, plants, equipment, livestock, and special enhanced farm layouts with different backgrounds (such as a fantasy or island theme). Happy Farm enjoys very high engagement rates, with over 40% of its users playing on a daily basis.
Kom?u ?iftlik (Turkish, Barn Buddy) – TheBroth & Peak Games
The Turkish language version of TheBroth’s Barn Buddy farm game far outpaces its English language original in MAU (2.1 million versus 1.6 million), but arrives at roughly the same DAU/MAU around 20%. In the core gameplay loop, players tend a field by removing dead plants, spraying for bugs and weeds, planting and watering new crops, and then harvesting and selling them at market for the game’s currencies, Coins and Credits. As with many other farm games, players of Barn Buddy can visit their friends’ farms to help care for their crops and livestock. However, they also have an option to sabotage friends’ farms by adding bugs and weeds, or even steal their crops. This component adds an extra layer of competitiveness to the game’s leaderboards.
Monetization comes through Facebook Credits purchased to buy farm animals, which earn the player extra currency and experience points. This includes guard dogs, which protect against player-to-player crop theft. Among the animals that can be purchased in Barn Buddy is a branded virtual good: Domo, the popular Japanese television character — who also has his own Facebook game developed by TheBroth. Facebook Credits can also be earned in the game by watching embedded commercials.
Farm Town – Slashkey
Among the very first Facebook farm sim games to gain a large number of players back in 2009, Farm Town still maintains a relatively large and active userbase. Players customize and control an avatar, and use him or her to grow and harvest crops, sell them at market, and then use the profits to develop and expand their farm property. In the marketplace, players’ avatars can interact with each other in real time, and earn bonuses for cooperating with each other on their respective farm tasks. (The game has live chat and player-to-player messaging features for this purpose.)
As for monetization, players can also customize many aspects of their farm, adding factories and other buildings, along with livestock. To purchase in-game items, such as seeds, trees, flowers, animals, buildings, additional land, and furniture, players spend Coins (which can be earned with in-game activity or purchased with Facebook Credits) or FarmCash, which are only available for Facebook Credits, or by fulfilling advertiser offers.
Gourmet Ranch – Playdemic & RockYou
In Gourmet Ranch’s core gameplay, players expand and customize their farm, which is attached to an organic restaurant. Commands are directed through a customizable avatar. As with the other farming games in this list, the player must grow, tend, and harvest crops/livestock. Unlike these other games, this harvest is used to bake products served in the player’s restaurant. These harvested goods (along with cooked products) can be sold to other players. Earnings from these sales can be spent to purchase higher quality farm products, to bake more expensive restaurant items, and to develop the farm and restaurant.
Monetization comes via the game’s official currency, GR Coins and Cash, both buyable with Facebook Credits, used to purchase farm and restaurant items. Keys, which unlock game content, and Speedups, which automatically hasten game goals, can also be purchased with GR Cash.
Note that Gourmet Ranch developer Playdemic was purchased by publisher RockYou in January 2011, causing the game to grow steadily as the publisher integrated its ad platform within the game while the developer continued to release content. RockYou recently underwent dramatic restructuring, ultimately selling Playdemic back to its founders along with Gourmet Ranch, which may explain the decline in MAU and DAU reflected in the chart above.()
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