如何safe mode 开启 限制yosemite 的 dark mode

Switch on Dark Mode in Mac OS X Yosemite - How to - Macworld UK
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How to switch on Dark Mode in Mac OS X Yosemite
This feature looks at Mac OS X Yosemite’s new Dark Mode. This creates a new dark menu bar and dock. Discover how to turn on Dark Mode in OS X Yosemite.
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Along with the new look for Mac OS X Yosemite, Apple has quietly introduced an option called Dark Mode: this significantly changes the look and feel of Yosemite. In this article we&re going to take a look at how to enable Dark Mode in the .
Dark Mode is part of Apple&s new look and feel for Mac OS X Yosemite and Apple Macs now have a much more translucent interface than before.
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How to enable Dark Mode in Mac OS X Yosemite
Apple has built support for Dark Mode into the settings, so it's easy to turn the new mode on.
Here is how to enable Dark Mode:
Open System Preferences.
Click General.
Place a tick in the Use Dark Menu Bar and Dock option.
Close System Preferences.
Mac OS X Yosemite should now be running in Dark Mode. Remove the tick from Use Dark Menu Bar and Dock to return to regular mode.
What Yosemite&s Dark Mode looks like
Yosemite&s Dark Mode changes the look of the Menu bar (at the top of the Mac OS X interface) and the Dock. Here are some things to look out for in Dark Mode:
The Dock. In the case of the Dock the pale translucent background becomes much darker. It remains translucent, however, and if you move windows behind the dock the lightness of them shows through.
The Menu bar. The drop-down menus across Mac OS X are dark and again, the lightness of any windows underneath shines through.
App support. Currently support for Dark Mode in the Menu bar is limited to Apple&s own apps. Apps made by a third-party display a dark menu, but it does not have the see through effect.
Dark Mode does not affect other translucent parts of the Mac OS X Yosemite interface. Apps like Safari, which features a new translucent sidebar are not affected by Mac OS X Yosemite.
Dark Mode is great to test out, and we think it might be easier on the eyes than the regular mode.
You can also use the General Settings to change other parts of Mac OS X from Blue to Graphite. This removes much of the colour from the Mac OS X Interface and we think it sits well with Yosemite (although it is a bit Gothic).
We like Dark Mode: it is a refreshing alternative to the highly translucent interface found in Mac OS X Yosemite. We think Mac OS X Yosemite's Dark Mode is worth testing out.
Read more about Yosemite at our
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Safari 7.0.4
Mac OS X 10.9.3
OS X Yosemite 的界面变化很大,开发者们对WWDC 上苹果介绍的深色模式(Dark Mode)非常感兴趣。当然,OS X Yosemite 第一个测试版中还不支持深色模式。当然,国外开发者经过深度探索后终于找到了在 Mavericks 中没有的文件,可以通过简单的操作在 Yosemite 中开启深色模式。
14-6-7 00:54:41 上传
首先我们要定位至系统/资源库文件夹,可以在 Finder——前往——前往文件夹中输入 /System/Library,然后回车。找到 CoreService 文件夹在 CoreService 文件夹中找到 SystemAppearance.bundle。右键点击这个文件,选择 显示包内容。进入 Resources 文件夹将 DarkAppearance.car 文件重命名为 GraphiteAppearance.car打开系统偏好设置,进入通用点击外观,选择石墨色重启系统
14-6-7 00:54:18 上传
经过这一番折腾后,OS X Yosemite 就进入深色模式(Dark Mode)了,当然,目前深色模式还没有完成,所以很多界面元素都看不到。.CAR 文件中包含了 OS X 所有界面元素。
最后登录16-1-22在线时间3179 小时赞25 注册时间12-6-24积分8777帖子精华0UID365069
( ☆☆☆☆☆ )
分享于 14-6-7 08:14:25
Safari 7.0.4
Mac OS X 10.9.3
不如iPhone的 Invert Color、
最后登录16-1-24在线时间3215 小时赞9 注册时间11-12-23积分4092帖子精华1UID284109
( ☆☆☆☆ )
分享于 14-6-7 01:49:53
Safari 7.0.4
Mac OS X 10.9.3
丑爆了。。。为什么最顶上的哪一行 没变黑。。。
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其他 其他苹果79
分享于 14-6-7 08:58:49
Safari 7.0.3
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最后登录16-1-24在线时间2342 小时赞15 注册时间05-5-30积分11161帖子精华0UID972
分享于 14-6-7 09:06:07
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北京市 海淀区苹果13371
分享于 14-6-7 10:35:05
Safari 7.0.4
Mac OS X 10.9.3
最后登录16-1-24在线时间7543 小时赞42 注册时间11-1-7积分17095帖子精华1UID199161
( 超级版主 )
山西省 长治市苹果9444
分享于 14-6-7 11:08:42
Safari 7.0.2
Mac OS X 10.9.2
只是测试版 所以丑


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