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-- 烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集剧情介绍浏览 372发布日期: 00:00:01文章来源:在线观看:无关键字:烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集剧情介绍这是一篇关于烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看  第25集  一切如黑仔所料,松本派出的骑兵队果然冲向村庄。但是,骑兵队长命令全队停在村口,观察,就是不进村。黑仔将自己当做诱饵,激怒骑兵队长。骑兵队呼啸着冲进村庄,进入了游击队早就设好的伏击网。游击队利用早就练熟的绊马索,依借村庄有利地形,将骑兵队歼灭半数,大胜。松本并未在意这场失败,他推断游击队一定会退入北部山区。松本依靠自己过硬的战术素养,快速划出了封锁区域,命令所有部队进山搜索游击队。黑仔等人撤入山林,偶遇了投奔而来的小鬼队队员曱甴仔。曱甴仔抗日积极头脑灵活,在最短时间给游击队画出了极其详细的地图。为了避免粮仓暴露,黑仔命令火胜一人负责粮仓。但贪吃的阿彪忍不住饿,私自潜到粮仓偷了一枚红薯,被日军发现,游击队的粮食全部被烧毁。整个游击队陷入无法突围,又无粮充饥的困境。黑仔分析附近局势,猜出了松本三面包围,一面设伏的口袋阵。他决定反其道而行之,进攻看似最为坚固的日军碉堡。这座碉堡是由皇协军守卫的。通过曱甴仔,黑仔请来皇协军中的小队长张阿才,说服他帮助游击队。张阿才因为母亲被扣做人质,不敢答应。松本对山中村落的老百姓进行血腥屠杀,张阿才的母亲因帮助游击队筹粮被松本杀死。弥留之际,张母通过曱甴仔传话给儿子,一定不能再做汉奸,要帮助游击队抗日。游击队在张阿才的帮助下,夺去了碉堡,取得了宝贵的给养。  第26集  松本命令骑兵队最快速度追击刘黑仔,在游击队抢过吊桥前将其拦截。游击队也全速前进,和鬼子争夺时间。最终,游击队抢在鬼子之前过桥,并将唯一的通道吊桥炸毁,甩掉了鬼子的跟踪。游击队接到香港方面情报,有一批新到的电台等待接收。火胜自告奋勇打前站,独自前往香港。火胜在香港顺利交联。但他没有想到的是,地下交通站早就被东条破获,和自己交联的是日本人派出的密侦。东条命令密侦稳住火胜,等待刘黑仔等人前来运货,一网打尽。火胜机智地观察接头人,用江西俚语拆穿了特务身份,将其击毙。他发现约定地点已被日特重重包围。火胜必须通知黑仔等人,以防他们调入圈套。火胜毅然做出了牺牲自己的决定。他大摇大摆走进街头大楼,发出了最后一封电报,和鬼子血战后,重伤被俘。权哥和戴在初轮番找安娜谈话,要求她为了黑仔的前途而离开黑仔。安娜经过强烈的思想斗争,认为自己和黑仔确实不合适,又会影响英雄的前途,在黑板上留书一封,准备离开。正在这时,黑仔来到教室,看到黑板上的字,心痛懊悔不已,自说自话安娜表白。躲在黑板后的安娜被打动,就在她要出来相见的时刻,戴在初带来了火胜的电报。黑仔得知兄弟性命垂危,立即将安娜忘到九霄云外。点齐人马就要出发。安娜黯然神伤,默默地离开了游击队。  第27集  就在黑仔点齐手枪队人马准备出发之际,阿强带来了火胜的死讯。报纸上印着火胜被汽车分尸的号外。黑仔等人失声痛哭,立誓要为火胜报仇。远处,钱佩珍默默地看着这一切,转身悄然离开,她作出了自己的决定。离开游击队的安娜,流落香港,在街头被日军士兵盯上,欲抓其去慰安所。安娜逃跑,千钧一发之际被好心的老太太收留。老太太可怜安娜,答应安娜先躲在自己家中,暂避风头。黑仔一行小队潜入香港,准备刺杀鲍鱼强。K先生向何敏仪下达命令,接日本人之手除掉黑仔等人。何敏仪阳奉阴违提供了错误的住址,日军扑空。K先生大发雷霆,以死亡威胁,必须在一天之内除掉刘黑仔,否则就用军统家法处置何敏仪。何敏仪踌躇再三,最终没有下手。她主动向黑仔等人承认了自己的身份和目的。令她没想到的是,黑仔和老戴早就知道了她的身份和所作所为,一直想给她一个改过的机会。经过老戴的思想工作,何敏仪决定去游击队后方改造学习,并承诺会以一名合格的共产主义革命战士身份与大家重逢。黑仔等人监视鲍鱼强的日常生活,寻找规律。他们惊讶的发现失踪了的佩珍竟然和鲍鱼强黏在一起。原来,佩珍决心为火胜报仇,独自一人前来香港,以酒吧独身女人的身份接近鲍鱼强,虚以为蛇,想拼个鱼死网破。在黑仔的劝说下,佩珍归队,和大家一起行动。一个针对鲍鱼强的刺杀计划悄悄展开......烽火兄弟之东江英雄相关剧情烽火兄弟之东江英雄第25-27集英文剧情25 sets
All such as black son expected, Matsumoto cavalry were sent to the village. Cavalry, however, the captain ordered the team stops at the village, observation, is not into the village. Captain black son himself as a decoy, enrage cavalry. Whistling in the cavalry rushed into the village, and entered the guerrillas have long net good ambush. Guerrillas used his mastery of early cheval-de-frise, favorable terrain, menof village will cavalry half of annihilation, win. Matsumoto did not care about the failure, he concluded that the guerrillas will retreat into the northern mountains. Matsumoto on their own hard tactics, and drawn the blockade areas quickly, command all the guerrilla forces into the search. Black son and others withdraw into the forest and came across to the imp team 曱 甴 seed. 曱 甴 seed anti-japanese positive mind, in the shortest possible time to the guerrillas to draw a very detailed map. In order to avoid the granary exposure, black son command fire are better than one is responsible for the granary. But greedy tiger could not help but hungry, secretly dive granary stole a sweet potatoes, is discovered by the Japanese, the guerrillas food all destroyed. The guerrillas into unable to break through, and have no food to eat. Black son near analysis situation, guess the Matsumoto surrounded on three sides, one side in ambush in the pockets of the array. He decided to do exactly the opposite, attack seems to be the most strong Japanese bunker. The bunker is by the emperor association army guards. Through 曱 甴, black son invited huang association army captain zhang ACai, persuaded him to help the guerrillas. Zhang ACai because mothers was held hostage, dare not to promise. Matsumoto was carried out on the mountain village people bloodbath, zhang ACai mother for helping the guerrillas to raise food killed by Matsumoto. Mother lay dying, zhang through 曱 甴 seed message to his son, must not do the traitors, to help the anti-japanese. The help of the guerrillas in zhang ACai took the fort, precious supplies were obtained.
The 26th sets
Matsumoto command cavalry pursuit black son liu as soon as possible, before the guerrillas grabbed the suspension bridge to intercept it. The guerrillas also full speed ahead, and the devil for the time. In the end, the guerrillas to rob the devil before walking over the bridge, and will be the only channel suspension bridge to blow up, get rid of the devil. Intelligence, a group of guerrillas received in Hong Kong waiting for receiving the new radio. Fire - volunteered to act as an advance party, alone to Hong Kong. Fire - crosslinking smoothly in Hong Kong. But he did not think of, underground station have been tojo was solved, and their crosslinking of Japanese send secret investigation. Tojo was ordered secret investigation steady fire, wait for black son and others to come to freight, liu gang. Fire - tactfully observed joint people, use slang to debunk the spy identity in jiangxi, and killed it. He found that the prescribed destination has been by the day. Fire must inform black son and others, in case they fall into trap. Fire resolutely made sacrifices his decision. His swagger walked into the street building, issued a telegram at last, and the devil, after a bloody battle wounded captured. Elder brother and wear in the early take turns to talk with Anna, asked her for the sake of the future of the black son leave black son. Anna after intense ideological struggle, think oneself and black son do not appropriate, will affect the future of the hero, leave a book on the blackboard. Ready to leave. At this moment, black son came to the classroom, see the words on the blackboard, heartache remorseful, since speaking from Anna. Anna was moved from behind the blackboard, she was just about to come out to meet moment, wear the telegraph brought the fire in the early wins. Black son learned that brother dying, Anna left outside the cloud nine. His troops must set off. Anna feel dejected, quietly left the guerrillas.
In a black son his pistol group ready to go, he brought the fires death. The newspaper printed on fire - the extra dismembered by the car. Black son of people crying, vowed to revenge for fire wins. In the distance, Qian Peizhen silently watching it all, turned around and quietly leave, she made her own decision. Leave the guerrillas on Hong Kong, Anna, targeted by the Japanese soldiers on the streets, to grasp its military brothels. Anna escape, juncture is kind of lady received. Poor old lady promised to Anna, Anna to hide in their own homes, temporary shelter head. Black son team a line into Hong Kong, ready to assassinate abalone. Mr K to ho man ordered, then the hand of the Japanese to remove black son. Ho man part provide the wrong address, the Japanese fan the air. Mr K break into a furious rage, to death threats, we must to get rid of black son liu in one day, otherwise, use the military discipline disposal ho man. Ho man hesitate repeatedly, eventually did not lay their hands on. She offered to black son and others admitted his identity and purpose. She didnt know that black son and LaoDai knew her identity and behavior, Ive always wanted to give her a chance to mend. After LaoDai ideological work, ho man decided to go to the guerrillas behind the learning, and promised to a qualified communist revolutionary soldiers identity reunion with you. Black son et monitoring abalone in daily life, look for patterns. They surprised to find the missing of Jane and abalone unexpectedly strong stick together. Originally, peja Jane decided to revenge for fire -, alone to come to Hong Kong, single womens identity to bar near the abalone is strong, thought snakes, wanted to spell a larger foe. Under the black son persuasion, peja Jane to return, together with you. An assassination scheme for abalone is strong, quietly... 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情


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