omg timepoppin petee xidada....

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跟Love有关的美语:For the love of Pete! 天啊!
1) Love of my life 一生的爱
2) For the love of Pete!! 天啊!! 表示很frustrated,无可奈何,很沮丧的
3) love handles 腰部赘肉
4) misery loves company 同病相怜, 或者自己遇到不开心的事, 不想让别人好受
5) love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系
I got love handles,becaue I like fund food.
When will i find love of my life?
I got not love hangles,becaue I dont like fund food.
I want to lose weight ,because I have so much love handles,I hope I
will thin in the future
I have a love-hate relationship with junk food.Because I'm troubled with my love handles.I am so eager about nice figure !
l have got
the love of my life ,but he did not belong to me
my gf is the love of my love handle,i got in fight with her,love-hate relationship,foe the love of pete.what can i do
Please lay off the junk food,otherwise you will get love handles!
Please lay off the junk food,otherwise you will get love handles!
Hongmin,you are love of my life,but the love-hate relationship let me worried.In addition,you'd better eat meat less,otherwise they are getting love handles.
I have a love of my life in chengdu,ISo eat too much and I getting love handles!
I haven't got the love of my life,when will i find it ? I have a love-hate relationship with PEPSI cola,because cola will damage my teeth.
zq is my love of lifelove handleslove-hate relationshipmisery loves companyfor the love of pete
i found love of my life when i saw you at first time !
I did not have a love of my life,so I have to getI used to eat so much junk food,and got love handles.I know that junk food is ill-heath for me,but I cant refuse it,I just have a love-hate ralationship with it,an your know,I think many youngers are mesery love company with me,as you are?
When will i find love of my life?
I have a love-hate-relationship with cigarette,I don't find my love of life
I have a love -hate-relationship with computer,I wish for early to sleep.
When will i find love of my life?
I have a large love handles ,but I don't like eating junk food,Maybe strong intestines and stomach is the reason,and my girlfriend ,who is the love of my life i think,often ask me to lose weight,I really have a love-hate relationship with her
l have got the love of my life ,but we fight all time.
For the love of butt,Jack broked up with his girlfriend,who is the love of his life,thats really misery loves company,because just recently he had lost his job. what a fucking life
my present boyfriend is love of my life .
don't eat fund food ,because it will gave you love handles.
I'm waiting for the love of my life.
wowo cool . i back u up ,the top floor of me!
I have a love-hate relationship with the love of my life.He's very cute and sweet,but he's also very mean since he always laughing at my love handles.
I have a love-hate relationship with cookies.
You're a good Chinese speaker.From this video,I find that it's time to look for the love of my life.Before doing this,I have to get rid of love handles.nevertheless,there's a love-hate relationship towards them,I find it diffiult not to eat fast food,it's so convenient...Can you do me a favor?
I have a love hate relationship with English!!!!!!
when will i find love of my life
It's so fast.I need hard work.
This is my first time to be here. Actually speaking, the video is very good, vivid and interesting. I keep doing exersises, such as climbing the mountain and dancing, so I have no love handles.At the same time, I'm fond of all kings of food.
Food is innocent,the key is how do you eat it.So I never have a love-hate relationship with them.
.*★*..*★ *.*    ★love of my life★     
i have gotten the love of my life, i think i am the happiest girl in the world
delicious to eat junk food
i have a love-hate relationship with it because i got
love handles····
ZHANG WENDAN is love of my life.
MV is a place for the love of my life.
I got love of handles ,because I love junk food such as fire chicken and cookies very much,I want to lose weight,but I can't do it ,I love eating ,it's very difficult for me to give up cookies.
I regreted having instant noodles tonight after I encountered with love of handles in OMG! For the love of OMG!
My wife is love of my life. she gots love handles because she likes fund food.she wants to lose weight ,but she can't dose it.
I love the song at the end of the vedio, could you tell me the name of the song?
Who is love of my live,who is who's love of who's live.
I have a love hate relationship when I was in colleage,but can not feel for a long time...
i have love handles ,my boyfriend is love of my life
how to find and make sure the love of our life? my best friends doesn't have BF, neither do i. misery loves company. i never worry about love handles which is far away for me.......xixiwinter is coming, we can dress more and more fashionable clothes, but i can't stand up the ice old wheather! what a love-hate relationship this is!
i already have a boy friend,but i'm not sure whether he is the love of my life.i have a love-hate relationship with cookies,cakes,and chocolate,but they're too fattening,and always make me put on weight.
I have a colleague who always misery loves company makes me for the love of the pete !I have my love of the life who makes me have a love-and-hate relationships of xinjiang province of china which city Idon't like.
i have found the love of my life since 6 years ago.
i have a love-hate relationship with spicy food。they taste so good! but
they motive many acne vulgaris in my beautiful face.
many young
girls are misery loves company.
I just cann't find a love of my life.
I have a love-hate relationship with You...For the love of Pete.I got lots of love handles
I don't know who will be a love of my life, but I believe love. I control myself
not to eat junk food, because it will make me get lots of love handles.
I have already got love of my life.He never care that I have a love handles.He always says,no matter how I look like,he will love me forever.SO happy am I!I think we will stand by each other's side come rain or come shine.
I will try my best to find love of my life and I don't want love-hate relationship will take place someday in my life.
I don't have a love of my life ,so i have to alone ,I don't like eat fund food .
I have a love-hate relationship with junk food.they taste good, but increase my love handles well.
love-hate relationship
My uncle have got in a fight with my cousin about one years ago,because my uncle set up a job for him that kept him working too hard .so It makes my uncle grumpy and feel the least desire to help again.misery loves company!So that I can only advance my pace by means of my own effort...
love is a beautiful word
love-hate relationship with
shanghai.i can make many dough,but it's too difficult to catch up with the pace of life in shanghai. up to now, i have not find the love of my life.i also wanna to know when will i can meet the love of my life.
It is the biggest single day today. where is the love of my life?
I always set in the office ,now I think I have love handles.I need make some sports
I have love-hate relationship with my girlfriend.
i don't have love handles,yeah
I got much love handles,misery love company
Where is my love ?
Frank and I have been together for 1 and a half years. Though we sometimes fight, we are still misery loves company for we went through a lot of difficulties to be together. I believe he is the love of my life. But to be more exact, I am in a love-hate relationship with him. Yesterday, I found I got love handles. “For the love of Pete/cats! I got love handles.” I said to Frank. “It’s good.” Frank said, “Then nobody will love you except me.” What a stupid!”
For the love of Pete!! I
so early today.
my love of my life was die
author :RitaI am a senior at university.I want to find mine the love of my life .For the love of pete ,I can see myl
love handles.
love - hate relationship with my wife , fuerthermore
child goback to father in -law 's home , i am
lonely in my home , really
misery loves company
, i lost love of my life , i
have so much junk food myself , get love handles day by day
,i really feel
the love of pete
oh , I have no love handles or love of my life.
I have been a deep love-hate relationship with Chinese men's soccer team. I used to think that they had been my love of my life. But for the love of Pete!! Just at yesterday, they lost the game versus Iraq's country team, which belong to a country full of famine and fight. I'm so frustrated.
I have a LOVE-HATE relationship with chips....OMG!!They're so yummy,but fattening to !!
sometiems,i think my boy friend is the love of my life,but he is the one who make me excite ,sad extremly
,i have a love-hate relationship with love,it is so appealing, making people addicted,i hate tieing down by anything ,but i can not pursurd myself to give up,how
should i deal with it?i ask myself for more than once,in dillemma between continuing and breaking up,in fact,i know we are misery love company.
one of problems is eating,i like junk food ,but it is so easy to make me get a love handle,i have to be temperate,for a good figure,for the love of pete,it is really difficult to be a perfect girl girend!!wu-wu-wu-wu
For the love of Pete!!English is very difficult
I once believed he is the love of my life,I thought I can't live without him.But for the love of pete,he said we were just friends.I was so sad those days ,I ate many junk foods,and then I found I had love handle!Fortunately,I met my husband,he was the love of my life!I am happy!
Oh, for the love of Pete ! I find my love handles . What can I do ?I have a love-hate relationship with pork . It's love of my life!
found the love of my life,he love me very much .He always buys some junk food so that I have love handles.For the love of Pete ,I love those food.
An office lady is easy to get love handles.
where is the love of my life?
I find love of my life.
the love of my life ! i love you~
she is love of my life.
find the girl who wiil be the love
of my life
Eve is my love of my life.I have no idea of my life without her existence.
Well, maybe I could say... I have a love-hate relationship with English.
i have a love-hate relationship with money ,hah.
I have a love-hate relationship with you.You are so cute but you don't know me right now.
I have a love-hate relationship with computer .I can learn every thing from it ,but ,I am always addicted to it .
My lover in Shantou.I very much love her.But she think stury is importain.I love she life.
who is my love ? i would say: they are my mom and may father
i have a love-hate relationship with something like learning, how can tackle it in the right way?
i don't find love of my life .for the love of wutao
KC is the love of my life but he told me that I get love handles. Finally I got mad and had a fight with him , misery loves company. I really have a love-hate relationgship with him.
I got not love handles!
I think my parent are love of my life.oh,for the love of somebody doing.i don't konw when i can find the people love of my life.
dear wife,i think you are love of my life.
i feel warm about the comments
I have a pretty boyfirend ,I think he is my love of my love
You can say that again.I also have a love-hate relationship with cookies,especially the currant butter cookies.It's obvious that the more you will have
,the more love handle you will get.But they are damn yummy.
I have a love-hate relationship with English!
love of my life /
love handles //
for the love of pete//
misery loes company // love-hate relationship
My GF is love of my life.misery loves company
Oh my gosh, I have a love-hate relationship with bread. They taste SO good and so convenient to take out. Still, they are fattening and non-nutritious. Mom asks me to lay off the bread and to eat fruits instead but bread feels like unavoidable part of my life. Beside, coffee involves me with another love-hate relationship. It's not uncommon to drink a few cups of coffee today, but I'm convinced that the caffeine will interfere with my sleep. That's not what I want to do for sure.xidada来昭通了......_绥江吧_百度贴吧
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