terratech汉化 demo矿石有什么用

商学院导读 作为电商运营,最头疼的事莫过于几类情况: 要么没有流量也谈不上销量;要么是有流量没销量;再者是有流量有销量但达不到预期。在流量成本日渐高企的今天,也导致了大量网店的关闭和退出,同时也伴随着大量运营人员的频繁离职、跳槽。那么,现阶段,到底是生意难做了,还是运营不好做了?其实,电子商务发展到今天的地步,技术层面的主导作用已经完全不在,线上和线下的商业本质重回一致:要想把生意做好做大,唯有用好的产品服务好你的顾客,并能持续保持下去。 今天,笔者结合自己过往实操经历及运营研究心得,重点从团队、产品、用户、渠道、营销几个关键要素说说现阶段一个成功的电商运营人员到底该从哪些关键点协助老板和团队进行品牌突围以及电商运营的关键成功要素是什么?一、团队:统一共识,搭建队伍 作为电商负责人,在入职或开展工作之前一定要与老板充分沟通,把电商的定位和目标沟通清楚,如果老板对品牌、用户只字不提,只关心短时间内能做多少销售额,甚至要求利润率达到多少的,请一定要从专业的角度,用你的经验、大数据、标杆案例等等努力与老板沟通并尽力纠正其思路. 否则,意味着你一个月或两个月后将面临再次求职。只有在大方向上与老板达成一致,后续的工作推进才能最大程度减少内部阻力,后面专业的事交给专业的人去做就是了,比如设计、营销、策划、客服等等。对电商团队成员请一定最大程度的肯定他们存在的价值和重要性,除了在方向性和框架方面的事情由运营总监来把控外,细节的事情应充分信任的交给自己的团队去做,当然了,任何一个团队的磨合也是需要时间的,大家从互相认识到彼此信任并成为一个有血性的团队,这其中少不了Leader的人格魅力和领导才能。至于如何带队,这里不细展开论述,实践中慢慢体会吧。 下面就团队建设中几个关键要素展开说明:组织架构、定岗定责、KPI考核、团队文化建设。 传统企业过去注重长远规划, 1组织架构 中小型企业的电商团队架构较为灵活,运营、推广、设计、客服这几个岗位在初期阶段基本够用,随着业务发展,后续再有计划扩编,按经验来看,中小型团队一般不会超过10人,其中客服组人数最多,因为需要考虑倒班轮岗的需求。仓储物流部,如果和线下渠道共享使用仓储系统,可直接由线下人员兼任。 2定岗定责 在轻巧型的团队中,对每个岗位员工的综合能力要求较高,岗位职责的设定不宜过于条框化,由于人少事多,虽然每个人身上都有主要负责的业务版块,但实际在执行过程中会有太多的业务交叉,如果后期加上KPI考核,这样很容易让大家产生各人自扫门前雪的心态而只关注做好自己负责的版块,却忽视了团队协作。运营岗位是核心成员,也是综合能力都很过硬的复合型人才,并且需要具备丰富的实战经验,懂得规划、善于拆分任务、营销推广、活动策划、文案撰写,且善于团队管理等等,而推广人员不仅要懂得主流电商平台的主流推广工具使用,还要懂得站内外的SEO搜索优化、新媒体的推广等;设计师不仅需要具备基础的美学功底,更要懂的视觉营销,善于用视觉为营销服务,必要时还能独自完成日常文案撰写工作。 3KPI考核 这里特别说明一下,相当一部分团队管理者认为有了严格的KPI考核体系,才能更好的约束员工工作,才能用更小的团队创造更大的价值,其实KPI这个东西一定要分两面来看待。 第一,必要的考核可以让员工在每一个阶段能更清晰的了解自己的工作成效,发现不足和短板,员工也会自觉优化提升,在团队内部也有利于形成小小的激励氛围,激发大家的能动性和创造力。 第二,KPI不是万能的,它是一把双刃剑,用的好,可以起到激励作用,用不好可能适得其反。如果KPI考核过于严苛,同一个员工连续2个月都考核不合格,他会认为所谓的绩效或奖励全部是能看不能吃的饼,这样,员工很容易产生消极的心理,因为努力和不努力反正都拿不到绩效,那还不如少干点来得实在。 所以,建议大家不要将考核的关键指标设置的过于冗长,考核条件也不宜过于严苛,KPI绩效工资的占比也不易太高,随着企业业务的发展,KPI考核的维度和各项权重也需要随着适时调整,比如,刚开始做电商的企业,在给新团队设计KPI模型时,在初期可以不做销售额考核或将其权重占比降低,而更应该将基础工作的考核权重放大,比如店铺流量、渠道拓展数量等等,有了相对稳定的流量之后,下一个阶段时,可以增加转化率考核指标,等到各项基础数据都相对稳定之后,才会考虑加大对销售额的考核。如果刚开张,产品详情页还没有优化完毕,销售额权重就定到60%以上,那指定完成不了,这样不但没有激励团队,反而会给新团队的士气造成极大的打击。 4团队文化建设 能打胜仗的团队必定有着非同一般的凝聚力和战斗力,运营总监应发挥积极主导作用。定期组织部门内部分享交流、头脑风暴、丰富的团队建设活动等等都是不错的方案,这部分运营总监可以和HR部门多交流并共同来完成,在此不做过多展开叙述。 二、产品:聚焦品类,精细规划 如果说团队解决的是谁来做的问题,那产品则是用来回答做什么的问题。很多的小企业在规划产品的时候常会犯同一个错误:认为经营的产品品类和数量越多,成功的机率越大,总有一款能成功。 这里,笔者想到自己曾经服务过的一个客户企业,做菌类深加工的一个民营企业,同时用三个系列的产品开拓市场,几年下来后发现研发、生产、营销等环节的大量盲目投入造成资金链吃紧,最关键的是由于没有重点,广撒网最终导致从研发到营销没有一个环节做精做强,产品口感口味差、生产成本也相比同类企业高出很多。 2014年经过天猫平台近一年的销售数据分析后发现,几乎所有产品的DSR产品描述相符分均低于行业平均水平。这里我们也联想到淘宝网近几年的一些举措,比如鼓励商家发展‘小而美’路线,鼓励商家聚焦品类,走极致路线,其实,产品类别有多小众不是最重要的,重要的是能不能在这一细分领域做的比其它商家更好更有特色,类似于小米的路线,后面做什么不要紧,关键是在起步成长阶段能用至少一样或一类产品撬动市场或打动消费者。类似的案例不胜枚举,护肤品行业里的阿芙,通过电子商务全面发力并逐渐形成品牌影响是在2010年前后,当时在国内市场精油类产品还完全是一个很偏的类目,很少人认知这类产品,更谈不上使用,就是这种市场环境下,阿芙选择了从精油这个类目切入市场,因为精油具有丰富的功能延展特性让其很容易与其它类护肤产品产生关联,如美白、祛逗、保湿等等。 时至今日,阿芙已不再是2010年前后的阿芙,2013年阿芙仅淘系平台全年销售近2.2亿,但实际构成其销售的并非仅仅是精油类产品,非精油类的护肤品占到近1.12亿约过半的份额,简单总结阿芙的品牌路线即先从精油细分领域切入,做成行业的标杆形成品牌之后,再拓展其它关联品牌,所以出现了我们现在所看到的2013年阿芙全年业绩并非全部被精油品类占去,精油仅占掉了一半份额的局面。 我想特别说明的是,中小企业在起步发展时期,建议更聚焦一些,把有限的人力、财力投在一样或一类产品上,更容易出成果,但这并不意味着我们永远只做这一样或一类产品,只要口碑形成、品牌成型后,再去拓展其它关联品类或许更加稳妥,比如,小米从做系统和手机起步,但现在路人皆知其野心远不仅仅在手机,智能家居、软件、平台现已全部开始布局;三只松鼠靠坚果起家,做到今天,甚至传闻依然在亏损,但这并不说明三只松鼠永远只做坚果,我们也不能简单的看到其今天亏损多少,而更应看到其背后‘三只松鼠’这个名牌和其数以万计的忠实用户群。所以,做电商运营的同学们,在做产品规划或梳理的时候,一定得结合自身企业实力、产品品类特点有计划、有目标的聚焦品类,这或许更有助于帮助企业借助互联网打造品牌,也更有利于运营人员自身价值的提升。 那么,产品规划到底从哪着入、分哪些步骤推进呢?下面就产品规划的几个关键要素简要概述如下: 1、做产品规划前首先要做的是利用大数据行进行业分析、市场调研、标杆研究等等,了解市场的真正需求是什么?哪里是红海哪里是蓝海?哪里的风险相对更小?我们要啃的蛋糕到底有多大?我们面对的竞争对手都有谁?竞争形势如何?只有把这些信息都摸清楚了,我们才能有的放失,以尽可能的减少不必要的弯路、归避掉一些潜在的风险。 2、在大数据的指导下,再结合企业自身的资源匹配能力、产品品类特点进行有计划、有目标的聚焦,最终选择一个或一类产品做为线上市场切入点。聚焦品类的好处就是有利于我们集中较有限的财力、物力、人力在某一个点上最快速引爆并形成突破。 3、聚焦品类之后,也就知道了我们要做什么产品,接下来要解决的问题就是产品区隔和产品定价的问题。因为线上渠道的价格是透明的,所以定价需要万分谨慎,需要全面考虑线上人群的消费习惯、物流配送成本、行业竟品及标杆定价、企业自身的品牌知名度、产品核心竞争力、企业战略目标等因素来综合确定产品的定位并最终确定产品价格。特别是在线上定价低于线下的,且在线下已经有一定市场规模的传统企业转型做电商的,务必要考虑线上线下渠道的不同特点、人群消费习惯的不同等等,有针对性进行产品区隔,这样做的目的一方面为了更好的保护线下即有市场不受线上渠道的低价冲击,同时又能最大程度的考虑线上环境的实际情况,比如在实体交易不用考虑物流配送成本,而线上却相反,线下一些大规格大容量的产品可能不再适合线上销售,需要重新更换包装和规格进行产品区隔。 4、前面所有的准备工作都做完后,最后一步关键工作就是要对现有产品进行角色分配和定义,比如使用性价比较高、适用人群较广的产品用来做引流品,毛利空间大,受众广的产品用来做主销品,每种角色的产品数量需要根据品类特点、企业产品线的宽泛程度灵活确定。 三、用户:以用户为核心,打造极致体验 在电商行业里,用户即流量。我们身边很多的运营人员,总在不断在强化营销,通过各种手段引流. 事实上,在短期内这种效果很明显,流量大增,但往往忽视已获取流量价值的深度挖掘,复购率低、粘性差、流失快,特别是在产品核心竞争力不足且服务水平也不能跟上的企业来讲,这种情况尤为突出。同样两家店铺,A店铺强营销,追求短期效益,每日花费大量资金引流,但几乎全部都是一锤子买卖,眼下看似红火,但当流量成本逐渐攀高之后,企业的营销成本将不可避免的成为其一大痛点;B店铺每日平平淡淡,只做少量精准推广,且注重用户体验,在产品和服务上下足了功夫,几年下来,通过口碑传播累积到了大量忠实用户,不花一分钱,每天都能保证有稳定的流量进入,而A店铺却依然在烧钱引流的路子上重复着,从长远看,B店铺自然更有生命力。 所以,引流的最终目的是留客,而只有在产品和服务上做足了工作,才能真正赢得消费者和市场的认可。如果说几年前用户在京东上购买电器类产品是因为京东比其它商家便宜,那今天的人们选择京东,我想更多是选择京东的良好购物体验,没有哪个平台在几年前就能承诺退换货还上门取货,特别是大件类的电器产品。所以,电商总监也好还是电商团队也好,请一定把用户放到至少和产品同等重要的位置上去规划后续的其它工作,否则,必定会事倍功半。 那么下面重点从以下三个关键要素:服务体系设计、CRM系统搭建、客户运营,简述如何提升用户体验、增加用户粘性? 1、服务体系设计是围绕用户为中心,为品牌方设计一套独有细致的服务标准或流程,做好售前、售中、售后的高效优质管理,让用户尽可能多的将不同的接触点变成不同程度的惊叫点。如店面视觉引导、人性化的产品分类、物流时效、客服部门的规范管理和统一话术风格、客服人员对自身产品的熟练及对所处行业了解的专业程度等等,最终让用户体验到购买之前很期待、交易过程很愉快、交易之后很留恋,每一个环节都能通过产品和服务让用户留下深刻印象。 2、CRM系统搭建:CRM系统的理解应是广义的,除了专业的ERP系统或其它第三方CRM软件外,微信公众号及各电商平台自带的用户管理功能也属于CRM系统,这里我主要想说的是,不管用什么工具,基于对应工具上设定的用户策略才是最重要的,比如用户等级的划分、不同等级用户的不同专属特权的设计等等。 客户运营主要围绕两个目标,一个是提升用户的活跃度,另一外是提升用户的复购率。要实现这两个目标需要策划人员阶段性的设计不同有针对性的活动来提升用户的参与积极性,比如每个月15号固定为老顾客回馈日,所有老顾客这一天到店消费可派送50元优惠券或可5折购买指定产品等,那么,久而久之,每个月15号,老顾客更会自动进店了解当期活动情况,最终让用户的消费行为固化为一种习惯。当然,在实际执行当中,策划人员需结合时下互联网流行元素,整合活动创意来设定多种多样的让用户能参与进来的活动,真正让用户即能参与也能分享,在参与过程中还能得到收获。 三、渠道:合理布局渠道,让平台价值最大化 有战斗力的团队、有竞争力的产品、成熟的服务体系,那么接下来我想最重要的事情莫过于渠道的布局了。古人作战讲究排兵步阵,电商渠道的开展也应讲究策略和方法。各平台的商家在竞争的同时,其实各平台也面临激烈竞争,你搞个双11,我也弄个618,甚至不经意间还会经常杀出新成员,特别是在垂直电商和区域电商领域,总有新面孔不经意间加入。面对如此多的电商平台,我们该如何布局,值得仔细研究。 这里借鉴韩后化妆品的电商成长路径,或许会有些许启发。真正帮助韩后打入一二线城市的是电子商务,韩后进入电商其实并不算早,已经错过了电商的红利期,起初韩后并没有直接在一开始就自己注册旗舰店并运营,而是先选择从唯品会开始,唯品会是代销模式,对于刚开始做电商的企业,团队、体制、流程等各种不完善的情况下,巧秒的避开了团队方面的短板。而唯品会的成功运作,便为其后续天猫旗舰店的运营既赢得了搭建团队的时间,也为其后续和天猫平台争取更多资源做好了充分的铺垫。韩后的案例,给我们的启示其实更多的是,每一个企业都有各自的优劣势,应根据自己发展的现实情况,再来科学布局先入驻什么平台,后入驻什么平台,或者总共需要入驻多少平台,而不是盲目的铺货布局。 下面我们重点从渠道选择、渠道拓展、渠道维护三个方面简述如何去做渠道规划: 1、渠道的选择:选择渠道主要考虑两个因素一个是品类契合度,一个是平台潜力及规模(成交规模或用户规模),重点选择品类或目标人群相符且有一定用户基数或成交规模的平台。例如,3C类产品的品牌商如果把1号店作为重点运营的渠道之一,显示有些欠合理的,1号店的重点品类是食品类,3C类产品自然优先想到的是京东、苏宁这类平台。 2、渠道的拓展:渠道拓展需要考虑双方能否共赢,我们看重的是平台商或经销商的流量,平台和经销商考虑的是用我们的产品能不能带来利润或更多的用户群,只有充分了解对方要什么,我们有什么,才能游刃有余的在双方的利益点之间进行平衡和选择。 3、渠道的维护:渠道拓展成功之后还需要对各级经销商和平台商进行科学管理,必要时应给予适当的价格和产品支持来协助平台或经销商策划各类活动。为激励各渠道用户还需要设计不同等级的激励政策,对于优质平台或优质经销商品牌方可以给予更多更大的支持,比如平台专供款、新品推广费补贴等等。内容来源:互联网,编辑艾瑞商学院小艾老师了解最新互联网动态,请关注艾瑞商学院 官方微博/微信号:艾瑞学院咨询电话:400-800-6870【近期活动推荐】‘品牌互联网俱乐部’报名请点击阅读原文
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【XY小源实录】TerraTech Demo 试玩 自由组合与生存
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【XY小源实录】TerraTech Demo 试玩 自由组合与生存
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What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Our goal is to involve our player community as much as possible in the evolution of the game, and we think the best way to achieve that is to get the game in the hands of players as early as possible.
We intend to maintain a good quality of experience throughout the Early Access phase, while we build new gameplay and expand the library of building blocks.
We invite the community to follow our progress in details and share their thoughts and suggestions on the progress of the game.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We expect about 10-12 months. This depends on many factors, and we will only bring the game out of Early Access when we feel it has reached the right level of quality and completeness.
We intend for TerraTech to be a living product, so even after Early Access the game will continue to evolve and grow as long as we are able to support it!&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&We are aiming for the following key additions:
Synchronous multiplayer modes
New corporations
More blocks for existing corporations
New in-game challenges
New features like water and a day/night cycle
Gamepad controller support
Additional languages supported
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&The following is a list of the key content in the Early Access version:
Drag-and-drop building and scavenging of blocks
Ability to build land vehicles, fixed turrets, hovercraft, rockets and aeroplanes
Multiple block types belonging to 3 distinct corporations
Modular refining/crafting system using special production blocks
Scripted encounters with AI enemies
Control multiple vehicles using AI
Share vehicle designs via Twitter
Asynchronous multiplayer features, using AI-controlled shared vehicle designs
7 sepa 4 racing, 2 flying and Sumo Showdown
User profiles
Language support for English and German.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&It's our intention to keep the pricing consistent.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We aim to release Early Access updates approximately every 2 weeks, with an optional Experimental preview pack add-on for players who want to test very latest experimental content. We encourage players to share their thoughts via the Steam forums - discussions between players and our team will help to shape the game that TerraTech becomes.&
Buy TerraTech
&#36;29.99 USD
Packages that include this game
Buy TerraTech Deluxe Edition
Includes the base game and the R&D DLC
&#36;42.99 USD
Downloadable Content For This Game
&#36;15.99 USD
Recent updates
14 February
Bug fixes:
Fixed bug where saving after defeating an Invader, the game would get stuck in a looping message.
The game save would also be broken which is now fixed too.
13 February
New features / content / improvements:
Ability to skip tutorial once the player’s vehicle is built and destroys Tony.
New regeneration base with updated tutorial to explain what it does.
Added warnings for generators not anchored into the ground.
New block: Solar panels to power base blocks.
New block: Scrapper to sell unwanted blocks.
Added work-in-progress translations for Russian language option.
Game Design Tweaks:
The regen shield/bubble is now green (previously red).
Cab explosions now do not cause damage to anything again.
The money counter has been disabled for now until refining, fabricating and scrapping costs have been determined.
No major changes.
Bug fixes:
Fix to potential crashes in previous build.
Fixed bug that caused base conveyors to pass resources the wrong way sometimes.
Fixed issue with hints not appearing correctly.
Sumo Showdown now works correctly again.
Known issues and bugs:
HUD elements incorrectly flash up at start of a new game.
Enemy cabs
incorrectly cause damage when they explode.
Unable to type spaces into vehicle capture names.
The menu options incorrectly disappear when the background fades to black to transition to a new environment.
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
In TerraTech you design, construct and command a fleet of unique vehicles, as you battle your way to victory across the lawless frontiers of new alien worlds, in a quest for glory and profit. In the distant future, Earth's natural resources have been depleted, and as an off-world prospector it's your job to travel to alien planets and scour them for valuable materials. These can be refined and shipped back to Earth in return for cash, or crafted into new components to augment your fleet. The rarest resources unlock the best equipment, so expand your territory and capture enemy bases, to secure your position on each planet.
Build crazy vehicles out of modular blocks! Hunt down enemies, shoot parts off them and scavenge the remains, to make your vehicle harder, better, stronger and faster.
Build anything you can imagine! Heavy battle tanks? Yes. Fast scout vehicles? Indeed. Flying carpet bombers? Why not?! Simply drag and snap new blocks onto your creation, and get straight back into the fray!
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: SM3 512MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core i3
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: SM4 1GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
OS: Snow Leopard
Processor: Dual Core Intel
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: SM3 512MB VRAM
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Additional Notes: Two-button mouse strongly recommended
OS: Snow Leopard
Processor: Core i3
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: SM4 1GB VRAM
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Two-button mouse strongly recommended
(C)2015 Payload Studios
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31 people found this review funny
3.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A first impression of TerraTech: You begin life as a tiny car, with nothing more than a cab, a block, four wheels, and a machine gun.You destroy a number of other vehicles and attach their remaining parts to upgrade and repair yours, as well as find AI and Cab blocks for allied vehicles and turrets, you may be able to build a larger base through this.You may have realised by now that you are the Borg. You will add their technological distinctiveness to your own. They will be assimilated.
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6.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
idk why this game is so fun start with 3 blocks and three wheels and a llaser
.....fast forward
kill 25 different enemys cannablize there parts
now your driving
a 6x10x5 giant 20 wheeled terror machine with 27cannons not giving a ????
awesome game
great support as well
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1 person found this review funny
15.6 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used TerraTech on 9 November, 2014, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
After my few minutes of gameplay, I can say this game shows good promise. It's a very interesting idea that captured my interest and I'll definitely be exploring all the possibilities.I had fun building my vehicle and mining resources for my little base.WIth the little time I played, I build my first little vehicle, fought a couple of vehicles I encountered on this planet and used their parts to upgrade my own vehicle into something more powerful.It is easy to learn how to build and scavenge, so it is not a tough game to play. Even the controls and physics are nice and straight-forward. Not much complications to get in the way of your creativity.Anyone can simply jump in and immediately have fun with it.I am yet to try the multiplayer game modes...We'll see where this project goes, but it earned my support for now.
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1 person found this review funny
3.4 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used TerraTech on 16 December, 2014, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
If you've played Captain Forever, you've got a basic idea of how this game works. Roll around, kill enemies, snap their parts to your vehicle, rinse and repeat. The difference is that instead of a top-down, Asteroids style game, TerraTech is a 3D, physics based game, with some extra resource gathering and crafting elements. You also have a base to protect, bring resources too, and craft from. Resources come in the form of trees, rocks, and various precious minerals, and you collect them by shooting at them, attatching drills or other tools to your vehicle, or even by just getting a big enough car to plow through them. Resources are not stored in any sort of inventory screen, but instead get added to a &stuff blob& that floats above tractor beams in your base or attatched to your car.The game is still in fairly early development, and any problems I have with it at the moment have to do with the unfinished parts, which will be cleaned up as development progresses. I'm really excited to see where this game goes. If you want to see the game in action, I've recorded a bit of it for my channel, which you can check out here:
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40.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Where to begin?I have been playing and producing TerraTech videos since October 2014. The moment I gazed at what Payload Studios had begun to materialize, it dawned on me that this could be the most innovative and creative game in the years to come. The only way to explain how far it has come is to look back at my original let's play videos, but this is not about looking back, it's about looking forward to what is, potentially, on the horizon for us.Imagine an progressive open world vehicle and structure block building game with moving parts allowing you to build just about any vehicle or structure you can imagine and have it instantly functional WITHOUT the necessity of a &garage& or &build mode&. Everything you do in TerraTech is &on the fly& and does not require you to stop playing so that you can build or customize your vehicles and structures. This feature alone makes this completely unique from any other vehicle combat game currently in existence. Include the ability to create flying vehicles, fully customize bases, harvest resources, and activate an army of AI controlled minions to do your bidding, TerraTech then has the potential to be the best combat based block building game ever.The game is not finished obviously, and there is much to be done for it to accomplish all of the above really well, but it s still playable and fun. Even after messing around with the newest version, there is a number of things that need to get ironed out right away. So, if you are picking this up now, be aware that you will experience all manner of minor and major bugs. Not to mention, the sounds are still very 8-bit casual, and the soundtrack, although enjoyable,
has only one track so far and it can become a little... repetitive. Multiplayer is absent here, but it is a promised feature and I would not consider this a finish product until that becomes a reality, so I am crossing my fingers on that one. In the mean time there is a way to &invade& other people’s games with your creations via twitter, but it is not a directly interactive way to play with other players yet...I would highly recommend picking up the Early Access version of TerraTech if you wish to support the development process. If you want all of those features now, perhaps wait a while, but I do believe in the Payload Studios team simply based on their passion and current rate of game development.I am in no way affiliated with Payload Studios and I have not been given anything. I personally purchased the product in October 2014.Thanks for reading!Check out my channel for more videos.
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2.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Watched the trailer and bought this. It is ok, but you can't do almost anything now that you see in the trailer. Overpriced
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30.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Where do I even start?I have been supporting this game since late July 2014 after trying out the demo, way before even the closed and open beta, back during the kickstarter era of the game, and I have to say, this is the best, most promising game I have ever played. Not to mention that I've watched more TerraTech Livestreams than probably anyone in the community- the reason being I love the game, I love the community, and I have very little negative comments about this game.The idea is something I have been looking for for years- building and battling on the go, build your own bases, even make a mobile battle fortress! I have the R&D DLC, and I can recommend this to absolutely anyone. This game can test you to the limits with it's building- what sort of beastly battle machine can you build? Or do you want light and fast? Even a flying machine! Send your vehicles into other people's world and attack their vehicle and base. Adapt to different scenarios, battle mini colonies. The sky is the limit!Obviously, as an early access, you will find bugs, but as a Canary (what they call the bug testers), I've grown used to bugs. They are in most games, don't expect the game to be bug-free and complete. That's pretty much my only negative. Bugs, and the bugs aren't even game breaking.Trust me on this one, this game is worth every penny, and if you want the best experience, attend the livestreams, and say ThunderCodes' review sent you, not that I won't be there! ;)Livestream link:So PLEASE, buy this game, and waste your life on it.Trust me, I've played way more than 30.7 hours. I've played loads!Do I recommend? No! (Just kidding, that's impossible. Massive YES!)
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1.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
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2.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pro and Con are listed below..What is it?:I got this game through Kickstarter and was able to play it from the first day of the beta. While it did lack content and there were just a very few modules to build with initially, the Game has become quite playable already. There have been implemented 3 different &companys& (styles of components), the Mainbase, ressurce-management and Production.
In Sandbox you start out assembling a very basic vehicle and have to fight your first opponent right away. After defeating him you can assimilate the Blocks of that destroyed vehicle and already improove your ride. After discovering your Base you are told how the Shild (Baseprotection) works and how to collect ressurces, how to make money and how to research/build new Parts to further improove your carthingy. While you collect away and improove your ride, the enemies also become increasingly complex and more challenging - yet providing new, better and FREE Parts for you. Lateron it will be possible to command a whole Fleet of fighting-thingies to do stuff.Pros:atractive graphics, that are fun to watch and &feel& good with the content they represent.creative and interessting game conceptlosts of different Building-components with more to comealso Planesvery determined and active Developersa lot of ways to build your ride and even more aspects of how it will handlehas already some different game-modes including sandbox and challengeshuge potential for more featuresseems to be pretty stable already, had not a single crashCons:Camera is a bit hard to handle/hard to get adjusted toIn my games I had a flood of enemy vehicles besiegening my Base, more than i could handle at some point.tutorial seems to be repeating itself sometimes and leaves a good portion of the game &to be discovered&needs more content for longer sessions and longer term motivation. But it isn't even early access yet
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8.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great fun, Nice music and still loads of content and features to be added!
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7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
some pretty bad bugs, missing parts, spinning cameras. the game itself is fairly good so far, and as i now need to give a reveiw it is a yes instead, but a hesitent one with such little experiance of the game.
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1.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
For TL;DR skip to bottom :)-----I have followed the game since early alpha when it was via Humble and it is a fantastic concept and the Dev team are hard workers and always live streaming their new ideas.The game does not have tons of content currently but will interest builders for several hours, this is a product you are buying for the future. I know this doesnt sit well with people nowadays but you have to give some devs a chance and these guys are great.I'd recommend the challenges to those wanting to really test their bots and using Twitter you can face off other community robots.New additions to the early access are the mobile bases and guardians and bear in mind this is very early alpha there is huge potential.Overall I'd say if you have spare cash and want to support and follow its progress,
buy the game, if your short on cash and just looking for a game to play right now you may want to add this to your wishlist and come back later when it's more fleshed out.---------TL;DR Graphics - Good and easy to use, not overly CPU intesive.Content - Low to Medium in the storyline, but potential here for alot with the sandboxBugs - A few but so far no game breakersWorth the money - Yes if you are going to come back a continue to follow and play, no if you want to play a full game now.If you'd rather see it being played you can find a preview video of the early access (including R&D)
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5.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I've played the game and made videos on it ever since the Humble Beta release in November. The game has amazing potential, and Payload Studios is the team to fulfill it.They're extremely transparent with the development of the game, and keep in contact with the community all the time. For example, they stream the game's development every weekday on their Twitch channel.TerraTech is also the first game I've ever seen to have asynchronous multiplayer content via Twitter. The idea is brilliant, and well-executed.Tl, game is worth it. Has some bugs and needs some improvements, but it's still worth it.
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4.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
If I had another opportunity I'd wait till it was 75-90% off, 19.99 at 35% off is too steep for an alpha game with very little and basic gameplay.
First alpha I paid into that I've regretted, and I paid into M.A.V. which went dark for half a year /wrist.-Steering doesn't inverse when you reverse like irl or with most game, minor nitpic there.-Twitter is a requirement for build sharing and assumably multiplayer when/if it's added.-When you explore too far out it the new terrain's texture goes cray cray to near siezure tier, huge seams appear that if you dare to collide with either send you into the sky or into the blue under.-Unlocking blocks by defeating the Guardians doesn't work, either they're unlocked when you get there or they'll never unlock.-Tutorial seems to be caught in a continuous loop, if you skip it the markers stay behind. Had to reload my save a bunch of times till this issue dissapated, then again when it randomly appeared again.-Enemies spawn either on top of you or beside you randomly, making the radar block useless and it impossible to modify your build since build mode is in real time-AI is minecraft wolf tier with sprinkles bad fps tactics, friendly AI constantly gets stuck on Any obstruction, it's always behind you so the second you need to back up in a skirmish you're either completely flipped or on your side since the friendly AI will attempt to drive through you to get at an enemy.
Not to mention you have to back track constantly to find them when they've buggered off to do something else.
With all the open source AI pathfinding coding out there, you'd think they could've found something better.-The only way to reliably view the stats of a block is to pull it off your vehicle and leave your mouse over it for 5 seconds, which is made more annoying with the phsyics constantly fighting the wheel/map collision which makes the overbearing camera move taking your cursor with it.-No enemy bases spawn after the single one from the tutorial, too bad that wasn't mentioned wasted a bit over an hour of driving in a straight line while panning the horizon.
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6.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Written on: 7-2-2015 (this game Still is in development so alot is subject to change)Terratech is a simple game where you play as a miner on an alien planet. (reminds me of motherload)It
is a sandbox (yes, there is a lot of sand) game.You could compare this with spore, You demolish ohter vehicles and use their dropped parts for your own.After a few kills on your name you can build a fleet with the AI module. And you use more and more blocks to expand.You also conquer other bases to refine ores and make money If you sinc. your game with twitter other people's vehicles can invade your game!And you can share your creations too.A Bit of a minor dissapointment Is the reversing mechanics. It's not inverted steering.Still would reccomend this game to anyone with to many time on thier hands.Price is a bit high but absolutely worth it.8.5/10
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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
One of the most creative and customizable freeroam games ive played. It's basically minecraft, except you are put in responibility of your little robot, which you have to protect by hiding deep in a cube structure, so that you are able to go out and foredge and mind for loot while at the same time fight off other robots that are
trying to do the same thing, The customization is amazingly well implemented, It's on the go customization makes the game that much more fun, since you dont have to exit to a garage to build up your robot, you just simply drag the items that you have eaither stolen from other enemy's fights or your own, and place them on your robot to eventually create a mega structure that protects your robot. You own a base that you deliver your mined supplies to, and are able to buy extra parts for your robot, to put you at an advantage from the other large robots that lurk deep into the treturous land which spans across the entire map for eternity.. or for how ever long your willing to explore. This game is a solid 10/10 at the moment even in this early stage i absolutly love it. It holds so much potential for the promised features that have said to be realeased into the near future. I cannot wait until the devs implement mutiplayer, which would make it so much funner to play. Imagine ventureing outside your newly built base with your friends to explore other envirounments only to come across an enemy base, just waiting for you to raid it and take all the loot because the owners of the base werent online at the time and their sheild hadent been replenished in a few days... That is what i imagine could be the potential for this game in the near future. Of course i got creative with my idea of a possible infrastructure of mulitplayer, open world robot game, which was in fact inspired by clash of clans, and i really like the idea. Anyway if you are still thinking about this gme after that then im not sure what will convince you.. mabye look it up on youtube which it what i did and i fell in love, with something other than fps's, which is rare for me to like such a different game and especially and &indie& game as the matket displays it.. Please do yourself a favour and buy it, you will not regret, the devs are dedicated and very experienced, They do reagular streams on twitch showing you whats going on and some new ideas. I highly recommend for any gamer, please give it a chance, will not regret it 10/10 &3 Terra Tech!
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43.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Okay here we go.1.) this is an early access T However, it is one of the best ones I've played and half my library was at one point EA, and yes I've had posative and negative experiences.2.) the development staff layed out a road map about a year ago of what we could expect for this steam EA release and its all there,
.proceedurally generated terrain.functional base with resources that need to be harvested, and production capabilities.a few corperations (more to be added).a cool sandbox environment where you can build and fight, and perish while having fun3.) you will not have an easy time of things right out of the gate the game requies a little, emphasis on little time to get the hang of, but it is worth it4.) currently there is no multiplyer in s however you can upload your vehicles to twitter and have them invade friends worlds which imo is a cool and intuitive feature.5.) price point. get it now while its on sale personally I thought the 29.00usd was a bit steep, but keep in mind this game was developed in the UK that being said I think there is more than enough current content, and a large enough framework for more content to vallidate purchasing this6.) the development staff streams often, they give feedback via their twitter which is extremely active, and they appear to have a strong conceptual framework of what their backers want to see this game become.7.) you dont need a monster pc to run this mine is a middle of the road budget gaming pc.8.) this game never crashed for me from the kickstarter all the way up to this EA release, there are a coupple of minor in game glitches such as on occasion not attaining a block after killing a guardian in an area but they are minior and do not detract from the game.9.) note the DLC is NOT required to enjoy the actual game its exactly what it says its a test chamber for upcomming additions to the game that will allow you to get the drop a little ahead of the crowd.I dont believe in a numerical 1 to 10 system for rating games I simply outline what I think are the most important aspects, I put careful thought into what I am trying to get across when reviewing. I know that many people are scared of EA and thats understandable simply take a step back and follow this game, but I honestly find that this is worth it.
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16.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The concept looks solid in the game.
The features implemented have been very good.
The landscape looks very good.
Resource collection, building/upgrading vehicles have been smooth.
Battles are very addictive!
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Looks bigger than it is. Getting past the first part is difficult. Also, alpha...It doesn't say it but it's a simpler version of a game that I've played previously called captain forever.I'm just so bored about all these games that are on early access. This game shows that some work went into it and it's basically a game for children. I can't recommend this game for various reasons:1) The gameplay is based on stealing parts and not being shot at, effectively making it into a very strange game.2) You don't start out with some of the necessary tools to do things, but you can always shoot the little opponent and take his stuff to become stronger. This is an easy task for various reasons, but I wager that further down the line the game will become more random. This is the roguelike-disease, basically the following will happen: You start the game again and become bored with it. Every roguelike has the roguelike disease. It's that you don't progress in either skill or knowledge, you just try again and fail or come further and still fail.2 continued) Trying and failing might be fun when you have little time on your hands. When you want to beat the game, however, it's dooming the game itself. This game suffers from the roguelike-disease, which is basically &you're free to do what you want except beat the game&.3) It's alpha. When it's come out, I bet it's much more balanced and controllable.3.14) I am being unfair. This game has a lot of nice things done and it's basically a playable product. I would recommend it to children.
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10.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Awesome game. Finally something original! Love it...The only remark i have f I would like to have a more relaxed oportunity to build my tech without getting attacked ALL the time while building :) - i know its early xs but its truely the only single thing i can find to complain about -& fixed
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Title: TerraTech
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Release Date: 6 Feb, 2015
TIGA Best New IP 2014
Game of The Show at Radius Festival 2014 - Kotaku
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