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this.p={ currentPage:1,pageNewMode:true,isgooglead3:false,ishotrecompost:false,visitorId:0, first:'',tag:'Legend Never Ends',recommType:'new',recommenderRole:0,offset:20,type:0,isUserEditor:0};Rdio Launches in 24 New International Markets to Continue Rapid Global Expansion | 网络信息安全论文
旧金山 - (美国商业资讯) -
在未来几周内,Digicel在将提供所有的预付费数据的客户免费RDIO网络电台进行30分钟他们的手机每天听不累积数据使用费 - 全部通过独家合作伙伴关系。 Digicel的将作为RDIO的销售和营销部门在每个地区,同时也有助于定制Digicel在对面的领土RDIO流媒体体验。
“在这些市场的启动RDIO是一个巨大的里程碑,为公司,”安东尼湾,CEO,RDIO说。 “我们很高兴将这些地区的充满活力的音乐到RDIO世界听到,同时也为用户提供在每个新的市场进入国际艺术家的作品。 Digicel的将有助于本地塑造流媒体体验。我们期待着与他们继续开展富有成果的伙伴关系。“
“我们很高兴能成为将音乐的礼物,我们1400万的客户在全球范围内,”科尔姆再往里,CEO,Digicel的集团。 “这种独特的伙伴关系提供了最广泛的音乐 - 从本地艺术家的国际巨星 - 都是通过自己的智能手机应用程序。”
RDIO,世界上最大的授权的音乐服务之一,提供超过32万首歌曲目录中的85个国家和地区。 RDIO的使命是提供访问的每一首歌,每一个设备上,在世界任何地方瞬间,在线或离线 - 调整到你。 RDIO的广受好评的应用程序结合了最好的个人选择,社会参与,人策展,个性化算法和编程从人和潮流创造者。音乐爱好者可以享受RDIO作为一个自由,个性化的互联网广播的经验,或作为一个完整的按需订阅服务。成立由剑锋弗里斯,共同创作了Skype,2010年8月,RDIO总部设在旧金山。 :在可Rdio上的更多信息
Rdio Launches in 24 New International Markets to Continue Rapid Global Expansion
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rdio, a leading global music streaming service, today announces the
expansion of its unique mix of free Internet radio and on-demand
subscription into 24 new countries and territories to provide more music
fans around the world access to over 32 million songs anytime, anywhere.
As part of its expansion across the Caribbean, Central America and Asia
Pacific, Rdio is exclusively partnering with mobile phone network
provider Digicel in each of the 24 new markets and an additional seven
regions to create a unique offering designed to customize the streaming
experience for Digicel customers in each country and territory.
In the coming weeks, Digicel will offer all prepaid data customers 30
minutes of free Rdio Internet radio listening per day on their mobile
phones without accruing data usage charges – all through the exclusive
partnership. Digicel will serve as Rdio’s sales and marketing arm in
each region while also helping to customize the Rdio streaming
experience across Digicel’s territories.
Digicel and Rdio will collaborate closely to infuse the streaming
service with local influence, curating playlists and stations together
with Digicel Brand Ambassadors in each country and territory. Through
this unprecedented arrangement, users in each market will have
convenient access to popular music from around the world in addition to
local artists they already enjoy.
The partnership will go on to develop and launch a pay structure that
will fit the mobile usage behavior of Digicel’s significant user base,
introducing a robust new economy to recorded music across these markets.
To prevent theft, habitually lock all devices to keep your information safe.
“Launching Rdio in each of these markets is a huge milestone for the
company,” said Anthony Bay, CEO, Rdio. “We are excited to bring the
vibrant music of these regions onto Rdio for the world to hear while
also providing users in each new market access to international artists.
Digicel will be instrumental in shaping the streaming experience locally
and we look forward to a continued fruitful partnership with them.”
“We are delighted to be bringing the gift of music to our 14 million
customers across the globe,” said Colm Delves, CEO, Digicel Group. “This
unique partnership delivers the widest range of music – from local
artists to international superstars – all through the app on their own
This latest expansion into new markets across Central America, the
Caribbean and Asia Pacific follows Rdio’s recent launch in India and
continues the company’s vision to deliver the best music streaming
experience on mobile phones, on the web, and on connected devices to an
expanding international audience. Effective today, Rdio is now available
in the following new markets: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Aruba,
Barbados, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands,
Dominica, Fiji, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Nauru, Papua New
Guinea, Samoa, St Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the
Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos and
Vanuatu. In addition to the new markets where Rdio is launching, Rdio’s
exclusive partnership with Digicel is effective in French Guiana,
Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Martinique, Bonaire, El Salvador and Panama.
Rdio, one of the world’s largest licensed music services, offers a
catalog of over 32 million songs in 85 countries and territories
worldwide. Rdio’s mission is to provide access to every song, on every
device, anywhere in the world instantly, online or offline — tuned to
you. Rdio’s critically acclaimed applications combine the best of
personal choice, social engagement, human curation, algorithmic
personalization, and programming from tastemakers. Music fans can enjoy
Rdio as either a free, personalized Internet radio experience or as a
full on-demand subscription service. Founded by Janus Friis, co-creator
of Skype, in August 2010, Rdio is headquartered in San Francisco. More
information on Rdio is available at:
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本试题来自:(2013年考研英语模拟试题,)As companies continue to cut costs, the days of frequent promotions are a distant memory. So are the days of endless opportunities to show off your skills. Layoff survivors, faced with fewer options are finding themselves in career purgatory—there’s no way up and no way out.
After talking to career coaches, managers, recruiters, and psychologists, Fortune put together eight tips to help workers break free from the inertia.
41. Avoid taking cover
Don’t hide out behind your computer. "You should really work to increase or maintain the visibility that you have," says David Opton, founder and CEO of career management firm ExecuNet.
Build a circle of allies
Fortify your current relationships and work on making new ones, both within and outside the office. "Allies will be helpful in terms of letting you know information, like if there’s a job possibility that comes up," says Dee Soder, founder of the CEO Perspective Group. Who you know can make a big difference, especially in difficult times.
42. Load up on new tools
This is the perfect time to acquire new expertise. (If the boss can’t pay, do it on your own.)
43. Look beyond your job description
People don’t get promotions just because the they get promotions because they take initiative. Lauren Doliva, a partner at recruiting firm Heidrick & Struggles International, has a client looking to hire a CO0.
44. Manage your own PR
"Doing well is part productivity and part publicity," says Marilyn Moats Kennedy, a managing partner at Career Strategies.
Be creative
Remember, says Doliva, "people hire us to think, not just to do." This is the perfect time to tackle the project that you’ve always wished you had more time for. Soder recommends scheduling an hour each day to work on extra things such as new initiatives or ways to improve your job or that of those above you.
Take responsibility for your success
Be proactive, not reactive. Says Kennedy: "If you’re waiting for something to happen to you, it’s not going to be anything positive." Figure out your goals and let manager identify your weaknes find better ways to harness your strengths. For nontangible skills— leadership, management, communication—coaches recommend hiring a coach. A client of Soder’s was put into a new management role, but didn’t feel like she had what it took to oversee a bigger team. She went out and hired a coach who helped her learn how to interact with top executives as well as how to run a bigger territory. She has since been promoted again.
Taking responsibility for your own success is something everyone should do, regardless of external factors. Otherwise you’re heading straight for burnout.
45. Adjust your attitude
Don’t panic. Even though the economy is in a recession, your career is not coming to an end. How you look at the situation will have a big impact on whether you stay stuck or move ahead. "One can choose to say there is no opportunity or one can choose to look for it," says Doliva. In fact, many coaches believe that being stuck is just a state of mind.
[A] Let people know when you accomplish something or when you put in the extra effort to get a project done early. Without being cheesy, make sure that you’re giving off the right vibes by keeping a positive attitude, avoiding emotional outbursts, and appearing calm and organized. And don’t forget to look the part. Many didn’t get promotions because of their professional presence—grooming, clothes, and body language.
[B] When someone brought up the VP of operations, who was the obvious candidate for the job, the CEO rejected him outright. "He said no because the VP only does what’s expected," says Doliva. "The CEO didn’t see him as someone who would take the risks and the time to do the job better. " Now is not the time for complacency, even if you’re not gunning for a spot in the executive suite. Coaches suggest that employees come in early, stay late, and take on extra projects. Little things can make a big difference.
[C] Brush up on computer skills, audit a class, or get a certificate or degree in your field—and when jobs do open up, you’ll be ready.
[D] "What you don’t want to do is start getting depressed", adds Melissa Karz, founder of Kadima Coaching. "Be what you want to attract." It might be helpful to hunt for motivation in other places. "Now is the time to start taking a look at how fulfilling your life is outside of work," says Lois Frankel, president of Corporate Coaching International. Find exciting activities to replenish yourself with—and then bring that positive spirit into the office.
[E] Amid all of the layoffs, you’ve managed to keep your job—but the chances of moving up are slim to none. Nobody above you is going to leave now, and there’s no money for special projects to prove yourself. You’re stuck. Here’s how to avoid fading into the woodwork. [F] Speak up in meetings, and volunteer for difficult projects that co-workers aren’t willing to tackle.Part BDirections: You are going to read a text about how to keep your job, followed by a list of important examples. Choose the best example from the list A-F for each numbered subheading (41-45). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.内容选项及答案解析:
填空题:()They were, by far, the largest and most distant objects that scientists had ever detected: a strip of enormous cosmic cloud some 15 billion light-years from earth. 71. But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. That was just about the moment that the universe was born. What the researchers found was at once both amazing and expected: the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration’’s Cosmic Background Explorer satellite―Cobe―had discovered landmark evidence that the universe did in fact begin with the primeval explosion that has become known as the Big Bang (the theory that the universe originated in an explosion from a single mass of energy).
  72. The existence of the giant clouds was virtually required for the Big Bang, first put forward in the 1920s,to maintain its reign as the dominant explanation of the cosmos. According to the theory, the universe burst into being as a submicroscopic, unimaginably dense knot of pure energy that flew outward in all directions, emitting radiation as it went, condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas. Over billions of years, the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxies, stars, plants and eventually, even humans.
  Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies. They shouldn’’t have long to wait. 73.Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon.
  74. If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory. Inflation says that very’’ early on, the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion fold in much less than a second, propelled by a sort of antigravity.
  75. Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.
答案:有,答案解析:有,填空题:()Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories ________on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior ________they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through ________with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in ________ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, ________
as a rejection of middle-class values.
Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ________
the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes ________
lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are ________
to criticism.
Changes in the social structure may indirecfiy ________
juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that ________ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment ________ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in ________ lead more youths into criminal behavior.
Families have also ________ changes these years. More families consist of one-parent households or ________ , children are likely to have less supervision at home ________ was common in the traditional family ________ This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other ________ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased ________ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing ________ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, ________ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.A. actingB.relyingC. centeringD.commenting答案:有,答案解析:有,


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