
关于小麦,它需要耕地与水源,这样才可以维持生长,如果这个小麦已长成黄金色的模样 即可收成,收成的办法是把它打碎,可掉下小麦和2-4个种子,来继续种植,因为小麦的颜色很难判断,建议您在旁边种下一格试验田,并种下小麦,不要收成它,这是用来对比颜色的 看他到底是否长大了警告:根据CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议,所有从wiki搬运的资料都必须写上来源出处(中文Minecraft Wiki),否则将被视为侵权行为!()
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该文章是关于种植 , , 以及 的。关于一些其他资源的系统化生产,请参阅。
农作物种植 使玩家能够在上任何一种农作物,并在一段时间后成熟并获取。本篇描述了3中不同的农作物。它们虽然种出的是不同的食物,但它们的种植方法基本上是一样的。这三种作物都需要成熟后才会掉落成熟农作物。
种子长成小麦,而你可以通过破坏来获取它。小麦由长成,而小麦种子可以通过破坏获得。尽管两格高的草在大部分中十分常见,但它被破坏时并不总掉落种子(仅10%的概率);不过草丛相当容易寻找到并获取,所以将草丛聚集起来也十分容易。收获收割一株成熟的小麦会产出1个小麦与0-3个种子。如果过早地对其收割,将只能得到一个种子,无法获得小麦。小麦可以合成面包,或者与其它物品合成或。尽管小麦本身不能用于种植,但它可以用于 , , 或。种子也可以用于繁殖或播种来收货更多的小麦。
有几率掉落胡萝卜或马铃薯,可以将其栽培并量产,最终建成一个农场;在 的农场中也能发现它们。每收割一个成熟的胡萝卜或马铃薯可以分别获得1-4个农作物。每个马铃薯都有额外2%的几率掉落一个几乎毫无用处的。胡萝卜和马铃薯都可以被直接食用,但马铃薯也可以被成。烤马铃薯能回复更多的饥饿值和饱和度,而胡萝卜可以繁殖、控制猪或合成出。
这些农作物只能在上播种。你可以使用锄或使其变为耕地。耕地在两种情况下会退化回泥土:一、 如果或某个在上面跳跃,耕地将退化回泥土,且耕地上的任何农作物都将被破坏(相当于被收割,不论是否成熟);二、如果周围(以农作物为中心,水平高度或高一高度的9×9的范围内)没有任何(不管是静止的或是流动的),耕地将干涸。(但只在耕地上尚未播种农作物的情况下才这样)在耕地上已播种农作物的情况下,即便耕地完全干涸也不会退化回泥土。因此,在没有任何水的情况下种植农作物是有可能实现的:(比如在里)只需用锄头锄地后立刻播种即可。这样以来,耕地在农作物被收割之前不会因为干涸而退化回泥土,甚至可以通过在收割后迅速补种使耕地从不退化回泥土。但请注意,这种“非灌溉农业”会使得农作物的生长速度迟缓许多。
农作物上方的方块拥有大于等于9的。 这并不一定要是日光,所以也可以让农作物在夜晚或地下生长。
Probability of a crop plant being in each of the eight growth stages, as a function of time
Early in the game it may be helpful to maximize the growth rate of a crop in order to quickly multiply the s and/or get some
quickly. Doing so requires some understanding of the growth mechanics which are discussed here.
Crop growth is prompted by random update —the same random events that, for example, create smoke
and play . For a given block, a random update occurs an average of once every 82 seconds. However, the delay can vary widely, and it is rare but possible for plants to gain a stage the moment after planting or grow two stages a moment apart.
During every update, a crop plant gets a chance to grow to the next stage with the exact chance depending on conditions:
As noted above, growth requires a
level of at least 9 in the block above the plant.
block the crop is planted in gives 2 "points" if dry or 4 if .
For each of the 8 blocks around the block in which the crop is planted, dry farmland gives 0.25 "points," and hydrated farmland gives 0.75.
Note that if a field is bordered with anything besides more farmland, the plants at the edge will grow more slowly.
If any plants of the same type are growing in the eight surrounding blocks, the "point" total is cut in half unless the crops are arranged in rows. That is, having the same sort of plant either on a diagonal or in both north-south and east-west s cuts the growth chance, but having the same type of plant only north-south or east-west does not. The growth chance is only halved once no matter how many plants surround the central one.
The growth probability is then 1/((25/points) + 1).
From this we can figure the growth periods for the common cases:
For the fastest growth per seed, a full layer of hydrated farmland with crops in rows is ideal. Under these conditions, the probability of growth during each update is
1/3 , or approximately 33%. Most (4/5) planted crops will reach maturity within 37
(about 2 minecraft days). For all plants to have this probability, crop rows must be separated by empty farmland or by a different crop, and the edges and corners of the field must be empty farmland. However, this probability also applies to crops adjacent to only one non-farmland block (e.g. a single block of
in the middle of a field for hydration or a torch) due to the floor function.
For hydrated crops in rows at the edge of a field (having 3 blocks of non-farmland along one side), the growth probability is 1/4 (25%). Most planted crops in this case will reach maturity within 50 minutes (about 2.5 minecraft days).
For hydrated crops in rows at the corner of a field (having 5 blocks of non-farmland adjacent), the growth probability is 1/5 (20%). Most crops will reach maturity within 62 minutes (about 3 minecraft days).
Hydrated crops not in rows have approximately half the growth probabilities: 1/6 (16.7%) for mid-field plants, 1/7 (14%) for edges, and 1/9 (11%) for corners.
The usual worst-case conditions for growing are crops placed out of rows on dry farmland. In this case the growth probability is 1/13 (approximately 8%) for the middle crops, 1/16 (6%) for the edges, and 1/19 (5%) for the corners.
The worst case would be two crops diagonally adjacent on dry farmland (all other surrounding blocks being non-farmland) which has a growth probability of 1/23, about 4%.
Later in the game, the highest yield per area of a given field may be more important than the fastest growth per seed. Fields sown solidly to achieve this with a single crop do grow at half the speed, but they also let you separate each type of crop into its own respective field and harvest one type all at once. However, one large field with alternating rows of different crops would still grow faster than smaller fields each sown solidly with a single crop.
The progression of crops over time is shown in the plot above. Each line represents the probability of finding a given crop in that particular growth stage, assuming ideal conditions. The plots for non-ideal conditions look similar with only the scale of the x-axis (time passed) being longer.
The basic farm plot is a 9×9 plot of farmland with the center block replaced by water. Normally this will be surrounded by fences, making it 11×11. This basic plot can be used for wheat, carrots, or potatoes, or even for . As described above, it may be planted solidly, with rows of a single crop (leaving some rows empty) for faster growth, or with rows of multiple crops for fastest total yield per area. For night growth, light may be suspended above the water block and placed around the edges.
The field can be harvested quickly by simply dumping a bucket of water over the center, washing all the drops up against the fence.
This design may be easily extended in both the X and Z directions. If lighting the field for night growth, additional lights will be needed (again they may be suspended in the air) where the corners of the basic plots meet.
To farm multiple crops in a single field's footprint, you can stack the fields (with two-block spaces) making a vertical farm. One complication here is that a block is needed to hold the since this prevents falling into the next level's water hole the slabs can be omitted except on the top level. Alternatively, you can irrigate all levels with a waterfall through the center blocks.
The next extension of that idea is to provide a touch of automation. The following farm design uses two central columns on a 9×10 plot, to irrigate (water blocks), light (s) and automatically retrieve the crops (dispensers loaded with water buckets). (With just one central column and a 9 by 9 block farm, a single water dispenser wouldn't be able to reach all the crops.) The dispensers can be triggered with buttons or tripwires. Adding plot borders and fences, and a stairway along one edge, expands the whole system (with four levels) to 12×12×12. Some notes on this scheme:
Alternating rows of different crops will still speed growth, but as noted above, speed may not be a priority at this point. Planting the crops solidly on separate levels is more convenient for harvesting what you need at a given moment, and they can grow while you do other stuff.
The water dispensers will not harvest melons or pumpkins, but may instead destroy their stems. You may want to unload the dispensers on the melon/pumpkin level, or skip them entirely. If you skip the dispensers on any but the top level, you will need some other block to hold up the water above (so it's convenient to put the melon/pumpkin field on top).
Compact Vertical Farm: Video ()
An automatic wheat harvester using sticky pistons
There are ways to harvest crops semi-automatically.
Most common is water: Flowing water will break crops, and produce their usual drops. This can be used to harvest crops semi-automatically, and carry the resulting items to some central location such as a . A water flood will not revert farmland back into dirt.
s can be used to move the farmland block itself, breaking the crop without reverting the farmland to dirt. Water currents for collecting the items can be placed under the farmland rather than beside it, making this method more compact than harvesting directly with pistons. A pair of pistons, appropriately clocked, could be used to shift an entire row of farmland.
Crops are also broken when directly pushed by s, with the usual drops. Unfortunately, this will revert the farmland back into dirt, so that it needs to be re-tilled after every harvest, rather defeating the point of automation.
Automatic harvesting is generally an all-or-nothing business - harvesting every plant regardless of whether it is actually mature or not. In this situation, it is best not to wait for every last plant to finish growing, as there will always be a few that take much longer than normal. The optimal time to harvest wheat in particular turns out to be when 80% (4/5) of the plants have matured, and this is at least acceptable for carrots and potatoes. Assuming that the field is immediately replanted, harvesting at this time will result in the greatest overall rate of production, along with a surplus of seeds for wheat. The section on Growth Rates gives the optimum harvesting time in minutes for some common planting arrangements.
Because bonemeal can force crops to grow more quickly—ignoring normal concerns like growth rate or ambient light—it can be used to create large amounts of wheat or other crops quickly. A number of farm designs focus on using bonemeal exclusively, sacrificing volume and growth efficiency for speed/ease of planting and harvesting. An example which takes advantage of the inventory mechanics to minimize the time required to plant and harvest can be seen . Note however, that with the recent bonemeal nerfs, it now requires several pieces of bonemeal to take a crop plant from seed to maturity.
This design uses a row of pistons to flood a long farm from one end. Note that the farm needs to slope down one block for every eight in length. Dispensers could also be used to supply the water, and the output could easily be channelled to a hopper.
Layer by layer map of one cell.
This farm is divided into cells of 29 plants, where each cell is flooded individually by a single piston and water block (or bucket-bearing dispenser) The drops are washed into a stream, gathering them to a single point.
There’s a stream of water in the center of the farm, which needs to go down 1 block every 8 blocks toward a collection point. (This can be mirrored on the other side of the collection point, to cut the total depth needed.
On one or both sides of the stream are farming cells. The cells are separated from each other with two block high walls. (If a 1-block high wall or fencing is used, some of the drops may fall onto the barrier and out of the flow.) Under every wall separating the cells from each other is a source block of water, to hydrate the farmland on both sides of the wall.
The design as shown uses a piston to control the flow of water. The piston is normally ON, so the piston is extended. Above the extended piston shaft is a water source block, surrounded with 8 (or even 4) glass blocks or panes. (Glass is needed so that light goes through to the plants). When the switch is turned OFF the piston retracts and the water flows through.
In more recent versions of Minecraft, the piston setup can be replaced with a
containing a bucket of water (and using a button instead of a lever for the switch). Either way, the pistons or dispensers should be wired together behind the cells (with s as needed), to allow triggering them from some central point.
When released, the water will harvest the crops and wash them into the stream. At the end of the stream, you can collect your drops, or place a
to do it for you.
A cell when the piston is extended.
All products successfully moved to the main stream.
Fully-automatic farms can be constructed using Farmer s to replant the crops. Three general designs are possible:
Since seeds aren't food, a villager with inventory full of seeds will continue to harvest and replant crops but cannot pick up the resulting wheat. Hoppers or hopper minecarts below the farmland can collect the wheat.
For carrots and potatoes, a villager will replant the field but will stop harvesting once he has enough food in his inventory. A redstone mechanism timed to the growth rate of the crops is used to periodically pour water over the farmland to wash the crops into a collection system.
For carrots, potatoes, or bread, a second villager with empty inventory may be placed nearby such that the farmer will attempt to share food but the throws cannot reach the second villager. Or the second villager may have an inventory full of seeds (or wheat for non-farmers) so he cannot pick up any food. Hoppers where the thrown food will land can collect the thrown food.
In all cases, the farm must be entirely within the bounds of a village or must be more than 32 blocks away from the outer boundary of any village. Otherwise the villager will try to make his way to the nearby village instead of tending the crops.
Farmland cannot absorb
from the bottom.
Farmland placed at an
of 1 will not grow crops on its own.哪里有小麦种子?_minecraft吧_百度贴吧
说是打草地 是把草地块打没还是要用锄头右键打?
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研发:Mojang AB
厂商:Mojang AB


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