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Jhon's Blog | 一个互联网菜鸟的学习之路。
Jhon's Blog | 一个互联网菜鸟的学习之路。 Skip to content Jhon's Blog 一个互联网菜鸟的学习之路。 Menu and widgets Html/Css JavaScript WordPress 电影 关于 坚持学习! 搜索: 近期文章 Bootstrap强大的前端开发框架 今日搜得的一篇好文《程序员必修的中文MOOC汇总》 两天完成了一个页面,这速度也是醉了。。 sublime text果真是一神器 备忘 近期评论Jhon发表在《现在开始我的学习网站前端设计之旅》路人Z发表在《现在开始我的学习网站前端设计之旅》张洋洋发表在《世界,你好!》张洋洋发表在《晚安,明天见》Jhon发表在《现在开始我的学习网站前端设计之旅》文章归档 2015年一月 2014年十二月 分类目录 Html/Css 技术 未分类 生活记录 功能 注册 登录 文章RSS 评论RSS WordPress.org Bootstrap强大的前端开发框架 jQuery文件的引入是必须的。 Format 日志Posted on 日日Categories Html/Css, 技术Leave a comment 今日搜得的一篇好文《程序员必修的中文MOOC汇总》 原文在此:/recommended-mooc-for-programmers/。应该是孙志岗老师总结的。下面是原文转载: Google 做了一个列表,推荐程序员去学习一些免费的在线课程,很受欢迎。所以,我也把迄今为止已经开出的中文计算机 MOOC 做个汇总。后续会不断更新,以展示最新进展。为避免软文嫌疑,回答中不会出现任何 MOOC 平台品牌名。 大体上说,在线学完一个计算机专业,是基本不成问题的。但是,这不意味着你可以不上大学了,也不意味着上了大学但可以不去上课。 计算机科学导论课程 计算导论 – 北京大学 基础中的基础,把小白引向C语言程序设计。 计算概论A – 北京大学 上一门课的姊妹。引向C++语言,但内容更多。 计算机专业导论之思维与系统 – 哈工大虽基础,但更深。学计算机最重要的是要像计算机那样“思考”,也就是计算思维。这门课就是干这个的。也会讲计算机最基本的工作原理,比如冯诺依曼机、机器语言。比较适合目标高远的小白。 计算机专业导论之语言与算法 – 哈工大 也是基础,但是面向程序设计的基础。比较适合只想能写出程序的小白。 计算机专业导论之学科与专业 – 哈工大 是基础中比较高阶的内容,宏论计算机科学的方方面面,讲不同专业、研究方向都是干啥的、怎么干等。不仅适合小白,也适合高端人士了解一下学科进展和自己不熟悉的方向的情况 程序设计入门课 都是面向没有任何编程基础的小白的。这方面国内开的课非常非常多~~~~ C语言: 计算机程式设计 – 台湾大学 不一样的口音,不一样的风情 C程序设计 – 北京大学 程序设计入门——C语言 – 浙江大学 程序设计基础 – 吉林大学 高级语言程序设计 – 吉林大学 上一门的加强版 C语言程序设计(上) – 北理工 其它语言: C++语言程序设计 – 清华大学 程序设计入门——Java语言 – 浙江大学 程序设计入门——Python – 哈工大 另类: 程序设计基础 – 哈工大 唯一不依赖任何具体语言的,讲纯纯的程序设计,后面可以对接任何语言 学更多语言 这些都是在已有基础的情况下,再学其它语言的课 C语言程序设计进阶 – 浙江大学 C语言程序设计精髓 – 哈工大 程序设计实习 – 北京大学 从 C 走向 C++ C++程序设计入门(上) – 北京邮电 也是从 C 走向 C++,另有C++程序设计入门(下) C#程序设计(上) – 北京大学 另有C#程序设计(下) Visual Basic.NET程序设计 – 同济大学 软件工程 软件工程(C编码实践篇)- 中科大 软件工程(OO分析与设计篇)- 中科大 软件工程(过程与管理篇)- 中科大 面向对象技术高级课程 – 北京大学 前面的C++、Java基本都会介绍面向对象。这门课更多介绍的是面向对象分析和设计技术 面向对象软件开发实践之基本技能训练 – 北理工 与上一门课很好地衔接,更接近实践 面向对象软件开发实践之专业技能训练 – 北理工 面向对象软件开发实践之实战技能训练 – 北理工 软件测试方法和技术实践 – 同济大学 数学 基础数学 高等数学(一)- 国防科大 另有(二)(三)(四)和(五) 工科数学分析(一) – 哈工大 更工科的高等数学 机率(概率)- 台湾大学 线性代数 – 山东大学 计算数学 理论计算机科学基础 – 北京大学 组合数学 – 清华大学 近世代数 – 哈工大 离散数学基础 – 中山大学 信息安全数学基础 – 哈工大 算法与数据结构 数据结构 数据结构哪家强? 数据结构 – 清华大学 数据结构基础 – 北京大学 和 高级数据结构与算法 – 北京大学 数据结构 – 浙江大学 算法 算法基础 – 北京大学 算法设计与分析之入门篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析之进阶篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析之高级篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析之随机算法篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析之近似算法篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析专题之计算几何篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析专题之组合优化篇 – 哈工大 算法设计与分析之大数据算法篇 – 哈工大 Orz 一下哈工大 操作系统 操作系统之基础 – 哈工大 操作系统之进程与线程 – 哈工大 操作系统之内存管理 – 哈工大 操作系统之外设与文件系统 – 哈工大 数据库 数据库原理之关系数据库 – 浙江大学 数据库原理之数据库设计 – 浙江大学 数据库原理之数据存储与查询 – 浙江大学 数据库原理之事务管理 – 浙江大学 人工智能 人工智慧 – 台湾大学 机器学习基石 – 台湾大学 机器学习技法 – 台湾大学 编译 编译原理 – 中科大 信息安全 操作系统与虚拟化安全 – 北京大学 软件安全 – 武汉大学 很多非信息安全专业的人,技术可以很牛,但安全意识真的很差,因为学校不会学。这门课可以补一补 计算机网络 计算机网络之网尽其用 – 哈工大 计算机网络之探赜索隐 – 哈工大 计算机网络之危机四伏 – 哈工大 计算机网络之基础链路 – 中山大学 计算机网络之构造互联网 – 中山大学 计算机网络之高阶应用 – 中山大学 计算机网络概论 – 新竹清华 计算机组成原理 计算机组成 – 北京大学 计算机组成原理之机器 – 哈工大 计算机组成原理之数字 – 哈工大 计算机组成原理之CPU – 哈工大 计算机体系结构 计算机系统结构 (一) 基本概念及指令集 – 北邮 计算机系统结构 (二) 计算机主要系统构成 – 北邮 计算机系统结构 (三) CPU及其结构分析 – 北邮 其它 生物信息学: 导论与方法 – 北京大学 人群与网络 – 北京大学 在另一平台(坚决不露出品牌名)也有人群与网络 | Networks and Crowds 和 Google 给出的列表比较,中文课程里,基础课更丰富,面向更具体方向的比较欠缺。另外,Google 列表中很多都是静态课程,只有视频、文字。而以上中文课程都是 MOOC,是动态的,老师是会参与到线上教学过程的。 Format 日志Posted on 日日Categories 技术Tags 慕课, 自学Leave a comment 两天完成了一个页面,这速度也是醉了。。 主要使用了HTML+CSS,熟悉了盒子布局,文档流,float属性。没有设计JS得内容,接下来要自己仿制一个静态页面,先把基础做好。努力朝着一个优秀的前段设计师前进。京东买的两本关于javascript的书也到了。 我还要表达一下使用sublime text得体验,用它来编码真是爽呆了!!!/demo/moocindex.html Format 日志Posted on 日日Categories Html/CssLeave a comment sublime text果真是一神器 sublime text果真是一神器 Format 状态Posted on 日日Categories 未分类Leave a comment 备忘 音乐培训静态网站。/index.html Posted on 日Categories 未分类Leave a comment 2015新的一年到来了 不管是好是坏,2014已经过去,2015,新的一年正向我们招手。加油!朝着自己的梦想前进! Format 状态Posted on 日Categories 生活记录Leave a comment 用CSS3实现照片墙效果 教程来自 body{ background-color:# } h1{ text-align: } .container{ width:960 height:450 margin:60 position: } .container img{ padding:10px 10px 15 background: border:1px solid # box-shadow:2px 2px 3px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.4); -webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease- -moz-transition:all 0.5s ease- transition:all 0.5s ease- position: z-index:1; } .container img:hover{ box-shadow:15px 15px 20px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.4); -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) scale(1.20); -moz-transform:rotate(0deg) scale(1.20); transform:rotate(0deg) scale(1.20); z-index:2; } .pic1{ left: 400 top: 0; -webkit-transform: rotate(-5deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-5deg); transform: rotate(-5deg); } .pic2{ top: 0; left: 600 -webkit-transform: rotate(-20deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-20deg); transform: rotate(-20deg); } .pic3 { bottom: 0; right: 0; -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg); -moz-transform: rotate(5deg); transform: rotate(5deg); } .pic4 { bottom:0; left:300 -webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-10deg); transform: rotate(-10deg); } .pic5 { bottom: 0; left: 0; -webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-10deg); transform: rotate(-10deg); } .pic6 { top: 0; left:0; -webkit-transform: rotate(10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(10deg); transform: rotate(10deg); } .pic7 { top: 0; left: 850 -webkit-transform: rotate(20deg); -moz-transform: rotate(20deg); transform: rotate(20deg); } .pic8 { bottom: -20 right: 630 -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg); -moz-transform: rotate(5deg); transform: rotate(5deg); } .pic9 { top: 90 left: 550 -webkit-transform: rotate(15deg); -moz-transform: rotate(15deg); transform: rotate(15deg); } .pic10 { left:180 top:20 -webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-10deg); transform: rotate(-10deg); } ssd /demo/photowall.html Format 日志Posted on 日日Categories Html/CssTags css3Leave a comment 晚安,明天见 Format 图像Posted on 日日Categories 未分类, 生活记录1 Comment 现在开始我的学习网站前端设计之旅 已经解决了第一个googleapi的问题,现在要解决gravatar加载速度慢的问题. 12.31日,今天完成照片墙和wp的留言板样式修改。学习Wordpress防止垃圾评论 Format 日志Posted on 日日Categories 未分类3 Comments 世界,你好! 欢迎使用WordPress。这是系统自动生成的演示文章。编辑或者删除它,然后开始您的博客! 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Tina's Treasures
Tina's Treasures Tina's Treasures Home Categories Everyday Life (3) Inspirational (2) Life Is Good (6) Thanks (2) Uncategorized (2) What I'm Up To (1) What's Happening In My World (2) My Other Site Make A World of Difference Im Reading Christianity Today Friends This Eclectic Life The BenSparkPhoto-A-Day Archives March 2014 November 2012 October 2012 August 2011 April 2008 June 2007 Been Forever Since I Was HerePosted in What's Happening In My World on March 30th, 2014 by admin & Be the first to comment! I have not been on my blog site forever. Facebook takes up a lot of time. I sometimes forget about my site. I will come back soon and write some up to date stuff Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Woodstock, GA MissionPosted in Inspirational on November 5th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! We are back home after a long trip to Georgia. 聽 We were at Bascomb UMC and what blessings we received. We had a new team and so many we didn’t know, but God knew them and we had wonderful group meetings and testimonials and of course lots of good physical food. Saturday afternoon I spoke to the women about Water and how important it is to our body and also about the Spiritual Water from God. 聽 Jesus said when He went back to heaven to sit by His Father and would make intercession for us that,聽 He would send the Holy Spirit and that it would be like “Living Water” and it is so….. I crocheted covers for water bottles to give to each woman and when I figure out how to post a picture聽 I will post one on here. God’s blessings to all of you today. Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Farmer City Lay Witness MissionPosted in Inspirational on October 30th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! We had the most wonderful mission this past weekend. God’s power and Love was so manifested and real. So many wonderful things happened. The people in this church were so ready for God’s Holy Spirit to move. We are going this weekend to Woodstock, GA for another mission and again we expect great things from the Lord. Pray for us as we travel. It is a long way from Indiana to Georgia. But worth the drive. God bless all who read this. Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Scripture for TodayPosted in Life Is Good on October 24th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! God is our protection and our strength. He always helps in times of trouble. Psalms 46:1 Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Scripture for TodayPosted in Life Is Good on October 20th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! What a gorgeous day. We are so blessed by all of God’s beauty and handiwork. This scripture says that Even lions may get weak and hungry, but those who look to the Lord will have every good thing. Psalms 34:10 God delights in giving us good things like all good Fathers Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment InspiredPosted in Uncategorized, What's Happening In My World on October 20th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8) It is so easy to let our mind wander away and dwell on all the things that are wrong in our lives. Those things that we continually focus on are strengthened in our lives! So, I want to think on pure, lovely, things. Don’t You ? God is so worthy of all our Praise! Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Hello AllPosted in Everyday Life on October 17th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! Well, good morning to all out there today. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the tempeture is pretty chilly, but I don’t have to get out in all that, so that is a real blessing. The leaves on the trees are changing and it is so beautiful to see all the colors and I marvel at how awesome the site is. Did everyone watch the presidential debate last evening?聽聽 Nothing new really …. I am still undecided about who to vote for since I can’t seem to get a “Here Is My Plan” view.聽聽 Neither one really lays out there plan.聽聽 They say they have a plan, but they don’t lay it out as to HOW they are going to do it. I think people are going to have to go with their “gut” feelings and pray that God will lead them on who to vote for ….. I am working on some projects for a Lay Witness Mission meeting in Woodstock, GA on November 2nd – 4th at Bascomb UMC. My husband and I have been doing these missions for 25 years and we still have to rely on God to help us figure out what to say and how to lead at every single one we do. The Holy Spirit is a great teacher, but we have to learn how to listen to Him. Still waiting on my friend to upgrade my blog site.聽聽 She has been really busy.聽 She is also into aromatheraphy, which I am a big believer in myself. I am anxious to try some of the ones she has to use. Well, you all have a wonderful day today.聽 I have one planned for me. Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Thank You God for Who You Are ….Posted in Thanks on October 12th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! A friend had this on his facebook page and I liked it, so thought I would share it with you. Live Free From Fear “He that dwelleth or abides in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my G in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.” (Psalm 91:1-3) Is it possible to live free from fear in this dangerous and unpredictable world?聽聽 Yes, it most definitely is!聽聽 Because protection is a solid promise of God. But it’s not a promise that’s of聽 it is promised to those who abide in the Lord.聽聽 To abide means to dwell, to remain and to continue.聽聽 To abide in the shadow of the Almighty is to live in continual union with Him, keeping His Word and obeying His voice. Those who abide in the Lord can live without dread of what the devil will do. Let me make this clear though– God’s promise of protection doesn’t guarantee that the devil will leave you alone!聽 It means that God will give you a way of escape every time the devil rears his ugly face at you. If you are afraid of the dangers around you, spend more time in the Word and in prayer until your trust in God overcomes your fear. Draw closer to the Lord until you are abiding in the shadow of the Almighty and–no matter how dangerous this world becomes–He surely shall deliver you! Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment God is Good and The Sun Is ShiningPosted in Life Is Good on October 12th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! Today is a beautiful sun shiny day, but cold.聽聽 Well, 50 might not be cold to some people.聽 lol I’ve been reading a book about the Holy Spirit and how we don’t always recognize him as we should. We talk to God, through the Son, by the Holy Spirit and I think sometimes I have not thought about it that way. My friend has not started to work on my blog page to update it yet, but it is going to be so beautiful and easy to follow when she gets it done. Take care of yourself everyone and hope your weekend is a good one. Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Todays ScripturePosted in Uncategorized on October 10th, 2012 by admin & Be the first to comment! Ephesians 3:20 -21 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,聽聽 21 to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 4: 1 – 6 聽 聽 Then Paul here says ….. As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 聽 聽 2聽 Be complete聽聽 be patient, bearing with one another in love.聽聽聽 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.聽聽 4 There is one body and one Spirit– just as you were called to one hope when you were called–聽聽聽 5 one Lord, one faith,聽聽聽聽聽 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Tags: No Comments Yet » Write a Comment Next Page & Copyright &copy 2015 Tina's Treasures & Operated by WordPress & Designed by A Godly Maiden Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS)
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