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Characters / RuneScape
RuneScape has, along with its rather large amount of storyline-heavy quests, quirky activity and skill-related personalities and reasonably extensive background lore, quite a few characters, which will be detailed here.There will .Subpages : To
: In the Legends' Guild, Sir Owen mentions that a guardian
must have been watching over him during one adventure. Ozan's only question:
: One of his primary motives for adventuring is so he can tell the story later, usually with embellishments. You can witness a conversation between him and Ariane in which he tries to encourage her to do the same, instead of telling only the bare facts, such as the exact size of a room and the fact that she left to get more information before proceeding. : Briefly has one when he recognizes Leela from his childhood. He's pretty delighted to see her again, even if she is threatening him, Khnum, and the player with a crossbow. : Ozan finds out that his former friend Khnum is pretty mad at him since he's the reason that Khnum lost his job as a palace guard. : He has a tendency to pick on Owen a bit, but not Ariane.ArianeVoiced by: Alix Wilton ReganA mage and researcher who trained at the Wizards' Tower before her sudden exile. She features heavily in the "Rune Mysteries" and "Rune Memories" quests, as well as "Heart of Stone". : Ariane's natural talent for magic, particularly her hereditary precognition, caused her to become socially ostracized from her resentful peers. : At times, Ariane's behavior can be simultaneously naiive and optimistic, and power-hungry and amoral. Talking to her after "While Guthix Sleeps" reveals that she wants the Stone of Jas for herself, she repeatedly refers to the widespread fear of necromancy as "silly superstitions", and during the saga "Three's Company" she can convince Owen to let her study Carn's power over the behemoth despite Owen's clear concern that she will use it for evil the way Carn did. Plus, there's the whole demon-dealing fiasco. : During her , she ends up getting distracted and awed at the sights of historical ruins below the tower and is too fascinated by them to focus. : Very studious and very competent and powerful in battle. : Ariane's mentor, Wizard Ellaron, is one of the few wizards to take Ariane seriously and to encourage her to use her gift. He's an , as revealed by Ellaron himself at the end of Rune M he planned to use Ariane to destroy the tower. His help for Ariane was part of his scheme and, after he dies, Ariane is shocked that the one wizard who had "faith" in her was evil all along. : . A demon offers Ariane some secret arcane knowledge if she gives a drop of her blood to pledge loyalty to Zamorak. Ariane pretends to agree, and as she's about to make the cut, her clairvoyance shows her a vision of the near future in which the demon tells her the information. But now, she doesn't need to take up his offer—she knows what he was going to say because she heard it in the vision! Unfortunately,
ensues, and the demon tricks the other wizards in the tower into believing Ariane really made the deal—resulting in her exile. : To the Wizards' Tower, to the point that Archmage Sedridor placed a barrier specifically to prevent her entering past the receptionist. : Corrects your grammar once before admitting it's a bad habit. : Her new "mage" outfit when she is in combat reveals . : To
: In "Rune Memories", Ariane is caught in a magical vortex that sends her hair flying every which way... but her skirt stays firmly in place. Averted in a piece of promotional artwork depicting the same scene, where she's crossed her legs to hold the front of her skirt down. : If spoken to after "The Chosen Commander", Ariane goes on a pretty good "kick the gods out of Gielinor" rant. : She starts a rather creepy conversation with herself during her solo section in "Three's Company". : She has the ability to occasionally glimpse the future. : See
above. : Although, she has a tendency to believe the best in people, despite evidence to the contrary, and occasionally she comes off as a bit too naive and optimistic for her own good. : Ariane seems fascinated by the academia of the arcane, and readily investigates any oddity or exotic lore, sometimes to the point of distraction from more pressing matters. She's also experimented with her own Seer powers, finding methods to prevent or provoke her visions at will. : She tends to pick on both Owen and Ozan a bit.Sir Owen SondeVoiced by: Ben CroweA Temple Knight and devout Saradominist. To date, he has starred in the quest "Death of Chivalry", which is . : Hails from a noble family in Falador. : During "Three's Company", the other two are constantly joking about Sir Owen being
with no skills applicable to the current adventure. He gets them both back when they find a room where brute strength is needed to succeed. : Is killed in the "Death of Chivalry" quest, then Saradomin attempts to use the , which
can use, to revive him. Unfortunately, Saradomin is far from pure-hearted, so Owen comes back as a partial zombie, with a constant bloodlust clawing at his mind. He is, mercifully, still lucid. : "I'm here to kick ass and take names... and I'm a Temple Knight, so I already know your names." : A devoted follower of Saradomin, and a member of what is essentially a fantasy spy organization. : "Saradomin wants me to destroy evil and protect the innocent. I'll use whatever methods are best for the job, and make any sacrifices I have to. If that means I use tactics the White Knights think are unsporting, then so be it. Succeeding in the mission is more important than obeying arbitrary rules." Also noted in that if you talk to him while in the guild with the other heroes, his behavior unnerves Ozan and Ariane. : When the legendary black knight
was alive, Owen was a white knight serving under Sir Amik. When Sir Amik's
weren't working, Owen left the fray, climbed to high ground, and shot an arrow . He ended up nearly kicked out of the white knights as a result, because he didn't follow , and because . Fortunately, the Temple Knights saw his potential, and recruited him. : One of the benefits of Owen's noble upbringing was a formal education, and the puzzles in Recruitment Drive suggest that brains and brawn are both needed to be a successful Temple Knight. : Owen's nasty-looking scar reflects both his aggressive personality and his troubled background. : During the "Three's Company" saga, Sir Owen is the only one who can mine the zephyrium ore sample. Zephyrium requires Level 60 Mining. : Has a tendency towards this. For example, in "Death of Chivalry", he'll suggest killing a black knight who has already been knocked out, though he can be talked out of it. Although he does mention he would do it painlessly. : For his tendencies as a
and , he is not a sadist, preferring to kill his enemies as quickly and painlessly as possible. : A
paladin being best friends with an atheist and a thief. : He was the one who killed Iban, the
of the Underground Pass quest. : In the quest Death of Chivalry, there are two people who can get through a barrier like this. The player character is one, and Owen is the other.
: One of the reasons he was kicked out of a White Knights and ended up joining the Temple Knights was that he was willing to resort to any tactic to complete the mission with as few casualties as possible. : Sir Owen Sonde (Surround Sound) is the son of Stario Sonde (Stereo Sound) and Altra Sonde (Ultrasound). As expected of a Temple Knight. Originally, his name was Sir Ewain Ouse, shortened to Sir E. Ouse (Serious). This explains why there's another knight with the "surround" pun dead in the Grotworm Lair. : Counting the title, Sir Owen's initials are S. O. S. Given his tendency of getting kicked around to show off the villains, he probably needs the help. : "Those guards had to die for me to get to my objective. Raising the alarm and giving them a chance to fight back wouldn't have helped anyone. I placed the crossbow bolts in the middle of their brains. T they probably didn't even feel pain." : To
and . : With Ozan and Ariane, though he makes a point of mentioning that they're the two people he trusts the most. : Every major appearance he has outside of Three's Company, Sir Owen gets pwned. Cinematic trailer? Oneshotted by a troll. Dimension of Disaster? Shows up in the promo art as a mounted head (). The Death of Chivalry? ...XeniaA veteran adventurer who features in the "Blood Pact" quest, and teaches the main character about combat. Later on, she is
behind "Carnillean Rising", before meeting her end in "Heart of Stone". She later shows up in Limbo to aid the World Guardian against . : In "Heart of Stone" she goes rogue after murdering a mage and stealing documents. Turns out she had visited Freneskae and seen what the Elder Gods have done to another world firsthand,
She theorises that by siphoning off the Anima Mundi of the planet into a safe place, the Elders won't have the energy required to reawaken. She neglects to mention that this will affect all current living things too... : After restoring her memories of shamefulness and guilt (which she discarded after arriving in Limbo), she apologises to the World Guardian for her recklessness in trying to stop the awakening of the Elder Gods, and agrees to help out in the siege on Nomad's lair. : She steals power from the Elder Gods' voices and manages to siphon off a small portion of the Anima Mundi into the Abyss. But as a result, it disturbs the Elder Gods' slumber, ensuring they will awaken very soon to harvest all of the world's
and erase its "imperfections". : At least until you do her quests... : She probably is a decent enough fighter on her own, but she prefers being sneaky and manipulative. : Given that her specialty is never shown, but she's proficient in all three forms of combat (The Blood Pact), works well with construction and has a way with wild animals (Carnillean Rising), can manipulate divine energy (Heart of Stone), and crafted The Raptor's armour (podcast), it's likely that Xenia is a generalist like the player character and does a little of everything. : In "Heart of Stone" she defects from the heroes to try to save the world from the Elder Gods.
Also, looking at how the Elder Gods mouthpieces (well 3 of them at least, Jas' is more a ) talk to you during the quest, it can be reasoned that the Elders do not care for their creations, and deem them toys or puppets. : During "Heart of Stone", Ariane gets her in the back in order to stop her plan. Although she fell through a teleport matrix and they , her death is confirmed in "Nomad's Elegy". : Xenia knows what , and she is determined to prevent the Elder Gods from doing the same thing. Even if her plan to render them comatose would strip all magic from Gielinor, and possibly worse. : Also qualifies as this since she has a rather unorthodox way of teaching. : Delivered by the player character at the end of Blood Pact. Also during the conclusion of Carnillean Rising, where the player finds out that she was the one who planned the Cave Wolf Matriarch attack on the player and Philipe Carnillean.LinzaA master weaponsmith, who appears in a small segment of the "Deadliest Catch" quest. She is the most skilling-oriented of the Signature Heroes. : The rest of the Signature Heroes have all had quests built around them or have been major parts of other adventures. Meanwhile, to date, Linza has only cameoed in "Deadliest Catch" and briefly appeared in the Troll Warzone tutorial, which has since been . Inverted with the release of "Kindred Spirits", Linza's long-awaited spotlight quest, which was advertised as being about the Barrows Brothers instead. : Apologises to the player for her actions at the end of Sliske's Endgame, and resolves to make up for her mistakes. : Betrays the player character to Sliske, which almost ends with with them losing their soul. : Of the Barrows as Linza the Disgraced, after Kindred Spirits. She's harder to kill than the other seven brothers combined, but her gear is far stronger than theirs. Fortunately, you have to go out of your way to awaken her, and actually defeating her gives you a chance at getting that gear for yourself... : During the Troll Warzone tutorial, she was briefly trapped by a rockslide with a couple of other miners. : Is apparently good enough to smith dragon metal. She' she stole the metal from the Dragonkin. Bad idea. : In "Deadliest Catch", where she helps you smith a giant harpoon in exchange for a Thalassus tooth. : Notably averted so far, despite her nominal status as a Signature Heroine, though this is finally
in a future Aviansie-themed quest, "Rite of Passage". However, the quest lost a Player Power poll to the Elder Gods storyline in April 2014note&, so it is essentially in . She finally gets a major role in "Kindred Spirits"...where she betrays the player to Sliske and becomes a Barrows wight. : She warns Meg against ever making such a bargain. Probably out of regret for her own deal with Sliske. : The buyable version of her equipment includes a warhammer weapon override,
she wields a warhammer and shield as a Barrows Wight, and her combat animations in Chronicle confirm that she uses a warhammer. : With Nomad and Gregorovic in Sliske's Endgame. :
As of 'Kindred Spirits'. : Even though she uses a warhammer, she prefers to talk about swords. This extends to her dialogue in Chronicle. : By far, Linza is the Signature Heroine who players know the least about and who has gotten the least
that they find skilling-based activities and quests less interesting than combat may have something to do with it. : While Ariane and Xenia wear minidresses and flowing hair, Linza wears trousers and a short haircut. : "Run, Escape!" :
After being turned into a Barrows wight by Sliske, she's easily the most powerful enemy you'll face there. While she can't hit much harder than the other Barrows Brothers, she's an absolute tank compared to them. The 7 other Barrows wights have 12,000 life points each. She has 150,000, stronger defenses than any of them, and can reflect some damage back from every attack you make! : When talking to Linza after the events of "While Guthix Sleeps", she's . She mentions wanting to make a dragon cheese grater, then admits that's a stupid idea. : Despite knowing better, she betrays the
to Sliske in return for his protection from the Dragonkin. She ends up betrayed herself and is killed and raised as one of his wights. But hey, at least Sliske delivered on his bargain! : In Sliske's Endgame, if she is not the first boss to be killed, she will use a defensive stance which heals herself as well as reflect any damage she takes back to you. If she is the last of the three bosses to remain, she will use a special area attack, where she leaps into the air and cra this can easily be avoided by walking out of range.The RaptorAn enigmatic and powerful warrior, he is an avid hunter and features prominently in the quest "Song from the Depths". : Never takes it off even in the Guilds, where the others are in more casual attire. : Since he has never been seen without his concealing armour, it currently is unknown if he is a human or something else.
has said that they originally planned to reveal him to be
but they may have dropped this plan, so currently his species is in a
situation. : As seen in "Song from the Depths". He is ruthless, prefers killing the Siren, and completely flippant and tactless when dealing with the woman who could have lost her husband. : He's not impressed by your successes in Dragon Slayer or Legends' Quest. Elvarg was just a dragon, and Nezikchened was just a demon, and he kills tons of those. : Attempted in the
story. : Even Kuradal, the second to top slayer master, is terrified of him. So is anybody he gets involved with on quests, outside of the Player Character. : A podcast revealed that he will be attempting to kill Tuska, one of the gods who destroyed the Naragi home world. Tuska arrived during summer 2015, but the Raptor failed to show. : The Raptor's preferred weapon is a large, intimidating flail. : His face has never been seen. Justified, as he refuses to take off his armour. : In "Song from the Depths", he is shown to be a foil to our character from personality to methods. Where our character will solve puzzles, show some reasoning, and takes time understanding the situation, he will prefer brute force and killing. : He appears to be idly chatting with Linza in the Legends' Guild, and shows up in the same part of Daemonheim as she does. This may suggest that they're on good terms. One of the podcasts says The Raptor's telltale armour was a gift from Xenia, again suggesting that he may have a friendlier side. : Of all the heroes, he doesn't show much respect or kindness towards the character, undermining their achievements instead, and he has little tact when it comes to people who need help. : He is a cold,
jerk, but notes in "Song from the Depths" that the Siren was a danger to the town, unintentional or not. : Practically his main feature. : A case where a taciturn demeanor is used to make a character both more intimidating and more mysterious. : Terse. Skips subject nouns and passive verbs and calls named creatures by species first. Uses a lot of the standard Slayer Master script during November 2015 Slayer Challenge, probably to save on programming. : In "Dimension of Disaster", Zemouregal's treasure horde includes The Raptor's armour, but examining it specifically suggests The Raptor himself survived and escaped the encounter.&&&&The Mahjarrat&Some of the most powerful mortal beings in the game, and thus coming with some of the most storyline-heavy and epic quests in the game, the Mahjarrat are a tribe composed of a race of demigodly beings known as Dreams of Mah, brought in from another world, .Tropes associated with the Mahjarrat in general: : They and the Dragonkin are the biggest direct threats in the game. The Elder Gods are the
to both. : Freneskae has been described by a Mahjarrat, and by human standards, it's not a particularly nice place. You go there in "Fate of the Gods" and it exceeds expectations. : The Mahjarrat have a tradition of only mating during earthquakes. This likely contributed to there being so few of them left. They do this because on their homeworld they believed that earthquakes were caused by their god Mah and they needed to calm her. Their older sister, Seren, had promoted this practice, basically teaching them to siphon energy from Mother Mah for reproduction to send her deeper into slumber and thus stop the quakes. : The Mahjarrat sacrifice one of their own every half millennium to grow stronger and add to their already considerable lifespan. : Their species, the Dreams of Mah, are able to breed, but unlike mortals, it costs them massive amounts of their difficult to replenish divine . This ultimately lead to the extinction of the other two tribes of their race, and is gradually diminishing the Mahjarrat tribe as well. : The Mahjarrat are the most prominent users of Ancient Magicks, and Azzanadra is the one who teaches these to the player after Desert Treasure. : Mahjarrat means "Children of Mah", which is also the name of a quest focused on the tribe itself. : In their natural forms, all Mahjarrat have divine crystals in their foreheads. : They may be quasi mortal, but they are also the last sapient children of Mother Mah and were made out of her own failing energies. After a recent Q&A, it was revealed that the Mahjarrat could be considered very low tier divine beings. After the events of Children of Mah, they all gained more power than ever by siphoning power directly from Mah, indirectly contributing to her death and empowering them to the point of Demigodhood. : All of the Mahjarrat present in the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation, except Sliske, quickly teleport away after witnessing the threat that the Dragonkin pose, having killed off Lucien. : All of the Mahjarrat qualify for this in their weakened pre-ritual form. After they undergo a Ritual of Rejuvenation, they gain more flesh-like facial features. : Mahjarrat can change their shape to some extent. : The standard Mahjarrat mentality, however some, like Azzanadra, Jhallan, and Kharshai disagree on this. : Not explicitly, but the divide between the Zarosian and Zamorakian factions seems to be this. Kharshai, the only neutral Mahjarrat has been trying to rekindle both and has so far failed. Had he attended the ritual it is very possible he would have been sacrificed.Akthanakos : By far the least known of the Zarosian Mahjarrat, or any of them really. Even the dead ones have gotten more development. : Pretended to be a camel god by taking the form of a humanoid camel, copying the
form of the desert gods. : His name means 'deathless', a suitable name for a member of an near-immortal race. : He apparently has some connection with the desert camels, and as a token of favor gives you an amulet of Camelspeak. The Camel Warriors are his work, as well. : He often appears in the form of a human with a camel's head, imitating the appearance of the desert gods. : To Enakhra. : Was trapped in Enakhra's temple in the form of a Bone Guard by Enakhra until the player frees him by building a wall between the two of them to block Enakhra's spell.AzzanadraVoiced by: Toby LongworthZaros' champion and one of the most powerful Mahjarrat in existence, he remained fiercely loyal to Zaros even after he was banished and Zamorak rose to take his place. : Zaros's defeat at the hands of Zamorak devastated him, and eventually he began to feel his presence and , even though the communion portal had failed to work. : He claims to have spent some time in the pyramids as Dr. Nabanik. : Zaros' champion, . Still loyal to him. : "Azzy" and "Bunny Ears", courtesy of Sliske. :
In Sliske's Endgame, he is disgusted to find out that Moia is half human, calling her an abomination and insisting that she be killed. : He performed a role similar to , but after Zamorak's betrayal he
to defend the empire and try to return his lord. : The most prominent and powerful known user of Ancient Magicks, he teaches these to the player after releasing him in Desert Treasure. : Closest thing the Adventurer has for a Mahjarrat friend. . Possibly cemented after "Fate of the Gods" . He out right claims the player taught him humility. : Implied to be the standard reaction to seeing him by his enemies. : If the player sabotages Zaros's return, he promises he'll stop at nothing to strangle the life out of the player if this results in Zaros's death. : To defeat him, entire armies banded up, bound fragments of his power to enchanted diamonds and imprisoned him in a giant pyramid. : One of his most important character traits is his loyalty to Zaros. He remained faithful to Zaros, even when he had no immediately practical reason to be so, which is why he is the follower Zaros trusts most. : He doesn't seem to share the same
as most of the other Mahjarrat. : In the World Wakes, if you choose to kill or keep Guthix asleep, he understands the intentions of the player. Subverted if the player sabotages Zaros's return. He flat out states you are his
from now on.BilrachThe master of Daemonheim, Bilrach is, as of yet, , though definitely a felt one. Described as
by his contemporaries, he is utterly loyal to Zamorak, and is using the dungeons of the place in order to dig his way to , a portal to his master's plane-and free him through it. : Dialogue with Ali the Wise after Ritual of the Mahjarrat implies that this is his fate. Specifically, the 'strange power' is what happens when a Mahjarrat dies. : The right-hand man to Zamorak. :
: Viewed as "average" by Azzandra, with no notable qualities to speak of. Boy, was he wrong. : As of the Dishonour Among Thieves quest, it turns out that he's alive and well and is serving as Zamorak's right-hand man.EnakhraThe last of the female Mahjarrat, Enakhra is well versed in the Ancient Magicks of Zaros, and is also madly in love with Zamorak. Whenever she appears, her Zarosian rival Mahjarrat Akthanakos will also appear. : Inflicted this fate on Pentyn, a knight of Avarrocka, as part of the Blood enchantment for her temple's security. Also did this to Hannibus, the last of the . She was never able to deliver the statue, though. In a Postbag Letter, she fiercely denied that the Dragon Riders had ever existed, possibly to make up for her failure. : Zemouregal offers to sire children with her, and she states she only loves Zamorak. This is despite Zemouregal's notes that it wouldn't be for love, it would be for the survival of their race. : To show her love for Zamorak, she built a temple to him in the desert..... which he didn't care about, being more interested in a weapon that could kill other gods. Enakhra has been hiding out in her temple since the 3rd Age, along with her rival who was trapped there. : One of her abilities which she used against knights who tried to burn her temple to Zamorak. : Not the last, but as the only female, Enakhra has tremendous importance to her race. : She has the power to drain life from her enemies to heal herself. During the boss fight with her however, the fewer
you have, the fewer she can drain, a weakness that can be exploited. : During The World Wakes, Enakhra insists that her passion for Zamorak will make her a more worthy foe than Zemouregal. , it would appear that she is .HazeelA Zamorakian Mahjarrat warlord and a former Mahserrat who conquered Ardougne until he was defeated by Saradominist peasants lead by the Carnilleans. : For a ruthless warlord he can be rather polite and reasonable. : Children of Mah reveals that his horns were inherited from his former allegiance to the Mahserrat tribe. : Hazeel is disgusted by how humans have to c he also finds it hypocritical of humans to eat "lower" creatures but never each other. : For a time, his body was stored in a coffin, which was hidden in the Ardougne sewers.JhallanJhallan plays a major role in "The Tale of the Muspah", where the
helps hide him in an ice cave to regain his strength. Despite their efforts, he is sacrificed in the mahjarrats' Ritual of Rejuvenation during "The Ritual of the Mahjarrat". : You find him frozen in a block of ice and thaw him out. Then he asks you to help him re-freeze himself in a better spot. They still knew he was there anyway. : He turned into a Muspah in his frozen sleep due to a nightmare. : Azzanadra notes that he had trouble fitting in because he was so rude and unpleasant. He's not exactly friendly to the player after being woken up, and he's still rude even after you help him out. : Despite your efforts to find a better place for him to freeze in, he became the sacrifice for the 18th Ritual of Rejuvenation.KhazardThe youngest of the Mahjarrat, and one of the few to be born in Gielinor. He features heavily in the "Fight Arena" quest as well as its sequel, the "General's Shadow" miniquest, and is a minor character in subsequent Mahjarrat-centric quests. : To the southern gnomes. The war between Khazard and the Tree Gnome Village is referenced numerous times in the gnome quest series. Khazard's human followers are also used by
as his reason for despising humans. : His Fight Arena in southern Kandarin, a
where prisoners and monsters fight
for his amusement and that of his . : Leads a sizable army, and has the .
: Khazard is revealed to be the son of Zamorak during Children of Mah. : His mother, Palkeera, died shortly after his birth. : Shows an honorable side during his premier quest, Fight Arena. The player attempts to rescue the Servil family from being killed in the titular arena. Khazard agrees to let them go if the player takes their place and wins two fights. Khazard is enraged when the player succeeds in killing , and even tries to attack the player himself, but first he orders the release of the Servils, just as promised. : He adores his pet hellhound Bouncer. : Despite being the youngest of the Mahjarrat, Khazard has a very large human following. Unlike most of the Mahjarrat, who operate in either the shadows or away from human settlements, Khazard (a devout Zamorakian) operates openly right in the middle of a region where
is widely worshipped.LucienOne of the most powerful Mahjarrat currently, possibly trailing directly behind Zamorak, he initially appears as a simple mage who asks the player to retrieve a staff.
: None of his Mahjarrat comrades, including his cousin Zemouregal, mourned his death. : Do NOT address him condescendingly. And if you try to attack him in "Ritual of the Mahjarrat", he'll damage you hard in retaliation. : Six of the eight heroes that confront him during "While Guthix Sleeps" are effortlessly wiped out by him. The player does not take their deaths well, especially Hazelmere's. : Whether or not you deliver him the Staff of Armadyl during Temple of Ikov does not matter, he obtains it anyhow. : He's stolen two artifacts of the gods, including the one that Zamorak ascended to godhood with. In "Ritual of the Mahjarrat", he claims himself to be a god. Then he dies. : His reliance on the Stone of Jas backfires. : Right in the heart with the Staff of Armadyl by one of the Dragonkin. Ouch. : If you try to attack Lucien during "Temple of Ikov" before you side with Armadyleans, he does this to you in order to prevent you from attacking. : Not only did he see his daughter Moia as nothing more than a tool, he also threatened her often and reminded her of her supposed worthlessness. : He is killed by the dragonkin in the Ritual of the Mahjarrat. : Runescape became a lot darker with the release of the quest "While Guthix Sleeps", during which he kills off a large number of named characters, many of which were good friends of the player character. And the quest ends with
in taking The Stone of Jas. This also results in the coming of the Dragonkin, who are a much worse threat, as it is later revealed that using The Stone of Jas enrages them. : During Ritual of the Mahjarrat, Zemouregal's zombies are overwhelmed by Sliske's wights and the newly-freed Arrav. Zemouregal calls out to Lucien for help, but Lucien rebuffs him, causing all the other Mahjarrat to turn on him. When the Dragonkin show up, however, all the other Mahjarrat sit back and watch as Lucien gets his ass handed to him. : One of the gags during the largely non-canonical Gower Quest, where his
is a perfectly friendly guy. : Not as prominent as his cousin Zemouregal, but very skilled nonetheless. : During "Temple of Ikov", he is level 14. Cue "While Guthix Sleeps"... Also present with the NPCs themselves, who regarded him as frail and weak prior to obtaining the staff of Armadyl. : He is quite heavily involved in "While Guthix Sleeps". : The player is shown just how powerful he is when he first kills six of the heroes, including Hazelmere and Cyrisus, and later summons a pair of tormented demons as lowly familiars to dispose of the player. Used again in Ritual of the Mahjarrat, on him. The dragonkin almost effortlessly kill him, showing just how powerful they are. : A few years before the events of the game, he tried to invade Varrock with an army of undead in order to obtain the Shield of Arrav, but failed.KharshaiA Mahjarrat who is aligned with neither Zaros or Zamorak for the sake of balance, and desires peace amongst his people. He was previously known as Koschei the Deathless, a Fremennik warrior who battles participants of the Fremennik trials on a test of bravery. : When he recovers his memories, he's a bit disturbed by his previous
behavior. Most likely, he remembered the carnage he'd witnessed in the God Wars. : He was this more so than most Fremenniks as Koschei, but after his transformation, he noticeably mellows out a bit. : After "Children of Mah", he reveals his intention to leave Gielinor altogether and explore other worlds. : They didn't call him Koschei the Deathless for nothing. : Invoked on himself as a means of maintaining his youth and power. It worked so well that neither he nor any of his kin knew who he was afterwards, and had his subconscious not willed him to remember, he likely would've stayed as Koschei for an eternity. : He intentionally sealed away his memories in order to make himself undetectable to other Mahjarrat. : Unlike most of the Mahjarrat, he views the player character as a friend. : He is well aware that what the Mahjarrat are doing to each other is extremely detrimental to their race and refuses to join either side because it would disrupt the balance of the two factions. :
During the quest Blood Runs Deep, Koschei acts disoriented after battling the Dagganoth Kings, remarks that "I must have died again", and compares the experience to being drunk. : Caught in the civil war between the Mahjarrat who still follow Zaros and those who supported Zamorak's rebellion, Karshai tells members of both sides that he will side with neither of them. This is emphasized in the "Mahjarrat Memories" Zaros's followers leave purple memories and Zamorak's followers leave red ones, but Karshai's is grey. : He's the only Mahjarrat who wants the two warring sides to settle their differences, end their warlike ways, and live in peace. : When the majority of the Mahjarrat decided to betray the Menaphites to Zaros, he went with the strongest as is custom, but it was never something he was comfortable with. The Mahjarrat easily slaughtered those of their kin who had refused to defect and conquered their former allies, but Tumeken made a
to make it a . Kharshai saw his race dwindle from 500 to less than 100 in a single act.MoiaThe half-human daughter of Lucien, Moia acted as
to him, though he makes no effort to hide his utter disgust at her very existence. Lucien sends her to track down Bilrach, who in turn shows her how portal magic can let her wield the power of her Mahjarrat side. Currently, she is one of Zamorak's major generals. : Some time after she was introduced to Zamorak, she became his left-hand woman. : Before the Evolution of Combat, portals gave her fire, water, and earth magic. : Half human from her mother's side, and half Mahjarrat from her father's side. : Was using this to assume the identities of various people during the Nadir saga. : Her mother died centuries prior to the present events of the game. : Zamorak saw potential in her and groomed this Mahjarrat/human hybrid into being one of his generals of the Sixth Age. : during the earlier parts of the Nadir saga, Moia is somewhat honorable, as she regrets killing
and shows disgust at the practices of the Necrolords in Daemonheim. After juicing up on portal magic, she ruthlessly slaughters everyone and anybody in her way. : Was trying to get Lucien's approval prior to entering Daemonheim.SliskeVoiced by: Peter MarinkerA follower of Zaros, Sliske specializes in Shadow magic. Like some others, he uses necromancy, but unlike others, he prefers a small group of elite wights over a massive zombie horde. : The quests in Sliske's Countdown, released in 2016, are focused on him and his schemes. : No one bats an eye when he is killed off by the World Guardian in the climax of his endgame. : By far the goofiest of the Mahjarrat, and without question the most dangerous. : Of the eponymous Sliske quest series. : Blames the death of Azzanadra's little brother on the Mahkorat tribe, causing Azzanadra to wipe out the entirety of that tribe in retaliation. : During "Missing, Presumed Death", some of his avatars will randomly accuse you of using a guide as you travel through the quest. : Described as having unusual control over shadows and the Shadow Realm. : He may aid someone with one hand, but could just as easily backstab them with the other. Even the Zarosian mahjarrat do not trust him, especially now that his games are bordering on madness and even his loyalty to Zaros is in doubt. He has made the claim that he allowed Zamorak's rebellion to overthrow Zaros, even though he could have stopped it. After tempting the
with the option of sabotaging Zaros's return, Zaros ends up excommunicating him, and they are now in open war. : After you deal with his three Champions in "Sliske's Endgame", you finally take the fight to Sliske himself. : Back when the Mahjarrat were in service of Icthlarin (the desert god of death and a blatant expy of Anubis), Sliske won a battle against Zaros's forces using his shadow magic and a group of enslaved wights fromed from his enemies. Icthlarin, being responsible for getting souls to the afterlife, ordered Sliske to release the wights. Sliske refused, so Icthlarin snapped his fingers and did it himself. . : If he is a god, he is the god of darkness and lies, according to his emissary. : Whereas Zemouregal summons a huge horde to
enemies to death, Sliske prefers only his Barrows wights, who were once elite Saradominist warriors. : The Barrows Brothers received powerful equipment from him, but he ultimately arranged for them to fall in battle and raised them as wights. An ill madman named Gregorovic tortured and experimented on elves in an attempt to save himself but failed. He offered Sliske his soul in return for his aid. Sliske fulfilled his end of the bargain by killing him and raising him as his undead slave, with the power to
others to extend his own life and increase his power. Linza betrays the Adventurer to him in return for his protection from the Dragonkin. As part of the bargain, she was supposed to serve as one of his wights after she died, but Sliske decides to speed things up a bit and kills her directly. : To Guthix, no less. He also manages to capture a dragonkin, in spite of its raw power, through trickery. : Averted. During "Missing, Presumed Death", Sliske plays coy about whether he has ascended or not, but after "Fate of the Gods", the player can get one straight answer from him. Sliske will state that he is not a god if asked. : To the Barrows Brothers and Akrisae and Linza. : He portrays himself as someone who stirs up trouble , but he does in fact have an ulterior purpose behind his actions, and serves a mysterious master.. : Sliske dons one in his appearances in the Sixth Age. : Killed by the same weapon he used to kill Guthix. : Downplayed, but he gets skewered in the abdomen by the tip of the Staff of Armadyl, courtesy of the World Guardian. : Sliske is especially good at h at one point, he and the player hide in the shadows well enough that fellow Mahjarrat Zemouregal can't see them. : As part of his games, he subjects the Barrows Brothers to torments reflecting their sins in life. : His main motive and character trait. He has grown very bored over the millenia and watched everyone repeat the same mistakes over and over again, falling into what he feels is stagnation. Even Zamorak's ideology of chaos does not sufficiently disrupt the world to entertain him. As such, he wants to force a war between the gods in the hope of shaking things up. : Relomia was a housemaid who somehow got trapped in the Shadow Realm. After spending years there, she met Sliske, who rescued her. Since Relomia doesn't seem to be of any use to Sliske at all (advertising his existence and motives isn't something he does), he may very well have done it because he felt like being nice that one time. : All over the place. , most of the quests involving him end up with him getting away
to further parts of his quest series. Even as the
in "Sliske's Endgame", he doesn' the
and Sliske mutually get impaled on the Staff of Armadyl, so Sliske
into the World Guardian before getting in a final . : If he wasn't one after enslaving Akrisae, he sure is now after killing Guthix. : He comes off of "Ritual of the Mahjarrat," "The World Wakes," and "Missing, Presumed Death" each time better off than before. Come "Fate of the Gods," however,
he makes the mistake of pissing off his master Zaros and is cut off from any divine aid for his treachery. Later in Dishonour Among Thieves, the Adventurer has the option to help Zamorak land a devastating blast on Sliske or simply stand by and watch Zamorak do roughly the same thing. Come "Kindred Spirits", the player learns about his long-term goals, which gets under his skin big time. Also, the player is given the option to punch him in the face earlier in the quest. In "Sliske's Endgame", Sliske's plans finally come crashing down when the player finally takes the fight to him. It culminates with Sliske
on the Staff of Armadyl. And yet,
... : Everything he does in Kindred Spirits. And worse, he did it because he was . When Azzanadra attempts to reason with Sliske, Sliske confesses to being the true murderer of Azzanadra's little brother and tricking Azzanadra into wiping out another tribe for it. He proceeds to gloat that he did this for no particular reason. : The first being on-screen to kill a god, and a major one at that. : Especially during the climax of his endgame, after Kerapac destroys the Stone of Jas. : "Dying Light" and "Dying Light II". : Sliske attempts to manipulate the gods into fighting a second God War, with the prize for killing the most gods being the Stone of Jas. Fortunately, Bandos was the only god who was actually malevolent and manipulable enough to actively participate, which ultimately got him killed early in the game. : A memory viewed in Kindred Spirits indicates there's someone pulling his strings, which was eventually revealed to be Jas in Sliske's Endgame. . : He has no issues (or trouble) manipulating others in his schemes. In the quest, "Missing, Presumed Death", he even goes so far as to manipulate the gods themselves into attending his game. : He resents the gods because their power and immortality mean that they tend to keep the world going in the same boring direction. : Gives one to the player in Kindred Spirits after finding out you saw a glimpse of his real plans. : His character model is visibly different compared to the rest of the Mahjarrat. : He kills and raises those who catch his eye into a type of undead monster called a wight to serve as his slaves. Victims include the Barrows Brothers, Akrisae, and Linza. He has also demonstrated the power to pull the souls of the deceased out of the afterlife for his entertainment. : He forces the
to participate in his sadistic games by killing a hostage and threatening to kill more if they don't cooperate. He also captures an entire Saradominist army and forces them to fight to the death against one of his undead slaves, Dharok, on the threat of doing unpleasant things to their loved ones if they do not obey. : A hallucination, which randomly occurs via the Hallucinogenic Invention perk or by nibbling sliced mushrooms from The Arc, involves the Giant Mole tearing off Sliske's head. : It takes a lot of work to get under his skin, but after he finds out you saw a glimpse of his real plans, he becomes royally pissed off, and . : While he was seemingly killed off by the World Guardian during the climax of his endgame, it's
that his soul still lingers, as he appeared to transfer a portion of his soul into the World Guardian after stabbing and injuring them with the other end of the Staff of Armadyl as a last act. : In "Kindred Spirits". He manages to take a piece of the player's soul and gives them a beating for good measure, but the player sees that Sliske has a bigger plan in motion, and the Barrows Brothers have gained a small amount of freedom and agree to stand by the player when the time comes. It ultimately leads to his demise at the player's hands in Sliske's Endgame. : After the World Wakes, he ma Azzanadra says that Sliske wouldn't really want the responsibility of ruling the world and that he really is a devout Zarosian, but that remains to be seen. Following "Fate of the Gods," he will offer to answer you one question truthfully. One of them is "Are you a god?" to which he will respond
he is not, nor did he ever intend to be. He is, however, roughly equal in power to the Adventurer's
confirmed he is telling the truth. : When the
enrages him, he attempts to order his Barrow Wights to kill their friends and family. : Has a group of three wights collectively known as the Champions of Sliske, them being Gregorovic, Nomad, and the Barrows sister. : In "Sliske's Endgame", when you are asked to pick a faction to support and you attempt to abstain from backing anyone, Sliske will dismiss your decision for being boring, and again demand that you . : The "without" part might be debatable, but he's been watching the Player Character for a long time.
he's been waiting for your birth for thousands of years, as a matter of fact, after hearing you were name dropped by a sailor who had a run-in with Xau-Tak. In "Sliske's Endgame", he will rebuke you if you try to side with him. If you say you thought he loved you, he will laugh, and then muse that he's never had more contempt for someone, a bigger thorn, a bigger headache, or a bigger unwelcome obsession then the player. He admits in that way, he may have "loved" you, but he never liked you. : Downplayed. Before he dies, he manages to stab and injure the World Guardian with the Staff of Armadyl, as well as use it to transfer a portion of his soul into them. : His reaction to Kerapac destroying the Stone of Jas. : Sliske and his followers view life as a game and enjoy manipulating, leading on, and making mockeries out of the other players. He has even done this to his fellow Zarosians, causing them to stop viewing him as one of their own. : Flips out HARD on you after finding out you saw what he's really up to. He
again after Kerapac destroys the Stone of Jas. : In "Kindred Spirits", after the player finds evidence that someone is pulling his strings, he completely loses his shit, beats the player half to death, steals Linza's soul, and tries to collapse his base on top of the rest of the party. And again in "Sliske's Endgame", when Kerapac destroys the Stone of Jas. He sends hoards of wights after you, followed by his three champions, before Sliske finally battles you himself. : Despite being clearly Zarosian, even the other Zarosian Mahjarrat are unwilling to fully trust him and cannot exactly predict his actions any better than most. :
who have , his sclera are yellow, highlighting his cunning nature. : Tries this on the player in "Kindred Spirits", and partially succeeds. He later uses the portion of the soul he siphoned from the World Guardian to turn Nomad into a wight.WahisietelA Zarosian Mahjarrat based in Nardah, under the guise of a human scholar. : Despite being a Zarosian who was only doing it for necessity, when he teamed up with the forces of Saradomin and Armadyl against Lucien, he made a good teammate and was willing to single handedly hold back
in order to protect his temporary allies. : Attempted during the God Wars. The forces of Saradomin and Zamorak were preparing to attack the Zarosian holy city of Senntisten. Wahisietel tried and failed to pit them against each other. : Ali the Wise = WahisietelZemouregalA powerful Zamorakian necromancer. : A version of him in an
where he won shows him to be this. : In the Dimension of Disaster, he creates a bobblehead pet version of himself... to abuse and force into meaningless tasks while the most it can do in response is swear and . : When talked to during "Missing, Presumed Death", he shows interest on ascending to godhood. : Often thinks highly of himself and doesn't hold a high opinion on the weak. He also shows quite a bit of this in an
in which the player character doesn't exist. : Like Lucien, Zemouregal doesn't hold a high opinion on Moia. : One of the paintings you can vandalize in Dimension of Disaster results in this. Nice polka dots, Zemo. : Commands an undead army. : In the Dimension of Disaster, he has trophies of all six Signature Heroes, and Kara-Meir, implying that he bested them all. Not to mention, his defeat and enslavement of Arrav in both timelines. : Propositioned Enakhra for this purpose once, and was rejected. He's also apparently expressed interest in his half-human niece Moia, much to her disgust. Strangely, the Dimension of Disaster version of him disdains them both and shows no interest in continuing the species. : Implied to be considering this in the main universe. And an alternate version of him has performed several acts of blasphemy against Zamorak, desecrating Zamorak's wine and temple. His notes outright state that Zamorak is of little relevance to him. : In an , he keeps one suggesting an unhealthy amount of . : In an alternate universe where the
never existed, he prevailed and conquered the kingdom of Varrock. He has stopped various heroes very easily and grown rather bored with his rule. Even though he could easily kill you when you first enter his world, he gives you the chance to build up your power before confronting him for his entertainment. : During the end of Defender of Varrock, when his zombies are decimated by the Shield of Arrav, he,
escape to recuperate and prepare for "Ritual of the Mahjarrat". : He has tried to use this to conquer Varrock at least twice using this tactique in order to obtain the Shield of Arrav, but has never succeeded. The 200th quest shows an alternate universe where the
does not exist, and the Zombie Apocalypse is in full force for Varrock.&&&&The Dragonkin&The creators of dragons.Tropes applying to the race as a whole : While Lucien gains an advantage at first over the Dragonkin he fights, he ultimately
by the Staff of Armadyl, courtesy of Sakirth. The Dragonkin then warn the others present of their intention to destroy cities. : Zig-zagged. As part of their binding to the Stone of Jas, the Dragonkin suffer continual torment whenever someone who isn't an Elder God (a false user) draws power from the Stone. The Necrosyrtes have given in to the curse, and endlessly scheme to kill the False Users and anyone who draws their ire. The Dactyl, on the other hand, fight off the curse and, as a result, are somewhat less malevolent. : Any "False User" who uses the power of the Stone of Jas or tries to communicate with them. : They and the Mahjarrat are the biggest direct threats in the game. The Elder Gods are the
to both. : Their ties to the Stone of Jas. Whenever someone other than Jas uses the stone to gain power, the Dragonkin will gain an equivalent amount. However, this also puts them in terrible pain that can only be eased by destroying things, preferably the false user. : , as demonstrated in the Mos Le'Harmless section of "The Ritual of the Mahjarrat". : Justified that their opponent was powered by two artifacts and rejuvenated by their ritual, but two against one isn't exactly fair. : They ravaged the world during the Fourth Age, effortlessly thrashed Lucien, and are strong enough to pose a threat to the younger gods. They are very widely feared. : Th the Necrosyrtes and the Dactyl. The Necrosyrtes have given in to the curse, and seek only to kill False Users and anyone who gets in their way. The Dactyl are more scientific, and seek to either break the curse or create a new species free of Jas' influence. They don't get along. : According to Kerapac, Jas's curse on the Dragonkin has a fail safe mechanism that manifests as a sort of inner demon, an Echo of Jas. In order to weaken the curse's hold over Strisath, Kerapac has the player defeat it. : In "Sliske's Endgame",
they unexpectedly manage to pull this on the eponymous villain, demolishing his plans figuratively by demolishing the Stone of Jas quite literally. : The Dactyl qualify as this, performing all sorts of torturous and unethical experiments in their efforts to break free of the curse and create a new race to carry on their legacy. : The pain inflicted by the curse makes them rather touchy. Given their immense strength and power, this makes them very dangerous to be around. : The Dragonkin are practically immortal, but can still be killed, and seldom reproduce. : They are compelled to fight False Users, many of which are the younger gods. : Enslaved by Jas for the purpose of protecting the Stone of Jas. : They are the creators of the dragon race. : At the end of "The Ritual of the Mahjarrat", when they . : The Dragonkin that Robert the Strong fought as seen in a flashback in "A Tail of Two Cats" is unnamed. : Power drawn from the Stone of Jas is almost completely ineffective on them. The Kethsians and Lucien found this out the hard way. : The constant torment inflicted by their curse causes many of them to slowly lose their minds. : All of the surviving Dragonkin. Dialogue with Zaros implies that their race pre-dates the birth of the five Elder Gods and the current universe. : Anyone who touches/uses the power of the Stone of Jas causes a rage in the hearts of the dragonkin, leading them to take it out on anyone they think deserves it, especially the one using the power- thus, the deaths of Lucien, who used the power and tried to keep the stone for himself, and Idria, who foolishly tried to make an alliance with them when they were discussing who to kill. : They manage to slay Lucien with ease and Lucien was the most powerful mahjarrat at the time. : Most of the Dragonkin have
as their examine texts.KerapacA Dactyl dragonkin. Brilliant, determined, and absolutely amoral, Kerapac created many of the dragons seen in game, such as the Queen Black Dragon, frost dragons, and celestial dragons. : Even by the usual standards of the Dactyl, Kerapac is singlemindedly determined to free himself from the curse. : D while not outright malicious, he's certainly not the nicest of creatures. : Dismisses one of his creations, Therragorn (a white dragon), as a failed experiment. As a whole, he holds no empathy for "lesser races". : His ultimate goal is to kill Jas, an Elder God. : Doesn't hold a high opinion on so-called "lesser races", and dismisses one of his creations, Therragorn, as a failed experiment. : He doesn't think much of spiritual beliefs such as fate or afterlives. : Will do anything to ensure that his race is freed from Jas's curse, not giving a damn what others think.ForcaeA Dactyl dragonkin and one of Kerapac's peers. Forcae is responsible for the creation of the metal dragons. : Doesn't appear directly in-game and is only known through his journal, in which all ten of its pages are obtained as drops from adamant and rune dragons. : After spending who knows how many centuries creating different kinds of dragons, he develops a bit of a god complex. : He gets ripped apart by his own creations. : Has a daughter, Lasthes, who he disowned after she joined the Necrosyrtes. : By the time the player finds the ruins of his lab, he is long since dead. : After creating the
runite dragons, severely weakening himself in the process, he tried to discipline them and force them to respect him.TarshakA Dactyl dragonkin. At the behest of Kerapac, he pursued the Fremmenik hero-god V. He was eventually captured by the Necrosyrtes and infused with V's divine energy as a test. It all went downhill from there. : He eventually devolves into a hideous, mindless atrocity. Phalaks speculates that it could be a fail-safe in the curse to stop them becoming too powerful, or simply a side effect of Tarshak abusing his connection with the Stone of Jas. : Both the Dactyl and the Necrosyrtes comment that Tarshak was never very smart. : Is torn in half as a result of a giant bane rock being dropped on him, but this still doesn't kill him. : His deformations made him strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Strisath, Sakirth, and Kalibath, and he most likely would have won if Kalibath hadn't stolen one of his protective charms. When he mutates into the Abomination, he's more than a match for the player even after getting torn in half. : He begins mutating into an abomination after being infused with V's power. : He takes a lot of punishment to bring down. He gets beaten on by the Necrosyrtes, gets shot with a poisoned dragonbane dart (which Phalaks notes should have killed him almost immediately), fights the player, gets crushed beneath a massive lode of bane ore, tears himself in half trying to get out from under the rocks, and is finally put down by the player kiting him through his own fire and the collapsing ceiling of his lair. : He goes completely insane very quickly. : His first and last appearance was in "Hero's Welcome", where the World Guardian ends his life after he transforms into an abomination.SakirthThe self-proclaimed leader of the Necrosyrtes. : He certainly seems to think so. : Kills a severely weakened V with the Elder Mirror, transferring his leftover power to Tarshak. : He's the one who takes out both V and Lucien. : Uses the Elder Mirror to kill a severely weakened V.&&&&Dungeoneering Bosses&Members of Bilrach's team and creatures from the beyond summoned by him to keep out anyone trying to get to him.The StalkersThe Stalkers are
. They are all very skilled at magic and are highly resistant to it. Their naming convention is
. : Not only their native language, but what usually results from attempts at pronouncing their names. : Ihlakhizan's theme. : When a guy asked one of them to say their name in their own language, the sound of it gave him a headache and a nosebleed. : Again, Ihlakhizan's theme. : . : Obviously, since they're essentially covered in eyes. Their weakness is stab attacks. : Their whole naming convention. : Let's see, with names like Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz, Night-gazer Khighorahk, Shadow-forger Ihlakhizan, Flesh-spoiler Haasghenahk and
Shukarhazh... : .The Kal'GerionA race of demons brought in by Bilrach, who don't serve him directly, but their leader has instead made a shaky alliance with him. Mostly weak to magic, and each one comes with a few gimmicks of their own. Their naming convention is Na'Me the Nounverber. : To'Kash. As if the title 'Bloodchiller' didn't say enough. : If a demon says he failed during Kal'Ger's intro cutscene, the poor sap gets destroyed. : Not exactly, but if you've seen the stats on the celestial catalytic staff, you know Kal'Ger's magic weakness is gone the moment he picks that thing up. : Kal'Ger. : Kal'Ger is split into five phases, uses all corners of the combat triangle effectively, slams off your protection prayers if you use them long enough and actually uses his wings. Yk'Lagor is no slouch either, and a fitting finale to the occult floors. : Bal'Lak dual wields enormous warhammers. : Yk'Lagor was the first boss to ever be given voices. They haven't gotten any less deep since. : Don't keep that protection prayer up against Kal'Ger for too long. : When Kal'Ger dies, he explodes and deals damage anywhere between your maximum base health and 1. If you're really unlucky, this can kill you from full hitpoints. : Har'Lakk's flame portal. : The demons primarily fight with magic and melee, both about equally destructive. : To'Kash freezing some poor sap and then shattering them in a shower of
is said to be a favorite party trick of his. : To'Kash the Bloodchiller, Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter, Bal'Lak the Pummeller, Yk'Lagor the Thunderous and Kal'Ger the Warmonger don't exactly sound friendly. : Bal'Lak's defenses gradually increase until he's virtually impossible to damage. To make him vulnerable, you have to lure him over the green rifts in the floor, or teleport out and wait for it to drop on its own. : Especially Yk'Lagor the . : Yk'Lagor's theme has one. It's rather ominous. : Again, see . Yk'Lagor's earthquake attack's max hit is also over 12,000, making it a viable
as well. : All, but Kal'Ger actually uses them. : See .The BehemothsBasically just bigger than usual animals dwelling in Daemonheim, the Behemoths were discovered by Bilrach's party and left as sentries to guard the passages deeper in. Not particularly intelligent, but definitely there in the brute force department. Their names are actually just
given by Bilrach's team. : Take a wild guess where the Gluttonous behemoth got its name from. : The Hope Devourer telegraphs its strongest attack with a roar. Should any player have a protection prayer up when the attack comes, it'll instantly consume it to heal itself, or
: Since they were named by the exploration team, their names are mainly descriptions. : The Gluttonous Behemoth will gladly munch a rotten bovimastyx corpse (that has likely been in that state for a very long time) when its health is low. : The Hope Devourer's effect on people in-universe.
Marmaros literally lost his mind. : Beating Stomp in the minimum of three rockfalls is not always possible without creative use of gatestones or even with it. The rocks may fall so they block either the lodestones, crystals, or both. A it's now possible to break the debris with a pickaxe. : Most of them, but special mention goes to the most powerful, the Hope Devourer. : The Bulwark Beast has a thick outer shell that needs to be hacked off with a pickaxe for Melee or Ranged attacks to hurt it at all. You could try Magic, but its normal defenses are highest against Magic. The Runebound Behemoth needs to be exposed to different corners of the combat triangle by deactivating the three crystals in the room. : Stomp's head gets
as the portal it was sticking through gives out. : Run under a behemoth and it will trample you. Ironically, the behemoth actually named Stomp doesn't and can't do this, as only its head is in the room with you.&&&&God Wars Dungeon Generals&Common Tropes : They each have three lieutenants at their side. For Nex, she has four along with various other creatures she summons. : Kree'arra, K'ril Tsutsaroth, Nex and General Graardor are all very large, command the armies of their gods and are very powerful boss monsters. Inverted with Zilyana, who is just slightly taller than a human, but is just as lethal as the others. : The bodyguards for all generals at God Wars Dungeon count as these.Commander ZilyanaVoiced by: Mod AnaAn Icyene who leads Saradomin's army : Comes off as a righteous commander, but is very easy to piss off. : The
kind, not the
kind. : Before Evolution of Combat, she was not too hard to damage, but she can nail you hard if she gets into melee range. : There's a reason why Saradomin chose to resurrect her using the Stone Of Jas after she lost to K'Ril Tsutsaroth. : When she was first released, it was though she were the last icyene alive, but as time went on, it turned out that there were more alive on their homerealm and before that, Safalaan was later confirmed to be at least part icyene. : Although being a creature of the God of Order Saradomin, she orders Kree'arra to kill the player during The World Wakes, and is the most determined of the god-followers to kill Guthix. To top it all off, during the quest she reveals that she was manipulating her supposed ally Kree'arra, openly mocking his desire for Armadyl to return. : The fastest out of all the God Wars generals. : If you fight her in the God Wars Dungeon, she'll attack with both melee and magic.
: She is capable of wielding a two-handed Saradomin Sword on one hand. Possibly justified as the sword was probably never intended to be used by humans and it's roughly the size of a longsword to her. : She can shoot lighting out of her sword. : She's an Icyene, to be exact.General GraardorAn Ourg who leads Bandos's army : When fought on hard mode or during The World Wakes, he can enter to a mode where he will reflect the damage dealt to him back at you. : As a Bandosian, he gets a thrill out of combat. : If you're persistent enough at fighting General Graardor, you might get it as a drop. : Compared to the other God Wars Generals, he's not too bright, though in Hard Mode he gets smarter and starts using reflective abilities. : Most of the time. During the Mighty Fall quest, he
: Like almost all Bandosians, he speaks like this. : Originally, he was thought to be the last of the Ourgs. It has since been confirmed that there are a handful remaining asides Graardor, but as a race they're no longer viable.Kree'ArraA giant Aviansie who leads Armadyl's army. : Subverted. In the early years of the God Wars Dungeon, many players debated over whether Kree'Arra was male or female, until
confirmed that he is in fact male. : In "The World Wakes", he apologizes for having to kill you when you refuse to leave. : He is abnormally large for an aviansie, about the size of Armadyl himself. : He is by far the nicest of all the GWD bosses when talked to, but is just as competent combatant as the rest. : Like his god Armadyl, he belongs to a race of humanoid birds called the Aviansie. : When fought in hard mode or during the World Wakes, he summons tornadoes that can kill you in seconds. : Unlike other bosses, he doesn't speak when fought in regular mode, which lead people to conclude that this trope applied to him, until the World Wakes came and proved that he in fact can talk.K'ril TsutsarothA demon who leads Zamorak's Army : Implied. Turn on any curse or prayer fighting him and expect to get damaged very badly. : As Zamorak's general in the God Wars, this is probably what you would expect him to look like...which he does. : He actively encourages his troops to kill Saradomin's followers during his boss banter. :
times two. : He's described as one of Zamorak's most feared tools of destruction. As such, he serve


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