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被尘封的故事任务翻译攻略 新手教学任务大全
作者:zhouying来源:老虎游戏发布时间: 11:32
被尘封的故事任务翻译攻略 新手教学任务大全
相信大家对于option(选项): OK(确定)这两个单词都很熟吧,这里不做果断介绍。
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
You are in an infinite world made out of block.(你在一个由方块组成的无限的世界里)
Beware:You are not alone,however.(放心:你并不孤独,但是)
Your objective is to survive and become Strong.(你的目标是生存并且壮大自己)
This small tutorial will show you how to get started.(接下来的教程将会叫你如何操作)
Press skip if you are already familiar with the game.(如果你已经熟悉操作请按 跳过)
option(选项): Ship(跳过)/Next(继续任务)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
This is your plete the following steps:(这是你的第一个任务。请完成以下步骤)
1.Turn around by dragging your finger on the screen.(1.用手指在屏幕上滑动使人转动方向)
2.Walk 10 blocks by dragging the joystick at the bottom left corner.(2.操纵左下角的操纵杆使你步行10步)
3.Jump by pressing the button at the bottom right corner.(3.按屏幕右下角的按钮来跳跃)
If these controls are not comfortable,open settings(the gear icon on top)and click the control button.(如果这些控件都不舒服,可以打开设置(齿轮图标)并单机控制按钮)
You can turn on a second joystick,or use the accelerometer.You can also adjust sensitivity and camera effects.(你可以设置成第二种操作杆,你也可以调整灵敏度和照相机的效果)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Now that you know how to more,you need to learn to craft tools.(现在你需要知道更多,关于如何制作工具和物品)
For most tools,you need wood collect 3 Hark.(为了做工具,你先要获得三节原木)
1.Search for a tree(1.搜寻树木)
2.Tap and hold on a trunk block.(挖取树干)
3.Walk over the dropped block to collect the wood.(走过去捡起落下的树干方块)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
You now have the world you need to start crafting.(你现在要开始创造属于你的世界)
Transform the wood into planks.Make 6 planks.(使原木转换成木材。制作6个木材)
1.Open the inventory by tapping on the top left corner.(1.点击左上角来打开背包)
2.Tap on one slot inside the crafting table.(2.点击左侧的加工台的一个格子)
3.Tap on the wood block in your inventory to more the wood into the crafting table.(3.点击右边背包或者是快捷栏的原木块来制造木材)
4.Tap on the bottom of the crafting table,to make 3 planks from the wood.(4.点击左边合成台下方的成品格来从一个原木中获取三个木材)
5.Repeat until you have enough planks.(5.重复以上操作直到你获得足够(即6个)的木材)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Let's make a more complicated recipe:a bigger crafting.Make 1 Toolbox.(让我们制作另一个更加复杂的物品吧:制作一个工作台)
1.Open the inventory by tapping on the top left corner.(1.点击左上角的背包)
2.Tap on one slot inside the crafting table.(2.点击左侧合成台的一个格子)
3.Tap on the plank block in your inventory to move the plank into the crafting table.(再点击右侧背包中的木材)
4.Tap on another slot in the crafting table,and repeat 2.4until you have 1 plank in each slot.(4.重复第二第四步使四个格子都放入木材)
5.Tap on the bottom of the crafting table to make 1 toolbox from the planks.(5.点击左侧合成台下方的成品格获取工作台)
被尘封的故事任务翻译攻略 新手教学任务大全
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Time to craft a pickaxe.(现在准备制作一把石稿)
For this you will need stone.(对于这件事你需要用到石头)
Dig down or search for a cliff.(向下挖或者找一个悬崖)
Below the dirt you will find stone.(你就会发现石头的踪迹)
Collect 3 stone.(获取三个石头方块)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事) To make a pickaxe you will need sticks.(想要做成一个石稿你需要一些木棒)
1.Open the inventory.(1.打开背包)
2.Place some planks in the top left corner of the crafting table.(2.把木材放在合成台的左上角的格子里)
3.Place some planks in the bottom left corner of the crafting table.(3.再把木材放入合成台的左下角格子里)
4.Click on the output slot to craft 2 sticks.(4.点击左侧合成台下方的成品格获取两根木棒)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Now you have everything you need to craft a pickaxe.To use the toolbox,you need to place it in the ground.(现在你有足够的材料来制作石稿,首先你要先把工作台放在地上)
1.Open the inventory.(1.打开背包)
2.Click on the toolbox.(2.点击背包或者是快捷栏中的工作台)
3.The toolbox will become equipped in your right hand.(3.此时,工作台将会出现在你的右手上)
4.Close the inventory.(4.关闭背包)
5.Click on the ground to place the toolbox.(5.点击地面放置工作台)
Tip:If you have a keyboard,you can equip objects in your quick slots using the1.7keys.(提示:你可以把常用的物品放在左上方1到7号快捷栏里)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Time to make 1 pickaxe.(现在做一把石稿)
1.Click on the toolbox to open a 3*3 crafting table.(1.单击工作台来获取一个3*3的合成台)
2.Place 3 stone at the top row,one per cell.(2.第一行的每一个格子都放满石头)
3.Place 1 stick in the center.(3.第二行的中间格子放一根木棒)
4.Place another stick at the bottom center.(4.在最后一行的中间格子也放入木棒)
5.Click on the output slot to craft a pickaxe. (5.点击成品格获取一把石稿)
With the pickaxe equipped,you can dig much faster than with bare hands.(装备石稿后,你就可以获得比手更快的挖掘速度)
Tip:Below the crafting table ,there is a Recipe book that shows you how to craft other things.(提示:在合成台下方有一本合成书,里面记载了很多合成配方)
Welcome to Block Story(欢迎来到被尘封的故事)
Now you know how to more and how to craft.(现在你要展现自己的生存能力了)
Search along the beach for Ted the Viking.He will get you a weapon.(沿着海岸一直走,你会碰到维京人泰德,他会给你新的任务和武器)
安卓游戏推荐被尘封的故事泰德攻略 泰德任务攻略1怎么过?[多图] - 单机游戏攻略 - 安卓软件下载网
→ 被尘封的故事泰德攻略 泰德任务攻略1怎么过?
被尘封的故事泰德攻略 泰德任务攻略1怎么过?[多图]
时间: 10:08:08
  被尘封的故事攻略 Block Story泰德任务攻略1
  1、泰德想要建一艘木船,需要你帮他搜集30个木头(Block of Wood),木头从深棕色树干上挖取。完成任务后获得经验以及木船和引擎的合成公式。
  2、你需要武装自己了,泰德要你去挖十个金矿(gold ore)和二十个煤矿(coal ore),金矿呈黄灰相间,煤矿呈紫灰色,可在矿洞或房屋获得,海边也能获得金矿。完成任务后获得匕首和绿杖的合成公式。
  3、泰德的手受伤了,他需要椰子树叶(coconut tree leaves)来止血,帮他搜集十片椰子树叶。椰子树树干有花纹,呈白色。完成任务后获得经验和箭只。


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